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FAQ Summary

1. Functionality: Why does the Invoice Class show as Invoice instead of

Credit Memo when an invoice reduction event is created?
2. General: What accounting is performed when an invoice write-off is
initiated in Projects?
3. General: What happens when an invoice is canceled?
4. Error: Why do I receive the APP-PA-19112 Total Unprocessed Write-Offs
May Not Exceed Unbilled Receivables error?
5. General: How does Oracle Projects handle on account credit memos?
6. General: How are partial write-offs handled when the invoice has tax?
7. Error: Why do I receive the message, Cannot update or delete events that
have been processed, when editing a canceled event?
8. Error: Why do I receive an APP-PA-19320 No Draft Invoices Pending or
Rejected message when attempting to cancel a Credit Memo?
9. General: Under what circumstances would I delete an invoice rather than
canceling it?
10. Functionality: Is it possible to apply a credit memo to an invoice that has
already been paid in Receivables?
11. Error: Why are credit memos against invoices interfaced to Receivables
rejected with the error, You cannot supply any account assignment for your
credit memo transaction?
12. Error: Why do is the error, APP-43448 Unable to locate a valid Sales Tax
Rate for transaction, received during the AutoInvoice process?
13. Error: How can the message, Credit memo date cannot precede invoice
date, be corrected?
14. Functionality: In the Invoice Review (PAXINRVW) form, if an invoice is
credited, the canceling invoice created has an invoice date the same as
the date of the invoice being credited. Why doesn't this default to the
current date or system date?
15. Functionality: When performing a partial credit through a manual negative
event, the negative invoice cannot be applied against an existing invoice to
reduce the previous invoice's balance like a credit memo does when
crediting the total invoice amount. Why?

FAQ Details
1. Why does the Invoice Class show as Invoice instead of Credit Memo
when an invoice reduction event is created?
A: This is the intended functionality. In the case of Invoice Reduction Events,
there is no specific invoice to credit, therefore they are created with the class of
Invoice instead of Credit Memo.

2. What accounting is performed when an invoice write-off is initiated in

A: The Revenue and Invoice Accounts function is called by AutoAccounting
when the credit memo type is a Write-Off. The accounting that is performed is a
credit to the Receivable Account and a Debit to the Expense Account that has
been set up for Write-Offs in the AutoAccounting setup. Revenue would not be
affected by a Write-Off. The expense would offset the revenue in the income

3. What happens when an invoice is canceled?

A: When an invoice is canceled, the transactions that make up the invoice are
returned to an unbilled status and made available for rebilling during the next
billing cycle. After an invoice is canceled, the PRC: Generate Draft Invoice
process creating the Credit Memo replaces the columns
expenditure items being credited. This results in the "missing" details in the
original invoice and the credit memo.

4. Why do I receive the APP-PA-19112 Total Unprocessed Write-Offs May

Not Exceed Unbilled Receivables error?
A: This error occurs when you create a Write-Off Event that has an amount
greater than the value of unbilled Receivables (total revenue minus total
unprocessed Write-Off Events). Unprocessed Write-Off Events are those events
that have not yet been processed by the revenue generation process. To
reproduce the problem, create a contract project with a work/work revenue
distribution rule. Create an agreement and funding for this project and baseline
the approved revenue budget. Now create the Write-Off Event and you will get
this error. This is the intended functionality.

5. How does Oracle Projects handle on account credit memos?

A: From a Projects perspective, the only way to manage an "on account" credit
memo is to create the independent crediting invoice using a negative manual
event. When the time comes to apply the credit to the proper invoice, create a
positive event (debit memo) to offset the negative invoice then create a standard
credit memo against the appropriate invoice.

6. How are partial write-offs handled when the invoice has tax?
A: When you do a partial write-off in Projects, it credits a small portion of each
invoice line. If you need to write-off a particular line of a Projects
invoice, a
partial write-off should be done in Projects and interfaced to Receivables so that
the two modules are in synch. From Receivables, incomplete the invoice and
adjust it. Using this method will ensure that the modules stay in sync and only
the lines that you want to write-off will be written off.

