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Brian Cronin Legislative Wrap-Up

DISTRICT 19 Spring 2010

Cutting Critical Budgets vs. Investing in Idaho:

Contact me:
825 E Jefferson St. Key Theme in 2010 Session
Boise, ID 83712 Facing another year of budget This session, I joined my De-
208.429.8493 shortfalls, high unemploy- mocratic colleagues in spon- ment, and drastic cuts to hu- soring a series of bills pro-
man services, the Legislature moting job creation—a pack-
failed to protect critical in- age we called Idaho Jobs and
My top priorities: vestments in Idaho’s future, Opportunity Blueprint
making decisions that will (IJOBS). Forward thinking
• Ensuring adequate likely prove to be penny wise legislation designed to bring
investments in K-12, and pound foolish. Idaho into the 21st century
higher, and early and focus our attention on
childhood education K-12 schools were cut by an the urgency of our economic
unprecedented 7.8%— a de- situation, the bills were met
• Positioning Idaho for cision that may result in with resistance or indifference
a 21st-century global school closures in certain and will not become law.
economy and job districts, teacher layoffs,
growth crowded classrooms, and Instead, the majority pushed
reduced services for at-risk more than a dozen bills in-
• Protecting clean air children. Another key eco- tended to pick fights with or
& water, public lands nomic driver, our colleges and even sue the federal govern-
and open spaces universities, again saw ment. The majority voted to
sharply reduced budgets, denounce the Healthcare Re-
• Advancing a clean leading to higher fees and form bill but did nothing to
energy future making college inaccessible to provide state solutions for the
through energy effi- thousands of high school uninsured and underinsured. In April, I graduated from the
ciency, conservation, graduates. And cuts to vari- Legislative Energy Horizon Institute,
and renewable en- ous health and welfare pro- According to legislative Washington, D.C. I was one of 40
ergy sources. grams will worsen the effects budget analysts, the cuts that legislators from around the Western
of the recession for tens of were made may cost Idaho U.S. and Canada selected to
thousands of Idaho families. more than 5,000 private (over) participate in the 9-month program.

Capitol Tours

I provided Statehouse Legislation I’ve Been Working On

tours for any inter-
ested constituents on SB 1354 (Schools Renew- which creates a motor vehicle credits. This model was suc-
six consecutive Fridays able Energy Bill): I was a plate promoting mountain cessfully used in Utah to grow
during the legislative co-sponsor on this bill, which biking in Idaho. This plate will their technology industries.
session. The 1.5-hour authorized school districts to raise money for the cash- The bill had an informational
tours took citizens be- build and operate thermal strapped Department of Parks hearing in the Business Com-
hind the scenes, offer- energy systems and sell any and Recreation and their trail mittee but was not printed. I
ing a close-up look at excess energy generated. maintenance work. SIGNED intend to advance it in 2011.
how the Legislature SIGNED INTO LAW. INTO LAW.
works and how people Property Assessed Clean
H 525 (Film Industry Idaho Entrepreneur Fi- Energy (PACE): I drafted
can get involved. Tours
Fund): I co-sponsored this nance Act: I sponsored this this bill, which did not receive
also feature interesting
bill, which would facilitate bill (w/ Rep. Max Black), a hearing, in an effort to
tidbits about the Capi-
greater incentives for the film which would create a $30 bring this innovative financing
tol Building and its
industry by enabling the Film million venture capital fund tool for residential and com-
recent restoration.
Rebate Fund to raise non-tax using private (non-taxpayer) mercial clean energy install-
revenue. SIGNED INTO LAW. money. Investors in the fund ments to Idaho. Many other
Contact me if you (or a
would receive a guaranteed states and cities are pursuing
group you’re involved H 486: Mountain Biking rate of return that would be PACE aggressively,
in) is interested in a Plate: I sponsored this bill, (over)
secured by contingent tax
tour of the Statehouse.

