Peace Corps SS PST Final TLO Assessment

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Office of Safety and Security

Terminal Learning Objectives Assessment

Assessment Rationale
The Safety and Security Global Core sessions are a cumulative curriculum intended to be
integrated with language, gender, and cross cultural sessions during Pre-Service Training (PST).
As a result, the Terminal Learning Objectives (TLOs) for the Personal Security; Unwanted
Attention; Sexual Assault Awareness and Bystander Intervention global core sessions require
Trainees to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) they gained during these
sessions. The Office of Safety and Security has combined these TLOs into one assessment that
will require Trainees to use the following skills:

 RADAR (Personal Security)

 Personal Boundaries and Coping Strategies (Unwanted Attention)
 Sex Signals & Isolation Incidents (Sexual Assault Awareness)
 Bystander Intervention (BIT)

Prerequisites & Timing

The TLO assessment should be given at the end of PST after Bystander Intervention Training
and before swearing-in ceremonies.

Assessment Methods & Reporting

There are two ways staff can deliver the TLO assessment to Trainees:
 Online: if you have access to the internet during the time you have scheduled the TLO
assessment, Trainees can do this assessment online. The results will automatically be
sent to Safety and Security, and you will receive the scores for your Trainees.
Instructions for the online assessment are below.
 In-person: If you do not have access to the internet or just want to do a low-tech, in-
person method, follow the instructions below. Post Staff must send the results for the
assessment in the completed TLO Assessment spreadsheet (saved on the intranet) to
the Office of Safety and Security at no later than one
week after the end of PST. The results are part of the monitoring and evaluation
requirements for the Sexual Assault Risk Reduction and Response Program, which
includes the Kate Puzey Volunteer Protection Act therefore it is important that the
results are shared in a timely manner.

Trainer Preparation
 Read the assessment prior to delivery to ensure you understand the questions.
 Decide the correct answer for question 2 based on the cultural norms in your country.

Safety and Security Global Core Final TLO Assessment: June 2014
Assessment Scoring
There are ten-questions total in the quiz. Each question is worth ten points. Partial
credit (5 points) is possible for some of the questions. A score of 80% or higher is a
passing score. Trainees who do not pass the TLO assessment should meet individually
with their Safety and Security Manager (SSM) or another staff member to discuss the
answers for the quiz. It is up to Post to decide if a Trainee who does not pass the TLO
assessment poses a safety and security risk to themselves and how this may impact
their eligibility to swear-in.

Safety and Security Global Core Final TLO Assessment: June 2014
Online Assessment Instructions
1. Computers with internet access (does not have to be a Peace Corps computer)
2. Printer to print their results and submit them to you (optional)

Log In
Trainees will log in to Learning Space, the online educational platform for Volunteers
and trainees at Peace Corps here:

Most trainees will have an account because they took the pre-departure Safety &
Security training on Learning Space. However, trainees may not remember their user
name and password.

SOLUTION: Two weeks before your scheduled Assessment, tell trainees they will be
doing the TLO assessment online and need their user name and password for Learning
Space. If they do not remember it, they should follow the instructions on the Learning
Space log in page and email with any issues.

Find & Take the Assessment

After clicking on the “Browse Optional Courses” link on their home page, trainees
should click on the Safety and Security Global Core TLO Assessment “Choose class”
under the “PST 2-Year Trainees” program title.

They should then click “Attempt Quiz Now”. The assessment should start. Trainees are
allowed one attempt at the quiz. The assessment will take approximately 20 minutes or
less to complete, depending on internet connectivity.

Finishing the Assessment

When the Trainee is finished, they will receive their final score and feedback on their
answers. Scores will automatically be sent to The Office of Safety and Security.

Safety and Security Global Core Final TLO Assessment: June 2014
In-person Assessment Instructions
1. Trainer’s Version of In-Person TLO Scenario to read scenario aloud
2. In Person Assessment Answer Sheet to grade the assessments
3. Pages 29 and 30 of Safety and Security PST Supplemental Workbook for trainee’s to
record their answers.

Review the scenario and instructions so you are familiar with what will happen. Practice reading
the scenario out loud.

