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WRITING SECTION INSTRUCTIONS (30-MINUTE TIME LIMIT) + The examiner wil have already provided you a writing answer document on which to write your essay. Make sure you have filed in your name, your signature, your birthdate, and your registration number. + DONOT write your essay in this test booklet. Write your essey on the answer document you have been provided + Use a #2 (soft) pencil only, + You will have 30 minutes to write on one of the two topics. If you do not write on ane of these topics, your paper will not be scored. + You may make an outline if you wish, but your dutiine will nol count toward your score. + Write about one-and-a-half to two pages. Your essay will be marked down if is extremely short + Extra sheets of paper or scratch paper will not be scored. Pleaes use only the space provided on the answer document to write your essay. * You will nat be graded on the appearance of your paper, but your handwriting must be readable. You may change or correct your writing, but you should not resapy the whole essay. + Your essay will be judged on ciarty and overall effectiveness, as well as on topic developmant, organization, and the range, accuracy, and approprieteness of your grammar and vocabulary. TOPICS 1, Most movies playing in theaters the world aver have been made in Hollywood. Why is it that Hollywood films have always been so popular? Why is it that movies from other countries have not gained the came popularity? Give reasons to support your views. 2 Imorder to succeed and to be really good al something (Ie. sports, music, mathematics, ete. , both talent and hard work are essential, But af the two, which is more important? For example, is it Possible for someone to fail at something despite having talent? Support your views with examples. When you have selected your topic, remember to fil in “1* or “2” in the ECPE Writing Response box in the front of your writing answer document Please observe silence, Do not leave the room during the time period, Remember, you have 30 minutes to complete your essay, | CAMBRIDGE MICHIGAN LANGUAGE ASSESSMENTS (CaMLA) - ECPE LISTENING SECTION INSTRUCTIONS This is a test of your ability to understand spoken Enalish. The listening section has three parts. There are 60 questions. Mark all your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not make any stray marks on the answer sheet. If you change your mind about an answer, erase your first answer completely Part 1 In this part, you will hear short conversations. From the three answer choices, select the answer which means about the same thing as what you hear, ar is true based upon what you hear. For example, listen to the convarsation: Example (listen): a, Their quests always seem to be late, b. Their guests failed to show up. Their guests naver show up. ‘The correct answer is a. For probiems 1 through 15, mark your answers on the separate answer sheel. No problems can be repeated. Please listen carefully. Do you nave any questions? 1, a. He's already had a piece. 9. a. They're going for a walk, b. He certainly will have pizza. b. He wants to know the time. c. He's not going to have pizza ©. It’s to0 late to go out. 2. a. They can’ttake a taxi 10. a. She didn't nelp enough, b. They're reluctantly taking a taxi b. He's very appreciative. ©. They're going to take the bus. c. He needs more help. 3. a. Sho wants the photo of the office 11. @, She hasn't met Jim. b. Theyil go to the meeting together. b. They both think Jim's clever. c. She wants the photo of the forest. ©. Others are more clever, 4, a. He's been told to be more active. 12. a. He isn't ahard worker b. He sill needs to rest b. She's forgotten the exam, ©, They're going to play tennis. . He'd rather study. 5. a. Theyre going to stop. 13. a, The packages are on the way. b. She doesn't want to stop, b. He now has the packages. c. Thay don’t mind driving ©. They will be mailed soon, 6. a. He really hates camping. 14, a. Pete and Mary always disagree. b. They enjoyed camping, , Pete and Mary never come round. c, Theyre going camping soon. ©. Pete and Mary are never together. 7. a. He walked into Bills office 15. a. They always have dinner together. . Bill is visiting his brother. b. He wants to cancel their date. ©. Bill resembles his brother. . They're having dinner this evening. a. He's lit a cigarette. b. The room smells bad. . She wants to come in, pracrice vests > SECM Part 2 In this part, you wil hear a question, From the three answer choices given, choose the one which best answers the question, For example, listen to the question: Example (listen) a. | don't think it has @ good sound. b. Yes; and in fact, maybe you should take it ©. You're right; it's terrible, ‘The correct answer is b. For problems 16 through 35, mark your answers on the separate answer sheet, No problems can be repeated, Please listen carefully, Do you have any questions? 