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Fagley School Improvement Plan 2015-2016



How to monitor


Planning scrutiny
Lesson observations

Key Area: Effectiveness of leadership and management

Phonics teaching is highly

effective in enabling children
to tackle unfamiliar words.

Phonics leader

Leaders need to ensure that phonics

lessons are planned using highly
effective differentiation across all key
Leaders need to ensure that the
teaching of phonics is outstanding and
never less than consistently good for all

Autumn 2

groups of children. Pupils are equipped

with the phonic strategies needed to


Termly lesson observations

tackle unfamiliar words.

To accelerate the progress in

phonics for all groups of
children including
disadvantaged and SEN.

To review the phonics policy to ensure

that is current.

Autumn 1

Phonic leader focusses relentlessly on


improving teaching and learning

identifying strengths and weaknesses in

Half termly

childrens phonic skills, in particular

addressing the outcomes of the most

Phonics screening check

completed half termly for
those children in Year 2 that
did not pass the Year 1

recent phonics screening check and any

follow-up screening undertaken by the
Leaders to ensure keyworkers are
effectively monitoring their children and
taking action to support parents in
practising phonics with pupils at home

Updated policy to SLT


Phonics test question analysis


1:1 reading journals monitored

Key word books monitored.

Fagley School Improvement Plan 2015-2016


Pupils in year 1 achieve highly in

the national phonics check.

Phonics assessment sound

charts monitored.

Addressing the outcomes of the most

recent phonics screening check and any
follow-up screening undertaken by the

Phonics test question analysis

Analysis of mistakes made in 2015

phonics check


completed. Comparison
between real/non real words.
Analysis of mistakes by phase.

To investigate pupils who did not

2015 question analysis.

pass the Year 1 phonics screening



Pass/fail against previous

National Curriculum levels.
Report to Year 1 teacher.

Half termly monitoring and evaluation of

Monitoring the quality of

phonics teaching.

phonics trackers.
Report to governors on phonics
Termly phonics lesson observations.
Identify staff that require phonics

Overviews completed to show

progress from baseline.
Overviews to show progress
of Pupil Premium children
against others.

Fagley School Improvement Plan 2015-2016

Term 1 Updates

Phonics policy reviewed and updated September 2015.

Phonics meeting for Year 1 parents held to model effective ways to support children at home.
Lesson observations completed Autumn term (all judged to effective in supporting childrens
understanding) -see file.
Phonics screening check on going (half termly) and showing an upward trend in results-see file.
Reading club to start Spring 1 to accelerate progress in phonics.
Reading journals and key word books reviewed-see file.
Overviews to Autumn 2 completed-% increases at Phase 6 + in all year groups except 5 (progress %
Analysis of phonics screening questions completed-real words, words at Phase 5 and words with
adjacent consonants need consolidation-information passed to Year 1 teacher.
Analysis of PP against non PP children shows the % of PP children at Phase 5+ is higher than non-PP

Term 2 Updates

children. However the % of non-PP children is higher than PP at Phase 6+.

Phonics screening check on going in Year 2 (half termly) and showing an upward trend in results-see
Reading club intervention on going for Year 2 children.
Year 1 practise screening undertaken and a list of target children and areas for development
identified for the Spring term.
Planning scrutiny completed-see file.
Overviews show an increase in the % of children at Phase 5+ and Phase 6+ in most classes (see file).
PP overviews show that the % of PP children at Phase 5+ and Phase 6+ are broadly in line with non PP
children except at Phase 5+ in Year 1 where PP children outperform non PP children 70% and 55%.
In Year 2 Phase 6+ non PP children outperform PP children 41% to 8% (reading club to address this).
Report to governors re. phonics data completed.

Term 3 Updates

LA evaluation of phonics completed.

Year 2 phonics screening check on going (half termly) and showing an upward trend in results-see
file. Target children and specific intervention identified.
Reading club intervention on going for Year 2 children.

Fagley School Improvement Plan 2015-2016

Year 1 phonics screening check showing an upward trend in results 73% of children achieving 32+
marks (Summer 1). Target children identified and intervention identified.
Overviews show an increase in the % of children at Phase 5+ in most classes (see file).
PP overviews show that the % of PP children at Phase 5+ and Phase 6+ are broadly in line with non PP
children except at Phase 6+ in Year 2 35% non PP and 15% PP. Phonics intervention and reading club
to address this.
Summer 2
Phonics screening 2016 24/30 achieved 32+ marks 80%.
Phonics screening 2016 resit 7/10 achieved 32+ marks 70% ( 1 child New to English Summer 1)
Reading club intervention on going for Year 2 children.
Overviews show % increase of children at Phase 5+ in 3 classes, 2 classes remain the same and 1 %
decrease (1 new pupil-Phase 2).
PP overviews show that the % of PP children at Phase 5+ and Phase 6+ are broadly in line with non PP
children except at Phase 6+ in Year 2 38% non PP and 14% PP. Phonics intervention and reading club
to address this.
Planning scrutiny completed-see file.
Reading journals and key word books reviewed-see file.
Key area: Quality of teaching, learning and assessment

Phonics teaching is highly

effective in enabling children
to tackle unfamiliar words.

Class teachers need to ensure that

Phonics leader
Class teachers


phonics lessons are planned using highly

effective differentiation across all key

Planning scrutiny

To share phonics tracking at pupil
progress meetings to identify children

Half termly

that are not making expected progress.

