Sarahaspillers Ipadintegrationsummary

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Sarah Spillers

iPad Integration Summary Sheet

Name: Sarah Spillers
Grade Level / Content Area: 4th Grade/Reading, Mathematics, Social Studies, and

Objective 1: The learner will be able to interpret the sequence of events from an
informational text with 90% accuracy through the use of the iPad app called IXL.

Name of iPad App or Tool to support Objective 1: IXL, Fourth Grade, Section

Objective 2: The learner will be able to calculate a verbal statement of multiplicative

comparisons as multiplication equations with 80% accuracy.

Name of iPad App or Tool to support Objective 2: Socrative-Students; SocrativeTeacher

Objective 3: The learner will be able to determine the meaning of words and phrases
in a text with 80% accuracy using the ScootPad app on an iPad.

Name of iPad App or Tool to support Objective 3: ScootPad

For which objectives/iPad app will you create a sample of student work? Explain
how the iPad app or tool will be used to support the selected objective.
I will create a sample of student work for objective three, determine the meaning of
words and phrases in a text. I used ScootPad to support this objective. This iPad app

Sarah Spillers
can be used to give the students practice or as an end of the unit assessment. The
teacher assigns assignments by choosing which standard they want the students work
on or be assessed on. The assignment pops up on the students assignment board. The
students complete the assignment and then the teacher can see their score.
This app meets the standard because it asks questions that require the student to
determine the meaning of words and phrases in several different texts.
Student sample for your selected objective/iPad app:

This is an example of one of

the questions the student
was asked to assess the

This is what the end of the

students assessment looks
like. It allows them to see
the correct answer to the
questions they missed.

Sarah Spillers

This is the screen that the

teacher sees. It tells what
assignments have been
completed by which
students. It also allows the
teacher to put the students
information into a graph.

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