16. a. Just push this button b. I guess | forgot to turn them off . You can use the one on my desk. 17. a. Sure, in fact I'l save them for you 1'm glad you enjoyed them, ©. Yes, |'m finished watching them, 18. a. There will be other times. b. Okay, we can leave now. c. Yes, I've been looking for i. 19. a. No, but I get therm later . Okay, Il buy them, No, Ive had them for ages 20. a. | had to finish some things b. I came by bus, . Sorry, I'm late, 21, a. Yes, it was awful . I'm playing this game . I'll have time later. 22, a. Last night. b. Yes, we stay home often. c. Just about once a week 23. a. Yes, he is quite late . b. Gall him and find out. No, he wouldn't 24, a, No, Ill be okay, b. Yes, | did everything, ©. You can do it alone, 25. a. Yes, they are, b. Yes, i's over. ©. | guess they fell 26, 2. 28 29. 30, 3t. 32, 33. 34 36 Whas its drawbacks. For several years, When do you want to start?. ‘Yes, I've had a very tiring day, On the contrary, I find it very useful Sure, you can use it later, ‘You know he wor't apologize, Yes, | did. | will when | s09 him, Yes, I¢ realy appreciate No, because you might catch a virus. Just as you would for your computer. Yos, I've had it for six months. No, but I'm still hopeful Yes, It is worth it Yes, they speak Enelish. Yes, but they're immigrants, . im not English, either. Vm not used to it yet. Yes, | prefer the city . Igo! fed up with the traffic. No, but I'm stil trying 1've been planning to go for years Iwas great 1. Okay, Il call to cancel, Why aren't you up yet? Its not up to me, either. Ihave no reason to. . Only when I'm home. Yes, | locked it as | left 4 CAMBRIDGE MICHIGAN LANGUAGE ASSESSMENTS (CaMLA) - ECPE Part 3 [7 this part. you will hear three short segments from a radio program. The program Is called “Learning from the Experts.” You will hear what three different radio guests have to say about three different topics. Each talk lasts about three minutes. As you Fsten, you may want to take some notes to help you remember information given in the talk. Write your notes inthis test booklet After each talk, you will be asked come guestions about what was sald. From the three answer choices given, you should choosa the one that best ‘answers the question according to the information you heard. Rememter, no problems can be repealed. For problems 36 Separate answer sheet. Do you have any questions? SEGMENT 1 ‘Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. 36. According to the information, what is true about the Population of Beijing from 1950 to 19907 @ It almost tripled. b. It grew by 25 percent, © I became four times larger. 37. Why did people choose to leave smaller towns? a. Iwas easier to find cheap accommodations b. They were young and professional. c. They wanted batter jobs. 38. Whet sort of person typically moves away trom the city? a, Someone who is well-off b, Somecne with professional worries ©. Aperson demanding improved services 38. According to the Information, what are the media tending to emphasize? . Professional opportunities available in cities b. Problems one is likely to encounter in citios ©. The improvements mast cties are experiencing 40. What seem to be the most important reasons to move to a small town? a, Better environment for family b. Professional opportunities c. Entertainment opportunities LISTENING through 50, mark all your answers on the White notes here. practice Teor o + SEC SEGMENT 2 Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Write notes here. 41, What seams to be one important reason / professional women cannot stop thelr careers? / a. They need to increase their qualifications. b. They have more commitments than man, | ©. They have really good incomes, 42. What is one way professional women can combine raising chidren and working? a. Customers and clients can visit women at home. b. Working women can stay et home while ‘exploiting tecnnology. ©. Working women can bring their kids into the office. 43, What is Professor Sanchaz’s view on flextime? a. She feels ambivalent. . She thinks i's the best solution ©, She's completely against it 44, What disadvantage will a woman working from home have? ‘a. Working for up to ten hours al a time , Problems cropping up at home ©. The inability to handle an emergency 45. Ofall the proposals mentioned, which one is the best? a. Nearby daycare faciliies b. Daycare facilities at the workplace ©. Aflexible working schedule {CAMBRIDGE MICHIGAN LANGUAGE ASSESSMENTS (CaMLA) - ECPE SEGMENT 3 ‘Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. 