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This procedure specifies the minimum requirements for the welding and inspection of Titanium.

a. Titanium Pipework welding shall be carried out using the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
b. Design shall be to ASME B31.3, and welding procedure and welder performance
qualification tests to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX. Entire welding shall be carried
out by qualified welder as per WPS No. 37 (Document No. P7512-RM-2000-P-0034-L01-0003).
The completed pipework shall satisfy the requirements of ASME B 31.3.


a. The welding process shall be Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) with an inert shielding
gas such as Argon [Tungsten-arc inert gas shielded process - TIG]. No other welding
process shall be permitted.
b. Precautions should be taken during GTAW welding to ensure adequate supply of high
purity Argon (99.995% pure) shielding gas. Inner surfaces of the pipes in the vicinity of the
weld should be provided with additional protection by purging with shielding gas.
c. The recommended power supply for GTAW welding Titanium is D.C Straight Polarity
(DCSP). The equipment shall incorporate high frequency arc initiation with a 'Crater Filling'
d. TIG torches shall be fitted with gas lenses.
e. Autogenous welding (i.e. without the addition of filler metal) is not permitted.


a. All scale, oxide or any other foreign material shall be removed from the weld metal contact
area and the adjacent surfaces to be cleaned of all foreign matter such as oil, grease paint,
etc., for a distance of not less than 100mm from the edges of the weld preparation. If there
is major evidence of scale, slag or oxide which is evidently of original titanium production
origin, the material is to be rejected.
b. Cleaning of surfaces prior to welding must extend to a distance of 100mm from the edges
of the weld preparations.
c. Edge preparations for butt-welds and branch connections shall be as per ASME B31.3.
d. In particular no fabrication or grinding of ferrous materials must be allowed near the
titanium welding area.
e. The bores of pipes of differing internal diameters shall be machined as per ASME B31.3.


a. Titanium and its alloys are subject to severe embrittlement by relatively small amounts of
hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. Titanium has an extreme affinity for these elements at
welding temperatures. Hot Titanium will readily absorb oxygen and nitrogen from the
atmosphere. Accordingly Titanium must be shielded from the normal atmosphere prior to,
during, and after the welding process by blanketing the complete weld zone including the
root weld and underside, with an inert atmosphere. This is accomplished by maintaining
three separate gas streams during welding.
i. The shielding gas stream for shielding the molten weld puddle and adjacent surfaces.
ii. The Trailing gas shield for protecting the solidified weld metal and heat affected zone
during cooling.
iii. The backup shield using the backing bar with gas ports for protecting the weld

underside during welding and cooling.

The flow rates and pressure for this backing gas is to be controlled to prevent root to be
pushed-in and resulting in undesirable concave profile. Refer WPS No. 37 for shielding, trailing and
purging gas details.
b. The inert gas used for shielding shall be Argon with high purity level (99.995%).
c. Molten Titanium is highly reactive with most materials, including all the common
refractories. This requires that the weld area be completely free from dust, grease and
contact with ceramic blocks or other foreign material during welding. The use of coated arc welding
electrodes or other fluxing compounds is not permitted, since they cause
contamination and embrittlement.


a. The filler wire shall be in accordance with AWS 5.16 ERTi-2 for the welding process. Refer WPS No.37
for details. These shall be stored under consistently clean, warm and dry conditions.
b. The filler wire size is to be based on the smallest diameter that can carry the required
current for the relevant welded joint.
c. Gas used for shielding and back-purging shall be high purity argon or a mixture of helium
and argon.
d. Filler wire shall be supplied smooth, clean and free from scale, and shall be suitably
protected from contamination by dirt, dust, oil, grease or paint prior to welding.
e. Cleaning and degreasing of filler wires shall be in accordance with the Consumable
manufacturer's recommendations. Methanol or methylated spirits shall not be used for
degreasing filler wires


a. WPS/ PQR/ Welders Qualification etc. shall be as stipulated earlier in this specification, in
compliance with ASME Section IX.
WPS No.37 with supporting PQR No. PQR-37 shall apply.


a. Use of pulled bends is not permitted in titanium pipework.
b. Surfaces to be welded shall be dry, clean and at a temperature of 15C minimum.
c. Interpass temperature during welding shall be 100C max.
d. Pre and post weld gas purging shall be incorporated, preferably controlled by timing
devices. Alternatively the gas flow shall be left on continuously.
e. The shield and back-purge shall be applied prior to striking an arc and shall be maintained
during welding and cooling, for example by the use of trailing shields.
f. The maximum oxygen content of the back purge shall not exceed 0.5% prior to the start of
welding and while monitoring during welding.
g. The inert gas shielding shall not be removed until the weld area has cooled to below 300C.
Each weld pass, root area wherever feasible, and the finished weld shall be visually
h. Visual inspection shall be carried out immediately after welding each bead prior to cleaning
and on weld completion. Surface contamination of the weld and heat affected zones due to
oxygen pick-up shall be visually checked and assessed. The visual examination shall pay
particular attention to the color of the weld and adjacent areas.
Colour - Interpretation:
Silver- Correct Shielding, Satisfactory
Light straw - Slight contamination, but acceptable
Dark straw - Slight contamination, but acceptable
Dark blue - Heavier Contamination, but may be acceptable depending on service
Light blue - Heavier Contamination, unlikely to be acceptable
Grey blue - Very heavy contamination, Unacceptable

Grey - Very heavy contamination, Unacceptable

White- Very heavy contamination, Unacceptable
i. During production, Titanium welding shall be carried out in a suitably enclosed
clean-conditioned area dedicated to Titanium fabrication. Random checks for iron
contamination shall be made by a chemical method (e.g. Ferroxyl test) on surfaces to be
welded. Special care shall be exercised to protect the weld area from draughts. All jigs,
fixtures and clamps shall be cleaned prior to use.
j. When welding has stopped for any reason, care should be taken in restarting to ensure that
the required penetration and fusion are obtained and that the weld is not contaminated. Any
cracked tack welds must be completely removed and no attempts made to incorporate
them into the finished weld.
k. At all times the root of the weld and adjacent heat affected zones must be protected from
contamination as stipulated earlier.
l. Welding and weld inspection shall meet the requirements of ASME B 31.3.


a. Prior to cleaning each weld bead shall be visually examined for evidence of unsatisfactory
shielding. Interpass cleaning shall be carried out by SS wire brush and grinding (if required) only.
b. Further visual examination shall also be carried out after thorough cleaning. Any cracks,
porosity or other unacceptable defects that appear of the surface of any bead shall be
removed before depositing the following bead.
c. Any section of titanium pipework, which receives a ferrous arc strike, must be cut out and
d. Repair welding shall not be permitted. Welds containing unacceptable defects shall be
completely cut out.


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