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The report by the National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for

Food listed the Seven Principles of HACCP.

Conduct a Hazard Analysis

Identify Critical Control Points (CCP)

Establish Critical Limits for CCP

Establish Monitoring Procedures

Establish Corrective Actions

Establish Recordkeeping Procedures

Establish Verification Procedures

These seven principles become the core of the systematic approach for the
application of HACCP.
Developing a HACCP Plan
To start a HACCP system, a company must first write a HACCP plan.
Companies may use generic models as resources for developing a plant
specific plan, however, the most useful and successful HACCP plans need to
be developed from the very beginning from the plant that will use and
implement the plan. To develop a HACCP plan, a team of individuals from
within the company, with some assistance from outside experts, conducts
five preliminary steps and applies the seven HACCP principles.
The five preliminary steps are:

Bring together the HACCP resources/assemble the HACCP team.


Describe the product and its method of distribution.


Develop a complete list of ingredients and raw materials used in

the product.


Develop a process flow diagram.

Meet the regulatory requirements for Sanitation Standard
Operating Procedures (SOP's).

The seven HACCP principles are the most important steps in writing a HACCP
plan. The first two steps provide the foundation for the HACCP plan. These
two steps are essential since application of the other HACCP principles
depend on the results of the hazard analysis. The remaining five steps are
the application steps of the HACCP plan and provide the structure for
conducting the workings of the HACCP plan int he processing plant.
The seven principles of HACCP are:

Conduct a Hazard Analysis


Identify Critical Control Points (CCP)


Establish Critical Limits for CCP


Establish Monitoring Procedures


Establish Corrective Actions


Establish Recordkeeping Procedures


Establish Verification Procedures

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