46. What is it that does not change, thanks to chemicals? a. The way a food feels b, Afood's genetic construction ©. The way foods are siorad 47. According to the speaker, what do consumers seem to worry about? a. Foods going bad b. Foods that damage our liver ©. The safety of chemical preservatives 48. According to the information, what sorts of food can sugar help preserve? a. Fruits and vegetables b. Meats ©. Fish 49, According to the speaker, what are the Romans famous for? a. Introducing the use of salt b. Preserving fish with emoke ©. Salting their fish to preserve then 50. How does smoke prevent meats from rotting? a. Ithelps important bactetia to survive, b. Itkills perms that destroy meat. ©. It prevents insects from damaging meat. Write notes hero, GRAMMAR 51, After dining ‘oest beef and vegetables, 58. | can't decide my grandmother for her ‘guests will have their choice of dessert birthday, 2 about a. what do I get b. for b. I'm gatting © on ©. What to get 4 to d. about getting 52. “Have you ever seen an avocado?” 59. We should call Mary to see tothe that its green.” movies with us. a. All know . a. if'she came BAIL know is b. If she'd like to come © Besides knowing . that she'll come 4. | know all about 4, about corring 53, We want that each clent our offices 60. | spent all day this meal, 50 | hope you satisfied with our service. Ike it a. toleave 3. proparing b. who leaves b. prepare cleaving ©. for preparing 4, leave @. when | prepared 54. The people running that new bakery are so 61. “One third of all people on our planet have no Successful that they can't bake bread access to sefe drinking water.” a. so fast “lienow, end i's @ shame should be b. too fast ‘allowed to happen.” ©. fast enough @ forthat d. faster b, about that that that 55. Economists start worrying when d. which that confidence starts going down since it means people stop spending money! 62. “Ihad a greet time with Steve last night” &. consumption ‘Yes, Steve Is one of the most enjoyable b. consumer people : ©. consuming a lobe with d, consumed b tobe © can be with 56. “I want to go to the movias." d. bewith them t that’s what | want to do too." a. Enough of a coincidence 63, “Why do you want to call the police?" b, Coincidentally enough “Because I'm sure someone around c, The coincidence here lately.” d. Coincidental enough a. steals b. to steal 57. “The earth has an Ice Age every ten thousand ©. has been stealing years.” d. has been stolen what you're saying, we should be having another one any time now" 64, | stil smoke but not as much as | a. The basis of a, amused to b. On the basis of b. amused to dong } ©. By basing . used 4, The base for d. used to pracrice Testo > TT 66. 67, 68 60. 70. GRAMMAR Don't you think you shauld be doing something 72 better with your time __ that stupid computer game? a. instead of playing b. rather than you play €. $0 a8 not to play d._ than play 73. They live in @ poor neighborhood, so no ane could imagine just a. how are they rich b, they are rich how rich they aro how they are rich 74, “Vd like a ticket for Boston, please,” “Sorry, but there's only one bus _in the afternoon.” a. and its leaving b. toleave cc. leaves d. which leaving 75. “When wil John get here?" “His ‘some time before six” fe. plan of arriving b. planning to arrive . planned arrival 6. plan is to arrive “Did you get the job?" 76. “Although my interviow went really well 1 still wasn’t hired so | hired they hired me stil didn't hire me “Deo you lke your new office?" Ws a bit small, but | guess suits me fine tsa fine suit for me suits to me suits fine for me 78 Bill has told me his new address, but | seem to it a. have been forgetting b. forget cc, be forgetting d. have forgotten | dor't know if we've done wail cn the exam So the only thing we can do is b c d Al public figures and political leaders should be their actions, held accountable for hoiding accountable held with accountability accountable about “finally washed the car yesterday.” “Well, that's something you have done last week. may must would should “Helen said she was away yesterday because she was sick.” “L hope you be taken In by her lies a. didnt let yourself b. not lot yourself didn't fet you d, not to I'ltell you everything I've planned for the weekend lunch. a, for b. on ©. about d. over ddim is getting married to a aint since he was in high school a. he has known het b. he has known cc. who has known d. knowing her My doctor's Is that | join a fitness club. a. recommend b: recommending c, recommendation d. recommended 4. CAMBRIDGE MICHIGAN LANGUAGE ASSESSMENTS (CaMLA) - ECPE 79 80, ar 82 83, 84, 85. "Our phone bill was over $200!" "Yes, and there's : &. no excusing for b. no excuse for ©. not excusing d. not excuse I want you to do somewhere else, a. as|amteling b. what you told ©. as you're told d. you are told oF you can get a job ‘The old furniture factory is no longer but there are plans to conver it into a shopping center. a. inuse b. using ©. tobe using & touse Do you really believe be higher finas for people who drive dangerously? 