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Teacher Candidate: Gabriela Gomez

Cohort: B

Date: Feb 23


Grade: 1st
Content Area: Reading
Group Size: 27
School/UA: Peter Marshall/Natalia Martinez
Student Context: Dual
Comprehension- Retell Key details about all animals.
- Monitoring of participation
- Following along with story
- Multi-flow map completion
- Individual maps
- Aventuras Book- Animales Asombrosos
- SMARTBoard Lesson
- Reading journals.
- Class dojo
Introduce the objective for the day:
o Voy a relatar los detalles importantes sobre los animals.
o Have students repeat the objective and share with a partner.
o Choose 3 students using class dojo to share the objective with the
Tell students that today they will be reading a story about Animales
Tell students that today they will be focusing on the different animals of the
story and the details about them.
Dismiss students by color to get their Aventuras book and open to page 90
Before Reading: Introduce the text
o Have students read the title of the story: Animales Asombrosos
o Have students read the name of the author- Gwendalyn Hooks
o Since its the 1st read- tell students they will be echo reading
o Tell students to focus on the different animals and details about them.

During Reading:
o Echo read the story
o Pause when different animals are introduced. Ask questions about the
Qu animal es este?
Ese animal es _________.
Cmo es el oso polar?
El oso polar es ___________.

Cmo le ayuda el pelaje al oso polar?

El pelaje le ayuda a _______.
Cmo es la jirafa?
La jirafa es_______.
Por qu necesita un cuello largo?
Necesita un cuello largo porque ________.
Cmo es la tortuga?
La tortuga es __________.
En qu le ayuda su caparazn duro?
Le ayuda el caparazn dura a___________.
Cmo es el pato? Que tiene el pato?
El pato es__________. El pato tiene _________.
During each pause give students time to think and share. Choose 1
student to share during each pause.
Finish Reading the story together
Have student walk back to the carpet
Tell students theyll be making a flow map
Explain to students that in each of the first 4 boxes they will write the
different animals in the story
o First ask students what the 4 animals were.
o Write the names of the 4 animals in each of the top 4 boxes.
o In the boxes underneath of the first 4 boxes students will write
details from the story about each animal
o Remind students that the details they write about each animal
has to be details that came from the story.
o Model to students how to do this with the first box about the
polar bear.


Instruct students that they will now go back to their seats and create their
own flow map in their reading journals.
Choose 2 students to pass out the reading journals.
Choose a student to call out the colors.
If students finish early they may do AR or read quietly.

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