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The California Gold Rush

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Source 1
Click on the video at the top of the page. Wait for the advertisement to complete
before video starts.
Read entire page scroll down and read each section.

When did the California Gold Rush start?

Scroll down and read Discovery at Sutters Mill

How much gold was extracted during the CA Gold Rush?

Where did the Gold Rush start in CA?

Scroll down and read News Spreads

Where did people travel from to seek gold?

Scroll down and read The 49ers Come to California

Who were the 49ers?

Name at least two affects the 49ers had on CA?

Scroll down and read Lasting Impact of the Gold Rush

When did the Gold Rush hit its peak?

About how much gold was lifted from the ground by then?

How did this affect the population of CA?

Source 2
Read the Page Titled California Gold Rush (18481858)
What were the two routes Americans from the Eastern states would take to
get to California and how long were they?

What did the difficulty of these routes inspire the construction of?

Source 3
Scroll through the page and read
What was San Francisco like before and after the Gold Rush? How did it

Source 4
Scroll though to read The CA Gold Rush People
Discuss at least two people that were involved in the Gold Rush?

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