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Business Presentation Template

(A) Hi everyone. / (B) Good morning ladies and gentlemen.

My names _________ _______________ and Im job title _____________________ at

company ________________.
(A) And today

Im going to talk about _______________.

(B) Welcome to my presentation on _________________.
(A) My presentation is in three parts. (B) Ive divided my talk into three

Ill look at 1st main section___________
Ill move onto 2nd main section____________
And Iinally, Ill talk about Iinal section ______________
My talk will take about time________ minutes
and Id be glad to take questions (A) at the end of my presentation / (B)
at any time.
So lets begin with 1st main section __________.
Okay, so lets move on to 2nd main section____________. .
Turning to Iinal section ______________, clause (S+V) .
So, (A) to sum up / (B) in summary, clause ..
And that concludes my presentation
and Id be happy to take your questions. (now respond to questions)
Any more questions?
Well, if there are no more questions - (A) thanks for
listening / (B) thank you for your attention.
(if no more questions, say)

(c) mybusinessenglish 3 May 2013

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