Application Draft 1

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Tell us a bit about your RL self?

I'm 28, male from England, Not gay, despite what paq says yase said.
Currently unemployed.
What TZ do you play EVE the most?
Mostly EU, but can be online at any time if needed, normally available from
somewherer between 9am to downtime, til around 2am-4am.
How many hours on average do you spend playing EVE per week?
Atleast a couple hours a day, more if things are going on, less if busy,
anywherer between 10-50
Tell us a bit about yourself and your corp history
I could write books on each of my chars and corps from my past, so ill try to
keep it to just what revolved around my main.
Started eve on and off maybe around 2004, originally got brought to the
game by a friend from earth2025, got me into the game gave me 100mil,
then left me on my own. played on and off until around 2006.
Early 2006 some IRL friends started getting intrested in the game, around the
time privateers started, most of joined privateers and ran with and became
the core group of the main corp, we ran alot frigs and cruisers with a heavy
wheight on Ewar to get the kills then get out from the greater numbers that
would be hunting us in the Jita - ours - Amarr routes, After the ECM nerf/nos
nerf we switched it up to Remote rep/neut dominix's and lachesis for tackle.
After the wardec nerf most of us joined one of our other IRL friends corps that
was in IAC at the time based towards the front lines in 25s/FAT during the
time FIX was in Querios, we mostly stayed out of the alliance side of things
and ran roaming gangs, alot of SB's and damps, Recons, t1 cruisers them
kinda roams. After a chain of tyraxx making terrible choices, MC dropping
eggs and holding up FIX, our corp left IAC, and some of us moved up to the
other end of catch and started picking off and engaging IAC, until that corp
then split again.
I then went back to Aridia Lowsec with The core group of my IRL friends, and
some of the ex privateers, where we grouped up with Deaths Legion. Spent
most my time there running and FCing any fights that happened, mostly built
around remote rep domi's again, with geddons and baddons. using my huginn
for tackle and webs. Mostly small vs mid scale engagements, loved fighting
outnumbered. we used to bully some of the Russians around Fageras, where i
FC'ed my first capital engagement, went as expected vs Russians we got
around 80 drop in on my 15 guys, it was expected and we should of taken no
losses but one of my dread pilots had went afk, came back and sieged up

when they wern't suppose to. We also did alot of Machariel bumping work
around the area, 20km/s Machariels cloaked off jump ins or undocks, would
bump people off the undock switch to bhaalgorns neut them outwhilst the
DPS came in from next door. We got a decent reputation around the area and
would often get messages from some of the other groups to come help them,
tackle for them, or on a few occasions rescue some of their tackled capitals.
One of my favourite moments was getting asked to bring out machs out cos
they had found 6 chimera's and a wyvern repping a POS. at the time was only
me and one of my guys in a Broadsword, but we would never say no to an
opportunity. One of the most adrenaline rush moments i had in that machariel
was ramming it into them chimeras and wyvern with just a broadsword to
point it, and our small gang 2 jumps out cos they had a scout in the system
next door. Only ended up getting 4 chimera's the wyvern desynced and slid
back inside even tho it looked like we had him a good 50km off.
With the same core group of players we started moving around a bit, putting
more of a reliance on pushing the limits of triage archons, and how many
dread alts each of our small group could run to counter the ever increasing at
the time amount of hot droppers. but as triage got more and more popular
and known about and the hot drop blobs became bigger we got a bit sick of
it and bored, Went back to highsec and put more full time into Suicide
ganking, we had been doing it since the start of privateers in every
concievable way, following the changes to try new ways, hitting new targets,
altho the isk was insane it got boring for me outside of proving each way of
doing it was possible, altho in a couple months the guys had pulled in enough
isk to buy 3 Aeons which were then used for dropping on Cyno's and POS's
and peoples jump in's getting the quick kill the escaping, so we even tried
"suicide" ganking with MOM's.
At some point between all that we made Chubby Chuppers Chubba Chups
(insert correct spelling) and tried to enter the AT, i spent far too much time
theory crafting and adjusting ships to what we needed based on what each
pilot out of our small numbers could do, which was loads of fun, but in the
end we got in but didn't qualify, we got put vs Star Fraction First match with
their damn sentry ishtars, which we had guessed that would bring and
specced our team against it on a gamble, but our 2 Battleship pilots warped
to wrong beacon and insta died which really cost us, and we still had a
chance of running them down and killing them, but most the cruiser pilots
apart from me had spent too many years in battleships and forgot what
transversal was. Second match we were against Gay4life, again guessed
their setup fairly accurately and a decent setup for countering it, until some
of our pilots couldn't make it, and in the last 20mins had to change ships, fits,
pilots, alts.. get them on and logged in. that didn't end to well, but would of
been an easy win with the original plan.
With most my core group and other homes on alts getting quiet or boring i
then joined up with The Littest Hobbo's, Alot of fun small roams, highsec