To implement appropriate interventions

following pupil progress meetings.

Half termly

Overviews show progress

from baseline.

Key actions sheet completed

half termly.

Fagley School Improvement Plan 2015-2016


To use a variety of phonics resources


for interventions.

To ensure planning formats facilitate


Planning scrutiny/lesson

Planning scrutiny

high quality aspects of learning

Pupils in year 1 achieve highly in

the national phonics check.

Key actions list completed.

Children identified on the phonics

tracker as below age related receive
individual reading.
Children identified on the phonics

Key actions list

Lesson observations.

tracker as below age related receive

phonics intervention.
All children have key word boxes which
are checked regularly.

Monitoring the quality of

phonics teaching.

Peer to peer support.

Observing good practice within school/
the LAP.


Word boxes monitored

Fagley School Improvement Plan 2015-2016


Term 1 Updates

Lesson observations completed Autumn term (a variety of resources were used including resources
from the recently purchased phase boxes) -see file.
Key actions/interventions identified for children below phase 5-see file.
Reading journals and key word books reviewed-see file.

Term 2 Updates

Planning scrutiny completed and feedback given-see file.

Key actions/interventions identified for children below phase 5-see file.
Overviews show an increase in the % of children at Phase 5+ and Phase 6+ in most classes (see file).
PP overviews show that the % of PP children at Phase 5+ and Phase 6+ are broadly in line with non PP
children except at Phase 5+ in Year 1 where PP children outperform non PP children 70% and 55%.
In Year 2 Phase 6+ non PP children outperform PP children 41% to 8% (reading club to address this).

Term 3 Updates

Key actions/interventions identified for children below phase 5-see file.

Overviews show an increase in the % of children at Phase 5+ in most classes (see file).
PP overviews show that the % of PP children at Phase 5+ and Phase 6+ are broadly in line with non PP
children except at Phase 6+ in Year 2 35% non PP and 15% PP. Phonics intervention and reading club
to address this.
Summer 2
Key actions/interventions identified for children below phase 5-see file.
Overviews show % increase of children at Phase 5+ in 3 classes, 2 classes remain the same and 1 %
decrease (1 new pupil-Phase 2).
PP overviews show that the % of PP children at Phase 5+ and Phase 6+ are broadly in line with non PP

Fagley School Improvement Plan 2015-2016

children except at Phase 6+ in Year 2 38% non PP and 14% PP. Phonics intervention and reading club
to address this.
Planning scrutiny completed-see file.
Reading journals and key word books reviewed-see file.
Key area: Outcomes for pupils achievement

Phonics teaching is highly

effective in enabling children
to tackle unfamiliar words.

Pupils in year 1 achieve highly in

the national phonics check.

Phonics leader
Class teachers

All children to make good or better

progress to bring them in line with age

Phonics sound charts

Phonics trackers
Overviews of progress.

related expectations.

74% of children in Year 1 to pass the

phonics screening test.

Phonics trackers
Phonics screening results

Identify gaps in childrens phonic

knowledge and implement interventions
to meet the childrens phonic needs.

Monitoring the quality of

phonics teaching.

Regular reviews to plan next steps.

Review phonics sound charts

Term 1 Updates

Fagley School Improvement Plan 2015-2016

Overviews to Autumn 2 completed-% increases at Phase 6 + in all year groups except 5 (progress %
% at Phase 5+ in Year 1 still remain at 0% however Phase 5 is currently being taught and the %
working within that phase should increase by Spring 1.
Parents meeting held for Reception class parents-age related expectations, pronunciation and

Term 2 Updates

Phonics activity afternoon held for Year 1 parents.

Year 1 practise phonics screening completed and gaps in knowledge identified.
Target children identified for the Spring and Summer term.
Overviews show an increase in the % of children at Phase 5+ and Phase 6+ in most classes (see file).
PP overviews show that the % of PP children at Phase 5+ and Phase 6+ are broadly in line with non PP
children except at Phase 5+ in Year 1 where PP children outperform non PP children 70% and 55%.

Term 3 Updates

In Year 2 Phase 6+ non PP children outperform PP children 41% to 8% (reading club to address this).
Year 1 parents meeting re. phonics screening check and age related expectation held.
Overviews to Summer 1 show an increase in the % of children at Phase 5+ in most classes (see file).
PP overviews show that the % of PP children at Phase 5+ and Phase 6+ are broadly in line with non PP
children except at Phase 6+ in Year 2 35% non PP and 15% PP. Phonics intervention and reading club
to address this.
Year 1 practise phonics screening completed and showing an upward trend (73% of children achieving
32+ marks)
Summer 2
Overviews show % increase of children at Phase 5+ in 3 classes, 2 classes remain the same and 1 %
decrease (1 new pupil-Phase 2).
PP overviews show that the % of PP children at Phase 5+ and Phase 6+ are broadly in line with non PP
children except at Phase 6+ in Year 2 38% non PP and 14% PP. Phonics intervention and reading club
to address this.
Year 1 2016 phonics screening completed and showing an upward trend (80% of children achieving
32+ marks 14% increase compared to previous year).
Year 2 2016 resit shows 7/10 children achieved 32+ marks (1 child New to English Summer 1).

Fagley School Improvement Plan 2015-2016


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