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. .



. "

" ).) Augustine, 1995

The research concern about the conceptual framework of crisis in the
strategic view has become to mean opportunity to change not threat only. The
research explains the multi stages of crisis & its characteristics that are
difference from catastrophe and disaster. We rely on two criteria of classification
of crisis (predictability & influence possibilities). Also there are sub crises with
the main crisis; the important one is the Maida Crisis which is related with the
informational dimension & the Psychological Crisis which is related with the
Human dimension or the victim management. The current research aimed to
develop crises management strategy according to Islamic perspective based on
model of ( Augustine, 1995).

/ / ( )17 ( )64

(.63-47 :)2011


" " "
. " " " "
( )Morin,1976 .
: ( Gundel
), 2005 ( :
) ."

( )


" .

.2 :
: :
" " .
: .

" .
. : :

" .
. .
. . :" " "

.3 :


( )Crisis" " " " :

( )15: 1979
( . ) 105 :1980
" "
" " " " "
" "
" "
" ( . )53 : 1993
" " "
( .)Falkheimer&Heide,2006:181
" " "
. "
" .
( )Threat ( )Opportunity .
" " " "
( )Morin,1976 " .
- ( -)1 (

( ) .

-A decisive moment, a turning point for
better or worse-(Diermeier 2004:2).
" " ( )
() :


" ( .)216 :
" " ( )53: .
" " .



- :






- :

: - :

. ().

Source: Lalonde, Carole (2004)."In Search of Archetypes in Crisis Management

." Journal of Contingencies & Crisis Management . Vol. (12) , No .(2) :7.
( )Disaster .
( )Emergencies
. "


( .)It's a Crisis With a Bad Ending
( )Catastrophe .

" " " "
(. )Boin & McConnell, 2007:51-52
. " " .
. .
" " "
. - " .



( :)28-23:2006
- : .
- :
- : .
- :
- :
- :

- :
- :
- .
- : .
: "
( ) "

" :

" ( )165 : " :

" "(.)79 :


" ( )33 : "

" ( )41 :

" :

" ( .)112 :

" " (.)11:
" ( .)102:

" ( .)45:
" " " ( . (47: "- " ).) 59:


() ( )
" " .
" "

: " :

( )2
" ( ) 3 2 : " :

( )214 : "
" ( . )35:



( ).
( . )75-72:1993 ( )Arnold,1980
( )
( )Slatter,1984 (
)(. . )32-29:1994
(( : )1 . )101-90 :2004 37
- : -Precrisis -

- : .
- :
- :
" "
( . )2


( ) 1



: .)2004( 37 : . :
- : -Crisis-

. "
- : PostCrisis
. .

( ) 2

Source: Diermeier , Daniel (2004) ."Strategic Crisis Management



.6 :

( ) (
) (
( " " )
( " ) ( )
( . )72-71:1993
.... . .

( )Gundel , 2005
- Crisis Matrix ( . ) 3" :
- Predictability : .
" .
Influence Possibilities : .

" :
- : -Conventional Crises




- : - Unexpected Crises



( )





Source : Gundel , Stephan (2005) . " Towards New Typology of Crisis " . Journal of
Contingencies &Crisis Management . Vol .(13) , No .(3) :112.

- : Intractable Crises



" .


- :-Fundamental-

. .

. "


( )Media Crisis
) Crisis
( )Psychological Crisis ( )Technical Crisis
(.) Szpirglas etal .,2005: 9-11

" .

" .

( . )25,23,17:1993 ()2
) Trtiz ,2001:86( :
. . . . . ( )Lukaszewski,1999:19 :
" .

) (Coombs,1998

) ( Trtiz , 2001 : 84 :















: " "
" "
. "
" " .

:" :
-1 ( .) 1993 :
. .22 -17:
2-Augustine,Norman (1995). Managing The Crisis You Tried To Prevent.
Harvard Business Review. Nov.-Des.: 149-158.

. ( 75-45
Everly -:
)) , Jr.2000: 54-56
- -: ( 300-10 )

. -Recovery
- -:


- -:


- -: - Self-Care -

-Stress Management .

. .



. .

)Lukaszewski,1999:1-18 (:
- :- Operations -


- : -Victim Management -
: -Trust & Credibility -

. . . . .
. : - Behavior-



- : -Professional Expectation

- Ethical-

- : - Lessons-Learned-


( )Societal Health
(Boin & )Societal Resilience
):)McConnell, 2007:55
. " .
. ()

) )Augustine 1995 :
" :
: ( )153
( )154
( )155 ( )156
] ( . )157 -153 : ( )

( .( 98:

: "
" ( . )60 : "
" ( . ) 144:
" " ( :
. )4


" ( )53: " ()7

" ( . )8 -7 :

" " .
: .

" ( (159 :
" :
" ( .)2 :
: ( ) " " ( . )26 : "
" ( )40 : ( ) "
" ( ) 159: " ".
( )5 " ( .( 6-5: "
: " () ( )
" "
( )32 " ( )33-32 :
() " " .
( : )2-1 :2000
() . . . . . () . . . .9 :

( : ) 2-1 :2006


( )10-1


( .)140-139:1993

-4 ( )

):)Boin & McConnell, 2007:55
. .
" . . . . . - .

-Pathologies -


. . . .
. .
- .

( )Boin & McConnell, 2007:55-56
. .
( . )Manage Media


. " "
" " " . .
" .


: . : .)2004( 37 -1
.) 1980( -2
. )2006(

: . )1994( -4
. ."
: .) 1993( -5
. .
. .)1979( - 6
. . .) 2006( -7
. . " " .)1998( -8

9-Augustine,Norman (1995). Managing The Crisis You Tried To Prevent. Harvard
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10- Boin , Arjen &McConnell , Allan (2007) ."Preparing for Critical Infrastructure
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11- Diermeier , Daniel (2004) ."Strategic Crisis Management ".
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14/ Gundel , Stephan (2005) . " Towards A New Typology of Crisis " . Journal of
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15- Lalonde , Carole (2004). "In Search of Archetypes in Crisis Management ."
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