tower demolition for making isk and fleet fights whilst we were in Ushra Khan
flying with AAA at the time, as the AAA op's wound down, and hobbo's
started getting innactive i quickly got bored cos i hated the Ushra Khan
alliance so took another break.
Since then sold off alts, and reduced down to just Lightbringer and a couple
of low SP in desperate need of training alts, and have been just idling around
on and off for years between jobs and training, a bit of solo and public roams
here and there, but nothing major, tried getting some friends into eve a
couple years back so joined BRAVE with them to keep an eye on them but
they got bored and quit, i followed soon after.
And now i have more stable free time no matter what happens in my life, and
wanting to get back into eve properly so in the past few months been mostly
just shaking off the years of rust, going on public roams, trying to make isk
whilst hunting quiet lowsec systems mostly in my stratios, and stuck an alt in
Pandemic horde just for some PVP at a moments notice whilst i was
completing some of the courses i have been on IRL. and since finishing them,
have been coming to all of Amiran's Roams as i could make. Now just need a
permanent home.
That's a brief description of my main history.
TLDR - Did all kinds of stuff in most ship sizes but still shaking the rust off.
Why do you want to leave your current corp?
It's just my suicide gank alt retirement home and 0% tax corp.

Do you know anyone who will vouch for you within Shadow Cartel?
Yasemine,Amiran Omanid, Archeras "1 exequrour kill per roam" Umangiar.
What specifically made you want to apply to the corporation that
you are applying to within Shadow Cartel?
[12:37:28] amiran Omanid > apply to archies corp [12:37:34] amiran
Omanid > way easier to get in

What specifically made you want to be a part of Shadow Cartel?

Most the people i talk to on a daily basis are in SC, i fly around close to
Aeschee as it is, your fights and setups look fun and effective, and flying with
SC would be alot easier without being Damped or tackled by you or your
blues when im in fleet with some of you :D

Within SHDWC, we do not put up with drama, racism, shitposting to

public places (reddit etc), posting porn in fleet/main channels,
shitting up comms during a fleet, etc. Does this seem like something
you would struggle with?
i wouldn't struggle with that.

We are a pretty tight community who rely heavily on the use of voice
comms (mumble & TS3), forums, and slack. Will you be online and
Got TS3 and Mumble installed, never used slack but can do. Forums are great
for downtime.

What do you like doing the most and least in EVE (ie ship types,
playstyles etc)?
Fighting, roaming, having good fights not just straight up stomps some
elements of risk spice things up :).
Least like, long gate camps that only result in ganks, crashing to desktop,
almost all PVE content, but ISK is usefull :D

Please list all your characters on all your accounts and provide links
to State how long you've had ownership of said
characters. If you have characters that you for some reason need to
kept secret PM th relevnt inf to your recruiter when sked to
provide API.
Account 1 - Lightbringer ((since 2007) Angmar Hauler (plain boring
bestower alt) / Executive Decision (Holder/CEO of HSL my 0% tax corp and
gank alt retirement home, or highsec wardec corp if i ever need to pop a
Account 2 - Angmar Illuminati ( /
Cyno alt 1 / Cyno alt 2
Account 3 - Urban Dread (useless lowsp "prober" ex falcon alt, training
towards links when i can afford to sub him) / Cyno alt 1 / Cyno alt 2
What's your PvP experience? Please provide a link to your main
account's zKill.
Most of my experience is breifly touched on in my corp history section, altho

almost all my kills arn't on zkill :(

Lightbringer -
Angmar -
I will awox (only trianing was for cyno thought it was quite funny, killed bjorn
bee on a roam with amiran, after his roam finished went to see if bjorn was
streaming which he was, so jumped my alt in jita into his public roam, got the
scram on the Snuff phoon :D) -
But these days, BC or smaller roams, ewar, tackle, logi. on solo-fleet scale.
Do you have alt account(s) for dread, links, triage, cyno, blops
hunter, and/or eyes (JDC 5 required for anything with a jump drive)?
If so, please list which you'll consistently bring to fleets.
I have 2 alts left, still in need of training when i can afford to sub them for
cash, one is pretty standard combat, the other is training up Links. Light will
be cleaning up capital skills when he comes off of int/memory remap. most
character slots on my accounts, should be able to light cyno's unfortunetly
light is my best character for fitting the roles of anything cloaky and hunting,
but that will be fixed in time.
MG/HG slaves are constantly used within SHDWC... Do you plan to
buy a set for important fleets?
Do you have a character that will assist scanning wormholes to help
provide the alliance content?

