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Sherle R.

Schwenninger is director of the Economic Growth Program at the New America Foundation, a senior fellow at the
World Policy Institute, and was the founding editor of World Policy Journal.

How to Save the World

Sherle R. Schwenninger

Dear Mr. President: By now, you are painfully the credit markets and prevent the collapse
aware of the gravity of the economic crisis of the nation’s economy. The European Cen-
you will soon inherit. It is clear that this is tral Bank and the central banks of Britain,
no ordinary business-cycle downturn. The Switzerland, Japan, and other countries have
crisis is the product of the bursting of one also stepped forward to inject money into
of the largest credit and asset bubbles in the world’s banking systems. Nearly all of
modern financial history that has set off a the G-20 economies have approved some
painful deleveraging process in America’s form of stimulus to try to offset the down-
household and financial sectors. This de- ward pressure on their economies.
leveraging process has now spread across Yet, as you know, these measures have
other sectors of the world economy. In fact, not been enough to stop the rapid deteriora-
few countries have been immune from tion of the economy. By the time you take
falling asset prices and collapsing financial office, unemployment will have ticked up
institutions, or from falling demand for another point or two; more businesses, in-
their goods and services. This is the stuff cluding U.S. automakers, will be on the
great depressions are made of, and that is brink of failure; and budget-strapped state
why Time magazine devoted its November and local governments will have been forced
24 cover to you, Mr. President, in the guise to lay off more people and cut social servi-
of FDR. ces. Thus, there is a risk that cascading job
Unfortunately, the outgoing administra- losses and bankruptcies could further desta-
tion was often one step behind the curve in bilize the American financial system, adding
dealing with this fast-moving crisis. You to the danger of deflation taking hold.
will therefore need to anticipate the condi- What is worse, the crisis will have taken its
tion the economy will be in when you take toll on a number of emerging and newly de-
office and the risks that require your urgent veloped economies, requiring more interna-
attention. Over the past several months, the tional rescues of the kind that have already
Federal Reserve and Treasury have under- been undertaken in the cases of Iceland and
taken extraordinary measures—from extend- Hungary.
ing federal guarantees to most parts of the It is therefore not too much of an exag-
financial system to direct capital injections geration to say that the fate of the world
into the nation’s leading banks—to unfreeze economy rests on the recovery program

© 2008 World Policy Institute 3

you pursue upon taking office. It also de- as the experience of Japan in the 1990s sug-
pends upon the international cooperation gests, economies suffering from burst credit
you are able to organize around a coordi- and housing bubbles tend to relapse once
nated global economic recovery. the short-term stimulus is taken away.
As you surely recognize, this crisis is This recession could be particularly long
increasingly global in scope and is clearly because many American households are seri-
too big for the United States to handle ously over-leveraged and are experiencing a
alone. We will need to see more coordinated decline in the value of their homes. With
rate cuts, financial injections, sovereign home prices falling, many households are no
debt rescues, and fiscal policy expansion longer able to maintain consumption levels
on the part of G-20 governments if we by tapping home equity as they have in the
hope to avoid a deep and protracted world past. Moreover, with unemployment rising,
recession—if not a global depression. At they cannot easily or quickly replace the
the same time, you must design your eco- credit they previously relied on with new
nomic recovery program not just with the sources of income. Thus they will have no
goal of preventing the worst from happen- choice but to cut consumption and increase
ing. You must also structure the program savings. In light of the fact that housing
with the objective of putting the American markets by their nature are slow to correct,
and world economies onto a new, more- this household deleveraging process could
sustainable growth path—one that does take years to play out. Household consump-
not depend upon debt-financed consump- tion, which at its peak accounted for more
tion in the United States to drive global than 70 percent of the economy, may thus
economic growth, as it has over the past be a drag for some time to come—at least
decade. In this sense, you will be judged not until wages rise or home values begin to
only on whether you have avoided the worst increase again.
but also on whether your program has made Second, your program, although bigger
the U.S. and world economies stronger and than the initial proposal, is still too modest
more productive in the longer term. to make a substantial difference to an econo-
my damaged by the unwinding of the burst-
Redesigning Recovery ing of the housing and credit bubbles. You
The two-year economic recovery package should note that economists as politically
you have broadly outlined—extension of diverse as Paul Krugman, Stephen Roach,
unemployment benefits, assistance to state and Ben Stein agree that you should err on
and local governments, middle-class tax the side of overkill and that a massive recov-
cuts, incentives for green technology, and ery package is called for. Even the bursting
some infrastructure spending—is a clear of the tech bubble in April 2000, which had
improvement over the first stimulus pack- relatively little impact on most Americans
age Congress passed in February 2008. Yet and resulted in only a modest increase in
it still falls far short of what is needed given unemployment, required a fiscal stimulus
the nature of the economic crisis. the equivalent of more than 6 percent of
To begin with, your program is too gross domestic product (GDP) (measured by
short in duration to generate a sustainable the increase in the budget deficit) over a
recovery. I know you have been told by your three-year period, in addition to 16 cuts in
economic advisers that stimulus is best if it the federal funds rates to 1 percent. In light
is made temporary, especially if you are con- of the much larger effect housing and credit
cerned about inflation down the road. But has on consumption and employment, the


