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Omar Acha y Nicols Quiroga El hecho maldito: Conversacionces para

otra historia del peronismo (2012)


3 picadas: The first one, the domsticos, about the readings on

the democratization of welfare/about the stuck dominance
desire attributed to Peronism; the turbados is about the
investigations of cultural history and labor history in the first
Peronism; in salvajes the authors analyze some of the possible
challenges to the established (or normalized) trends of study on
Peronism, such as the ones posed by psychoanalysis.









historiografa argentina reciente

Sospechamos que la investigacin y narracin sobre el primer

peronismo se ha instituido como una prctica satisfecha de s
mesma (20). This is the process of normalization they talk

about. Would it be a consensus (homogeneous)?

An epistemological issue. It involves an operation of politics of

knowledge or of discourse.
Thomas S. Khun the existence of an exemplar model; this is
nurtured by other works in the same historiographical moment
and it draws a brief philosophy of history for the period and
topic it addresses; then, it starts to be considered as essential to
further investigations, constituting a precondition since it is
condicin de enunciacin de otros discursos; only then it

becomes invisible, multiplying its strength (24).

La democratizacin del bienestar de Juan Carlos Torre y Elisa
Pastoriza example of an effort towards a consensus over the
evolutionism of a view compromised with the social democracy
milestones. Its power is in its synthesis and condensation that
served to anchor and to legitimize a specific view on the first

Omar Acha y Nicols Quiroga El hecho maldito: Conversacionces para

otra historia del peronismo (2012)
Peronism. Its not a thesis; it works rather as the support

of new theses.
The author quote several authors, demonstrating how they









heterclitos, so superables en el sentido hegeliano. Uno hace

avanzar la historia hacia la integracin democrtica. El otro
produce una crisis, sin salida visible, en esa misma trama. For
the authors, the texts they quoted point out new possible
outcomes about Peronism, even being part of a normal body of

The reformist character of Peronism; it means a moving away
from the political radicalism that the historiography that

gravitates LDB follows.

For the authors, it is not clear what each social sector lost, and
what would cause the paranoia and the anxieties towards the
cabecitas negras; they emphasize the integration processes and
they leave aside totalitarian aspects of Peronism. For example,
there was not enough investigation on how the normalizacin
familiarista and the use of la justicia social by the populist
discourse produced an other that was not assimilable y

por lo tanto reprimible. Examples: amorales (34).

si hay algo que es neutralizado en la ciencia normal del area es
el asco y el odio suscitado por la ecuacin entre peronistas,
negros de mierda y trabajadores (34). Social history is aware
about class, gender and ethnicity, but it is easily eluded about
their roles in the moment of the construction of the historical

They suggest that there is an excess of historical objectivism,








anthropological/ethnographical approaches.
desublimacin de la historiografa (37): it involved the
desubjectivation of Peronism (what was attempted with Rosas,

Omar Acha y Nicols Quiroga El hecho maldito: Conversacionces para

otra historia del peronismo (2012)
his mazorqueros, negros, etc before). Interpretacin poltica de
la historia y las polticas de la interpretacin (Hayden White):
Sea desde una aspiracin a la contingencia de la historia o las
leyes de movimiento de la sociedad, ambas reducen el pasado
a un ente domesticado. Our historical narratives aim to steal
the sublime character from the past, which cannot work. There
was a neutralization process that was the precondition for

the integration of the past to the national history.

Several question such as ?La democracina liberal combinada
con el capitalismo moderado, la frmula de normalidad
implcita en la historiografa progresista, es el punto de lleagada
de los procesos histricos del siglo XX argentino? ?Ha integrado
el peronismo a los cabecitas negras, o ha convertido sus
imgenes en metforas de los entrentamientos intergrupales?

El resto y la ellipsis (40). The historiography forgets in the
shadow all that is not assimilable to the desire (Habermas) of
modern/plural integration, and what is unintelligible considering
the collection of notions held by the historians.

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