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Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was a revolutionary who

helped establish the Republic of Turkey. He was Turkeys
first president and his reforms modernized the country.
Reza Pahlavi was the king of Iran. He and Kemal have
similar leadership by having an attempt to modernize their
countries once they became the new leaders. Reza
Pahlavi, like Kemal, he established public school, built
roads and railroads, promoted industrial growth, and also
extended rights for women.
Southwest Asia had changed a lot due to nationalism
in their country. Hindu Indian National Congress and the
Muslim League are two groups that were form get rid of
the foreign rule in India. Both groups worked towards the
goal of national independence from British. The breakup of







economic interest in Southwest Asia spurred the rise of

nationalism in the region. Turkey became a republic in
1923 and Kemal became the president of the new
Republic of Turkey, the first republic in Southwest Asia.
Reza Shah Pahlavi set out to modernize his country. He
established public schools, built roads and railroads,
promoted industrial growth, and extended womens rights.
In 1935, he changed the Persia to Iran. Saudi Arabia also
held strictly to Islamic law. The newly found petroleum

supplies change the new nations in Southwest Asia by

creating trade routes, led to the exchange of ideas, and it
also bought new oil explorations to Southwest Asia.
Petroleum is one of the most important resource that led
Southwest Asia to a rapid and a dramatic economic
changes and development because oil brought huge
profits and more power to the country.
The United Nations have been involved in many
problems that had occurred in the Middle East since 1947.
Some problems have been solved, while some was still
unsolved problems that still concern us until today. I
believe that every country wanted to be able to govern
themselves and their peoples. No one would like to be
control by other countries. During the period after World
War One, Palestinians and Jews were fighting over the land
they believed they should get and the result is that both
received half of the lands (the Israel received more lands).
Israel was set up by Jews and was once attacked by the
Arab on 1949. Around that time there were several
Palestinians who lived in the refugee camps nearby Israel
and Arab. Their living condition werent good at all so the
UN came up with a solution to solve this problem by
organizing the UNRWA to deal with the refugees and
provide them clean water and supplies. Israel helped
British and France in attacking the Suez Canal in Egypt.
The UN then came up with a solution by establishing the
UNEF or the United Nation Emergency Force the conflict

between the Israelis and the Egyptians. The attack from

France and British was very hard that makes the UN
unable to handle the situation so America came up with a
way to stop this by threatening the two countries to stop
attacking the Suez, or else they will stop the oil supplies.
The problem had not been solved yet when Israel began to
attack Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq, but the war didnt
last long when the Security Council decided to cease-fire.
This also leads us to a Resolution 242, which its main goal
is to restore peace. Later, they also established another
resolution strategies, which is the Resolution 338. As you
can see, the UN was trying there best in order to maintain
peace in the Middle East since the beginning. They have
established so many solutions to these problems, like the
UNRWA, CCP, UNEF, Resolution 242, Resolution 338, and
many more. In my opinion, I think a not every solution and
strategy works. Some of the strategy doesnt work well
and didnt help solve the problems. The UN should have
divided the lands for Palestinians and Israelis fairy and
equally because it wont cause a future effect on both if
one dont get more. I really like the UNRWA solution
developed by the UN to help the Palestinians because
many people were able to survive with the help of the
UNRWA. To conclude, I think the UN is very important
because they give advice and guidelines on how to
prevent conflict between each country. It also seems to
promote peace and stands for other countries. They also
provide chances for countries to cooperate and make

connections with each other.

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