unwinding of the housing and credit bub- nomic growth should be driven less by
bles will require an even larger stimulus. debt-financed consumption and more by
Third, even with the addition of incen- investment that leads to the creation of
tives for green technology and increased good jobs and rising wages, and by rising
infrastructure spending, your package is exports to those economies that have under-
still too heavily weighted toward short-term consumed for much of the past decade.
consumption and not enough on job- A new economic recovery program
creating investment. Thus, to the extent would obviously include measures such as
your package is successful, it will merely re- the extension of unemployment insurance
inforce a suboptimal and ultimately unsus- or assistance to state and local governments
tainable pattern of economic growth that to ease the adjustment many households
over the past decade
has been too depen-
dent on debt-financed
consumption and in-
flated asset prices. The
root cause of this sub-
optimal pattern of
“ The root cause of this suboptimal
pattern of growth has been the excess
savings generated by Asian export
growth has been the
excess savings gener-
ated by the Asian ex-
economies and petro-dollar states.
port economies and the petro-dollar states of
the Persian Gulf, which were recycled into
are now experiencing. But these worth-

while measures are no substitute for what
the U.S. financial system, fueling the credit must be the overriding goal of your eco-
and housing bubbles. The housing bubble nomic recovery program, namely finding a
in turn helped inflate consumption, as U.S. big, new source of economic growth that
households took advantage of poorly regu- can replace personal consumption as the
lated new financial instruments to purchase main driver of economic growth and job
more expensive homes and tap rising home creation in the short term and that, over
equity. Domestic consumption in turn the medium term, can lead to higher wages
helped drive Asian export growth, resulting and incomes to support increased household
in even larger trade surpluses. The weakness consumption.
in this pattern of economic growth lay in There are two areas of enormous
the fact that U.S. consumption was made pent-up demand on which such a recovery
possible not by real wage and income gains program can be based. The first and most
but by unsustainable increases in home important is the critical U.S. need for
prices and household debt. public infrastructure improvements in
Seen from this perspective, the bursting everything from roads and bridges to
of the housing and credit bubbles was a nec- broadband and air traffic control systems
essary, albeit painful, adjustment in the pat- to new energy infrastructure. We not only
tern of U.S. and world economic growth. need to repair large parts of our existing
The goal of your recovery program, there- basic infrastructure but also put in place
fore, must not be to recreate this pattern the twenty-first century infrastructure for a
with more short-term, consumer-oriented more energy-efficient and technologically
stimulus but to steer the economy onto a advanced society. This project, entailing
more sustainable growth path. Future eco- several trillion dollars in new government

