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And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall

not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. [Luke 4:4]


It seems that in our busy day-to-day lives, we spend a lot of time and give a lot of attention
to a wide variety of information sources. We are now able to keep up with news from around the
world, 24 hours a day. We can check to see who has written what on various social media
channels. We check our emails several times a day. We can evaluate the status of our checking
accounts and our credit cards immediately through the Internet. And we can look to see what
changes in weather might be in the forecast. None of these activities are wrong in and of
Much of the information that we gather is information that helps us to live out our daily lives
successfully. However, having said this, I daresay that the most important source of information
by which a person might live a fulfilled, blessed, and satisfied life is far too often and altogether

Jesus was quoting Moses when He stated that man should not live by bread alone. What did
He mean by this statement? He simply meant that although natural food was important to the
natural well-being of any person, it was even more important that an individual live his life
guided by the Word of God, the Bible. This would make the Bible by far the most important
source of information pertaining to life that is available to the human being.


I fear that most modern-day Christians, much less the unsaved, spend hardly any time
reading, learning, defining, or applying the Bible to their everyday lives. Yet Jesus Himself said
that the Word of God held the answer to our daily needs.
As Christians, we must learn what God has to say about our everyday situations. I have
heard some say that the Bible is no longer relevant or applicable to the needs of modern man.
There has never been a bigger lie stated!
The Bible holds the key to mans relationship with God. It tells how to enter that
relationship, how to maintain that relationship, how to be blessed through that relationship, and it
explains how to be spiritually transformed into the person that God desires us to be.

The Bible teaches us what help from God is available during our earthly sojournguiding
us in the way of holiness and righteousnessand prepares us to be able to exhibit the kind of life
that glorifies our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Whenever I am troubled and dont know which way to turn, I look for an answer or a
direction from the Word of God. Morning after morning, as I sit down to read it, I bring the
needs that are weighing on my heart before the Lord and ask the Lord to use His Word to direct
my steps, attitudes, and actions. He has always directed me through the concepts, precepts, and
statutes found in His Word.
But, if we pay no attention to Word of God, if we refuse to become a disciplined Bible
reader and trust in other available sources to guide us, then the ever-changing challenges of life
can very quickly become the most difficult experiences.

Pilgrim Outreach Ministries

. . . go ye into all the world and preach the gospel . . .

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