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Lane Turbyfill

LIS 693
Professional Development Plan

The next five years will be a time for change, both for myself and my school. My school
will soon be merged with another elementary school, taking the enrollment from 300
students to possibly close to 1,000 students. To prepare for this, I have created a plan
that will help alleviate the stress caused by this change for myself, staff, and students.
While the logistics for the new school have not been finalized, I hope that I will maintain
my position and will be involved in the planning.
Year 1: The Maker Movement
Finish my MLIS program at UNC Greensboro.
Co-lead a presentation at the Back To School Conference about Maker Ed,
focusing on tangible and visual coding as well as 3D Printing.
Lead a presentation on collecting and utilizing data from the new program
Achieve 3000 at the Back To School Conference.
Continue with the districts Maker Space and Maker Ed movement through taught
lessons with students, while discussing with administration about creating times
for student independent exploration of the library materials.
Attend professional development sessions offered by the district about Maker
Spaces and how to find funding for them.
Continue following Susan Wells on Twitter, leader of a professional development
this past year about Maker Spaces and an amazing resource for cutting edge
Attend conferences such as ISTE and NCTIES.
Year 2: Flexible Schedule and Collaboration
Continue to shift schedule towards one with more open access time. Current
model is completely fixed; new school will not be able to do this.
Request to be allowed to attend all grade level planning meetings so that I can
be a resource for the teachers.
Focus on collaborating with teachers to co-teach lessons in preparation for the
flexible schedule of the new school.
Work on building relationships with teachers to aid in this collaboration.
Create and maintain a Whats happening in the library? website so that staff
and students know whats available.
Important people to follow on Twitter include Donalyn Miller, Mr. Schu, Kylene
Beers, and Penny Kittle.
Year 3: The New School
Transition to the new school.
Establish the library program of the new Western Elementary School Library.
Work to create the collection, either from the merged resources or an opening
day collection.

Lane Turbyfill
LIS 693
Professional Development Plan

Work with the new administration to create Vision and Mission statements for the
library that will meet the needs of the staff and students as well as the
expectations of the administration and district.
Continue to offer Maker Space materials and lessons to students, making sure to
publicize them to students that may not know about them.
Maintain website in order to keep library activities and resources visible to all.
Join professional organizations and attend conferences, such as ALA and AASL,
to stay up to date on current library trends.

Year 4: Collaboration, Take 2

After working with the new staff for a year and learning how they work and what
they need, work on collaboration again.
Request to be in all grade level planning meetings, if not already.
Co-teach lessons with teachers, both in their classrooms and in the library.
Make the library a welcoming and inviting space that everyone can use.
Lead professional development at the staff, and possibly district level, about
creating an online presence using Twitter.
o Follow all teachers on Twitter to stay up to date with what theyre doing in
their classrooms.
Year 5: Outside Involvement
Work on strengthening the parental and community involvement in the school.
Welcome parents into the library to showcase student work, as well as share
information on how they can help their students and what resources are available
to them.
Work with community members to bolster funding for the library.
Share the library website with parents to make sure they are aware of it, as well
as the library Twitter.
Work on grant writing and apply for funding to continue the Maker Space

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