How to Save the World 5

spending over the next decade, would pro- this ultimate goal of spurring demand for
vide millions of new jobs for American American technology.
The other significant source of potential Public Infrastructure Investment
growth is the enormous pent-up demand in The main pillar of your economic recovery
China and other emerging economies for program must be a massive increase in
both consumer goods and the productivity- public infrastructure investment, in part
enhancing and energy-efficient technology because it would provide a sustained boost
needed to sustain both corporate profitabil- to job creation and also the foundation for
ity and rising living standards. For years private investment in the productive econ-
now, these economies have suppressed do- omy. There is increasing public recognition
mestic demand at the expense of the living that two decades of underinvestment in
standards of their workers and have been public infrastructure has created a backlog
able to use low wages to offset the rising of public infrastructure needs that is under-
cost of energy and other materials. But with mining our economy’s efficiency and costing
the American consumer laid low by the us billions in lost income and economic
housing and credit crisis, relying on exports growth. The American Society of Civil
is no longer a viable growth strategy. These Engineers estimates that we need to spend
economies will have to do more to generate $1.6 trillion over the next five years to
their own consumer demand to offset the bring our basic infrastructure—roads, rail,
slower rate of consumption in the United bridges, mass transit—up to world stan-
States. And with higher energy prices loom- dards. In addition, we need to spend size-
ing again in the future, they must also do able sums in newer areas of infrastructure,
more to increase productivity and energy like broadband access and new energy
efficiency by increasing their investments infrastructure for wind, solar, and clean
in technology. coal.
This shift in growth on the part Public investment of this magnitude
of high-savings but energy-inefficient would give a significant boost to the econo-
economies like China will increase demand my, filling the gap left by the fall off in
for U.S. goods and services, allowing the housing construction and consumer spend-
United States to improve its trade balance ing, while laying the foundation for expand-
and remove a drag on economic growth. ed productivity. Indeed, public infrastruc-
In particular, it will help fuel demand for ture investment is the most effective way to
American technology across a broad range increase demand and investment at the same
of new growth clusters where U.S. compa- time, and thus the best way to counter an
nies enjoy a leadership position or, with new economic slowdown caused by the unwind-
investment, might assume such a role in the ing of the housing and credit bubbles. If, in
future. These areas include not just such tra- spite of low interest rates, companies will
ditional American strengths as aerospace, not commit to more investment spending
information technology, and networking, because of weak demand or uncertainty, the
but emerging growth areas associated with best way to jump-start investment will be
what might be called the “triple green to do so by increasing public outlays. Public
revolution” in agriculture, efficiency- investment in turn will help stimulate new
enhancing clean technology, and renewable private investment by increasing the effi-
energy sources. Your recovery program, ciency and potential returns, and by adding
Mr. President, should be designed with demand to the overall economy.


Public infrastructure investment would dollar of lower taxes. Thus, by Zandi’s
have the advantage of creating more jobs, conservative estimates, $300 billion in
particularly more good jobs, and thus would infrastructure spending would generate a
help counter the negative employment ef- nearly $480 billion increase (or close to a
fects of the collapsing housing bubble. For 4 percent increase) in GDP in the first two
example, the U.S. Department of Trans- years alone.
portation estimates that for every $1 billion Public infrastructure investment would
in federal highway investment, 47,500 jobs not only help stimulate the economy in the
would be created, directly and indirectly. short term but help make it more produc-
Similarly, an analysis by the California tive over the long term. America’s current
Infrastructure Coalition concludes that economic structure—relying heavily on fi-
each $1 billion in
transit system im-
provements, includ-
ing roadways, would
produce 18,000 di-
rect new jobs and
nearly the
“ China has announced an impressive
stimulus program of $586 billion
over two years. On closer examina-
same level of induced tion, it is mostly a re-packaging of
indirect investment.
If all public infra-
structure investment
existing spending commitments.
created jobs at the same rate as transit im-
provements in California, $300 billion in