7. Why do I receive the message, Cannot update or delete events that have
been processed, when editing a canceled event?
A: This is the correct functionality. You should not be able to edit an event that
has already been interfaced to Receivables, even if it is subsequently canceled.
You must create a new event.

8. Why do I receive an APP-PA-19320 No Draft Invoices Pending or

Rejected message when attempting to cancel a Credit Memo?
A: It is not possible to cancel a credit memo in Oracle Projects. Once an invoice
is canceled, expenditure items become available for rebilling or events become
negated. To reverse the results of a credit memo, you will need to either re-bill
the expenditure items or create a new event.
In order to cancel an invoice, the following conditions must be met:

Invoice has not already been canceled

Is not a credit memo.
Has no generation errors.
Does not have a credit memo applied against it.
Has been approved and released.
Has not been written off.


9. Under what circumstances would I delete an invoice rather than

canceling it?
A: An invoice can only be deleted if it has not been released. Once the invoice
is released, it would need to be canceled to create an offsetting credit
memo. Deletions do not create credit memos.


10. Is it possible to apply a credit memo to an invoice that has already

been paid in Receivables?
A: If the Invoice Type in Receivables has Overapplication = Yes, you should be
able to interface the credit to Receivables. If you do not wish to set
Overapplication to Yes, you can unapply the cash receipt in Receivables and
refund it to the customer or apply it to another invoice.

11. Why are credit memos against invoices interfaced to Receivables

rejected with the error, You cannot supply any account assignment for your
credit memo transaction?
A: Set the profile option, AR: Use Invoice Accounting For Credit Memos, to No at
the site level (temporarily if required to be set to Yes for
Receivables). This
should be defaulted to No at the application level.

12. Why do is the error, APP-43448 Unable to locate a valid Sales Tax Rate
for transaction, received during the AutoInvoice process?
A: The transaction type for invoices and credit memos must have the calculate
sales tax flag disabled. Create a new transaction type for credit memos (and
invoices if applicable) with the same settings, ensuring that the sales tax
calculation check box is disabled. This can be accomplished using the
Receivables Manager Responsibility and navigating to Setup -> Transactions ->
Transaction Type.

13. How can the message, Credit memo date cannot precede invoice date,
be corrected?
A: You can either open the credit memo in the Invoice Review screen, select the
Receivable tab and change the invoice date, or you can cancel the credit memo
and generate a new one with the correct date.
14. In the Invoice Review (PAXINRVW) form, if an invoice is credited, the
canceling invoice created has an invoice date the same as the date of the
invoice being credited. Why doesn't this default to the current date or
system date?
A: During invoice generation, the user provides the invoice date. The date can
be changed, but if no invoice date is entered, then the default is the system date.
This is the intended functionality beginning with PA family pack 11i.PJ_PF.J.
15. When performing a partial credit through a manual negative event, the
negative invoice cannot be applied against an existing invoice to reduce
the previous invoice's balance like a credit memo does when crediting the
total invoice amount. Why?
A: This is currently the intended functionality in Oracle Projects, but
enhancement request 1325466 has been logged for the consideration of allowing
a user to cancel only a part of the total invoice amount.

IMPORTANT: If you did not find the information you were searching for,
please review the following Oracle Projects Invoice Generation/Receivables
Integration information:
Oracle Projects Invoice Generation/Receivables Integration Current Issues

Oracle Projects Invoice Generation/Receivables Comparing Projects Related

Invoice File Versions To Released Patches [Note:178617.1]

Oracle Projects Family Consolidated Patch List [Note:225495.1]

Oracle Projects Invoice Generation/Receivables Integration Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ's) [Note:223571.1]
Oracle Projects Invoice Generation/Receivables Integration Troubleshooting
Guide [Note:228113.1]

Oracle Project Billing Self-Service Toolkit [Note:235043.1]

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