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Psychology :: I Year
Paper III :: Personality
UNIT I : Introduction Definition of Personality Determinants of Personality Personality
UNIT II : The Psychoanalytic Approach: Introduction to Structure, Development and Dynamics of
Psychoanalytical Theory. Freud, Jung and Adler.
Sigmund Freuds Psychoanalytical Theory Carl Jungs Analytic Theory
Adlers Social Psychological Theory
Erikson Contemporary Psychoanalytical Theory
UNIT III : Type and Trait Approach: Sheldon Type Theory, Cattels Trait Theory, Eysencks Biological
Trait Theory, Allport Trait Approach.
UNIT IV : Humanistic Approach: Maslows Hierarchical Theory of Human Motivation. Assumptions
about human nature . Carl Rogers Person centered Theory. Structure, dynamics and development of
personality. Concept of Counselling.
UNIT V : Behaviourist Approach: Dollard and Millers Stimulus Response Theory The structure,
Dynamics and development of S-R-Theory. B.F. Skinners operant conditioning The structure,
dynamics and development of personalityAlbert Bandura Social Learning Theory.
1. Hall C.S. & Lindzey. G. Theories of Personality 3rd Ed. Newyork. J. Wiley &Sons
2. Caloin S. Hall, Gardner Lindzey, John B. Compbell Theories of Personality, John Wiley & Son
(Fourth Ed).
3. Elizabeth B. Hurlock- Tata Mc. Graw Hill - Personality Development.

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