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Issue #13 - May 2008


full circle






Full Circle magazine is not affiliated with or endorsed by Canonical Ltd.

Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron p.06

full circle
Organise an Ubuntu Demo Day p.08
Nepal Hardy Heron Party p.11
Server Series - Part 5 p.14
GIMP - Part 2 p.16
TV Feast For Ubuntu p.20
Automatic Backup via Email p.22
: What is Web 2.0 p.27
My Journey to Kubuntu p.29
: Luca Falavigna p.32
8.04 p.35
P.08 P.11 p.36
: Unusual Consoles p.40

P.16 P.20 P.32 P.40

The articles contained in this magazine are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Unported license. This means you can adapt, copy, distribute and transmit the articles but only under the following
conditions: You must attribute the work to the original author in some way (at least a name, email or URL) and to this
magazine by name ('full circle magazine') and the URL (but not attribute the article(s) in any way that
suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you must distribute the
resulting work under the same, similar or a compatible license.

This magazine was created using :

I'm sure that, by now, most of you will have upgraded to, or freshly
installed, Hardy Heron. And possibly loving it so much that you may
even want to throw a party in its honor. Well, this month we have
articles on how a Demo Day is arranged, and what went on at the
Hardy Launch Party in Nepal. I hope this information will give you the
knowledge to arrange your own Ubuntu Demo Day or party.

As well as the usual ongoing series 'Create Your Own Server' (and
the recently started 'Using GIMP' series), we have the next phase of
your backup plan: 'Automatic Backup via Email'. And also a tutorial on Ubuntu is a complete operating
watching television on your PC! system that is perfect for laptops,
desktops and servers. Whether at
Beginning next month, we're replacing ' ' with home, school or work Ubuntu
' ' - a section explaining, and giving examples contains all the applications you'll
ever need including word processor,
of, a console command. This is to try and show people that the email application and web browser.
console really isn't as scary as it may seem. The ' '
will still pop up now and then when there is a big release.
You do not pay any
licensing fees. You can download,
Enjoy the issue and keep in touch! use and share Ubuntu with your
friends, family, school or business
for absolutely nothing.
Once installed, your system is ready
Editor, Full Circle Magazine to use with a full set of productivity, internet, drawing and graphics
applications, and games.

Low-cost Linux laptop targets
NEWS Feel free to email news stories
Please include a source URL.
British schools

ASUS EBOX Meet The Hardy Heron: What's New

in Ubuntu 8.04

Elonex is taking orders for a sub-$200

Linux-based laptop aimed at the British
educational market. Based on a
300MHz processor, likely ARM-based,
Brian DeLacey has written a very interesting the Elonex One includes WiFi, Ethernet,
and informative article about Hardy Heron Flash storage, USB, and a 7-inch, 800 x
(8.04) on the O'Reilly Linux Dev Center 480 detachable touch display.
Asus is developing the Eee notebook Only a week after DesktopLinux
PC’s desktop version named as EBOX. suggested that Bestlink's $250,
The EBOX is being developed in Taipei 400MHz Alpha 400 might be the
and will be launched next month. world's cheapest Linux laptop, Elonex
According to the leaked features, the appears to have set the new record.
EBOX will be equipped with a 160GB Elonex is billing its $200 laptop as a
hard drive, 2GB RAM and will run on way to help underprivileged kids gain
Linux operating system. access to the Internet and other
educational tools, somewhat similar to
When you see the EBOX (above), you the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC)
would be right to say that it looks just project.
like the Nintendo Wii gaming console.
Elonex vows to donate one Elonex One
Apparently, the EBOX is expected to to underprivileged children for every
release on June 3 and might carry a hundred systems that are sold. The
price tag of around $300. You can read the full article (which mentions company is associated with a group
) at: called the National Laptop Initiative
However, as of now there is no word
from Asus about the EBOX desktop PC. that intends to provide access to
laptops to every child in the U.K.

NEWS Vulnerability

All Ubuntu users need to regenerate

KDE Community Announce First Ubuntu Developer Summit Intrepid
the ssl and ssh keys because of a
security vulnerability found in the
Beta Release of KDE 4.1 Ibex upstream Debian packages. The
security hole created predictable keys
which can be used to attack remote
hosts. The Ubuntu fix checks for the
the predictable keys generated by the
default options of ssl and ssh and
blacklists them. All Ubuntu and
derivative users should regenerate
keys immediately.
If keys generated on Ubuntu have
been copied to a computer using any
The KDE Project is proud to announce At the beginning of a new development
other distribution, those keys are still
the first beta release of KDE 4.1. Beta 1 cycle, Ubuntu developers from around the
vulnerable and should be immediately
is aimed at testers, community world gather to help shape and scope the
members and enthusiasts in order to next release of Ubuntu. The summit is open
identify bugs and regressions, so that to the public, but it is not a conference, ISOs available already on,
4.1 can fully replace KDE 3 for end exhibition or other audience-oriented event. mirrors, and shipit will not be updated
users. KDE 4.1 beta 1 is available as Rather, it is an opportunity for Ubuntu with the new packages, but using the
binary packages for a wide range of developers -- who usually collaborate online Update Manager to get security
platforms, and as source packages. KDE -- to work together in person on specific updates and will replace the impacted
4.1 is due for final release in July 2008. tasks. This year you too can get a feel for packages. Users should then
what went on during the fast paced week of regenerate new keys.
UDS by watching the 19 videos available on
The 8.04.1 point release, expected in
• Greatly expanded desktop shell YouTube. The link is your portal to what
July, will include the updated packages.
functionality and configurability developers, including Mark Shuttleworth,
have to say about the next Ubuntu release, Ubuntu Weekly News
• KDE Personal Information
Intrepid Ibex. (
Management suite ported to KDE 4
• Many new and newly ported
applications Ubuntu Weekly News

Written by Robert Clipsham

buntu can now be installed option, 'Install Ubuntu' (if you want drop down menu. I recommend
in a multitude of ways, to try the LiveCD interface first, you do too, it saves a lot of time.
including from within choose the top option, 'Try Ubuntu
without any change to your Following this, select your
Windows, using the Live CD, and
computer' and click the install icon keyboard layout, then partition
from a separate installer -- the
on the desktop when you're ready). your disk. How you partition your
method we will show you this
Installing this way still uses a disk depends on your setup - if
graphical interface, but instead of you have another operating
After burning an Ubuntu CD and loading a full desktop interface, just system and want to multiboot,
restarting with the disk in your loads an installer. then you need to resize your
CD/DVD drive, you'll be given an current partition(s), however if
option to choose the language for The first step in the installer is to you're using a blank hard drive
the installer. choose the installation language, then select 'Guided - use entire
followed by a rather annoying disk'.
location selector (to set your time
zone and download mirror). After
spending several minutes trying to
select a tiny scrolling dot, I
eventually gave up and used the

The next step will differ,

depending on whether you have
After choosing your language, an existing Windows installation.
you need to choose the second If you do, the installer will offer

to copy your documents and reconfigure them. Finally, restart and
settings across, along with your remove the disc when prompted.
user accounts. If you do not, it
simply requires you to enter some If all goes well, you will now have a
details: name, username, clean Ubuntu 8.04 installed, which
password and computer name you can customize as you like.
(for use on a network).

Starting next month, Robert

The installer will now show a starts a new column called
summary of your installation which
options. Click "Install" to install will take a console command,
with the settings you have give a brief explanation of the
chosen, otherwise go back and command, and then show some come and visit
examples of how to use the
command. Don't worry, I'm sure
he'll start easy.
full circle @
Ubuntu Forums
is a self
confessed geek, whose hobbies
include: programming/scripting, display.php?f=270
chatting on IRC and not writing
his articles on time.