nancial services, entertainment, and certain
tech industries—reflects our low investment
new infrastructure investment spread over in public infrastructure over the past two
two years would create more than 5.4 mil- decades. However, many of the potential
lion jobs directly, more than offsetting the new growth sectors of the economy (agricul-
jobs lost since the bursting of the housing ture, energy, and clean technology) will re-
bubble. quire major improvements or new public
Public infrastructure investment not infrastructure altogether: new transmission
only creates jobs but generates a healthy grids to tap the potential of wind and solar
multiplier effect throughout the economy power in the Southwest and the Great
by creating demand for materials and servic- Plains, better broadband access, new airports
es. The U.S. Department of Transportation to support the growth of agribusiness and
estimates that for every $1 billion invested new tech companies in the lower-cost areas
in federal highways more than $6.2 billion of the American heartland, and a new gener-
in economic activity would be generated. ation of information technology to reduce
Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s traffic congestion and speed up all manner, offers a more conservative of transactions.
but still impressive estimate of the multi- Finally, by making public infrastructure
plier effect of infrastructure spending, calcu- investment the centerpiece of your economic
lating that every dollar of increased infra- recovery program, you would send a signal
structure spending would generate a $1.59 to the rest of the world that you plan to
increase in GDP. By comparison, a combina- move the U.S. economy away from its de-
tion of tax cuts and rebates is estimated to pendence on debt-financed consumption,
produce only 67 cents in demand for every to strengthen the productive economy, and

How to Save the World 7

create jobs in the United States. This would program. They must become the collective
have two positive effects: it would help at- substitute for the American locomotive, ei-
tract new foreign investment into the ther by stimulating demand in their own
United States and underscore the need for economies or by recycling their surpluses
China, Japan, and other Asian export- to stimulate demand in other economies.
dependent economies to do more to expand None of these countries, however, can be
their own domestic demand. expected to exercise the global leadership
necessary to make a world economic recov-
A Coordinated Global Recovery ery program work.
The U.S. economy is no longer in a position You must therefore take the lead in es-
to be the demand locomotive that pulls the tablishing the agenda and twisting the arms
rest of the world out of recession. Other as necessary, but you must do so in a way
economies will need to pull alongside ours. that does not remind these countries of the
Indeed, they will need to do some heavy worst of America’s international economic
lifting if we are to rebalance the world and diplomacy of the 1990s when the Clinton
avoid a protracted global economic slow- administration forced an agenda of financial
down. But there is a danger that, rather liberalization on emerging economies that
than being an engine for recovery, slumping led to the 1997–98 financial crisis. That
economies in Europe and Asia could prove means the measures you propose must be
to be a drag on our recovery. You must seen as essential to the rescue of the world
therefore have a well-thought-out interna- economy and as mutually beneficial to all
tional economic strategy to complement concerned in the long run—even if they
your domestic economic recovery program. seem to call for uncomfortable changes in
The global glut of savings produced the short term. It also means that you
by China, Japan, Germany, and the petro- will need to be prepared to make some
dollar states was a major cause of the credit meaningful concessions, such as ceding
and housing bubble. These economies thus more power to international institutions like
bear responsibility with the United States the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and
for the current crisis, and must take the the World Bank, in return for their active
lead in making the adjustments necessary participation in your recovery program for
to create a more balanced world economy. the world economy.
Indeed, they are in the best position to do The first meeting of the G-20 economies
so because they have large current account on the world financial crisis in November
surpluses and significant foreign currency provided the framework for some parts of
holdings. China, Germany, and Japan are the global recovery program you must ad-
running current account surpluses, respec- vance. It will be important to build on that
tively, of 8.5 percent, 6.5 percent, and 4 framework by enlisting the support of key
percent. The Gulf states have even larger G-20 countries, especially the large current
current account surpluses, as do other petro- account surplus economies, around a three-
dollar economies. All have sizeable foreign part program. That program would entail:
currency reserves. China’s reserves now 1) a coordinated fiscal expansion led by the
top $2 trillion, and Japan has more than current account surplus economies; 2) the
$1 trillion in reserves. re-alignment and active management of
For better or worse, these economies the world’s principal currencies to facilitate
must be your main partners, Mr. President, a rebalancing of the global economy; and
in carrying out a global economic recovery 3) the creation of a world economic recovery


fund of sufficient size to handle emerging age China and other large current account
debt and solvency crises and to undertake a surplus economies—Japan, Germany, and
global stimulus program of spending and the large oil-exporting countries—to expand
investment to complement fiscal expansion domestic demand to offset weaker U.S. con-
at the national level. sumer growth. Germany, Japan, and the
The first element of your international Gulf states all are well positioned to expand
strategy, Mr. President, must be to encour- their economies—preferably by cutting

