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Letter of Transmittal

June 20, 2016

Amirus Salat
Associate Professor
Department of Accounting and Information Systems
Faculty of Business Studies
University of Dhaka
Subject: eAudit by KPMG : a shift towards perfection - a case study on KPMG Rahman Rahman
Huqs electronics audit implementation.
It gives me immense pleasure to submit you my Internship Report on eAudit: a shift towards
perfection - a case study on KPMG Rahman Rahman Huqs electronics audit implementation, which
was assigned to me for the partial requirement of the M.B.A. Degree. It was a great and worthy
experience for me to work on such an interesting and challenging topic. As an M.B.A. student of
Department of Accounting and Information Systems, this experience will add to my credential and as
well as in my working life.
I would like to thank you for your supportive suggestions and advices for this study. I will be very glad
if the report can serve its actual purpose. I will be available whenever you wish to call me for any
inquiry about this report.
Sincerely yours,
Sagar Chandra Mondal
Roll No. (M.B.A.): JN-219
Roll No. (B.B.A.): 17033
Registration No: 2010-613-629
Section: A
M.B.A. 17th Batch
Dept. of Accounting & Information Systems
University of Dhaka.

I have incurred many debts of gratitude over the last three months while preparing for this report. First
and foremost, I would like to pay my gratitude to the Lord Krishna for giving me ability to work hard.
I am also grateful to my parents who provided me with the basic necessities of life since my early
The report titled, as eAudit : a shift towards perfection - a case study on KPMG Rahman Rahman
Huqs electronics audit implementation has been prepared to fulfill the partial requirements of
M.B.A. degree. I am very much fortunate that I have gotten much supervision, guidance and cooperation from many persons. First of all, I would like to thank my favuorite and beloved teacher
Amirus Salat, Associate Professor, Department of Accounting & Information Systems, University of
Dhaka, for giving me direct guidance and supervision to prepare this intern report. Without his help, it
would not be possible for me to complete this report.
I would also like to thank the officials of KPMG Rahman Rahman Huq for their kind co-operation and
support. I would like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to Amer Junaid, CPA, Manager KPMG,
Humayra Binty Mohammad, Audit Supervisor, Mohammad Riyad, Audit Supervisor and Kader
Hossain Rahi, Audit Assistant KPMG Rahman Rahman Huq for their guidance.
Finally, I am conveying my regards to all of my respected teachers. I would thank all the staffs of the
Department of Accounting and Information Systems for their support. Last but not the least; I thank
all my classmates and friends for their support.

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Executive Summary
Audit and accountancy have been revolutionized by computerization of recording, analyzing and
reporting. Development of Information technology (IT) changes the way of auditing. The new version
of audit is named Electronic Audit (eAudit). eAudit is computer-assisted auditing that uses electronic
records to complete all or part of the audit. It consists of interviews utilizing computer assisted auditing
techniques such as video conferencing, net-meetings, electronic data transfer, etc. It brings the power
of an audit firms collective wisdom, industry knowledge, and technical skills to audit firms clients
on every audit engagement using advanced and secure technology tools.
This report has been compiled following a structured methodology. Data have been collected mainly
from the primary sources. Interviews were taken from audit assistants of KPMG engaged with different
companies where eAudit was conducted. Secondary data was also collected to complete this report.
For this report, a definitional analysis of electronic auditing has been made. Electronic auditing follows
a structured procedure that should be well understood before conducting eAudit. So, eAudit procedure
has been duly described to provide an understanding of eAudit. The eAudit tools and techniques were
identified, illustrated and summarized to reflect the essentials of eAudit. The paper attempts to confine
its scope to Bangladesh. So the current position of eAudit in Bangladesh has been described. In
Bangladesh, eAudit has not yet started by audit firms without Rahman Rahman Huq. Some big audit
firms like Hoda Vasi Chowdhury & Co, ACNABIN, A. Qasem & Co are thinking about the eAudit
and taking preparation to start it in Bangladesh. Only RRH started eAudit which is being conducted on
full-fledge for last 3 years. But others big audit firms like Hoda Vasi Chowdhury & Co, ACNABIN,
A. Qasem & Co argued that their clients are not ready to introduce eAudit now. So they are encouraging
their clients. However, eAudit will get popular in Bangladesh as the time passes as many institutions
and organizations in Bangladesh are being digitalized and business records are maintained through
computer systems like SAP, Tally, Simple Accounting Software etc.
This report aims to contribute to the field of E-auditing through an analysis of the eAudit tools,
techniques and procedures. It also aims to describe the present situation of eAudit in Bangladesh. It
has identified that there is a potential opportunity to employ eAudit in Bangladesh. Sooner or later it
will be accepted by the practitioners, users and clients due to its better outcomes. A good future of
eAudit is waiting in every sector of business in Bangladesh and it is expected that within a very short
possible period of time traditional audit in Bangladesh will be shifted to eAudit.
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