Written by Dianne Reuby

'm an Ubuntu novice -- I started IRC, and the Ubuntu Forums. I
using Ubuntu about 18 months sent out emails to my local LUG,
ago, and made the complete and to any other LUGs within
I had three objectives: to give LoCo
switch just over a year ago. For reasonable traveling distance --
and Linux User Group (LUG)
the last four or five years, I've is your friend!
members a chance to meet, to tell
been a volunteer at the Museum I included details of the event,
non-users about Ubuntu, and to
of Computing in Swindon and asked for the help I needed --
promote the museum.
(England), and three years ago I experienced users to talk to
became the Collections Manager. potential users.
For most of that time I've been
preparing for accreditation, which
sets the UK standards for This will ultimately decide the
museums. We're losing our content of your event -- a stall in a As I had access to a hall with a
premises in July, so at the shopping centre will have different large-screen projector, a DVD
moment we're searching for a facilities than a conference centre. player, and plenty of furniture
new home. You can find out more The date was decided by allowing and space, I decided to
about the museum at about three months for preparation, download some of the burning CDs, preparing literature, screencasts that would be most etc, and then choosing a date when useful for non-users, and play
the hall was available. them from the DVD. In a smaller
We ran a games day before space, they'd look fine on a TV
Christmas, to which I gave a or laptop.
general invite to my Local
Community (LoCo), Ubuntu-UK; a Once the date was set, I I used to create the
member suggested a "geekathon" announced it to my LoCo (see DVD. However, it didn't like
and I decided to arrange a OGG. I'd add one small video
combination of social, geekathon, for a list) through the mailing list, (about 98k) and would
and demo day in the spring.

tell me that I'd used 500% of my individual users who had so by April I had plenty to
DVD! After about two weeks of "converted" relatives, and quirky choose from. The last entry of
wrestling, I downloaded the Flash stuff like the driverless car. I wanted course was our Ubuntu Demo
versions and had no more trouble. to make the point that Ubuntu can Day.
Very odd. I used subtitles because be used by anyone, and also that it's
I didn't want the noise of the not a "one man in his spare Don't forget to include leaflets
screencasts interrupting bedroom" operation. I started or posters for your LUG, because
conversations and, vice versa, I collecting the information in January, knowing that you can get help
didn't want noise from the rest of
the hall drowning out the videos.

I use the forums daily, which

have been a huge source of help
from even before I installed
Ubuntu, so I decided to have
sections or tables similar to a
forum -- for absolute beginners,
graphics, sound, and customizing.
We created display boards for
each section with relevant
information for beginners. I
thought about the questions I'd
asked when I first started, and
looked through the forums and
mailing list archives to see which
questions came up most often.

I also created a board showing

a Windows/Ubuntu glossary, plus
one in "diary" format with news
items from the Ubuntu newsletter.
I tried to make this a mix of large
organizations who'd switched,
two visitors on a demo machine with one of the Ubuntu Demo Day experts

locally is a great selling point for much passing traffic. In the end
Ubuntu and other distros. we had to design our own at the
last minute; another time I'll go
this route straight away so I can
get them out much earlier. This
First you'll need to decide how is much less of a problem if
many demo machines to have. you're holding it in a shopping
Again, this will be decided by your centre or somewhere else with
venue. If you're planning to give plenty of passing foot traffic.
out LiveCDs, send for some well in
advance. I didn't get as many as I Don't panic. Most of our
hoped for, but a friend from my visitors had never seen Ubuntu
LUG helped by burning some. For before, so their questions were
these I bought some plastic usually within my ability to
wish I had. Get hold of a "clicker"
sleeves very cheaply on Ebay, answer. I passed more-advanced
(thumb operated number counter) if
and used to create sticky stuff on to the experts who'd
you can for this.
labels with basic instructions and come along to help. A good
the URL of the help site. I printed I created badges for the helpers, starting point for talking to
off the "origami" CD holder using the merge facility in . visitors was simply to ask what
created by the Ubuntu-Utah LoCo - When visitors arrived we invited they use their computers for,
- both letter and A4 versions are them to have a go on one of the and then to show them what's
available at demo machines, and to ask any of available in Ubuntu for those the helpers for assistance. Two tasks.
ng people brought machines, with
problems, which our experts solved -- Finally, I'll check release dates
If you're planning an indoor more carefully. Hardy Heron was
thanks guys!
event, have a Welcome table, released only two days before
with clear signs to the facilities. our event, which made it a mad
You may want to ask where rush to install on our demo
people heard about the event, or Online publicity worked well, but machines on the day before, and
ask if they want to go on your I'd have liked to have had more local to get the CDs ready. I'll probably
mailing list. I didn't keep a count offline publicity. Make posters a allow at least a couple of weeks
of the number of visitors -- now I priority, especially if you don't have after a release in future.

Written by Bibek Shrestha, Bikal KC, Jwalanta Shrestha

e love Ubuntu. Hardy in the program, we'd one very
Heron has been one of important task - distribution of
the most highly With other LoCo teams preparing Ubuntu CDs and extra-packages
anticipated releases to date. The for the release party, DVDs. The Ubuntu
beta and RC were fantastic and the ubuntu-np LoCo CD wasn't a big
the final release was even better. team also wanted to deal, but we did
We felt that it's about time we have our own little have to work on
spread the word about this party. The basic ideas the extra-packages
fantastic operating system. for the party were DVD. Basically this
discussed in our very DVD was an
FOSS Nepal is one of the more first IRC meeting. The APTonCD consisting
recent communities of Free and date and venue were of all the useful
Open minded people in Nepal. set as follows: packages
The primary objective of the (including restricted plugins).
community is to promote and Date:
This was very important for us to
diversify the usage of Free/Open Venue:
lure people to use Ubuntu since
Source Software in Nepal. The bandwidth is a big problem in
original idea to form a LoCo team Time:
Nepal and most people are still
for Nepali users of Ubuntu was by stuck with dial-up modem
Bikal "nepbabu" KC. We soon got ZeroEnergy House at IOE was
chosen because the building is self- connections.
the IRC channel #ubuntu-np on
Freenode up and running, the sustained: it takes no energy from
Saroj (aka Surmandal) was
mailing list active at ubuntu- outside sources. Perfect for us in this
selected for this task. He works was load shedding laden country!
at WorldLink ISP and has enough
officially born as well i.e., with the bandwidth to create the Extra
help of Jono Bacon and numerous Packages CD. The procedure to
other folks at #ubuntu-locoteams. create the Extra Packages CD
Besides presentations and tutorials
A big thank you to all! was like this:
Get an Ubuntu DVD ready. was gracefully sponsored by Zero have any understanding of
Install a fresh Ubuntu (either Energy House, Pulchowk Campus, Linux. There were a few blank
from CD or DVD). Institute of Engineering. faces since the presentation was
Go to Synaptic, set the source all theory. Still, Shishir did a
to Ubuntu DVD, select all the great job explaining Linux in
packages and download them to general, and the ins and outs of
local repository. This would The program started right on time. Ubuntu.
download all the packages in the We were to do the following:
DVD (minus packages in Ubuntu
1. Introduction to Ubuntu and FOSS
CD) to the hard disk.
2. Ubuntu Demo
Now download other useful
3. Wubi Demo
packages (listed at Extra
4. Tutorial on Getting Ubuntu more
Packages CD page).
After the download, the local
5. Participating in ubuntu-np
repo contains a DVD worth of
Packages. Write them to a DVD
using APTonCD.
Prepare the DVD and CD
It was soon followed by
During the short period of time Ankur's demonstration of
between the actual Hardy Heron different applications of Ubuntu
release and our release party, we and the brand new Wubi
managed to get a sponsor for the (above). Those with blank faces
event. during the first presentation
agreed to sponsor us by donating quickly lit up upon seeing how
4000NPR (~$60) for burning the easy it was to install Ubuntu in
CDs and DVDs. We called up the Windows. We had a brief session
CD replicating guys. Their rate on OpenOffice, Compiz Fusion
The first presentation was a basic
was 15NPR (~$0.25) per CD and effects, Avant Window Manager,
introduction of Ubuntu, GNU/Linux,
25NPR (~$0.35) per DVD. So the virtual desktops and so on.
and FOSS by Shishir Jha (above). It
plan was to replicate 100 CDs and Ankur explained there is nothing
was targeted at people who did not
100 DVDs. The hall for the event exceptionally different in Ubuntu