How to Save the World 9

taxes and increasing social spending to spur might consider if China continues to manip-
more domestic consumption. China has an- ulate its currency and suppress domestic
nounced what at first glance appeared to be demand. But the first and main appeal to
an impressive stimulus program of $586 Beijing should not rely on the threats of
billion over two years. On closer examina- future trade retaliation—in the context of
tion, it was mostly a re-packaging of already the current crisis, this should be seen as a
existing spending commitments by local last resort.
governments and state companies heavily Indeed, the message of your interna-
weighted toward infrastructure investment, tional economic statecraft should be over-
which in China’s case will do little to create whelmingly positive in that you will not be
more domestic consumer demand. Worse, preaching austerity and painful budget cuts
the central government at the same time as the Clinton administration did after the
took steps to shore up the export economy 1997–98 crisis. Instead, you will be asking
by increasing export subsidies and slowing the Chinese leadership to raise the living
the appreciation of the yuan. standards of their workers, spend more on
A true shift in the direction of China’s health care and education, and do more to
economic growth, however, is critical to the provide a decent pension for older citizens.
success of your economic recovery program. These are initiatives that should endear
Over the past decade, investment and sav- China’s leaders to their people. Indeed, you
ings in China have grown much faster than are urging your counterparts in Beijing to
consumption. Consequently, China has an join you in becoming modern-day FDRs by
unusually high savings rate of nearly 50 using this crisis to create a truly modern
percent, while consumption constitutes only safety net for Chinese workers. Because
35 percent of the economy (the overall aver- China lacks real welfare and pension systems
age of the other “BRIC” economies, Brazil, and does not have reliable systems of health
Russia, and India, is closer to 50 percent). care and education, the country’s workers
Thus, there is enormous pent-up consump- engage in a level of precautionary saving
tion demand in China, as there is in other that is restraining consumption. The best
Asian export economies. China, for example, way to reduce this high level of precaution-
has one-half the televisions, one-quarter the ary savings is to encourage the leadership
computers, and one-third the cell phones in Beijing to put in place a modern social
per capita as Europe. safety net and do a better job of providing
Your administration, Mr. President, education and health care for its citizens.
needs to do a better job of sending a mes- Chinese companies are overflowing with
sage to Beijing that China needs to do more retained profits (another source of China’s
to generate its own consumer demand. In high savings) and could easily help finance
particular, you need to make clear to Chi- health and pension benefits.
nese officials that they ultimately have the China’s leaders, of course, are concerned
most to lose from a collapse of the world with creating enough jobs to maintain po-
economy, since they depend more than other litical stability. You therefore need to point
economies on exports to drive growth and out to the Chinese leadership that domestic-
employment. Indeed, China has the greatest generated demand in the end would be a
excess production capacity. The Chinese more reliable way of ensuring job growth
leadership needs to understand that you are than the current strategy of financing ex-
not totally opposed to some of the retaliato- ports to stagnating U.S. and European con-
ry trade measures a Democratic Congress sumer markets. The reason you must press


