Commercial Standard Insurance Company v. F. L. Feaster, Doing Business As Feaster Trucking Service, 259 F.2d 210, 10th Cir. (1958)

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259 F.

2d 210


F. L. FEASTER, doing business as Feaster Trucking Service,
No. 5825.

United States Court of Appeals Tenth Circuit.

September 2, 1958.

Paul R. Kitch and Philip Kassebaum, Wichita, Kan. (Homer V. Gooing,

Wayne Coulson, Dale M. Stucky, Donald R. Newkirk, Robert J. Hill,
Wichita, Kan., were with them on the brief), for appellant.
Malcolm Miller, Wichita, Kan. (T. B. Kelley, Great Bend, Kan., George
B. Powers, Gerald Sawatzky, Wichita, Kan., Kelley, Conner & Opie,
Great Bend, Kan., Foulston, Siefkin, Schoeppel, Bartlett & Powers,
Wichita, Kan., were with him on the brief), for appellee.
Before BRATTON, Chief Judge, and MURRAH and BREITENSTEIN,
Circuit Judges.
BRATTON, Chief Judge.

B. D. Egbert owned a building in Pratt, Kansas. F. L. Feaster was engaged in

the business of transporting petroleum products by crude oil tractors and trailer
tanks. And Commercial Standard Insurance Company was engaged in the
business of issuing policies of fire and extended coverage insurance. Egbert
leased the building to Feaster. The lease provided among other things that
Feaster should not be responsible to Egbert for damage or injury to the building
by reason of fire, irrespective of cause, occurring during the occupancy thereof
by Feaster. Commercial issued to Egbert a policy of fire and extended insurance
covering the building. While the building was in the exclusive custody of
Feaster under the lease, and while the insurance was in force and effect, the
building was destroyed. Commercial paid to Egbert the face amount of its
policy and then instituted this action against Feaster alleging that the building

was destroyed by explosion; that the explosion would not have occurred unless
Feaster had been guilty of careless and negligent conduct; and that upon
payment under the terms of the policy, Commercial became subrogated to the
rights of Egbert to recover against Feaster to the extent of the amount paid. By
answer, Feaster pleaded that the building was destroyed by fire; that by the
terms of the lease, Feaster bore no responsibility in damages to Egbert for such
destruction; that Commercial had only such rights as it acquired from Egbert
through subrogation; and that therefore Feaster was not liable to Commercial.
The case was tried to a jury. When plaintiff rested, the court instructed a verdict
for defendant. Judgment was entered upon the verdict, and this appeal brought
the case here for review.

Although sometimes presenting difficulty in respect to application, a general

rule firmly imbedded in procedural jurisprudence in the Federal courts is that
on motion for a directed verdict upon the crucial issue of fact in a civil action at
law, the evidence and the inferences fairly to be drawn from the evidence must
be considered in the light most favorable to the party against whom the motion
is directed. And if the evidence and the inferences fairly drawn therefrom
viewed in that manner are such that reasonable minded persons in the
exercise of fair and impartial judgment may reach different conclusions upon
the crucial issue of fact, the motion should be denied and the question
submitted to the jury. But it is the province and duty of the court to direct a
verdict where the evidence is without dispute or is conflicting but of such
conclusive nature that if a verdict were returned for the plaintiff or defendant,
as the case may be, the exercise of sound judicial discretion would require that
it be set aside. Slocum v. New York Life Insurance Company, 228 U.S. 364, 33
S.Ct. 523, 57 L.Ed. 879; Gunning v. Cooley, 281 U.S. 90, 50 S.Ct. 231, 74 L.
Ed. 720; Pennsylvania Railroad Co. v. Chamberlain, 288 U.S. 333, 343, 53
S.Ct. 391, 77 L.Ed. 819; McKenna v. Scott, 10 Cir., 202 F.2d 23; Franks v.
Groendyke Transport, 10 Cir., 229 F.2d 731; Brodrick v. Derby, 10 Cir., 236
F.2d 35.