- all the applications were right the cost. Most participants bought and
there except, of course, the the CD too. Lets hope they'll follow
malware and viruses. the spirit of Ubuntu: Plus our FOSS Nepal website is at
"Pass it on". Light
The final refreshments followed:
presentation was tea and cookies. This We hope to have regular
made by Jwalanta on also gave us time to meetings via IRC (every first and
how to get involved mingle with each other third Friday of each month on
in Ubuntu-NP LoCo and find out the real #ubuntu-np and you are all
team. He explained person behind the IRC welcome). We plan to set Ubuntu
how to use IRC, alias. Everyone was as the premier Gnu/Linux
mailing lists and our Ubuntu-NP saying, "that's you?" followed by distribution in Nepal and let new
website. laughter. users learn this wonderful little
OS. Our plans also include to
Advertising for the event was The day was well spent and present Ubuntu to the Nepalese
limited to mailing lists, so we did everyone went home enthusiasts through
not expect many participants, but happy with their Ubuntu advertisements on
to our amazement, we actually distro. the radio, posters
had over forty participants, and and word-of-mouth.
we could see more people
grabbing chairs from another We take this
room to join in! It was more than We have some chance to thank
we had expected. The program funding left that was
was short, sweet and, more previously allocated to . and .
importantly, to the point. Nobody burning DVDs. We've We would also like
was seen yawning during the decided to use it to burn some more to give a big thank you to all the
event and everyone looked very CDs and distribute them at FOSS folks who attended the Hardy
enthusiastic. And we need to keep Stall in LOCUS Tech Fest. It's a huge Heron release party, for without
that morale up for coming events. event and we hope we'll reach more you, Hardy Heron would be just
people during the event. another distribution. It's you folks
After the program, we had a who make it happen.
brief CD sales session. The CDs You can read more cool stuff about
were priced at 15NPR to recover Ubuntu-NP LoCo at

Written by Daniel Lamb
SERVER - Part 5

ow, before we do much backup of directory'; you will now be Now choose a suitable name
more with the server, we greeted with the page shown below for your backup, and fill it in as
are going to configure right. 'Backup Label'. If you wish to
backups -- so all files and data are omit any files or directories
protected. We will use the In the 'Directories to backup', you (within your selected backup
webmin module to configure tar can fill in multiple directories, with directories) supply them. Choose
backups; you can use tar backups each directory having its own line. In your compression options from
to save to tape, or to any other the 'Backup to' box, choose the Compress Archive -- 'Yes with
form of removable media. Under mount point, and the name of the gzip' is recommended. In the
the System menu in webmin, you backup to create; ie, if it is a tape boxes 'Command to run before
should have Filesystem, Backup -- drive, it might be:
or, with the new webmin 1.410,
you might need to look under /dev/st0/<nameofback
Unused Modules to find it. To add up>.tar.gz
a new backup, fill in the box with
(only if using tar and
a directory, or, to browse your
compression -- which is
drive, click on the '...' button
an option further down
(shown below).
the page).

You could also

Tick the tar format if you wish choose to backup to a
the backup to be in that remote location using
compressed format, otherwise it RSH, SSH or FTP. In
will just be a direct dump without that case, choose
compression. After filling in the (rather than file or tape
directory box, click on 'Add a new device), and fill in your
FTP/RSH/SSH details.

backup' and 'Command to run We will now install Postfix (email with IMAP.
after backup', add any required server) and Dovecot (IMAP and POP3
commands. server). We must drop to the I would suggest you now set
command line, and type: up an MX record pointing to your
You should now set up a backup IP address, and change your
schedule (shown below). To do so, sudo apt-get install postfix router to forward SMTP (port 25)
select 'Enabled, at times chosen dovecot-common dovecot-imapd traffic, through your router, to
below'. To have yourself (or your server IP address. This will
someone else) informed when Answer the questions as follows: allow us to use postfix to collect
backup is running, insert a valid and deliver email directly via
Internet Site
email address into 'Email SMTP.
scheduled output to'. A simple NONE
approach is to select 'Simple
schedule', choose 'Daily, at
midnight', and click 'Create'.,
We now have an automatically,
scheduled daily backup to save,
your most important data and localhost

owns and runs
and is based in
Perth, Scotland. He is also
involved in a number of open
+ source projects such as
all and .
He is also a committed Leeds
You now have Postfix United fan.
and Dovecot installed --

Written by Ronnie Tucker

This month, we will focus primarily on colors, but first let me say that GIMP (like Photoshop) has many ways of achieving the same result.
So, although I may show you one way of accomplishing a task, you can be sure there are several other ways of getting that same result.

olor correction (or then we will change it manually. To
adjustment in some cases) open an image file, we go to File >
is probably more associated Open, and choose the image we
with photography than anything want to manipulate. So, now that we
else -- so, let's take a photograph, have our photo open in GIMP, we go
and correct any color problems it to the menu and choose Colors >
may have. Levels.

Satisfactory corrections are

not always so easily achieved. If
an item in the photo is too
bright, for example, GIMP may
This window think it should be white. So,
(right) allows GIMP makes it white, adjusts the
us to do many rest of the photo accordingly,
complicated and presents an awful result.
Above is the original photo. things, but now we'll just click the Yet, in most cases the Auto
First, we will use GIMP to 'Auto' button. Voilà! One color- feature gives a satisfactory
automatically correct the image; corrected photo (right). result. When it doesn't, then

manual corrections should be each layer, and you'll see what the the triangle, blending in to one
applied. photo looks like without one (or another around the circle -- with
more) basic colors. So, in essence, a dark to light being represented
Before you make manual badly colored photo will have a by the triangle. Click a color on
corrections, you need to know combination of too much (or not the 'wheel', and the triangle will
how images are colored. In enough) red, green or blue. point to it. Now, click inside the
painting, the three primary colors triangle to get a lighter or darker
are the red, blue, and yellow Click (or display) the Dialogs > version of that color. Play with
pigments. From these, any other Colors tab, then click the Triangle this for a while to become
color can be created. Digital button: familiar with where the colors
images, however, are made are and how to get the ones you
(essentially) from light, and their want -- we will be using this later
three primary colors are the red, when we need to create or pick
green and blue wavelengths, a color.
commonly referred to as RGB.
Don't believe me? Click (or Let's look through some of the
display) the Channels dialog, and color options in GIMP to see how
you'll see three items -- one red, they can affect our image. Go to
one green and one blue. the Colors menu, and choose
Color Balance (below).

Above is the digital equivalent of

These three 'channels' make up the artist's color wheel (circle with a
the colors in your image. Try triangle inside) with the three
clicking the little eye icon beside primary colors being at each point of

This window will let you fine- to tint the entire photo with a quite a bit, and slide the contrast
tune the colors in your photo. It particular color. This is most often up, I can make the dull original
can alter the colors in each of the used to give a photo a 'sepia tint' -- image look like it was taken on a
three main levels: shadow, which makes the image look old and scorching sunny day (which it
midtone and highlight. Select degraded. Rather than give you a definitely wasn't!).
Shadows, Midtones or Highlights, red, green and blue slider, this
and move the sliders to see how it window gives you a 'Hue' slider --
affects your photo. which goes from red, through to
green, to blue, and back to red.
Tinker with the sliders until you get a
nice orangey-brown color, and you'll
see what I mean about the sepia tint.