China and other Asian economies to raise would create the best of both worlds for the
wages and improve living standards is not U.S. economy: it would provide continued
so the United States can reclaim jobs lost support for the dollar while also increasing
to Asia over the past decade, but to increase domestic demand within the Asian and oil-
global demand so that all economies can exporting economies, thus expanding the
begin to create more jobs. Higher wages in market for U.S. goods and services. For this
China and other high-savings Asian reason, you should move quickly to a new
economies would increase
the purchasing power of
Asian workers and aug-
ment consumer demand.
The American economy
“ The has $250 billion at its
disposal for managing national
would indirectly benefit
from higher wages and liv-
debt crises—a mere pittance.
ing standards as the demand for American
goods and services increases, especially
labor-saving and efficiency-enhancing

set of understandings about world currencies
that would facilitate these adjustments. The
goal should be to manage the dollar over the
technology. next few years to assure that it does not ap-
Beyond this, Mr. President, you need preciate so much as to prevent an expansion
to tell the Chinese leadership that the of American exports or fall so far as to pro-
quickest way to raise the living standards voke a currency crisis.
of their people is by engineering a signifi-
cant one-time appreciation of the yuan A Global Recovery Fund
against the dollar and other international Most of the current account surplus
currencies. You might also note that yuan economies will not be able to stimulate
appreciation is the best way to fight future consumer demand sufficiently in the short
inflation caused by the accumulation of for- term to reduce their excess to acceptable
eign currency reserves and by higher energy levels. Your world economic plan therefore
and food costs. A significant one-time ap- must provide for the alternative, which is to
preciation of the yuan, rather the gradualist recycle some of those surpluses in a way that
approach now being pursued, would help is more supportive of economic growth than
stop some of the speculative inflow of hot the current practice of buying U.S. treasur-
capital into China while reducing the cost of ies and adding to the build-up of foreign
food, energy, and other exports for Chinese currency reserves. The United States, of
consumers. course, will need to have access to some of
The strengthening of the yuan would these surpluses to help fund its recovery
be an essential first step in a broader re- program. But some of the surpluses could
alignment of world currencies that is needed also be redirected to support another part of
to help correct the global imbalances that your plan—namely, to create a world eco-
have developed over the past the decade. nomic recovery fund to deal with national
The best short-run option would be for the debt and solvency crises and to support pub-
current account surplus economies in Asia lic works projects in developing economies.
and the Gulf state petro-dollar economies Already, a number of countries—
to re-peg their currencies—by letting them Iceland, Hungary, Pakistan, and Ukraine—
appreciate against the dollar but without have suffered serious debt and liquidity
abandoning the dollar peg entirely. This problems related to the current crisis,

How to Save the World 11

and have sought money from the IMF and Bank, its de facto veto, since increasing the
other sources. These countries may need allocations of Japan, Germany, and other
additional money in the months ahead. surplus economies in the G-20 would have
Other countries in Eastern Europe, Africa, increased their weighted vote.
Asia, and Latin America may also experience But that has turned out to be a short-
currency-related crises before the world sighted policy. We have been left with cash-
economy is stabilized. strapped and ineffective international insti-
The problem, as you know, is that the tutions. That has put more burden on the
IMF’s resources have not kept up with the Federal Reserve to use U.S. monetary policy
growth of the world economy. Today, the as a crisis stabilizer, which has contributed
IMF has $250 billion at its disposal for man- to the build-up of the large asset bubbles in
aging national debt crises—a mere pittance the past decade. It has also left the door
compared with the rescue plans that the open for the big current account surplus
United States, Britain, and other G-20 gov- economies of Asia and the petro-dollar states
ernments have embarked upon (or those that to use their sovereign wealth funds to influ-
are still needed to deal with the crises wait- ence the course of the world capital markets.
ing to happen in Turkey, the Baltic states, A world economic recovery fund (call it
and other affected economies). It would be “WERF”) would make it possible for the IMF
better to have the IMF in a position to re- and the World Bank, along with regional
spond to these currency and balance of pay- development banks, to carry out a globally
ment problems than to rely on countries applied macroeconomic stimulus program to
like China and Saudi Arabia to use their supplement national fiscal expansion. The
sovereign wealth funds for this purpose. IMF could tap WERF’s resources to carry out
It is therefore important to shore up currency stabilization programs and help
quickly the resources available to the IMF countries manage their way through balance
and the World Bank. The IMF could be a of payments problems. The World Bank
helpful stabilizer in global financial markets and regional development banks could tap
if it had access to the sizeable reserve assets WERF resources to accelerate lending for
of the current account surplus economies. job-creating public works and social invest-
In order to do so, Mr. President, you will ment in developing countries. Money from
need to tap contributions from China, this global fund could also be made avail-
Japan, Germany, Saudi Arabia, and other able to specialized agencies of the United
G-20 economies in return for giving them Nations to carry out social investment
more power and influence. Just as it was projects related to health care, education,
necessary in October 2008 to assemble a and the environment. This increased social
Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) fund and public spending would help stabilize
of considerable size to inject capital into the consumption and investment in vulnerable
U.S. financial system, you will need to cre- developing and emerging economies.
ate a world economic fund of comparable As you know, Mr. President, there is a
size. Over the years, your predecessors re- broad array of urgent public investment
peatedly blocked efforts to increase the needs in many economies, ranging from
working capital of the IMF and the World road building to clean water development,
Bank. They did so in part because the pro- environmental repair to new telecommuni-
posed measures threatened Washington’s cations infrastructure. Many of these proj-
preeminent position in these institutions— ects could be expanded without sacrificing
and, in the case of the IMF and the World loans or environmental quality. Programs to