Another equally well established general rule is that in order to warrant the
submission of a crucial issue of fact to the jury for its determination, the
evidence relating thereto must be based upon more than mere conjecture,
speculation, or surmise. It must rise above mere alternative possibilities. It must
bring the theory upon which reliance is placed to the level and dignity of a
reasonable probability. Franklin v. Skelly Oil Co., 10 Cir., 141 F.2d 568, 153
A.L.R. 156; Fruehauf Trailer Co. v. Gilmore, 10 Cir., 167 F.2d 324; Bearman v.
Prudential Insurance Company of America, 10 Cir., 186 F.2d 662; IndependentEastern Torpedo Co. v. Ackerman, 1 Cir., 214 F.2d 775; Ralston Purina Co. v.
Edmunds, 4 Cir., 241 F.2d 164, certiorari denied 353 U.S. 974, 77 S.Ct. 1059, 1

L. Ed.2d 1136.

Since the lease effectively protected Feaster from liability to Egbert for
destruction of the building by fire, irrespective of the cause, and since
Commercial asserted a right of recovery acquired by subrogation from Egbert,
Commercial's case was geared to a destruction of the building by explosion. In
other words it was necessary for Commercial to prove that the building was
destroyed by explosion, not fire. In this setting, and in its effort to make a prima
facie case for submission to the jury, Commercial adduced evidence which
tended to establish these facts and circumstances. The building (a concrete
block structure with sheet metal roof on wooden girders) was approximately
forty-five or fifty feet square and was partitioned into three rooms. The room
on one side was used as a shop somewhat similar to that of an ordinary garage.
The room in the center was used as a washroom. And the room on the other
side was used for office and storage purposes. There was a door between the
shop and the washroom and one between the washroom and the room used for
office and storage purposes. There were two sliding doors leading from the
outside into the shop, and there was a swinging overhead door leading from the
outside into the washroom. There was a heater in the shop and an open flame
heater in the washroom. Sometime after twelve o'clock on the day in question a
truck driver for Feaster brought his tractor and trailer tank to the building,
backed the tank into the washroom, and put the tractor in the shop for repairs.
The tractor and trailer tank had been used that morning for the delivery of some
crude oil. The method of emptying tanks of that kind was by a hose located on
the bottom of the tank. A safety cutoff valve was on a pipe underneath the tank
to which the hose was connected. The cutoff valve was designed to prevent
leakage. When tanks of that kind and capacity were emptied most of the crude
oil was pumped out but there usually was some residue. Sometimes as much as
ten gallons of residue would cling to the sides. After the trailer tank had been in
the washroom for approximately an hour, the truck driver determined to get on
top of it and wash off some crude oil. For that purpose, he had an old fivegallon grease pail with some liquid in it and he was using a quart can to dip the
liquid out of the grease pail. He was on top of the trailer engaged in washing off
crude oil. It was a cold day in January. The heater in the shop was burning, and
it was warmer inside the building than outside. Another employee of Feaster
was sitting on the fender of the tractor in the shop and working on the tractor.
Both a fire and an explosion occurred inside the building. Looking over the
radiator and through the door leading to the washroom, the employee sitting on
the fender of the tractor saw fire. He could see the fire from the top of the
workbench at the corner of the door. He was dumfounded and attempted to get
down off the fender of the tractor to investigate but the explosion occurred
before he succeeded in doing so. He was in position to see how fast the fire

moved. At one juncture he said that it would be hard to say how long it was
between the time he saw the fire and the time of the explosion. At another
juncture he said that the two were almost instantaneous. At another, he said that
he saw the fire before the explosion occurred. And at another, he said that some
time elapsed between the first time his attention was called to the fire and the
time of the explosion. A third employee of Feaster was in the building but was
starting to go outside at the time of the catastrophe. While his testimony was
silent in respect to the matter, it was said in the opening statement to the jury
made by one of the attorneys for Commercial that such employee heard
someone shout "fire", and that he thought it was the employee on top of the
tank. Resulting from the fire and explosion, debris flew in the air, timbers were
charred, the building was demolished, the employee on the top of the trailer
was killed, and the employee on the fender of the tractor was injured. One
expert witness expressed the opinion that vapors escaped from the tank, spread
to the back of the building toward the heater, caught fire, entered the inside of
the tank, and caused the tank to explode. And another expert witness expressed
the view that vapors from the crude oil in the tank got down to the floor,
moved across the floor to where they came in contact with the heater and
caught fire, the fire got into the tank, and the tank blew up.