We've already looked at

Levels, but let's look into it a bit
more. Click Colors > Levels, and
If you don't see the photo colors you'll see that familiar window --
change, check to make sure the yes, it's the one with the magic
box beside 'Preview' is ticked. If 'Auto' button -- but this time let's
you don't want to keep those focus on the sliders below the
color changes, simply click graph. The black, grey and white
'Cancel', and your image will sliders can move left to right,
return to normal. You can also use Colors > Brightness – Contrast will and represent the shadows,
the Edit > Undo feature. let you simply brighten or darken the midtones and highlights,
image. This can come in handy for respectively. They allow you to
Colors > Colorize will allow you simple effects. If I brighten the image

manually color-correct the image. the top of the window is the use Edit >
The 'Output Levels' is almost like dropdown menu, which lets you alter Undo to
a brightness control, but with the image as a whole, or just alter revert back
three sliders for the shadow, one of the color channels. To edit the to the
midtone and highlights. At the top curves, you click on the curve (to original.
of the window is a dropdown create a point), then move the point
menu which says 'Value' -- you up, down, left, or right, to alter the Color >
can click that and select one of colors. The most basic color Invert will
your red, green or blue channels correction in the curves window is give you the
to fine-tune. This is quite a the 'S-curve' -- where you make an negative of
powerful window, so play around 'S' shape with the curve. Again, this the photo,
in there and get familiar with it. gives pretty much the same result as just like you'd
And remember: if you don't see the Color > Levels 'Auto' button. get with traditional camera film.
your image updating as you move Clicking Color > Invert again will
a slider, tick the 'Preview' return the image to normal.
There are many other items in
the Color menu, but the ones I
have mentioned are the most
important ones, and probably
the most used.

Color > Desaturate will remove all

color from your photo, leaving you
with a black and white image. You
Colors > Curves is similar to the have three options before it removes is Editor of
the color, each giving you slightly magazine, a proud Kubuntu
Levels window (which we just
user, and part-time artist whose
looked at), but uses curves, different results, so it's best to try
gallery of work can be seen at
plotted on a graph, to give more each to see which you prefer. As
control over your colors. Again, at ever, try an option; if you don't like it,

Written by Jonny McCullagh

ecember 2007 was a good including the Green Party and the TV service for UK users; the
time for Ubuntu/Linux Open Source Consortium. service was previously available
users in the UK interested for countries such as USA,
in online TV services. Television Subsequently, in late December Germany, France, Spain and
on Ubuntu has never been so 2007, the BBC opened this service to Denmark. The service is
easy and doesn't even require Linux and Mac users, currently in Beta, but it is mature
special TV-tuner hardware. The and highly usable. Zattoo
service is reliant on the Adobe Flash promises smooth, TV-quality
player and, due to DRM restrictions, video delivery, and, if you have
it is not possible to download video the internet connection to
content for viewing offline. support it, you will not be
Nevertheless, there is a wide disappointed. Following
selection of high-quality television registration, Ubuntu users have
programs, in multiple categories, a pain-free installation --
with an interface my 8-year-old had accomplished with a
no trouble mastering. downloadable .deb installation
file. When you click on the link,
choose 'Open with ... GDebi
The BBC is funded by a Package Installer', and, when
compulsory license fee for owners On
GDebi opens, click the 'Install'
of television sets in the UK. Earlier December
last year, the BBC Trust 19th, 2007,
announced support for only Zattoo After installation, Zattoo is
Microsoft Windows in its 'Watch announced available from Applications >
Again' online service. This the Sound & Video > Zattoo Player,
sparked outrage among availability and it opens with a list of
advocates of free software, of its online available channels. Clicking on a

channel name displays that FreeGuide is a Java application Miro opens with the 'Miro
channel -- channel surfing has (which feels a little out of place on Guide', a homepage about the
never been so easy! the Gnome desktop), but has the video channels available for
advantage of being very easy to use. subscription. Miro is structured
This beta service offered by Within a few minutes, I had TV very much like an RSS Reader
Zattoo is very promising, but listings for hundreds of channels. with subscribed channels, but
currently lacks features such as with videos in the place of
parental control, subtitles, teletext written news stories. Clicking on
and a television guide. the 'Add Channel' button will
subscribe you to that particular

Miro is aiming to be a TV
Service, Media Player, and RSS
aggregator rolled into one -- it's
a promising online service, but
lacks parental control features.

For countries beyond the scope of

the BBC iPlayer and Zattoo, there is The live TV available from
always Miro. Miro, previously known Zattoo, and catch-up services
as Democracy Player, allows you to available from the BBC iPlayer
Armed with suitable TV Guide download and watch videos from website, offer Ubuntu users easy
software, Zattoo becomes even RSS feeds (including podcasts, video access to online digital television
more manageable. Ubuntu, being blogs, and BitTorrent feeds). That services, thereby "making the
what it is, makes installing explanation may sound a little unmissable, unmissable". When
FreeGuide easy. Open your complicated but do not be afraid! coupled with the futuristic Miro
package manager, and search for Miro is very easy to use. video subscription model, TV
. If you cannot find makes compelling viewing on
FreeGuide, you may need to have To get Miro, use your package Ubuntu.
the multiverse repository enabled. manager to install the package.

Written by Stephen Bant BACKUP VIA EMAIL

ood back-up programs, and also copy it to another directory In that, put something like the
such as , are on the hard disk as a further back up following, altered to suit your
freely available to you with precaution. Finally, it will use the requirements:
Ubuntu, but you can also create Mutt email client to send off the
solid and reliable back-up routines compressed folder as a file set realname="Ubuntu Geek"
using simple, easy-to-manage attachment, so that it can be stored set from=""
set use_envelope_from=yes
scripts. These are quick and easy remotely in an email account. For
set mbox_type=maildir
to set up, run automatically, and this to work, you need to have a mail set mbox="~/muttmail/inbox/"
can back up your files remotely -- service running, so you may have to set spoolfile="~/muttmail/inbox/"
provided they are not too large -- install Postfix on your system (see set folder="~/muttmail/"
by sending them to you as an p.15, col.2). set record="~/muttmail/sent/"
email attachment. Sounds like set postpone=ask-yes recall=no
what you are looking for? Then,
follow these easy steps, and you'll Save the file, and copy it to
never be caught out, in despair, Before anything else, let’s install /root. The script will be run
saying, "if only ..."! the Mutt client for sending emails via under root, so Mutt will look for
our script: /root/.muttrc. But, when testing,
For demonstration purposes, you could just run the script
let’s look at a scenario where we sudo apt-get install mutt
under your user account, in
want a backup routine that runs which case Mutt will look for
automatically every day, will back You should now configure Mutt so
that it does not create an ever ~/.muttrc. Either way, with
up specific SQL databases then .muttrc in both locations, all of
zips and emails them. We’ll make growing "sent" file in your home or
root directory -- a file that will Mutt’s sent mail will go to the
a script that creates some SQL file one folder you nominate.
dumps, and moves them into a eventually fill your partition. So,
common folder. create a .muttrc configuration file in
We don't need to configure
your /home/user directory.
anything else -- because we are
It will then compress that folder only using Mutt for backup
sudo gedit ~/.muttrc