2. should there b. that should be c. there should ©. it shoule Reading the news on the Intarnet ie no differant if you were reading it in a newspaper. about b but then das Itnakes no difference to me it's sunny outside or not; | aways go jogging, a. when whether either even feeling sick, I'm really tired today. Besides Although In adition Not only 86. 87, 88, 89, 90, "0 really like to come to your party, because | have so much homawork to do, a. Ican't b. norcan | c. cant d. but | can't Only when you stop smoking beable to get into better physical condition a. you will b. will you then you wil) you wil then | know Pete made a request, but I just don't recall what a. was that by itwas that c. was d. wasit he wants us to do. | really don't feet like tonight, so Fi stay home and watch TV. 8. going anywhere b. going nowhere ©. to,go somewhere d. to have gone The doal the union representatives and management includes a three percent Increase in salaries, a. has struck b. that struck by that’s on strike d. struck by i) ‘ 8 3894 Gone PRACTICE TEST 8 ‘This passage is about a disorder sometimes suffered by stroke vietims. Anosognosia is a batfiing disorder in which 91, a. must ©. possibly ‘someone who has suffered a stroke does not b. may sivour admit to any discomfort resulting trom that stroke. 2: 95 wextieten €& disturbance: ‘The anosognosic _(91)_ be paralyzed on one side b. anguish d. awareness Of his body, but he wi not reveal any stressor ggg aunty foil | mental _{92)_ because of his handicap b. and 4. exclusively } (One interesting point is thal anosognosia | 94. a. meaning &. whom is suffered _(93)_ by paople paralyzed on the i when cto l| left side of the body, Because anosognosia is not | experienced by stroke victims suffering from right- eer F pod | side paralysis, for _{94)_ the left side of the brain. has been damaged, it cannot be psychological 96. a. obviously , becoming | in_{85)_. Anosognosia is _(96)_ the result of bealso Cd neurological damage to the right side ofthe brain, 97. a, Like «. Ganarally which leads to let-side paralysis. _(97)_ all stroke When Seine Vietims with right-side brain damage (98) left 96. a. suffer ame side paralysis, anosognosies cannot use Imbs on with 4. or their loft side, _(99)_ do they parceive any of their whew eee. {eft side in space, Neurologicaly, itis the brain’s b. rarely 4. nor fight hemisphere that is responsible for perceiving 400.4. which a ! all sensations _(100)_ from our left side. foare @. ariginating | | i | 4 CAMBRIDGE MICHIGAN LANGUAGE ASSESSMENTS (CaMLA) - ECPE This passage le about the fight against cancer. A great deal of research has been conducted on finding a cure for the many different types of cancer which plague humanity, Despite this research and the _(101)_ of dollars which have been spent, cancer tenaciously (402) to be widespread everywhere around the world, In many counties, the 1103) of cancer is actuelly on the rise. Contrary to what would be oxpactod, this is_(104) the case in countries like the United States and France, where cancer research (s at ite _(105)_advancod stages. ~1106)_ research has been conducted on cancer _(107)_ on any other disease, (108) AIDS, and many once lethal forms of cancer are ow curable. In addition, paople are more health conscious and are always on the _(108)_for carcinogenic ingredionts in foods and beverages. This _(110) . itappears that cancer is much more insidious than people realize and much more dificult to eradicate, 101. 102 103, 104, 108. 107. 108 109, 110. many billions used continues number consequence as rot most extreme Some Enough than rot and including look-out watch however matior clot d. billion believed d has incidence d. cause cust d. even vey doo Much d. More or a. on ©. regarding d, from & guard outlook ©. notwithstanding d. means practice rests > STERN 411 112 113, 4 15, 16 117. VOCABULARY ‘We must not violence. 