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Stimulus = information from the surrounding
Impulse = a reaction of nervous system to a stimulus
electric signal that travels along the nerves
Adequate stimulus = the stimulus a certain sense organ is most sensitive to
Sense organs
- nose
- ears
- eyes
- skin
- tongue

Adequate stimulus
feeling (touch, temperature)

Threshold value = the lowest intensity of a stimulus that can cause an impulse
Habituation = getting used to a stimulus after a while
Nervous system consists of central nervous system, and the nerves
Central nervous system = spinal cord + brain

Skin = three layers
(1 is upper layer, 3 is lowest layer)
1. Epidermis
1) Corneal layer
- dead cells
- protects against damage and micro-organisms
2) Basal layer
- living cells
- produces cells cells dry out (cornify) and go to the corneal layer
2. Dermis
- receptor cells (cold, warm, pressure)
- nerves
- blood vessels
- sweat glands
- pain receptors
3. Subcutaneous layer
- layer of fat
for isolation and storage

Calluses = toughened skin because of a lot of wear

Smell = adequate stimulus of nose
Roof of nasal cavity has olfactory epithelium = contains smell receptors
Cilia = small hairs on smell receptors send impouls when stimulated by smell
Tongue = for taste
Tongue = covered in papillae
Papillae = contain taste buds detect sweet, sour, salty, and bitter tastes

Ear = 3 parts
- outer ear
- middle ear
- inner ear
Part you can see = auricle
Sound is = series of waves
- long waves = low sound
- short waves = high sound
- the more energy = the louder the sound
Frequency = in Herz (Hz)
Volume is in decibel (dB)
Sounds above 130 dB damage ear
Sound goes through your ear like this:
auricle ear canal eardrum | ossicles oval window | cochlea auditory
nerve brain
Eustachian tube = tube between ears and nose
Sense of balance is also found in your ears.

Eye = detects light provides sight
Eyebrow keeps moisture from running into your eyes
Eyelashes protect eye from dirt and bright light
Tear glands produce tear fluid keeps eye moist and clean
Eyelids spread tear fluid
Tear drain away from eye through tear ducts
Inside eye:
Sclera gives eyeball white colour
Cornea = transparent layer on eye lets light through
Choroid supports eye of nutrients and oxygen
Iris = coloured part of eye
Retina = made of light sensitive cells translate light into impulses
Fovea = specialised for seeing things with sharp focus
Blind spot no sensory cells
Lens focusses light rays on retina
Much light pupils become smaller (narrow ) because too much light can a
---------damage eyes
Dim light pupils become wider (dilate) let more light in so you can see

Nervous system = made up of nerve cells (a.k.a. neurons)
Nerve cells = made up of cell body and nerve fibres
Cell body has nucleus
Nerve fibres transmit impulses
Dendrites (type of fibre) brings info to cell body
Axons (type of fibre) brings info away from cell body
Three types of nerve cells:
- Sensory neurons
carry the impulses from sensory organs central nervous system
cell bodies close to central nervous system
- Motor neurons
carry impulses from central nervous system muscles + glands
- Interneurons
transmit impulses within central nervous system

Alcohol, drugs and medicine influence nervous system
Effects of alcohol on teenagers:
- brain development and skeletal development are disturbed
- alcohol lowers performance level at school
- safe sex is forgotten
- accidents and injuries when drunk in traffic
- black-outs
- alcohol poisoning leading to nervous system not functioning coma or death
Types of addiction:
- psychologically dependent:
need alcohol to feel comfortable
- physically dependent:
body does not function properly without alcohol

Endocrine system = endocrine glands
Endocrine glands produce hormones
Hormones = substances that coordinate bodily processes
Insulin and Glucagon = produced by islets of Langerhans
produce insulin and glucagon regulate glucose level in blood
Diabetes = islets of Langerhans not able to produce enough glycogen

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