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1. Quiet Room Doc: (orange is for ISS, yellow is study hall, green is a substitute) Check in
frequently throughout the day. Katie Martin will contact you if something serious comes up or if
she sees a student more than once in a day. If Katie is absent, we will now have a sub in the
quiet room. During 6th grade lunch --if kids are there - they will go to side room in the
lunchroom -- then the dean walks them back to QR and waits.
2. Referral system: You will write referrals and call home for ISS and PAUSE and sometimes in
place of the teacher. Check the referrals daily. You have to sign off even if you havent
spoken with a student. Select your name, the date, and then click on complete. After you do
this, Katie will send the referral home.
3. ISS/PAUSE: When a student will miss class due to ISS or PAUSE, send out an email as
soon as you can to inform teachers and ask for work. Make sure to include the students
teachers, Kathy Saleck, Katie Martin, Brian and Tim and the students counselor. You can also
ask Katie Martin to write the email for you.
PAUSE: Call Brenna Jones at 6286 to see if there is space for the student. If not, talk to Tim or
Brian about what to do.
4. Lunch Detention: We assign lunch detention for minor behavior issues and for tardies. Use
the doc to keep it updated. You, Tim, and Brian will all check it during lunch and make sure the
students are in detention.

6. Student Note/Phone Log Document: I keep an on-going document of students I see and
parents I talk to. This way, you can search a students name or sort for a student to keep track
of incidents this year.
Isabelle Data Document

7. Bus Duty: Go to the bus doors at 7:30 to greet students. Then go either up to the second
floor or down to the first floor to do hall duty until the bell rings. After school, head out to the
buses, check in with buses if the drivers need you, then stand at the end and wait for Tim and/or
Brian to tell you that the halls are clear. Signal to the first bus that the buses can leave.


Admin Meeting- 8:30 am
Meet with Tim, Brian, Sandra, Mike and Erik, Chinda to discuss stuff going on. You will report on
any outstanding discipline issues, tardy data, and any questions you have.

Tardy Letters and Meetings

Kathys Tardy List

Every other Tuesday or DEAN PLC (9:15 in OGMS conference Room)

PST meeting
PST Doc 15-16
You are in charge of scheduling PST agenda when a counselor contacts you.
During the PST meeting, you take notes on the eRTI system, and the PST 15-16 doc.
care of what and when it is due. Then take a screenshot and email it to the PST team.
1.Send an email to everyone with the summary- I take a screenshot and email it out.
2. Update the team PST Intervention Docs. Then I send out an email to the team letting
them know that there have been updates.
3. ask stacey for the cord and doggle for projection

Husky Challenge
Go on the news and make announcements. Then do the Husky Challenge.
Post the question, answer, and Husky Challenge results on the window by the staff entrance to
the office
Tardy Data
At the end of the day, ask Kathy Saleck to print the tardy data for the week. She will give you a
Either after school or over the weekend, update the Tardy/Lunch doc. Only add students with 6
or more tardies to the doc.


Discipline Data
Use the Reports in the discipline system to get the months data. Make a copy of the google
doc and update for the current month.

Husky Pride Slips

1. Read off winners of jimmy johns- record on google doc and print off for secretaries
2. Use open students on flex days to sort HP slips so you dont have to. Have them
sort by grade and count them.

Sandra is A-J and DA
Mike is K-Z
Erik handles mediations and general ed social work stuff
Shelley is the special ed social worker

Flex Day Selections
Flex Day Class Options
Typically Day:

Bus Door (7:30)

Go through halls
YWLF -- if nothing is happening during Prime Time -- (fridays news - husky challenge - talk
about husky pride something)
When I can -- get in the hall a lot -- 6/2 and 7th grade.
Lunch Duty (pencils, collect slips)
Bus duty -- end of busses -- hold them until B and T tell me to let them go.

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