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The Pittsburgh Press

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Sunday, June 9,1907
Page 5 (Sunday Press Womens Magazine)


He Will Send Y ou a Reading of Your Life, an AstralPsychic Chart and Horoscope, and a Copy of-His
Astrological Book, Absolutely Free of Charge
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mM:tt v & s m o p b o o k s k x t f x u s b

For You!
Your Real Life Told at Last

Know What the Stirs Ssy Yea

Will Do !h Balance
tl This Vear*

Rtiirkaiie Psjcitlc Astrologer Tolls

Past, Present anj futtite Wiift
Asiaiins Accuraej to AH
Who Wrlle, Absoiattlf Free.
.... H SPES I ttWlS
c r


you like to know, for the asking, wim the future lias in store for you? Won Id It he m y
to \ow to know how yotir health will be. how your business will g o whether y<*u will be
f happy or
, what vuur weak points and strong characteristics are, and how to improve your con*
financial y# socially avid phy&tcaliy4 If m>, here is an opportunity you should grasp at once, ft
cos? you nothing. If ywi arc pleased, tell your inends, Thais advisable. You will he doing
Protestor Lewis of Sew York City seems to have hfted the veil of mystery that has enveloped
'tfie *oencc H Aerology to* centime* past* tYmdjmmg h k kmmfcdgt ot Techie Fuicc with his won-,
derfid system of Astrology, he has brought his mc;hwl tknvn to an absolutely sc^sutk' ba^i*. reading
tthe strange workings ti the planets under whose Mgrt owe is born with amazing acrurac>\ So starts i
%ho receive them are almost earned hark to the tlav? of great nisr-!
{hug -are his prediction.*- thi>e \
*k Jes and forced to beheve that Prou >K)f Lewis must be possessed ot a
hat woiulerfnl power. [
jEeen astrologers stand amazed at the accuracy with which he loretrlfs the future.
If you uish a free reading of ja u r htV with predicting for the bafencr uf ?he tear *vi a bt\mttfi*!
;A*tra) IVrchJr C hart: if >on wt>h to know your lucky and unlucky periods; what pit fails, to a void;
what opportune.?* to gra.*p , &ufrgf<*tinti& on bu&ness friends, enemies, love, fmnrwixe ties, tiavcta* sickre ^ , death, etc. write a Khorf letter to Professor Lewis, Hoorn 4ti No. 43 West 27* h Street, New York
Ctiy* and you will receive it hv mail without delay and absolutely free, Be sure to gi.-e dm*., montii and
. eir of birth. ipeii ont your first atid lz$t name and write your address plainly Kindly cm'iugc 111 ceiiU
to cover cost of mailing, etc,, and Professor Lewis will send yon his new and finely iUusiratcti hook, en
titled s*Ycmf Far-*, Prevent and future Reversed/ without any charge whatever,. *Bc ?tirt* to tell your
one will be disappointed. They are bent bv mail, postage prepaid* and absolutely free,

sd vantage
them a,

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