This publication was not paid for with taxpayer money. Cronin for District 19, Treasurer Lauren McLean
Rep. Brian Cronin • District 19

Highlights of the 2010 Legislative Session

Constitutional Amend- H495aa creates a Childhood Idaho Public Television:
Don’t forget to ments: HJR4 and HJR5 pro- Immunizations Policy Com- When Gov. Otter threatened
vote! pose amendments to the mission to work on improving to phase out all funding for
Idaho Constitution (which you immunization rates. S1335 IPTV, public outcry prompted
Primary Election is on
will vote on in November) that also seeks to improve immu- the Legislature to only cut
May 25! You can find
allow airports and public hos- nization rates by making the funding by 16%. Factoring in
registration and
polling information at: pitals to incur debt that is Immunization Reminder Info a federal grant, funding will payable through facility reve- System (IRIS) an “opt-out” be down 8.3%
nues and not taxes. This will system for parents.
Seniors Farmer Market
be a boon for Boise’s airport.
Cronin Campaign: Higher Ed Stabilization Nutrition Program: H513
I would love to have Immunization Progress: Fund: Though this bill was brings Idaho into compliance
your help in running H432 creates a board to as- perhaps “too little, too late,” I with the Federal Food Stamp
for re-election this sess all health insurance com- supported the idea of creating Act to enable federal funds to
year. Volunteers are panies in order to create a a strategic reserve to mini- flow to Idaho, such that low-
needed for fund- fund to purchase vaccines for mize the impact of economic income seniors could use cou-
raising, data entry,
insured children, allowing downturns on Idaho’s colleges pons to pay for eligible foods
doorknocking, calling,
and general office them and the state to access and universities. at farmer’s markets, roadside
work. If interested, CDC purchasing discounts. stands and CSA programs.
please contact me at

Budget Cuts vs. Investment (continued)

and public sector jobs. As auditors to go after money “rightsizing” government or
such, we’re likely putting even owed to the state; reviewing trimming “bloated” programs.
more people in a position of the hundreds of millions of Idaho government was run-
seeking state assistance in dollars in special interest sales ning quite lean as it was.
order to meet their basic tax exemptions; collecting an Rather, the choice to focus
needs. Internet sales tax to level the entirely on cuts and not look
playing field for locally owned at revenue puts us further in
The important point to re- businesses; and delaying the the hole in terms of needed
member is that we had op- expansion of the grocery tax human capital and infrastruc-
tions—options to pursue reve- credit, to name a few. ture investments. Such disin-
nue to close some of our vestment further threatens
budget gaps. Possibilities in- My greatest fear is that the our competitiveness as a
Got an idea cluded delaying election con- decisions we’ve made to cut state, which should have all of
for a bill? solidation; hiring more tax costs go beyond simply us worried.
I welcome and ap-
preciate any and all
suggestions for Legislation I’m Working On (continued)
legislation that I
might pursue (and which helps home and busi- cultural Committee voted not all limits on corporate and
that hopefully you ness owners to access favor- to introduce the bill. Rep. Eric union political independent
would be willing to able rates and terms in pursu- Anderson and I will work on expenditures. After two hear-
help me with). ing efficiency upgrades, solar this issue in the interim. ings, the bill was printed in
Several of the issues arrays, geothermal heat State Affairs Committee. BILL
pumps, etc. I will continue HJM 12 (Campaign Fi- HELD IN COMMITTEE.
I’m working on (see nance Memorial): Amid
article) were brought working on this in the interim
and 2011. numerous misguided Grocer Tax Incentive for
to me by constituents. “message bills” telling the
I look forward to Purchasing Local Food: I
Industrial Hemp Bill: I co- federal government what to am exploring this complex
hearing from you. sponsored this bill in an effort do, I drafted a bill urging issue with different interested
to give rural Idaho a tremen- Congress to take action in parties and colleagues. I hope
dous economic development response to the Supreme to get a hearing in 2011.
tool in allowing the cultivation Court’s reckless Citizens
of industrial hemp. The Agri- United v. FEC decision, lifting

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