Method Statement For Execution of Jet Grout Columns Works - 2nd Comment

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16 APR 2015

Contract No. HY/2010/02

Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities- Reclamation Works



China Harbour Engineering Company Limited
19/ F, China Harbour Building
370-374 King ' s Road
North Point, Hong Kong


Attn : Mr Lim Kim-chuan

Title of Submission :

Method Statement for Execution of Jet Grout Column Works

CHEC's Submission RefNo.:

CH EC2 73 /CG S/003 3 59/ 8

CHEC's Outgoing Log No. :

CHEC/C273/0 1.17/011889

Our Ref:

21 I 036/(HY /201 0/02)/ M25/ll 0/8091 17

I refer to your submission dated 30 March 2015 enclosing the revised method statement for jet grout
column works (rev. 8). l note that a number of my previous comments have not been addressed in your
submission. Please see below my comments for your necessary action:l . General - The jet grout column works are proposed by you as remedial works after the excessive
lateral movements of the concerned cellu lar seawall structures . I note that you submitted a
remedial scheme for cells K047 to K052/053 using jet grout columns via your submission ref.
CHEC/CGS/003197/B on 6 March 2015 . However, your detailed design of the jet grouting works
and subsequent stages of temporary surcharging works is still outstanding as of today. Please
submit this for my review before your implementation of the jet grouting works, or otherwise you
are liable to risks of any abortive works should your remedial works design be amended in view of
my comments.

General - Please incorporate a section " Monitoring Instrumentation and Monitoring" detailing the
proposed instruments, the proposed monitoring frequency and respective AAA level limits and
actions. As the jet grouting works will involve the use of high pressure jet up to 400 bars, your
instrumentation monitoring works shall be carried out regularly to ensure that there will be no
adverse impacts on the existing cellu lar seawall structures due to the jet grouting works .
The two drawings as mentioned in your response table are solely layout plan of proposed jet grout
columns and existing monitoring instruments. Your proposal for the monitoring works as mentioned
in the preceding paragraph is still outstanding for the jet grout works and subsequent construction


General - Please clarify your sequence of jet grouting works, e.g. proceeding away from the cells,
fresh-in-fresh (consecutive) sequence or primary-secondary sequence, etc . in view of the setting and
hardening time and diameter of jet grout columns. The information cannot be found in Appendix
Has replied by you in your response table.


General - Please supp lement Graphical Working Procedures for jet grouting works (also see
comment item 23).

5. General - Please add a section to indicate the programme of the jet grouting works and related
information (e.g. plant deployment schedule, daily production, required cement supp ly rate, etc.)

Section I - The executi on of jet grouting columns is your proposed remedial works against
excess ive lateral movements of the concerned cellular seawall structures, instead of ground
treatment below the reclamation works. Please revise.


Section I - Site trial for jet grout columns with diameters other than 3m should also be carried out
to confirm and verify the operational parameters which should be controlled accordingly throughout
the installation process. You are required to submit a trial report together with the installation
records of the trial columns and your conclusion separately for my review.
Page I of 3

Contract No. HY/2010/02

Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities- Reclamation Works



China Harbour Engineering Company Limited
19/ F, China Harbour Building
370-374 King ' s Road
North Point, Hong Kong


Attn : Mr Lim Kim-chuan

Title of Submission :

Method Statement for Execution of Jet Grout Column Works

CHEC's Submission Ref No. :


CHEC's Outgoing Log No. :

CHEC/C273 /01.17/011889

Our Ref:

21 1036/(HY/2010/02)/M25/110/80911 7

Section 3.1 - Please clarify whether bleeding tests would be carried out as they are missing in
Section 5.4.


Section 4.2 . 1 -The spoil pits shall be fenced off by barriers with flashing lanterns and warning
signals .

I 0. Section 4.2.2 - You are required to submit calibration certificates of your installation parameters
recording device.
11 . Section 4.2.3 - You are required to submit a site trial report to justify that the design jet grout
columns can be formed satisfactori ly by your equipment and proposed operational parameters .
12 . Section 4.2.3 -P lease provide justification, such as ground investigation results, for your proposed
toe levels of jet gro ut columns indicated on drawing nos. CHEC/C273 /JGC/ SK/002,
CHEC/C273 /JGC/SK/003 and CHEC/C273/JGC/SK/004.
13. Section 4.2.3 - You are required to submit a trial report to demonstrate the correlation between
penetration rate and top level of alluvium layer. Please also clarify whether either one or both of
the termination conditions be achieved in order to confirm the top level of alluvium.
14. Section 4.2.4 - Please see my letter ref. 809087 providing comments on yo ur spoil treatment
15 . Section 4.2.5 - I note that you have installed 3m deep, 1m diameter jet grout columns at 3m c/c
spacmg to strengthen the reclamation work ing platform for your installation ngs.
supplement the details of this arrangement in the method statement.
16. Section 5.4 - The proposed co mpliant tests in this Section differ from your submission ref.
CGS/003429/A and B dated 1 Apr 2015 and 10 April 2015 respectively. Please c larify.
17. Section 5.4 - Please specify the testin g standard, procedures, frequency, qualification of testing
personnel, acceptance criteria, arrangement for non-compliant test results and provide sample of test
records . All the testing details shall be specified in the ICE certified working drawings.

18. Section 5.4 - Please clarify the reaso n of omitting bleeding tests which are recommended to be
tested daily according to Sec 9.3.8 of EN 12 716:200 1, the European Standard as specified and
proposed by yo u in Section 2 of the method statement.
19. Section 6.1 - The grou nd condition hould be inspected before mobilization of plant. The
requirements for working adjace nt to and/or on top of the newly completed jet grouting columns
should be specified. Please suppl ement the names of checking personnel and include samples of
inspection form in the method statement.
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Contract No. HY/2010/02

Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities- Reclamation Works


China Harbour Engineering Company Limited
19/ F, Chi na Harbour Building
370 - 374 King ' s Road
North Point, Hong Kon g


Attn : Mr Lim Kim-chuan

Title of Submission :

Method Statement for Execution of Jet Grout Column Works

CHEC's Submission Ref No.:

CHEC2 73/CGS/0033 59/ 8

CHEC's Outgoing Log No. :

C HEC/C273 /01.17/011889

Our Ref:

211036/(HY/2010/02)/ M25/110/B09117

20 . Append ix D - The Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) should be reviewed and endorsed by your
relevant responsible staff.
21. Appendi x D - Works items including the surveyi ng of initial ground level shortly before installation
of jet gro ut columns a nd testing of comp leted jet grout co lumn s (e.g. UCS) shou ld be inc luded in
the ITP .
22. A ppendi x D - Samples of installation record and should be included in the submissio n.
23. A ppendi x H- T he Graphical Work ing Procedures (GWP) should include every working step and
respective safety precaution measures. T he Activity Review Workshop was held on 3 l Mar 2015 ,
pl ease incorporate a ll findin gs I recommendations and revise the GWP accord ing ly.
Disc lai mer:My comments/responses above cannot be construed as a variation to the Works nor will it relieve you of your
responsibilities in compliance with the Contract requirements and design liabilities for yo ur alternative design
un: ess instructed otherwise by the Engineer in writing pursuant to GCC 60 as amended by SCC 81.

Attachments :No
( ./ Tick in appropriate box)



Reviewed without objection

Rev iewed without objection s ubject to comments
Reviewed w ithout objection subject to comments, please resubmit
Rejected, please resubmit

Signed by:

~ Jlu"j 1:/d/'""' I

The Engineer- Dr K K Yin






Roger Marechal
Engineer's Re prese ntati ve
Date: 15April201 5




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