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7th Grade Course Syllabus

Saint Patrick Catholic School 2015 2016

Mr. Marquez
7th Grade Teacher
School Telephone: (818) 761 - 7363
School Fax: (818) 761 - 6349
Welcome to Middle School Science!!!
I am looking forward to a year of discovery, learning and growth. Middle school is a time of preparation for high
school and college. The skills you will learn here will be essential to your higher education. In order for you to
expand your knowledge and cultivate your skills, I have outlined the course expectations. Please look over each
portion and sign at the bottom that you have read through the rules and expectations.
Here are several strategies to help make you successful in this class:
- Always come to class prepared
- Do your homework every evening
- Pay attention in class and take notes
- Listen well, and participate in class discussions
- Dont be afraid to ask questions or to ask for help
- Always do your best
Class Goals:
To prepare students for various examinations.
To understand key concepts, principles, and theories of Math and Science as defined by the Common Core
Content Standards.
To practice scientific inquiry through scholarly, active learning.
To cultivate a love of Math and Science.
The basic guidelines for a respectful classroom community are:
1.) Be Respectful
2.) Be Responsible
3.) Be Safe
4.) Be Honest
5.) Be Your Best

Junior high students are expected to be F.A.I.R.:
Knows academic, personal, spiritual goals
Stays on task
Perseveres and keeps trying until reach goal

Actively listens to those who are speaking

Follows directions and rules
Knows what needs to be done
Participates in class and collaborates with others
Completes and turns in all work on time
Prays during Mass and on their own
Encourages others to do their best
Takes responsibility for their actions and inactions
Shares Gods love by treating others as they want to be treated

Materials Needed
1 Marble composition notebook
3 black or blue pens, 2 pencils
1 colored pen (red, green, orange, etc.)
1 box of colored pencils or crayons
1 set of washable markers
1 pack of 3x5 index cards
glue stick
positive attitude
During class we will be creating interactive notebooks that will allow each student the opportunity to show off their
individual skills. Students will become creative, independent thinkers and writers. Interactive notebooks are used for
class notes as well as for other activities where the student will be asked to express his/ her own ideas and process
the information presented in class. By the end of the year, each student will have a completed notebook that is
personalized and organizes all of the concepts covered throughout the year. Without the required materials presented
above, it will be difficult for each student to create his/ her learning experience in the manner that best suits their
Discipline and Conduct
I prefer to give positive reinforcement to students who have shown great behavior. Individual students will receive
virtual points using the Class Dojo app (www.classdojo .com). By earning these virtual points, students can earn
extra privileges, virtual badges, as well as enter into Scientist of the Month competition. The student that displays
the greatest progress in terms of behavior and academics will win: no homework pass, acknowledgement, note to
parents, and a letter from the principal that supports your accomplishments.
How to win points?
Students will have various opportunities to earn points when they complete the expectations of being F.A.I.R. :
being prepared (having classroom materials), following directions the first time, raising your hand, not leaving to
use the bathroom, participating in discussion/ group work, answering a question, completing bell ringer activity,
turning in homework, helping your partner, act of kindness, being organized, respecting others, standing up against
bullying, praying during class, and listening quietly to others.
- These are just a few examples of the opportunities presented in class that will allow you to earn points
for the day.
Opportunities for improvement
To maximize the amount of learning time during the school day, I will expect all students to come to class prepared,
on time and ready to learn. If you so choose to break a rule, this is what you can expect to happen:
1. Warning
2. Phone Call/ e-mail/ note home

