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Names: and.

Before the workshop:
Do you think there is any connection between Math and
crochet? If your answer is yes, which one?

Types of stitches:
Chain stitch
Slip stitch
Simple stitch
Half double stitch
Double stitch

Pattern for the crochet:

During the workshop:
1. How many double stitches are on one
side, on the first line?
2. How many double stitches are on one
side, on the second line?
3. How many double stitches would be on one side, on the third line?
4. If you go on, how many double stitches will there be on one side, on
the fifth line?
5. Can you find a formula for the n-th line?
6. What do these numbers form?

After the workshop, look at all the shapes in this workshop: equilateral
triangle, square, regular pentagon, regular hexagon.
1. Which ones can be used for tiling(covering a surface without any
gaps), by themselves?
2. Fill in the table below
Number of sides

Equilateral triangle
Regular pentagon
Regular hexagon

Degrees of an angle

3. Can you find a formula for the angle of a regular polygon with n sides?
4. Look at the first question on this worksheet. Has your answer
changed? If yes, in which way?

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