Viewed in the light most favorable to Commercial, the evidence thus reviewed,
together with the concession in the opening statement to the jury in respect to
the word "fire" being shouted, made it clear that fire originated from
combustion; that there followed an intervening moment or instant; and that then
the explosion occurred. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for one
employee to see fire, to become dumfounded at seeing it, and to start to get off
the fender of the tractor to make an investigation, before the explosion
occurred. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for another employee to
hear someone and he thought it was the employee on top of the tank
shout "fire", before the explosion. And if fire was in progress before the
explosion occurred, and the explosion was the result of the antecedent fire, the
damage to the building must be treated as having been caused by fire within the
intent and meaning of the provision in the lease safeguarding Feaster against
liability for damage caused by fire, even though the principal damage to the
building was caused by explosion. That conclusion finds persuasive support by
appropriate analogy in the well recognized general rule that where fire
originates from combustion and is followed by explosion traceable to the
antecedent fire, there is liability under an insurance policy insuring the property
against fire, even though the major part of the damage to the insured property is
caused by explosion. The rationale of such general rule is that the explosion is
an incident of the antecedent fire. Among the many cases enunciating that
general rule see, Scripture v. Lowell Mutual Fire Insurance Co., 10 Cush.,

Mass., 356, 57 Am.Dec. 111; Renshaw v. Missouri State Mutual Fire & Marine
Insurance Co., 103 Mo. 595, 15 S.W. 945; German American Insurance Co. v.
Hyman, 42 Colo. 156, 94 P. 27, 16 L.R.A.,N.S., 77; Furbush v. Consolidated
Patrons' & Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co., 140 Iowa 240, 118 N.W. 371;
Githens v. Great American Insurance Co., 201 Iowa 266, 207 N.W. 243, 44
A.L.R. 863; Scully v. Bremer County Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance
Association, 215 Iowa 368, 245 N.W. 280; German Baptist Tri-County Mutual
Protective Association v. Conner, 64 Ind.App. 293, 115 N.E. 804; Stillpass v.
Fidelity & Guaranty Fire Corporation, 71 Ohio App. 197, 48 N.E.2d 1017; New
Hampshire Fire Insurance Co. v. Rupard, 187 Ky. 671, 220 S.W. 538; Allied
American Mutual Fire Insurance Co. v. Wesco Paving Co., 35 Tenn.App. 154,
243 S.W.2d 141.

The case of Maryland Casualty Co. v. Cherryvale Gas, Light & Power Co., 99
Kan. 563, 162 P. 313, L.R.A.1917C, 487, is distinguishable. There the policy
insured the plate glass front of a building against breakage. The policy
contained a provision expressly excluding from the coverage loss or damage
resulting directly or indirectly from fire, whether on the premises or elsewhere.
In response to an application for gas by a tenant occupying the second floor of
the building, an employee of the gas company turned on the gas by opening the
wrong stop box a stop box which connected with some pipe leading into an
adjacent building; and gas released from the stop box found its way into the
building having the insured plate glass front. The presence of gas was detected
in the vicinity; a servant of the gas company ignited it with a match while
hunting in the basement of an adjoining building for the leak. An explosion
occurred instantaneously and blew out the plate glass front. The insurer paid the
insured for the loss and sought as subrogee to recoup from the gas company. It
was held in effect that under those circumstances the damage to the insured
plate glass front did not come within the provision in the policy expressly
excepting or excluding from the coverage damage caused by fire. The case did
not go further. Here, fire started, a moment or instant intervened, and then the
explosion occurred as an incident of the antecedent fire.

Under the evidence, considered as a whole in the light most favorable to

Commercial, a verdict for Commercial could have been based only upon
conjecture, speculation, or surmise in the nature of alternative possibilities not
rising to the level or dignity of a reasonable probability. And if such a verdict
had been returned, it would have been the duty of the court in the exercise of
sound judicial discretion to set it aside. Therefore the verdict for Feaster was
properly directed.
The judgment is


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