meet educational, health, and nutritional national economy, you will be remembered
needs are also of critical necessity around the as a truly global FDR.
globe. In this way, WERF funding could help
bring basic health care, education, housing, A Strategy of Mutual Prosperity
and clean energy within the reach of billions In the short term, the new economic recov-
of people, relieving poverty across Africa ery and growth program outlined here will
and South Asia. help sustain U.S. and world growth during
To ensure that this expansion of lending a period of painful adjustment following the
does not disrupt the World Bank’s regular bursting of the housing and credit bubbles.
lending programs, the United States, as the Over the longer term, it will put the U.S.
bank’s largest shareholder, could ask for an and emerging economies on the path to mu-
immediate increase in the institution’s tually reinforcing productivity revolutions
statutory lending limit (with the under- and mutually rising living standards. In-
standing that capital increases could be paid creased public investment in the United
over a three-year period or borrowed from States will lead to greater private invest-
the WERF). Such an increase would, in effect, ment and productive capacity, enabling
increase the bank’s gearing ratio without American-based companies to take advan-
compromising its credit rating. It would tage of rising export demand for their goods
thus give World Bank lending an additional and services. It will also lead to rising
stimulative effect. You could push for simi- wages, enabling households to reduce their
lar arrangements for each of the regional de- debt burdens without cutting back on
velopment banks. consumption.
There is an underlying rationale for Meanwhile, in large emerging
such a global stimulus program. It would be economies, higher wages and additional
more effective and less potentially inflation- consumer spending will increase domestic
ary over the longer term than relying solely demand, allowing these export-oriented
on domestic fiscal expansion. Equally im- economies to weather a slowing of U.S. con-
portant, such a program would yield a sig- sumer demand. Rising living standards in
nificant security dividend. Directing public turn will accelerate the transition in these
capital into the depressed areas of the world economies to more sustainable models,
economy that are undergoing balance of based on rising productivity and resource
payments or currency problems would help efficiency. This new growth orientation in
ease the potential for political turmoil in turn will open up even greater growth op-
those regions—without undermining the portunities for American companies at the
discipline necessary for adjustment efforts to forefront of technology.
succeed. By restoring growth in those areas, It will be up to you and your adminis-
it could help improve profits and invest- tration to turn this crisis into an opportuni-
ment levels. Finally, a global public sector ty, and this opportunity into reality. To do
program would point the way to the longer so, Mr. President, you must quickly adopt a
term institutional reform that is now needed bold and optimistic economic recovery plan
to maintain a growing and healthy world that goes beyond conventional thinking and
economy. Mr. President, if you succeed in harnesses the American economy to the new
creating institutions at the global level to growth drivers of public infrastructure in-
do what the New Deal once did for our vestment and rising global demand. •

How to Save the World 13

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