purposes here. Actually, if you put If you already have email set up -- and replace it with the following:
in other configuration settings for instance, if you have Courier
they will be ignored, because installed -- you could nominate your unset record
running Mutt from a script is existing mail directories in .muttrc,
equivalent to running it from the and not have to create any new Before we move on to the
command line, which Mutt seems ones. Another option (which you’ll main script, we can first run a
to ignore. I learned that the hard need to find information on little test script to see if
way after much trial and error. elsewhere) is to configure Mutt to everything is working with Mutt.
The basic stuff here (nominating use IMAP and POP folders on a Modify it for your email address,
the directories) is enough, and remote server. and copy this little script into a
will work. file:
If you decide to use existing email
Then, create the directories directories in your home directory, # Mutt Test
that you nominated in .muttrc; be aware that "sent" items created #
and in each of these create from a cron job will have restrictive EMAIL=""
directories called "cur", "tmp" and root permissions, and this may mess MESSAGE='Hey, your mutt test has
"new", like this, for example: up the webmail program you are been run!'
using -- by rendering sent items
echo $MESSAGE | mutt $EMAIL -s
sudo mkdir invisible. It did that to me when "Mutt Test"
~/muttmail/sent/cur using Roundcube. I fixed that by
including the following command (at Save the file under any name
sudo mkdir the end of the script) to change the you like -- it doesn't have to
~/muttmail/sent/new permissions in my "sent" directory: have a "sh" extension. Then
make it executable with chmod,
sudo mkdir chmod 777 -R and, assuming we called the file
~/muttmail/sent/tmp /home/user/Maildir/.Sent sh, run it from the command line
to test it:
Actually, if you don't create a However, you may not even care
sent folder, Mutt will to have a record of sent items. After sudo sh filename
automatically create one for you all, these will accumulate day after
when it sends its first email. But day, and might have large or:
you must create the "muttmail" attachments. In that case, get rid of
directory, or whatever you want sh filename
the “set record . . .” line in .muttrc
to call it.

mv /home/user/databases-$DATE.tgz

As with the little test script

earlier, save and name the script
file whatever you like, then test
it from the command line. You
should see output like this:

The first will send an email from ##

root, and the second from user. DBUSER=username
Check your email account to see DBNAME1=joomla
that your Mutt test got through. If DBNAME2=drupal The steps in this script are
you send it to Gmail, it’ll look DBNAME3=wordpress straightforward. SQL dumps are
something like the image above. EMAIL=""
created and moved to a backup
DATE=`date +%Y%m%d`
folder in your home directory.
If it came through, it’s time to
mysqldump --opt -u $DBUSER -p$DBPASS The whole folder is then zipped
configure your backup script.
$DBNAME1 > $DBNAME1.sql up (using the format: "tar -cvzf
"). Next, the tgz file,
mysqldump --opt -u $DBUSER -p$DBPASS with the current date in the file
Now, copy the following SQL name, is emailed to the email
BackUp Script into a file. Modify mysqldump --opt -u $DBUSER -p$DBPASS address you nominate at EMAIL.
the variables, databases and $DBNAME3 > $DBNAME3.sql Lastly, the tgz file is moved to
directory names to suit. Of another location on your hard
mv *.sql /home/user/database_backups disk as a further backup.
course, you’ll need your database
details handy. tar cvzf /home/user/databases-$DATE.tgz So, altogether, this script
#!/bin/sh actually creates 3 backups, two
# SQL Back Up Script echo 'Hey, see attached for your databases' local and one remote. That’s
# | mutt -a /home/user/databases-$DATE.tgz because, apart from the tgz file
# Backs up your SQL databases and $EMAIL -s 'Your database back up has been you copy and send, you are left
emails them to you run'
# with the SQL files in your

database_backups folder. These they arrive. In Gmail, you can create The beauty of this script is
will be overwritten with new a filter that labels and puts your that you can change the
versions the next time the script backups in the Archives folder. You variables at the top, or easily
is run. don’t have to worry about them. add databases (remembering to
Speaking of Google, here’s also add corresponding
Here's a tip for getting rid of old something you might want to try, mysqldump lines), and
tgz backups from your hard disk although it doesn’t seem of any everything will work fine.
automatically. In the script above, practical use to me: it is possible to
add the following line below the configure a script to email After running your script,
DATE variable line: documents of the appropriate type to check your email, and you
Google Docs or Zoho Writer, where should see something like Fig.1.
EARLIER=`date -d "-2 day" +m%d` Check that your databases are
they can be automatically converted
You don't have to call it to online documents, on a regular attached. In Gmail, it will look
EARLIER. Call it whatever you basis. like Fig.2 when opened.
want, as long as you are
consistent throughout. Now, after
the last line, add the following
line (or its equivalent to suit your

rm /var/local/backups/databases-

This line will ensure that the

backup file created 2 days earlier
is deleted. You can change it to 3
or 4 days, or a couple of weeks
earlier, if you want, depending on
how far back you want to keep

Webmail programs like Google’s

Gmail have filters, so it’s possible
to archive backups as soon as

Once your script is doing because, by default, the /etc/aliases emails, I’ve found that
everything you want, copy it into file contains a redirection that redirecting output to /dev/null
your /etc/cron.daily directory. ensures any system mail to root goes works best for me. In your
Make sure it has executable to the main user’s account. But, /etc/anacrontab file, leave out
permissions. Anacron’s emails can be stopped or any reference to MAILTO, and
redirected. instead put “>&/dev/null” after
sudo chmod 755 scriptname the cron.daily line.
The easiest way is probably to edit
That’s it. Your back-up is set to the /etc/anacrontab file. Open up this If you want to redirect not just
go. file, and at the top of it, under PATH, Anacron’s but all of root’s email,
add a “mail to” direction with your then ignore /etc/anacrontab and
email address, like this: just create a /root/.forward file
A program called Anacron with your preferred email address specified in that.
handles the running of the scripts
in the /etc/cron.* directories. Each All Anacron emails will then go to
time scripts are run, if there is that email address. Thus, it is
any output, Anacron sends an possible to email your backups to What you can do is up to you.
email with details about it to root. one address, and receive an alert Using the example script as a
If no output, no email. With our about it at another. Here’s how the base, you can configure a whole
script, there is basic output for Anacron alert appears when range of backup routines to work
some processes, so an email is redirected to Gmail (below). with Anacron and the cron.daily,
sent to root and ends up in the cron.weekly and cron.monthly
main user account. This is If you want to stop all Anacron directories. Alternatively, if you
know how to set up individual
cron jobs, you can also ensure
that your scripts are run at
precise times. Ultimately, you
can have everything covered,
and all your data safely backed
up, so that in the event of some
failure, what might have been
disastrous is little more than a
minor inconvenience.
Written by Robin Catling

ome of you might be badge on his creation. components, ideally ones you
thinking that it's a little late can bolt together and re-use
to ask this question. Web across domains, sites and
2.0 has been around as a concept devices. As O'Reilly described it:
since the dot-com bust around As far back as 2001, Tim O'Reilly
2001 and as a practical reality for [1] called Web 2.0
about two years. It's been hyped, mainly because the
dismissed, delivered, condemned, technology didn't exist except as a The Right to Remix: "Some
rejected, re-launched, branded, demonstrator. He emphasized terms Rights Reserved". Who would
marketed and abused in all the such as , have thought that 'hack-ability'
media -- several times over. and would become an accepted
. I had to (even desirable) attribute of any
Now you're thinking, "What a read the rest of it. The trouble is that software system? Look at
fool. It's far longer/less than that." Web 2.0 isn't one technology. In it, or Facebook today, compared with
So which Web 2.0 are we talking on it, or through it: two years ago. With the new
about using and developing? Can tools available, we're all software
• the web becomes a platform;
we agree on a definition? Is it developers now; you can pull
• you control your own, or shared data;
working? Is it worth it? • and you belong to communities that your favorite Facebook
collectively distribute, enrich and re- applications into your profile
purpose data. page, customize them, write
Meaning what, exactly? your own, and maybe even
The question assumes there
create the next Scrabulous -- as
was a Web 1.0 to begin with. I
long as the makers of Scrabble
don't remember buying a version
don't sue.
number. I'm sure that Tim Berners-
Lee, who created HTML on Collections of technologies:
Services, not packaged software:
Arpanet, and by extension the Given the current crop of Web-
Web 2.0 isn't software, exactly. It
World Wide Web, didn't stick a 1.0 enabled tools -- Ajax, Silverlight
relies on Web services and Web

