Can A Company Earn Profit and Do CSR at The Same Time If Yes Who Has Done It Yes

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Can a company earn profit and do CSR at the same

time if yes who has done it

1) Consumers are demanding Corporate Responsibility
According to Nielson, 50% of consumers, surveyed worldwide,
would be willing to pay more for goods and services from socially
responsible companies.
Global consumers are willing to put their money where their heart
is when it comes to goods and services from companies committed
to social responsibility.
Nielsen is global information and Measurement Company, this
company provides marketing and consumer information.

2) Employees want the companies to be socially

Employees who are satisfied with the organizations commitment to
social and environmental responsibilities demonstrate more
commitment, engagement and productivity.
If you get your employees involved in designing and implementing
a socially responsible program for company, theyll be developing
important skills that will allow them to grow outside of work.
Things like project management, logistics, being social, are all
skills that employees will learn while theyre helping your company
be more socially responsible.

3) Employees Perform Better

Social good programs, like skills-based volunteering programs, are
proven to effectively build leaders more economical than university
programs, training, and conferences.
CSR mediated Impact on Trust. Employees tend to assume that
their organization is trustworthy if they identify with a social
responsible corporation.
Encourage employees to talk about and develop shared experiences
with customers around the companys CSR activities.

4) Develop New Markets and Improve Operations by

Building and Strengthening Partnerships
By engaging with social causes in a variety of ways,
your company can learn about new geographies,
cultures, markets, and product applications.
In addition, it can enable partnerships that protect
market share and increase distribution. New insights
and partnerships can be created by leveraging the
diverse assets found within your company, like its
products, services, capital, networks, AND expertise
Employees volunteering their skills with organizations
in strategic locations can help your company gain
local insights.

5) Social Good Fosters Innovation and

Employees can learn new skills and insight,
resulting in product innovation.

When employees engage in social good activities,

they are proven to become more innovative and
collaborative leaders.
Employees will develop their leadership,
innovation, communication, and collaboration
Employees also learn more about potential
customers and gain invaluable local insights
Employees can learn new skills and insight, resulting
in product innovation.
When employees engage in social good activities,
they are proven to become more innovative and
collaborative leaders.
Employees will develop their leadership, innovation,
communication, and collaboration skills
Beyond developing skills, employees also learn more
about potential customers and gain invaluable local
When employees engage in social good activities, they are
proven to become more innovative and collaborative leaders.
Nothing showcases this better than employees who engage in
international skills-based volunteering projects where
employees further develop technical expertise while
improving their soft skills. Participants in programs, like this,
report that leadership, innovation, communication, and
collaboration are some of the main skills developed. Beyond
developing skills, employees also learn more about potential
customers and gain invaluable local insights.

Company that doing CSR

1. Sony
2. Canon
3. Nestl
4. Dumex
5. Dell

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