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La pelcula est ambientada en Castelcut, una pequea villa de Sicilia, durante la Segunda
Guerra Mundial. All, Renato Amoroso, un nio de 13 aos que vive con sus padres y
hermanas mayores, se encuentra con sus compaeros de clase en la tarde para observar a
Maddalena Scordia, conocida en la ciudad como Malena, una bella joven de 27 aos, casada
con Nino Scordia, un militar enviado a frica tras la declaracin de guerra de Italia. Todos los
das que ella sale al pueblo, l la observa y la admira, siguindola y espindola a su vez, por
las ventanas de su casa.

The Bucket List

The Bucket List is a 2007 American comedy-drama film directed by Rob Reiner, produced by
Reiner, Alan Greisman, Craig Zadan and Neil Meron, written by Justin Zackham, and starring
Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman.[2] The main plot follows two terminally ill men
(portrayed by Nicholson and Freeman) on their road trip with a wish list of things to do before
they "kick the bucket."The film premiered on December 15, 2007 in Hollywood. It opened in
limited release in the United States and Canada on December 25, 2007 and was distributed
by Warner Bros. The film opened in wide release in the United States and Canada on January
11, 2008 and was released in the United Kingdom on February 8, 2008, and in Australia on
February 21, 2008.[3][4] It received mixed reviews from film critics, but was a box office
success, opening at the top of the box office and grossing a total of $175.4 million worldwide.

The Shawshank Redemption is a 1994 American drama

film written and directed by Frank Darabont, and starring Tim

Robbinsand Morgan Freeman. Adapted from the Stephen
King novella Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, the film tells
the story of Andy Dufresne, a banker who is sentenced to life in
Shawshank State Penitentiary for the murder of his wife and her lover,
despite his claims of innocence. During his time at the prison, he
befriends a fellow inmate, Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding, and finds himself
protected by the guards after the warden begins using him in his
money-laundering operation.

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