Do you have a character with Logistics 5 with Amarr, Caldari and

Minmatar cruiser 5? Will you fly logi?
Urban and Angmar have logi 5, but Urban only has Caldari, and Angmar
Amarr (for now) Light can do all 4
What's your primary means of income?
Exploration/Finding Baarghest BPC's

Following the previous question, we fly a lot of expensive and

weirdly fit stuff. Are you able and willing to buy and keep these ships
ready at all times? Getting ships for all of our major fleet will cost in

the region of 5-10 bil.

My income is slow and generally comes in bursts, but i made sure to get
enough isk togethor before applying so i could afford whatever i needed
atleast once. so yeah ill buy up doctorines.

Please provide the following fits: your favorite solo fit, a fleet fit
armor battleship, and a fleet fit T3 cruiser.
My favourite ship atm is the stratios or pilgrim, but that changes often, but im
currently sat in one fit like this.
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Corelum C-Type Medium Armor Repairer

Federation Navy 10MN Afterburner

50MN Microwarpdrive II
Warp Disruptor II
Warp Scrambler II
Fleeting Compact Stasis Webifier

Covert Ops Cloaking Device II

Medium Energy Neutralizer II
Medium Energy Neutralizer II
Medium Energy Neutralizer II
Core Probe Launcher II

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II

Medium Anti-Explosive Pump I

Hammerhead II x6
Ogre II x6
Warrior II x5
Salvage Drone I x5
Hobgoblin II x8
Vespa EC-600 x5
Hornet EC-300 x5

Liquid Ozone x500

Yes i know the fit is bad, but it is my exploration stratios that was running
combats and DED's originally it had hacking modules in the mids aswell, but
got sick of refitting for ambushing people. So instead of linking what i would
use purely for a solo fit, ill link what has my solo kills since coming back. I
carry a mobile depot and a can of refits for different situations different meta
mids for fitting requirements or an adaptive over an Energised, and a 1600

I've always loved the Bhaalgorn and neuting things and this is how mine is
currently fit up altho it could prob use some tweaking.
Damage Control II
Centum C-Type Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Centum C-Type Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Corpum A-Type Energized Explosive Membrane
Imperial Navy 1600mm Steel Plates

Imperial Navy 1600mm Steel Plates

Corpum A-Type Energized Kinetic Membrane

Dark Blood Heavy Capacitor Booster

Federation Navy Stasis Webifier
Federation Navy Stasis Webifier
Ship Scanner II
Gist X-Type 500MN Microwarpdrive

Corpus X-Type Heavy Energy Nosferatu

Corpus X-Type Heavy Energy Nosferatu
Dark Blood Heavy Energy Neutralizer
True Sansha Heavy Energy Neutralizer
True Sansha Heavy Energy Neutralizer
True Sansha Heavy Energy Neutralizer
True Sansha Heavy Energy Neutralizer

Large Anti-Thermal Pump II

Large Trimark Armor Pump II
Large Trimark Armor Pump II

Warrior II x5
Valkyrie II x5
Gecko x1

Navy Cap Booster 800 x28

And a Proteous
Coreli A-Type Adaptive Nano Plating
Centum C-Type Energized Explosive Membrane
Centum C-Type Energized Explosive Membrane
Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabilizer
Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabilizer
Federation Navy 1600mm Steel Plates
Corelum B-Type Energized EM Membrane

True Sansha Warp Scrambler

Republic Fleet Warp Disruptor
Federation Navy 10MN Afterburner

250mm Railgun II
250mm Railgun II
250mm Railgun II
250mm Railgun II
250mm Railgun II
250mm Railgun II

Medium Anti-Thermal Pump II

Medium Trimark Armor Pump II
Medium Trimark Armor Pump II

Proteus Electronics - Friction Extension Processor

Proteus Propulsion - Localized Injectors

Proteus Offensive - Hybrid Propulsion Armature
Proteus Engineering - Power Core Multiplier
Proteus Defensive - Augmented Plating

Valkyrie II x5
Acolyte II x5

Javelin M x4941
Nanite Repair Paste x562
Spike M x7654
Federation Navy Antimatter Charge M x4998

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