2 Involve b. resolve cc. restore 6. ascertain ‘our disputes through Bill was from his epartment because he wasn't paying his rent a. evicted b. released ©. discharged 4. revoked We all started because we felt so cokd. a. trembling b. swaying ¢. squandering 4. swerving Helen several hours a day to her butterfly collection, a. spends b. attributes 6. devotes d. withholds This tray is _which has belonged to my family for several generations. a. a remembrance an heiroom © aremainder 4. alet-over Wyoucan't____your tie, then you may have to get a new one. a, unfurl b. inflate c, Infitate d, expand Ifyou have any doubt with regards to my innocance, I'd like to hear t a. questionable b. consecutive c. legal d. reasonable 8 119, 120, 124 122. 123, 124, You should try to be a little more with how you spend your manay. a. hearty >. prudent °. confined a. miserable We're just because we hear i's fantestic place to visit a. persuading b. wondering c. guessing d. aching The journalist her claims with solid reat. a, made up b. held out . backed up d. putin | stopped going to Ice hockey games because | don't like the way players are always and fighting. brimming bribing brawling brolling I'll make you a sandwich as soon as there's break = commercial an advertising an information @ promotional apge Milions of people worldwide are with, AIDS. a. inflicted b, afflicted ¢. conflicted d. invoked Most. medicines are fortunstely covered by our health insurance plan. a. over-the-top b. over-the-counter ©. off-track d._under-the-table 4. CAMBRIDGE MICHIGAN LANGUAGE ASSESSMENTS (CaMLA) - ECPE 125, tar, 128. 129. 130, 134 VOCABULARY The web sites | visit are the ones that current issues in an objective way. a. comprehend b. reveal c. explore d. narrate 'd rather you didn't yourself with my problams. a. interest b. apply ©. concern . Include You're right, but only 10 a certain a. extent b. position c. matter d._ portion My plans to take @ nice long holiday when my boss told me | had to work during the summer, a. passed by b. fell through picked off came back I'l submit my report once I've more time. a. signed b, proofed ©. composed d, assured ___itone What car we finally buy will be by how much money the bank will ond us, a. regarded b. related ©. confirmed d. determined In with your regular duties, you will soon have some new responsbilties, a. consequence b. conjunction ©. conveyance d. agreement 182. His teddish complexion may be of high blood pressure. Indicative responsible recurrent significant 133, This on my arm is trom a pretty bad cut | suffered several years ago. a. bang b. scar mark 4. brise 134. Consider it conclusion that you can come to me whenever you need help. a. aninferred b. a foregone © anoutright @ adirect 135, The shopping mails that have opened on the of our city have done damage to downtown businesses, a. borders b. ines ©. outskirts d. limits 136. Some paople are 60 everything they see on TV. a. impressive b. gullible c. mconceivable 4. credible thet they beliove 197. Mike has a to be 2 litle impolite when he's tired. a habit b. regularity ©. tendency . frequency 138. Inthe of an earthquake, we're advised ‘ot to use the elevator. a. case b. likelihood ©. occurence J. event 8 3801 e29e1g practice rest s > ECORI VOCABULARY 140, 141. 142, 449, 144, 145, itis no longer believed that Froud the foundations of modern psychology. a. evolved b. laid c. showed d. subsided We are all of the that narcotic substances should not be legalized a. opinion : b, impression c. suggestion d, attitude | found his statements so that | did not know what he meant at all 8, ambiguous b. perpendicular c. gratuitous J. intrepid The business sustained losses that o two million dollars. a. offered b. reached ©. valued d. amounted bought some tickets at the Christmas dance and won a color TV set a. admission b. raffle c. lot d. contest We've taken every necessary 0 prevent thieves from breaking in. a. caution b. measurement ©. precaution d. safely IF you exercise regularly and burn calories, then don't be afraid to eat a. heavily b. heartily ©. vigorously 0. tastefully 146. 147. 148, 149. 160. Sales of new cars always reach a in July and then start going down, a. potential b, top summit peak ‘These shoos are quite t've had them for several years and they still ook almost capable durable flexible compliant Common antibictics are unfortunately not ‘enough fo combat the SARS virus. stubborn vehement potent influential eos Rumor it that you and Karen ere going to get manied a. has b. bases reports d. spreads The taste of garlic was so in the sauce that | could hardly notice it. a. restrained b. powerless cc. sublle d. fimsy 4) CAMBRIDGE MICHIGAN LANGUAGE ASSESSMENTS (CaMLA)- ECPE

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