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Semi-vegetarianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclo...

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A semi-vegetarian or exitarian[1][2] diet is one that is plant-based with the

occasional inclusion of meat products.[3][4][5][6] In 2003, the American Dialect
Society voted exitarian as the year's most useful word.[7]


Dierence between similar terms and diets

See also
Further reading

Dierence between similar terms and diets

Vegetarianism is the practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat. In
addition to the term exitarian, which was listed in the mainstream MerriamWebster's Collegiate Dictionary in 2012,[8] another neologism for
semi-vegetarianism is "reducetarianism".[9][10][11]
Common reasons for adopting a exitarian diet may be ethical issues relating to
animal welfare (including health) or animal rights, the environment (see
environmental vegetarianism) or reduction of resource consumption (see
economic vegetarianism), which are also arguments in favor of adopting a fully
vegetarian diet. While exitarians may view the meat or animal products as
occasional indulgences,[12] staunch vegetarians may resent the term or view it as
cheating or as a moral lapse.[13] On the other hand, many proponents of veganism
embrace exitarianism/reducetarianism as a way to get a broader section of the
general public to act on arguments for veganism, with the consequence that more
animal suering and environmental devastation will be prevented than if the
public viewed meat-reduction as all-or-nothing.[14]
A ranking by U.S. News & World Report, involving a panel of experts, evaluated
32 popular diets based on overarching factors including health, weight loss, and
ease of following; on the 2014 list, the exitarian diet came in sixth place, ahead
of both the vegan and vegetarian diets.[15] Specic exitarian diets include:
Pollotarian: someone who eats chicken or other poultry, but not meat from
mammals, often for environmental, health or food justice reasons.[16][17]

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Semi-vegetarianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclo...

Pescetarian: someone who eats sh and/or other seafood, but not poultry or
meat from mammals.
Pesco-pollo: someone who eats both poultry and sh/seafood, though no
meat from mammals.
The macrobiotic diet is plant-based, and may or may not include the
occasional addition of sh or other seafood.[18]

See also
Entomophagy (consumption of insects, which is another environmental
approach for obtaining food)
Ethical eating
Ethics of eating meat
Food and drink prohibitions
Sustainable diet

1. "Types of Vegetarians - Denitions" . Retrieved 2015-05-02.
2. "What is a Flexitarian?" . 2014-04-05. Retrieved 2015-05-02.
3. Langley-Evans, Simon (2009). Nutrition: A Lifespan Approach . Wiley. p.172.
ISBN 978-1-4443-1640-7. "There are many forms of vegetarian diet from the
semi-vegetarian (consumes meat infrequently)..."
4. "Becoming a Vegetarian" . Retrieved 2015-05-02.
5. "Semi-Vegetarian - Vegetarianism" . Medicine Online. "semi-vegetarian: mostly
follows a vegetarian diet but eats meat, poultry and sh occasionally"
6. Koletzko, Berthold (2008). Pediatric Nutrition in Practice . Karger. p.130.
ISBN 978-3-8055-8477-7.
7. "2003 Words of the Year" . American Dialect Society. 2007-01-13. Retrieved
8. Italie, Leanne. "F-bomb makes it into mainstream dictionary" . The Washington
Times. Retrieved 15 August 2012.
9. Mary MacVean (8 January 2015). "Getting through the lobster feast as a vegan". Los
Angeles Times.
10. Samantha Olson (6 January 2015). "Meat-Eaters And Vegetarians Meet In The Middle:
The Birth Of 'Reducetarianism' ". Medical Daily.
11. Martha Rosenberg (2 January 2015). "Not Going Vegetarian, But Cutting Down on
Meat? There's a Name for That". Alternet.
12. "Are you a 'exitarian?' " . Retrieved 2015-05-02.
13. "Flexitarianism: isn't it just vegetarianism with cheating?" . Guardian (London). 21
January 2013.
14. Graham Hill (1 Feb 2010). "Why I'm a Weekday Vegetarian" . TED. Retrieved
2 March 2015.
15. "Best Diets Overall" . U.S.News & World Report. 2012.

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Semi-vegetarianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclo...

16. Preedy, Victor R.; Burrow, Gerard N.; Watson, Ronald (2009-02-09). Comprehensive
Handbook of Iodine: Nutritional, Biochemical, Pathological and Therapeutic Aspects
. Academic Press. p.523. ISBN 978-0-12-374135-6. Retrieved 17 September 2011.
17. Hayes, Dayle; Laudan, Rachel (September 2008). Food and Nutrition / Editorial
Advisers, Dayle Hayes, Rachel Laudan . Marshall Cavendish. p.1058.
ISBN 978-0-7614-7827-0. Retrieved 17 September 2011.
18. Kushi, Michio; Blauer, Stephen (2004-03-08). The macrobiotic way: the complete
macrobiotic lifestyle book . Penguin. p.83. ISBN 978-1-58333-180-4. Retrieved
17 September 2011.

Further reading
Cultural Encyclopedia of Vegetarianism by Margaret Puskar-Pasewicz.ABCCLIO(2010). ISBN 978-0-313-37556-9
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