20 Rakaats of Taraweeh by Imam Muhammad Shoyaib Nurgat

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20 Rakaats of Taraweeh in the Blessed Month of Ramadhan

Compiled by Imam Muhammad Shoyaib Nurgat

When the word sunnah is used, it refers not only to the Sunnah of Nabi sallallaho alaihi wasallam
but also to the practices of the four rightly guided caliphs. This is understood from a Hadith of Nabi
sallallaho alaihi wasallam wherein he said “Hold firmly on to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the
Khulafa e Rashideen”.(Ahmad, Abu Dawood, Tirmizi, Ibn Majah)The Sunnah of the Khulafa e
Rashideen Radhiyallaho anhum was of 20 rakaats Taraweeh. None of them performed
anything less.

(1) It is reported by Yazeed bin Khusayfah from Saib bin Yazid that all the people used to
perform 20 rakaats Taraweeh in the month of Ramadhan during the era of Umer Ibn
(2) Yazeed bin Ruman reports that all the people used to perform 23 rakaats in
Ramadhan during the time of Umer .(Baihiqi,Muwatta Imam Malik,)
(3) Hadhrat Umer Ibn Khattab ordered Hadhrat Ubay Ibn Ka’ab to lead the people in
prayer of 20 rakaats, and so he led the people to perform 20 rakaats (Kanzul Ummaal)
(4) Hadhrat Umer bin Khattab commanded a person to perform 20 rakaats Taraweeh
for the people.(Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah)
(5) A’mash says that Abdullah Ibn Mas’ood used to perform 20 rakaats Taraweeh and 3
rakaats Witr.(Qiyaamul layl lil Marwazi Pg 91,Umdatul Qari commentary of Sahih Al
(6) Imam Baihiqi has reported with sound authority (sanad) that Hadhrat Ali called the
revered reciters (Qurra) in the month of Ramadhan and ordered one of them to lead
the people for 20 rakats.Hadhrat Ali himself used to lead the Witr prayers.(Maarif us
Sunnah lil BaihiqiV1Pg 477)

Some narrations have more than 20 rakaats mentioned, in fact for more than 150 years the
performance of 36 rakaats was a standard practice in Madinah.The reason for this number (36) is
that some saints used to perform 4 rakaats individually at every interval, thus adding an additional
number of 16 to the total of 20.However only 20 rakaats were performed with congregation.
Eventually the additional 4 rakaats of every interval were omitted and 20 rakaats became the
standard practice of every city. The names of some of the Ulama who upheld the view of 20 rakats
are as follows:

Allamah Ibn Taymiyah He writes: It has been accepted that Ubay ibn Ka’ab used to lead the
salah for the people by performing 20 rakaats in Ramadhan and 3 rakaats Witr .Accordingly most of
the Ulama regarded 20 rakaats as sunnah because Ubay used to lead the congregation of the
Muhajireen and Ansaar and none of them rejected his act”.(Fatawa Ibn Taymiyah V1 Pg186)
Imam Muhiuddin Nawawi .He writes: Remember that Taraweeh is a unanimously accepted
sunnah of the Muslims. It is 20 rakaats.(Kitabul Azkaar Pg 83)
Hafiz Ibn Hajar Asqalani. He writes: that the practice of 20 rakaats has remained in vogue.(Al
Imam Ibn Qudamah Hambali. He writes: According to Imam Ahmad Ibn Hambal the most
acceptable view is 20 rakaats.(Al Mughni Pg 803)
Allamah Ibn Abdul Barr Qurtubi. He writes that: According to him 20 rakaats Taraweeh is the
most authentic narration. (Masabeeh)

11 rakaats mentioned in the Hadith of Hadhrat Ayesha (R.A) in Sahih Al Bukhari ,that Nabi
sallallaho alahi wasallam performed 11 rakaats in “RAMADHAN AND BESIDES
RAMADHAN” concerns the TAHAJJUD salah which he performed in all 12 MONTHS.(Al
kowkab ud Deraree commentary of Sahih Bukhari of Sheikh Shamshuddin KirmanI V9 Pg 155/156)

O My brothers and sisters in Islam, value the month of Ramadhan, gain maximum rewards
for your deeds, by following the Sunnah of Nabi sallal laho alaihi wasallam and his rightly
guided Khulafaa Radhiyal laho anhum. Do perform 20 rakaats of Taraweeh prayer.

Further copies available from:Masjid e Umer 79 Queens Rd Walthamstow London E17 8QR

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