(Microsoft), Mono (Open Source), stickiness > syndication The long tail is us, which is
peer-to-peer networks, portals, content management systems > wikis how BitTorrent uses the peer-to-
Really Simple Syndication, super- Web sites: peer architecture to ensure that
browsers with extensions (Firefox, Web 1.0 > Web 2.0 every downloader also becomes
IE7) -- what do you get? You get Netscape > Google a server.
DoubleClick > Google AdSense
Gmail, Google Maps, Facebook,
Ofoto > Flickr
MySpace, YouTube and Wikipedia. Akamai > BitTorrent
You also get every price > Napster
My opinion is divided on the
comparison site from Best-Rent-a- Britannica Online > Wikipedia
subject. If you believe in the
Wreck to Whats-My-Toaster Dot
trust experiment that is
Com [sic].
Wikipedia, then the rules of
Netscape tried to hook us on a content creation have changed
The great thing is -- and here's browser and sell us server-based
the one specific fact of value to us forever.
solutions. Now we have Google,
Ubuntu users -- Web 2.0 is not purely and simply a service -- it's Maybe I'm too cynical?
dependent on having a vendor's ubiquitous. Did somebody say Perhaps an hourly addiction to
proprietary box, or a software Netscape who? Google also Bebo is no worse than having to
licence carrying the Registered understands well what Chris join Gamblers Anonymous.
Trademark symbol. We can join in Anderson refers to as 'the long tail':
too. You're overwhelmed. I can tell. the collective power of the millions of I must confess, however, that I
small sites that make up the bulk of went to dinner recently with my
the Web's content -- now also old school pal and his family --
I love contrasting lists. These featuring the immortal words "ads unseen since four houses and
two came out of the original Web sponsored by Google". ten years ago -- thanks to an
2.0 conference (O'Reilly, 2005): invite from a business
It's the long tail that feeds all of networking site.
Concepts: the big beasts of Web 2.0, not just
Web 1.0 > Web 2.0 Google, but sites like, the I am truly Web-two-point-oh'd.
publishing > participation world's most popular bookmarking
personal websites > blogging [1] - What Is Web 2.0: Design Patterns
service, and Digg, the wildly popular
screen scraping > web services and Business Models for the Next
domain name speculation > search tech-news site driven by the mass of Generation of Software by Tim O'Reilly
engine optimization users sifting and ranking stories (
page views > cost per click themselves. tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-
Written by David Self

upgrade both computers if I wanted Since I had previously installed
have used the Windows
to use Vista, even at its most basic Windows 98 & XP from scratch,
operating system for as long as
level. there was nothing to scare me at
I can remember, and have
even been Microsoft Certificated this stage. Installation took no
So I started looking at other time at all (compared with
in the past. I knew there were options for my operating systems.
other operating systems but, like Windows), and I found that I had
the vast majority of people, I a fully working system with more
In WHSmith one day, while looking
ignored them -- by listening to the software than I could shake a
at magazines, I saw a copy of
"fear, uncertainty and doubt." stick at. None of this COA
Computeractive (one of their
number entering, and finding the
specials) with Kubuntu 6.06 LTS
You have to bear in mind three disks for all my other software
attached to the front. I had a quick
things when reading this narrative: and doing COA numbering all
look at the contents of the magazine
over again. To say I was happy
1. My state of mind – fragile. and bought it. My first dance with
at this point would be an
2. I've never had internet access Linux had begun. I read the
understatement. My last
at home. magazine all the way through before
thoughts of the day were
3. I was in the process of setting even attempting to load Linux on my
nervousness, as I realized I knew
up a new home, and a broadband spare system.
nothing about this operating
account. system; and I also saw that what
The next day, I took a deep breath,
loaded up the Kubuntu live disk, and I knew about Windows, though
On one fateful day in October not totally irrelevant, would be
2007, I left the marital home and discovered that it found all my
hardware straight out of the box -- consigned to the bin.
set up on my own. A very intense
and tearful time for me. I had two although, to be honest, there is
Day three brought about my
computers at the time: a Dell with nothing out of the ordinary in my box
first problem -- my Internet
XP installed and an NEC with an except a DVD writer. So, I clicked the
connection. It had not been
empty hard drive. It became very install button and made my way
plugged in during the
clear to me that I would have to through the installation screens.
installation. It hadn't even been

switched on at that point. BT something to eat, hoping inspiration went past. They were all Linux
(British Telecom) delivered my would help me with the next step. packages that meant nothing to
homehub on day three. I read the me. So I just took notes. Time for
instructions, and in three hours I I went back to a Google later
had a working broadband basics and to see what the
connection -- according to the checked my BIOS -- downloads
lights (I hadn't plugged it in to the did I feel like an were.
computer yet, as per idiot when I found
instructions). After another deep the NIC card was Another
breath, I plugged in the homehub switched off in reboot faced
and nothing happened. My there. So, one re- me with
computer did not see the hub at boot later I had a problem two: I
all. Panic! working internet was unable to
connection. I could get back into
Again, three things you have to have cried, and probably did, as I Kubuntu. It would not accept my
remember at this point: was now back to where I left password. Panic! After about four
Windows. (Well, almost). hours of reading and trying
1. A new operating system. things, I realized I had two
2. A computer which I had never For the rest of the day, I just problems:
used prior to this. checked out Kubuntu by reading the
3. I've never had a broadband tutorials in the magazine. I was 1.My keyboard had a fault
connection or set one up. impressed with what I saw. (specifically in the F-keys)
2.Something in the repositories
I sat down and Day four saw an was changing my password set-
read all the FAQs in I was impressed 800+MB update. This was up and I needed to press F2 to
the homehub with what I saw new, sort of. I know get past it -- see point one.
magazine to see if Windows installs updates
there were any often for patches, etc, but I powered down my computer
obvious problems. I worked 800 MB? So, I accessed the update and decided to get a new
through all the solutions, but screens, and, after inputting my keyboard the next day.
nothing worked. Kubuntu refused password, the downloads began. I
to see my homehub. Panic, again! watched all the way through it and Day five bought me some new
I went away for an hour and had was fascinated by the names as they hardware: one new keyboard,

and another stick of RAM to keep numerous libraries for getting April, although I didn't install any
my spirits up for the next steps. I Amarok, K3b and various other bits of the three versions that
changed the keyboard, and, while of audio software to work appeared after 6.06
I'm looking
my computer was powered down, with MP3s. LTS, because I
installed the RAM. With fingers wanted to stick with
crossed I powered up and saw the The rest, as they say, is forward to
a rock-steady system
now familiar install screen of history. It's not been an installing 8.04 for the many
Kubuntu. easy journey, and I would projects I have on
not recommend anybody taking on the go at any one time. I know
Everything went fine until I hit Linux in this cold-turkey fashion. I Kubuntu is rock steady as it is,
the password screen. I typed in forgot to say that day seven saw me but, like all OSes, when you
my password, hit F2 to get past junking Windows/Microsoft in all of upgrade, there are gripes
the error, did its forms on regarding stuff being done
what I had to my systems. differently (I'm not a Luddite)
do, and, But I would and the new versions being
bingo, one recommend slightly different. (I'm from
working, fully getting a live Windows and using each new
updated disk off the version of Word brings three
Kubuntu front of one of months of frustration due to
operating the various menu changes and other stuff
system. For specials that like that.) So, for now, 6.06 is my
the rest of pop up OS, and, after a year, I am very
the day, I just regularly, and happy with Linux and where I'm
resigned work with it at with my knowledge. I don't
myself to for a week, or think I'll ever be as good at
playing and customizing the look a month or two, and open up your Linux as I was with Windows,
of the GUIs/desktop, etc. mind to a whole new world of because I learned Windows
computing. when I was much younger, but,
Day six saw me hit the Kubuntu
as long as it works well and I can
forum to, hopefully, get some The future for me and Kubuntu is
do all the things that I did with
information about software I looking good. I'm looking forward to
Windows, welcome one new
needed to install: Thunderbird, installing 8.04 LTS (the next
Firefox, Scorched 3D, and generation) when it is released in