Ask Trainees to open their workbooks to the TLO Assessment on p.29 of their workbooks. Say,

We are going to do a final assessment on the knowledge and skills covered in the safety
and security sessions. Please open your supplemental workbooks to the TLO Assessment
on pages 29 and 30. I am going to read parts of a scenario and some questions. You will
have to make decisions and mark your answers on the page in your workbook.

Read the first part of the scenario up to where it says STOP. Tell the PCTs to answer the
questions for section 1. When all the PCTs have answered the question and made their
decision, move on to section 2, continue until you have read through the entire scenario.

When everyone is done, have the PCTs exchange workbooks. Read the answers aloud and ask
the PCTs to mark the papers. PCTs will receive grades based on their ability to mitigate risk and
identify risk. PCTs should share grades with PC staff for submission to the Office of Safety and
Security at per the instructions at the end of the answer sheet.

Safety and Security Global Core Final TLO Assessment: June 2014
Trainer’s Version of In-Person TLO Assessment
SECTION 1: (Read aloud)

Annabelle’s In-Service Training (IST) started three days ago. The IST is being held at the resort
community in her host country. Like most ISTs, Annabelle is attending sessions during the day and
spending time learning about other projects in other sites when she goes out for dinner with other PCVs
in the evenings.

One night, Annabelle and two PCV friends, Elena and Mike, decide to go to the local disco on the water
near the resort. The resort calls a taxi and they speed off to the disco around midnight. As they get out
of the taxi at the disco, two men make sexual comments to Annabelle and Elena in local slang and begin
to harass them. (Stop reading aloud, ask PCTs to answer question one in their workbook)

1. Use the personal boundaries you established during the Unwanted Attention training session.
If you were Mike what would you do? (choose the 1 answer that best matches your personal
a. I would use my local language skills to say something to the men
b. I would let Annabelle and Elena decide how to handle this
c. I would use my local language skills to say something to the men even if Annabelle and
Elena ignored them
d. This situation does not violate my personal boundaries, so I would ignore the men


SECTION 2: (Read aloud)

Entering the disco, the PCVs notice it is already pretty crowded—there are people standing at the bar,
and a lot of tourists are on the dance floor. A group of middle-aged, local men are sitting at a table and
look like they have been drinking for a while. According to the bartender, these men were at a wedding
earlier today and are still celebrating. Annabelle and Elena sit at a small table, order some beer, and put
their cell phones and bags on the table. (Stop reading aloud, ask PCTs to answer question two in their

2. Based on what you learned in the sex signals activity and gender relations training, what is
culturally inappropriate for your host country culture in this situation? (choose all that apply)
a. Women going out at night
b. Women drinking in public
c. This is all OK in my host country culture
d. Women unaccompanied by a male family member or friend
e. Other: ________________________________________________________


Safety and Security Global Core Final TLO Assessment: June 2014
SECTION 3: (Read aloud)

After a few sips of beer, the DJ plays a really popular song and the three PCVs want to dance and head
to the dance floor. (Stop reading aloud, ask PCTs to answer questions three and four in their

3. Based on the information you have so far, which of the following risks is the greatest for these
PCVs? (choose only 1)
a. A group of men who may have been drinking for some time
b. It is late at night
c. Leaving cell phones and bags unattended at the table
d. Resort environment
e. The PCVs are out of their site where people might think they are tourists
4. Assess the PCVs options for how to handle this crime risk. Which of the following options will
best reduce their risk for theft? (choose only 1)
a. One person stays at the table to watch the bags and cell phones
b. Leave the bags and cell phones on the table but keep checking on them
c. Ask someone in the disco to watch the bags and cell phones
d. Leave the disco and go somewhere less crowded


SECTION 4: (Read aloud)

Elena volunteers to sit out this dance and watch their stuff. At the end of the song, Annabelle looks back
at the table and notices that two of the local men from the wedding group are sitting with Elena, one on
each side of her. They have bought her several beers and are ordering more. Annabelle notices the men
aren’t drinking. (Stop reading aloud, ask PCTs to answer questions five and six in their workbook)

