Or Assignment 4

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Operation Research

5th Semester (Mechanical)

Assignment : 4
Unit : 4

Uka Tarsadia University, Bardoli

1) A service station has five mechanics each of whom can service a scooter in 2
hours on an average. The registered single counters and then sent for
servicing to different mechanics. Scooter arrives at the service station at an
average rate of 2 scooters per hour. Arrival and service is Poisson and
exponentially distributed respectively. So find out utilization factor and
probability that system shall be idle.
2) Amul Pistons pvt. Ltd. Manufacture the pistons. The pistons arrive at buffing
(super finishing Machine) at a rate of 12 per hour. There is one machine
complete the work at a rate of 30 per hour. Find
What is probability that there is no piston in the machine counter?
What is probability that there are more than 2 pistons in the
3) Arrival at a telephone booth are considered to be Poisson distribution with an
average time of 10 minutes between one arrival and the length of the phone
is exponentially distributed with mean 3 minutes. Calculate:
the probability that an arrival finds that four person are waiting for
their turn
average number of person waiting and making phone calls
4) At Batliboi pvt. Ltd.(Manufacturer of Machine tools) Past records indicate that
of five machines that a factory owns, break downs occur at random and
average time between break downs in 2 days. Assuming that repairing
capacity of the workman is one machine a day and repairing time is
distributed exponentially, determine following.
Expected length of queue
Expected no. of machine waiting to repaired or being repaired
5) In TATA nao plant, sanand assume, an average,5 nano car reach at paint shop
every hour, Determine the probability that exactly 3 nano car will reach in a
30min period, assuming that arrival follows Poisson distribution.
6) A television repairman finds that the time spent on his jobs has an
exponential distribution with a mean of 30 minutes. If he repairs sets in the
order in which they came in, and if the arrival of sets follows a Poisson
distribution approximately with an average rate of 10 per 8 hour day, what is
the repairmans expected ideal time each day?
7) A manufacturing company has determined from an analysis of its accounting
and production data for certain part that its demand is 9,000 units per annum
and is uniformly distributed over the year,cost price is Rs 2 per unit, and
ordering cost 40per order and inventory carrying cost is 9% of inventory
8) Determine

C. G. Patel Institute of Technology, Bardoli

Maliba Campus

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Operation Research
5th Semester (Mechanical)
Assignment : 4
Unit : 4

Uka Tarsadia University, Bardoli

Economic order quantity,Optimum numbers of orders per annum,Reorder

8) Wholesalers supplied 30 stuffed dolls each day to various shops. Dolls are
purchased from manufacturer in lots of 120 each at Rs 1200 per lot. Every
order incurs a handling charge of Rs 60 plus freight charge of 250 per lot the
incremental cost is .60 per year to store doll in inventory. The whole seller
finances inventory investment by paying its holding company 2% monthly for
borrowed funds. What is economic order quantity and frequency of ordering
during the inventory cycle?
9) Define
Traffic intensity
10 Define transient and steady state in queuing system.
11 What are the basic characteristics of a queuing system?
12 Explain Kendalls notation.
13 If the customer has decided not to enter in the queue because of huge length
then what it is called?
14 Give the formula for probability of n units in the system under single server,
FCFS discipline.
15 Write Littles formula.
16 What are the limitations for application of queuing model?
17 What do you understand by a queue? Give some important applications of
queuing theory.

Explain the model 1 (M/M/1): (/FCFS).

Explain the model (M/M/C): (/FCFS).
Explain the model (M/M/1): (N/FCFS).
Explain the probability distribution in queuing system.
Explain the structure of the Queuing system.
Give the Classification of queuing models.
What is the ultimate objective of any inventory model?
State two types of inventory model.
Write the steps of inventory building.
Write short notes on relevant inventory cost.

C. G. Patel Institute of Technology, Bardoli

Maliba Campus

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