Taken from

Behind MOTU is a site which features interviews with those who are known as 'Masters of the Universe' (MOTU). They are the volunteer
army of package maintainers that look after the Universe and Multiverse software repositories.

documents in
24, I
started to understand packaging
logic and began to give my
Guastalla, a small
city in northern I started using GNU/Linux in 2000
Italy with Mandrake, soon replaced by
Debian, which [was] my O.S. until
late 2005.
I learned packaging by reading
technical documentation
(Ubuntu Packaging Guide,
Since 2005, after installing Breezy and
Badger. following my sponsors’ advice. I
found it very useful to look at
some debdiffs already published
in Ubuntu too, they help a lot if
you are unsure about a fix.
My first package was merge of nttcp
in March 2007, during late Feisty
development cycle. I just discovered and I
wanted to help out. After reading Being aware your work is
Ubuntu Packaging Guide and some important for many people.

Solve problems and making activities will improve overall
Ubuntu rock for all is a great goal, quality of the Universe
every little step is important packages, and our users will
because a minimal fix can be surely benefit [from] this. I hope
important for someone, and I am new contributors will pursue this
happy to give my contribution I do not have target
where I am able to. a limited set too,
of packages Universe
to look at is huge
([except] the and there
ones I is a lot of
Many people are not comfortable maintain in work to
with development because they Debian), so I do!
feel strong programming skills are would like to
required. Sometimes it is not so help where
hard, and everyone’s help is there is a
appreciated by fixing easy issues. need,
I have the pleasure [of working] basically by
with some Italian contributors fixing un-met
who show interest in the project: dependancies
even if they are not programmers, and FTBFS,
they contribute actively and some reviewing
of them have uploaded more than patches, and additional QA efforts. –
40 packages so far! Being curious A. De Gasperi
is the key: join #ubuntu-motu, ask
questions about development
processes, and start to work on a
bug you feel important, when Plans to make Universe usable by
everyone are very important, and the I like playing basketball, I usually
your efforts lead to a package
MOTU community started with take shots on playgrounds when
upload, you will know why we are
enthusiasm to gather some tools to I have time to. I like food too,
all so [enthusiastic] to contribute
help in this way (see Italy is a great place to pursue
to MOTU activities. These this kind of interest.

Written by Emma Jane Hogbin

image: Johannes ( complete all of your take a step back and evaluate
tasks and to reach your your original goals. Do your
goal. personal goals for the project
match the personal goals of the
Last month, I other participants? Take a close
encouraged you to set look and ask yourself: does this
short deadlines for community need a gentle push
yourself and your to get it started, or is there a
teammates. In addition fundamental difference between
to this, you should also what I want to accomplish and
have regular meetings, what the rest of the group wants
or a space for people to to achieve?
report on their tasks.
Set a schedule, and Next month, in the final
make your report public. installment of this series, we

If you are meeting in “real time”, look at the trickiest question of
t often feels like the most time-
make sure your meeting has an all: once you have them, how do
consuming part of a project is
agenda, and that you keep the you keep the best volunteers
the last 10%. In a juggling act,
meeting as short as possible. Seeing actively working towards your
this is the moment when all of the
your progress reported will help you goal?
balls are in the air. The success of
judge how far away you are from
the juggler’s performance
achieving your goal.
depends on each of the balls builds and
falling neatly into the juggler’s But what if no one signs up for supports on-line communities
hands without them having to using open source software. She
tasks? Or perhaps people have lives in rural Canada and
lurch to catch a stray one. signed up for tasks, but nothing is chronicles her adventures at
Keeping a close eye on your getting done? If either of these apply
project will allow you to neatly to your group, it might be time to

UBUNTU YOUTH The future of open source is in the young people of today; that's
why this corner of the magazine is for young people or simply
Written by Andrew Harris those who are young at heart.

o you have just installed or amazing. It has dozens and dozens creator of the game, Michael
upgraded to Hardy. Now that of built-in functions, from areas of Speck. I also suggest pysol, a
you've rebooted, retrieved various polygons to physics very hackable Solitaire game
what you had backed up and conversions, and even a date to written in Python, and knetwalk,
worked out whatever kinks there UNIX timestamp conversion! It can a KDE game in which you
may be, you might wonder, “Now do everything I can think of and connect terminals to a server.
what?”. more, but saying this doesn't do It's more fun than it sounds.
justice to a fraction of what
The first thing I always do is Qalculate! can do. There are The rest is up to you. I really
reinstall all the software I already packages for GTK, KDE, and the can't speak for all teens on what
had (as I prefer to just totally command line in the repositories. you should install. Personally, I
reinstall each time a new release like to install several IDE's for
of Ubuntu is out) and then see Now I noticed something not quite languages that I'm not even
what's new. In this article, I am right about Hardy: it doesn't come going to use -- but that's just me.
going to go over some of the new with any games -- not even little The nice thing about apt-get is
(free!) software that can be useful time-waster games! If you run KDE, that it will keep on apt-get'ing!
or entertaining to teens. then just grab the kdegames There is no limit on what you can
package and that should last you install besides the size of your
First, here is a good calculator. through World War III and beyond. hard drive.
It's especially for those in But for everyone else, I have some
advanced math classes. The other suggestions. is, in a
default calculators that come with nutshell, a geek. He enjoys Linux,
the *buntus are nice, but Breakout is a classic. Everybody Open Source, the fine arts, and
sometimes you need more. everywhere loves a good game of programming. If you follow his
Although there are great breakout. I suggest lbreakout2. It is advice then you too will be
an excellent game with great addicted to knetwalk. Andrew will
calculator programs for all
be speaking at this year's Ubuntu
desktops, including the command graphics and sound effects. It comes
live and hopes to see you there.
line, check out Qalculate! It's with many levels made mostly by the

LETTERS Every month we like to publish some of the emails we receive. If you would like to
submit a letter for publication, compliment or complaint, please email it to: PLEASE NOTE: some letters may be edited for space reasons.

LETTER OF THE MONTH Writer of Letter of the Month wins

two metal Ubuntu case badges!
irst of all, I want to thank
Andrew Min for the article on I want to describe a beautiful experience
creating .deb files (FCM #12) with Ubuntu Gutsy on my friend's laptop.
- it is the first I've read that is a The laptop is a Fujitsu Siemens Amilo. We
really good and quick introduction have an internet subscription with an
to creating simple .deb packages. italian Internet provider and in our house
we have a wireless router. With Windows
Much appreciated! XP SP2 the wireless connection
sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. In
Furthermore I wanted to reply addition, if we plug in a USB device and
to Blaise Alleyne's comment on then remove this device, Windows also
my article "You use Ubuntu, not removes the wireless card (the card is problem with the USB doesn't exist
Linux". First, I want to apologize internal)! It always does this and I have anymore! It's fantastic!
for using the word "crazy". It was no idea why! So I decided to make a dual
boot on this laptop with Ubuntu Gutsy Now my friend regularly uses
indeed too harsh and if I offended Ubuntu and he's very pleased with it.
and, guess what? Gutsy automatically
anyone, that was not my intention recognizes the wireless card and the
and I hereby apologize. connection works flawlessly! The

Then I want to confirm that my

use of the word "operating
system" was wrong indeed.
However, that does not invalidate So yes, I'm now convinced that trying to make still stands: most
my argument, which, more GNU/Linux might be a more people use the term "Linux"
appropriately worded, was to appropriate (albeit cumbersome) when they actually mean
promote the use of a certain name for the "operating system" "Ubuntu" or whatever.
software package (in Ubuntu's (being just that part of the software
case, a Linux distribution). on your computer that gets it to
operate). Still, the actual point I was

Regarding the How-To on using
an iPod Classic with Amarok (FCM
#11), I was in the same boat,
having received the gift of a new
iPod Classic, I though it would just

work with Amarok, as previous
versions have. The article shows just want to thank you for
clearly that it does not. I went another wonderful issue of
through a lot of the same work Full Circle Magazine. I love the
your writer did, only to end up series on installing a full
with unsatisfactory results. featured server.