5. What potential risks are described in the situation you heard? (choose all that apply)
a. The two men buying beers for Elena
b. No risks in this situation
c. Elena looks like she is alone
6. Assess Annabelle’s options; which of the following actions are the best for reducing Elena’s
risk? (choose all that apply)
a. Go sit with Elena and the men, and determine if Elena needs help
b. Leave Elena alone, she can fend for herself
c. Ask Elena to dance


Safety and Security Global Core Final TLO Assessment: June 2014
SECTION 5: (Read aloud)

Annabelle decides to sit with Elena and the men at the table. She notices that Elena is drunk after all the
beers the men bought her. Annabelle introduces herself and starts asking the men friendly questions.
After a few minutes, one of the men says to Elena, “It is such a beautiful night, let’s take a walk outside.
We want to learn all about America.” Elena agrees and the three begin to head out of the bar. (Stop
reading aloud, ask PCTs to answer questions seven through nine in their workbook)

7. Up to this point, what tactics have the men used to make Elena a suitable target for crime?
(choose all that apply)
a. Attempting to isolate Elena by taking her outside
b. Using force or violence with Elena
c. Buying Elena beers to incapacitate her
d. No tactics used
8. What are the potential crime risks for Elena in this situation? (choose all that apply)
a. Offending the local men
b. Elena could be robbed
c. Elena could be sexually assaulted
d. No risks in this situation
9. Assess Annabelle’s options at this point, which of the following actions will reduce Elena’s risk?
(choose all that apply)
a. Leave Elena alone, she can fend for herself
b. Tell the men they can learn about America better from three people and go get Mike
c. Ask Mike to start a fight with the two men
d. Ask Elena to go with you to the bathroom and hope the men leave while you are in the

SECTION 6: (read aloud)

Annabelle decides to go get Mike who tells the men that he just got a call from Peace Corps and that
they have to leave the disco. The local men get upset and yell that the PCVs are rude Americans and use
local slang to call them worse things. (Stop reading aloud, ask PCTs to answer the last question in their

10. What is the best option for the PCVs at this point to help defuse the situation? (choose only 1)
a. Leave the disco immediately
b. Call the disco’s security guard
c. Yell back at the local men
d. There is no way to defuse this situation

INSTRUCTIONS: Ask the PCVs to exchange workbooks and grade each other’s quizzes while you
provide them with the correct answers from the answer sheet below.

Safety and Security Global Core Final TLO Assessment: June 2014
In-Person Assessment Answer Sheet

Read the correct answers below out loud. Each question is worth 10 points. Trainees may
receive partial credit (5 points) for the questions that have two correct answers.


Annabelle’s In-Service Training (IST) started three days ago. The IST is being held at the resort
community in her host country. Like most ISTs, Annabelle is attending sessions during the day and
spending time learning about other projects in other sites when she goes out for dinner with other PCVs
in the evenings.

One night, Annabelle and two PCV friends, Elena and Mike, decide to go to the local disco on the water
near the resort. The resort calls a taxi and they speed off to the disco around midnight. As they get out
of the taxi at the disco, two men make sexual comments to Annabelle and Elena in local slang and begin
to harass them.

1. Use the personal boundaries you established during the Unwanted Attention training session.
If you were Mike what would you do? (choose the 1 answer that best matches your personal
a. I would use my local language skills to say something to the men
b. I would let Annabelle and Elena decide how to handle this
c. I would use my local language skills to say something to the men even if Annabelle and
Elena ignored them
d. This situation does not violate my personal boundaries, so I would ignore the men

Answer: Any of the answers are correct because it is based on the trainee’s personal boundaries.


Entering the disco, the PCVs notice it is already pretty crowded—there are people standing at the bar,
and a lot of tourists are on the dance floor. A group of middle-aged, local men are sitting at a table and
look like they have been drinking for a while. According to the bar tender, these men were at a wedding
earlier today and are still celebrating. Annabelle and Elena sit at a small table, order some beer, and put
their cell phones and bags on the table.

2. Based on what you learned in the sex signals activity and gender relations training, what is
culturally inappropriate for your host country culture in this situation? (choose all that apply)
a. Women going out at night
b. Women drinking in public
c. This is all OK in my host country culture

Safety and Security Global Core Final TLO Assessment: June 2014
d. Women unaccompanied by a male family member or friend
e. Other: ________________________________________________________

Answer: The correct answer is based on the gender relations in the host country. Staff decide on the
correct answers based on local culture. 10 pts


After a few sips of beer, the DJ plays a really popular song and the three PCVs want to dance and head
to the dance floor.

