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Trainers Page


Trainers Signup
Trainers Login
Trainers Profile
Trainers Summary
Trainers Content
Trainers Topic to be covered
Trainers Package
Subject Pricing

Companies Page
1) Company Signup
2) Company Login
3) Company Profile
Trainers Search (For Company)
a) Industry search
b) Topics
c) Language
d) Experience
e) Location
f) Price Band
Extra Requirements
1) Upcoming trainings can be booked. Click here for details
--------------a) Under details book (book my show)
2) Newsletters
3) Subscription to topics
4) Companies says please keep me posted for xyz topics
whenever it is going to happen
5) Company says keep me posted if xyz trainer is conducting any
6) Promotions for training/trainers
7) Company can save trainers and connect, via email or
messenger (linked in)
8) Confirmation of the connection should only be possible
through companies only not vice versa

1. Home Page
1. Trainers Search (For Company)

Industry search
Price Band

2. Search Result
a. Trainer ID
b. Headline (4-5 Words)
c. Short Summary (30 words)
d. Rating (Star and Feedback/Comments)
e. View Profile (Signup/Sign in)
f. Highlight already connected trainer(pin to top)
3. View Profile(Search Result after login)
a. Trainers ID
b. Headline
c. Follow trainer
d. Summary
e. Subjects/Topics
f. Subject Pricing
i. Course breakup individual pricing
g. Contact Details/Trainer
h. Enquiry Form
i. Feedback/Ratings (read & write)
j. Subscribe for newsletters
4. Companies Page
a. Company Signup
i. Company Name
ii. Contact Person
iii. Contact person number
iv. Email id
v. Company summary
vi. Password
b. Company Login
i. Email id

ii. Password
5. Company Profile
a. Company Name
b. Company Logo
c. Contact person
d. Contact Person Number
e. Email ID
f. Company summary
g. Industry
h. Topics
i. Add to list (trainers)
6. Trainers Page
a. Trainers Signup
i. Name
ii. Email ID
iii. Contact Number
iv. Password
b. Trainers Login
i. Email ID
ii. Password
7. Trainers Profile (After Trainers Login)
a. Trainers Summary
b. Photograph
c. Languages
d. Experience in Training (years)
e. Location
f. Industry
g. Trainers Content
h. Trainers Topic to be covered
i. Trainers Package
j. Subject Pricing
k. Boost Profile (Promote trainers profile)
8. Trainers open house events
a. Topics
b. Location
c. Course Summary/Course outline
d. Duration and Date
e. Boost Event (promote this event)
9. Events Page
a. Industry
i. Locations
1. Events


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