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Primary School
Head Teacher: Mr Christopher Shields
Deputy Head Teacher: Mr Jeff Sherwin

Severn Drive
T: 01772 335065
F: 01772 626707

7th July, 2016

Dear Parents,
On behalf of the Year 6 team, I would like to say just how proud we are of all the
children this year with regards to their results.
As far as we are concerned each child worked to the best of their ability; and gave it
their all during the tests. I also want to thank you for your support and help in getting
your children ready for these new style SATs (which were a lot harder than previous
years). It may have looked, at times, the pressure was on the children, but I can assure
you, the hard work has paid off, and all of the children are now ready for their
transition to the high school curriculum.
The teacher assessments on the reports, give you a more accurate picture of the year as
a whole and where we think your child is at currently.
We look forward to seeing you next Wednesday 13th at 6:00pm for the production and
the following Wednesday 20th at 2:00pm for the Leavers Assembly.
Yours sincerely,
Year 6 Team.

Working together, the best is yet to come

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