3. Based on the information you have so far, which of the following risks is the greatest for these
PCVs ? (choose only 1)
a. A group of men who may have been drinking for some time
b. It is late at night
c. Leaving cell phones and bags unattended at the table
d. Resort environment
e. The PCVs are out of their site where people might think they are tourists

Answer: C. 10 pts

4. Assess the PCVs options for how to handle this crime risk. Which of the following options will
best reduce their risk for theft? (choose only one)
a. One person stays at the table to watch the bags and cell phones
b. Leave the bags and cell phones on the table but keep checking on them
c. Ask someone in the disco to watch the bags and cell phones
d. Leave the disco and go somewhere less crowded

Answer: A. 10 pts


Elena volunteers to sit out this dance and watch their stuff. At the end of the song, Annabelle looks back
at the table and notices that two of the local men from the wedding group are sitting with Elena, one on
each side of her. They have bought her several beers and are ordering more. Annabelle notices the men
aren’t drinking.

5. What potential risks are described in the situation you heard? (choose all that apply)
a. The two men buying beers for Elena
b. No risks in this situation
c. Elena looks like she is alone

Answer: A and C. 5 or 10 pts

6. Assess Annabelle’s options, which of the following actions are the best for reducing Elena’s
risk? (choose all that apply)

Safety and Security Global Core Final TLO Assessment: June 2014
a. Go sit with Elena and the men, and determine if Elena needs help
b. Leave Elena alone, she can fend for herself
c. Ask Elena to dance

Answer: A and C. 5 or 10 pts


Annabelle decides to sit with Elena and the men at the table. She notices that Elena is drunk after all the
beers the men bought her. Annabelle introduces herself and starts asking the men friendly questions.
After a few minutes, one of the men asks Elena, “It is such a beautiful night, let’s take a walk outside.
We want to learn all about America.” Elena agrees and the three begin to head out of the bar.

7. Up to this point, what tactics have the men used to make Elena a suitable target for crime?
(choose all that apply)
a. Attempting to isolate Elena by taking her outside
b. Using force or violence with Elena
c. Buying Elena beers to incapacitate her
d. No tactics used

Answer: A and C. 5 or 10 pts

8. What are the potential risks for Elena in this situation? (mark all that apply)
a. Offending the local men
b. Elena could be robbed
c. Elena could be sexually assaulted
d. No risks in this situation

Answer: B and C. 5 or 10 pts

9. Assess Annabelle’s options at this point, which of the following actions will reduce Elena’s risk?
(mark all that apply)
a. Leave Elena alone, she can fend for herself
b. Tell the men they can learn about America better from three people and go get Mike
c. Ask Mike to start a fight with the two men
d. Ask Elena to go with you to the bathroom and hope the men leave while you are in the

Answer: B and D. 5 or 10 pts

SECTION 6: (read aloud)

Annabelle decides to go get Mike who tells the men that he just got a call from Peace Corps and that
they have to leave the disco. The local men get upset and yell that the PCVs are rude Americans and use

Safety and Security Global Core Final TLO Assessment: June 2014
local slang to call them worse things. (Stop reading aloud, ask PCTs to answer the last question in their

10. Annabelle decides to go get Mike who tells the men that he just got a call from Peace Corps
and that they have to leave the disco. The local men get upset and yell that the PCVs are rude
Americans and use local slang to call them worse things. What is the best option for the PCVs at
this point to help defuse the situation?
a. Leave the disco immediately
b. Call the disco’s security guard
c. Yell back at the local men
d. There is no way to defuse this situation
Answer: A. 10 pts

INSTRUCTIONS: Ask the PCVs to add up the points and score their fellow trainee’s quiz and return to
them. 80 points (80%) or better is a passing score. Collect the trainee’s scores.

Send the completed “SS TLO spreadsheet” (available on the intranet with the other SS PST materials)
with trainee’s full names and quiz scores to within one week of the end of
PST. Please label the completed spreadsheet with your post name and PST date.

Safety and Security Global Core Final TLO Assessment: June 2014

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