3. Parent conference
4. Detention
5. Meeting with principal and parents
Students that do not act F.A.I.R. : are not on task, does not know the goal of the day, gives up on classwork/
learning, speaks while others or talking, does not turn in homework, treats others poorly with negative attitude or
Discipline is an aspect of moral guidance and not a form of punishment. The purpose of discipline is to provide a
school climate conducive to learning and one that promotes character development.
Discipline is maintained in a classroom or school when students work cooperatively with the principal, the teachers,
and their classmates towards the attainment of the class and school objectives. However, it should be noted that the
legitimate interest of the school extends beyond the school day and beyond the school hours
Here is a reminder of our school wide discipline policy:
Each major infraction will result in an after school detention of up to 30 minutes. And service charge fee of
Five infractions will result in suspension
Ten infractions will result in a second suspension and disciplinary probation (No participation in afterschool extracurricular activities/ class field trips, etc.)
Fifteen infractions will result in a third suspension and expulsion hearing
Bullying and Cheating
Such acts will not be tolerated. If either of those does occur, you will meet with the principal immediately. Please
remember bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived
power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions
such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a
group on purpose. Cheating is to act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage.
Procedures and Routines:
Beginning the class
Enter the classroom quickly, quietly, and on time. Remember that food, drink, gum, hats, and electronic devices are
not permitted in class. Sit down quietly. First we will Get right to work Copy the homework, the date and begin
your Bell Work. Once you are done with your Bell Work you may review your work or read quietly. After Bell
Work we will first pray, place our homework on our desk to be turned in, and review for the day.
Although homework only counts for 10% of a grade, it is an important factor in how well students do in class. All
homework must be turned in on time (during that class period) for full credit. It will be accepted only one day late
for half credit. After one day, it will no longer be accepted.
All homework that is to be turned in must be completed on college ruled paper that is 8 x 11 or it will not be
considered full credit (10 percentage point penalty). All assignments must have the correct headings to receive
Name and Student Number
Late work
Students will have the same amount of days they were absent to turn in their homework. Example: If a student is
absent 2 days, they will have 2 days after they return to complete the assignments.

Classwork will be assigned daily and will cover the current lesson or any prior lesson. Points will be determined
based on completeness and accuracy. In addition, notes and notebooks will be checked at random. If notebooks are
not organized or not marked appropriately, classwork grades will be negatively affected. Classroom participation
may also affect classwork grades.
Students will be given at least a 2-day warning in advance for test dates. Students will also be given either a study
guide or a verbal review as to what will exactly be on the test. In order to be successful, students need to understand
that a good portion of studying must be done at home. Also, students should review their work each day so that they
do not need to cram for tests.
Students may have to do individual or group projects. It is important that students turn these projects in on time as
they were assigned in advance. If students are absent, arrangements must be made (by the student) to ensure the
project is turned in by the end of the school day. A 10% point penalty will be given to projects turned in late (no
excuses). Students who were absent also must be ready to present their project that day they return. Like homework,
no project will be accepted more than 1 day late.
If students are doing a group project and are absent, they must inform their group members of their absence. Again,
the absent students part of the project must be turned in on time to receive full credit.
Graded Work
All graded work, including tests, will be sent home every Thursday with a cover letter that covers the students
work. Please be aware of this and make sure to read and sign the cover letter. All cover letters must be signed and
returned by the following Friday. This is also a great way to monitor your students progress so that there will be no
surprises on their report cards.
I am available for office hours for parents and students after-school from 3:15 pm 4 pm on Tuesdays and
Thursdays. If you need extra assistance, please let me know as soon as possible. If these dates do not work well in
your schedule, see me for an alternative time.
Please keep in mind that we have faculty meetings every Friday so I will not be able to meet on that day.
Students are not allowed to have cell phones in the classroom. They must be turned off and turned in to me every
morning. They will be kept in a locked closet until the end of the school day. The school is not responsible for any
missing, lost, or broken phones.
While every effort will be made to allow time for students to use the computer lab during class, they may need to
find time outside of class to use them. Students may use the computer lab after school. Students may also lose their
computer privileges at school if they do not use the computers for school purposes.
The local public library and/or community centers may also have computers that students may use for free outside of
school hours. Assignments that utilize computers or the internet will be assigned at least 2 days in advance so that
students can make arrangements to use a computer if they do not have one at home. All final copies of projects,
essays, and reports must be typed.
I reserve the right to make changes in classroom policies.

7th Grade Course Syllabus

We have read the policies outlined in the syllabus. We understand and agree
to follow the policies as set forth by the school and Mr. Marquez. We also
understand that these policies may change at any time by discretion of the
teacher and administration.
Please complete and return to Mr. Marquez on Tuesday, August 18th, 2015.
Student Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ________________
Parent/Guardian Name (please print):________________________________________________
Contact Phone number:___________________________________________________________
Contact Email:__________________________________________________________________
What is your preferred method of communication? (circle one)


I have read and understood the syllabus, rules and expectations, and grading policy of the 5th
grade class.
Students name (printed)


Students signature


Parents/Guardians name (printed)

Parents/ Guardians signature

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