Then I found Floola (right) Also, I just downloaded

( It 'm writing to you to let you know Wormux (below), I wonder if I'll
actually works really well and about an Ubuntu promotional be able to run it under Ubuntu
requires almost no configuration website I've made - Gutsy on a Pentium III 450 MHz
out of the box. Floola is available with only 320 megs of ram?
at no cost, but is not open source.
The idea is that people from
While it is not a full featured
around the world share their Linux
media player, like Amarok, it does Ed:
experience. If it's possible can you
what I need it to do - namely load
mention this website in your
videos and music on my iPod. So
magazine? I hope more stories can
while I still use Amarok to play
make the difference for newbies - it
media on my Ubuntu install, I've
will show them that Ubuntu really is
been recommending Floola to
Linux for Human Beings.
anyone with a current-gen iPod.


Q&A If you have Ubuntu-related questions, email them to:, and Robert will answer them in a future issue.
Written by Robert Clipsham

Installing within Windows is a Download the Linux
safer option, as it does not tarball
edit your disk's partition table (http://url.fullcirclemagazi
or edit your boot loader. Running from Adobe's
Ubuntu from within Windows will website, and copy
slightly slow down disk access, and to

This is caused by a new hibernation isn't supported. It also /usr/lib/browser-plugins or
feature in Hardy - the GFS allows you to install and uninstall .mozilla/plugins in your home
fuse daemon. This is Ubuntu from within Windows, and directory. You could also use
effectively a mirror of your file you are able to transfer to a Gnash
system, which causes the disk dedicated partition later if you (
usage analyzer to show double decide you want the extra ash/), a free alternative to flash.
your disk size. To hide it, go to performance. Another downside is
Edit->Preferences, then deselect that the filesystem used is more

the .gfs folder in your home vulnerable to power failures, so you
directory. shouldn't save important data on the
file system.

Press Alt+F2, and in the

dialog box, type
. Navigate to
then make sure that
is not

Your chance to show the world your desktop or PC. Email your screenshots and
photos to: and include a brief paragraph about your
desktop, your PC's specs and any other interesting tidbits about your setup.

I have been using Linux for about four years, and just last year My Ubuntu box is a Fujitsu Siemens Amilo Pro 3205. I'm using the
found Ubuntu and fell in love with it. I use 7.10 with Linux Mint Emerald theme Aero, and the Avant Window Manager with the
repositories. Mint has some extras that I like. I have customised transparent dock theme. My desktop is a customized theme, a
my system using Compiz Fusion, CairoClock, gDesklets, and mix of Tango and Mist.
Avant. The Emerald theme I use was made by me, (Glassy
Mint), as was the AWN theme (Curved Glassy Mint AWN), the
wallpaper (called Visiting Tux), and the Cairo-Clock theme
(Debian Mint) -- all can be found at I
used the side-candy gDesklets themes for my desklets. The
theme I use is called MidnightBlackPlastic, and the icons are the
GnomeProject icons, again found at gnome-look.I run an Acer
TravelMate 8104WLmi laptop, with a Pentium M 2GHZ, 1GB of
RAM with an ATI x700 mobility video card with the resolution set
to 1600x1050.

TOP5 UNUSUAL CONSOLES Your monthly list of Linux games or applications
from the depths of the Internet. If you have an idea
for a list, please email:
Written by Andrew Min

Homepage: Homepage:

An oldie but As you may have

goodie, Tilda was figured out, Tilda
created by Tristan really only plays
Sloughter (aka nice on GTK-
kungfooguru) in powered distros like
December 2004. Ubuntu or Xubuntu.
Named after the If you're a Kubuntu
tilde (~), this user, and feeling
powerful terminal slightly left out, give
is modeled after YaKuake a spin.
the gaming Based on the now
terminals found in Quake and many of its dead Kuake (,
derivatives. With a simple key combination, Tilda will YaKuake is a Konsole-powered terminal that, like
gracefully slide down from the top of the screen, and Tilda, slides down from the top of the screen
present a full terminal. Hit the combination again, whenever you hit the hotkey. It also has some nice
and the terminal quickly slides out of view, waiting in features like skins, resizing, and multiple tabs.
the background for another order. It even provides a
multi-tabbed interface, so you can have multiple While the YaKuake homepage indicates that there
terminals running at the same time. hasn't been much activity recently, there have
actually been a lot of builds released. To install it, just
To install Tilda, grab the package from the use the package in the universe
universe repository. After installing it, run to repositories. Or, if you're a KDE 4 user, try
configure it. .

Homepage: Homepage: Homepage:

Finally, here is a rather simple Hotwire is another "different" type of If you're not an Ubuntu or Kubuntu user,
terminal tool. You may have noticed terminal. Designed for systems and/or believe that lighter = better,
that most modern terminals like programming, this "hyper-shell" merges YeahConsole is for you. Weighing in at
Gnome-Terminal, Konsole, and the the old UNIX shell with a nice Gnome- only 81.9 KB, YeahConsole is a really
ones listed above, have support for based GUI. You can simply type in one of nice drop down console, based on
tabs. However, this means that you its many pre-built commands and view the , and similar to and .
can't see two terminals at the same output in the GUI. You can also script it What sets YeahConsole apart is that
time without opening two separate with Python, Ruby, and sh. And, for those there are basically no special "features",
instances. Terminator rectifies this times when you just need a normal which means that the developers didn't
problem. Opening it provides a very terminal, you can run the command term think they needed the tabs or the skins
simple terminal. Just right click on the to open up Hotwire's built-in console. or the other tools that are in YaKuake
terminal and hit Split Horizontal or and Tilda.
To install Hotwire, get the
Split Vertical, and Terminator spawns
package in the universe repositories. You To install YeahConsole, install the
another terminal. You can do this for
can also get a newer package package in the universe
as many terminals as you want.
( from repositories.
To install Terminator, use the (note that this was for an older
package in the universe Ubuntu and may not work).
has been a Linux addict
repositories. since he first installed openSuSE in
VMWare. Learn more about him at

Full Circle Team

- Rob Kerfia

We are always looking for new articles to include in Full Circle. For article guidelines, - Robert Clipsham
ideas, and for issue translation, please see our wiki:
Please email your articles to: Samuel Barratt Robert Clipsham
Daniel Cohen Philipp Höhn
Andrew Min Vid Ayer
If you would like to submit news, email it to: Andrew Min
HAVE YOUR SAY Mike Kennedy
Send your comments or Linux experiences to: Gord Campbell If you want to have your say on how Robert Orsino
Full Circle Magazine develops, please Rob Kerfia
Hardware/software reviews should be sent to: attend our monthly IRC meeting. Robin J. Banfield James Barklow
You can find our next Agenda at: Matt Janeski
Questions for future interviews should go to: David Waldrop Matthew Holder
We want input from you, the reader, to David Sutton
Lists and desktop/PC photos should be help us make decisions that affect the David Haas
emailed to: magazine.
Next general meeting (all welcome): And our thanks go out to
at . , the
If you have questions, you can visit our forum:
Meetings take place in the IRC channel and the many translation
, which is on the teams around the world. server. Or you can use
our webIRC page which is at and it
Sunday 08th June. will allow you to interact with our IRC
channel from within your web browser.
Friday 27th June.


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