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Whiskey Creek Condo Association

General Membership Meeting

May 23rd 2015 - R Place
Board Members present: Jim Krupinski, Tim Snyder, Erik Bachman, Todd Miller, Harry Bourke, Greg
Gardner, Steve Parmeter
The meeting was called to order at 9:05 by Greg
A sign in sheet was passed around for establishment of a quorum. Currently we have 162 members and a
quorum is 57 members, we have 51 members are in attendance. We do NOT have a quorum established.
Greg announced for those members who are delinquent in their dues could attend the meeting but their
voice would not be heard nor would their vote count towards electing new board members.
W.C.C.A. apparel is being sold by the association. Thanks to Coleen and Rick Michaels for their efforts in
selling the apparel. All proceeds will be used for needy projects around the association. Orders can be
placed if interested.
Recognition of the rec committee, Donna OConnell, Celeste Kommer, Mandy Miller, and their guys and
Jean Budd and anyone else that has been missed for their outstanding efforts and all they do for us. Thank
you, thank you!
The weekend schedule was presented. Thanks to Ray & Mary Barrett for putting together the memorial
service. Thanks to the Pentwater VFW for their participation.
Many thanks were handed out;
The acreage clean up; Harry Bourke, Todd Miller, Hicks Family, Frank Snyder, Tim Snyder, Curt
Beenen, Steve Parmeter, Bob Blackport, Claude Dulyea and many others.
R Place; Mike & Donna OConnell, Frank Snyder all those who helped clean up the fell tree.
Brush Pile burning; Harry Bourke
R Place clean up; Harry and Carrie Bourke
The Bath House; Mike & Donna OConnell Gary Brady, Frank Snyder, Tim Snyder, todd miller, Mike
Kommer, Harry Bourke
Roads; Harry Bourke
Mower service; Frank Snyder
Grass mowing; those that helped out
The trail pass was rolled out explaining members need a sticker attached to their vehicles to the vehicles
they plan to run on the acreage. The purpose is to be able to identify the vehicles out there and those
without a pass should be questioned and if so, asked to leave and informed they are trespassing on private
New Members were welcomed.

GM Minutes of May 2014 were approved without objection. As a reminder, the minutes are not read in
the meeting. The minutes are posted on our website, emailed to all members on our distribution list and
posted on our bulletin boards for membership review.
Greg announced we have two vacancies this year; Greg Gardner and Steve Parmeter. The nominees were
called up and introduced themselves and presented their platform. Ballots were handed out.
Greg presented the 3rd amendment to our Master Deed as a clerical issue and was necessary to correct the
property lines callouts on lots 292 and 293.
Greg presented the state mandated accounting audit and tax filing. The hiring of a CPA to perform the
audit is not practical as the necessary work would need to be done by our Treasurer and the CPA would
simply file the audit/taxes at a fee of 4750 minimum and assume no liability of the audit. A vote was held
and passed to perform an in house audit.
Greg presented the health department is not issuing well or septic permits in phase III, the lots called out
in the 2nd amendment of our bylaws. Work is underway to get the situation clear up.
Jim reported our collections were ~95.9% for 2014 and 92.4% of the 2015 dues have been collected so
far. Jim reviewed the 2014 budget as compared to the actual expenses Click here for the 2014 budget vs
actual budget. Hats off to Jimmy for his work as the treasurer. We are inline with our budget numbers to
Rec N Crew presented a very nice slide show of the 2014 year in review. The budget report was
presented by Mandy;
Pizza Ovens: $548.47
Locking Cabinets: $212.00
Pavilion Concrete: $350
Supply Costs: $536
Food Costs: $2,300.00
TOTAL: $3,946.47

Beginning Balance: $932

Income: $3,014.47
Donations at events
Breakfast donations
50/50 Raffles/Poker Run
Craft Bazaar
Ending Balance:
Checking Acct: $752.71
Petty Cash:

Greg thanked the Rec n Crew for their efforts and contributions.
Steve presented the pond committee update stating weed control has been applied and presented the
budget report.
Greg presented a list of work items needing volunteers for including; Weed whipping, Mowing Lawn,
Painting the playground, Bath house cleaning, and Condo building cleaning.
Greg explained the 3rd trailer permit. For lots of acceptable size and approval of the board, a fee can be
paid to allow a variance of a 3rd trailer for either a half season or complete season.
The brush pile has been relocated off Sippy Road and out on our acreage.
Open Floor;

Thank you to our ballot counters.

Election results; Greg Gardner and Steve Parameter have been elected.
Tim announced the new officers; Greg Gardner is the President, Tim Snyder will continue as recording
secretary and Jim Krupinski will continue as treasurer.

Meeting adjourned at 11:15

Respectfully submitted

Timothy R Snyder

Recording Secretary W.C.C.A.

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