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205 Quiz 1 Section 2 Form A

Foundations of Ecology and Evolution Quiz 1
Date 2/9/2015
Multiple Choice (1.5 pts each): Choose the BEST answer.
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
6. ______
7. ______
8. ______
9. ______
10. ______

Matching (1 pt each)

11. ____________________________________
12. ____________________________________
13. ____________________________________
14. ____________________________________

True/False (1 pt)
15. ____________________________________

Short Answer (2.5 pts each): Please limit your answer to 3-4 sentences maximum



BIOLOGY 205 Quiz 1 Section 2 Form A

Average time spent performing

vigilance behavior (minutes)

Gazelles often display vigilance behavior. This is when individuals look around
them to watch out for predators. Scientists decided to test how the number of
individuals in a group of gazelle affects how vigilant each individual gazelle is.
They predicted that as group size increases, each individual gazelle will spend
less time performing vigilance behaviors. They created three treatment groups:
solo individual (group size 1), small group (group size 5), and large group
(group size 20). The results from their experiment are found in Figure 1.




Figure 1: Average amount of time
an individual spends performing
vigilance behavior ( standard
error) for individuals in three
different group sizes. Different
letters indicate significant
differences, p<0.05.



Small Group

Large Group

1. What was the null hypothesis?

A) Gazelles in smaller groups are less likely to get eaten by predators
B) Predators do not affect vigilance behavior in gazelles
C) Gazelles in large groups spend less looking for predators than gazelles in small groups
D) Group size does not influence the vigilance behavior of gazelles
E) Gazelles in large groups spend more time performing vigilance behaviors than gazelles in
small groups.
2. Based on the statistical analysis we can conclude that the average amount of time spent
performing vigilance behaviors in small groups was.
A) statistically different than the average amount of time spent performing vigilance behaviors
by solo individuals
B) statistically different than the average amount of time spent performing vigilance behaviors
in large groups
C) not statistically different from the average amount of time spent performing vigilance
behaviors in either solo or large groups.
D) Both A & B are correct
3. All the alleles present in all individuals in a species are referred to as the ____ of that
A) gene pool
B) allele frequency
C) genotype frequency
D) genotype
E) phenotype

BIOLOGY 205 Quiz 1 Section 2 Form A

In a certain flock of sheep, 4 percent of the population has black wool and 96 percent has white
wool. Individuals with the genotypes AA, and Aa have white wool, and individuals with the
genotype aa have black wool. Assume that the population is in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium.
4. What percentage of the population are
A) 4%
B) 7.7%
C) 26%
D) 32%
E) 48%

Some math you might need:

0.042 = 0.0016
1 - 0.16 = 0.84
0.402 = 0.16
1 - 0.20 = 0.80
sqrt (0.04) = 0.2
1 0.98 = 0.02
sqrt (0.40) = 0.63
1 0.04 = 0.96
0.962 = 0.92
1 0.40 = 0.60
sqrt (0.96) = 0.97
1 0.97 = 0.03

2 x 0.16 x 0.84 = 0.26
2 x 0.2 x 0.8 = 0.32
2 x 0.98 x 0.02 = 0.04
2 x 0.04 x 0.96 = 0.077
2 x 0.40 x 0.60 = 0.48

5. What is the allele frequency of the dominant

A) .2
B) .3
C) .8
D) .96
E) .97

6. Which statement about variation is true?
A) All phenotypic variation is the result of genotypic variation.
B) All genetic variation produces phenotypic variation.
C) All nucleotide variability results in variation that affects the fitness of the individual.
D) New alleles can result from recombination (crossing over) during meiosis.
E) A population with a large genome is more genetically diverse in comparison to a
population with a smaller genome.

7. In the figure to the right, what is the
genotype frequency of aa?
A) 9/15 = 0.60
B) 12/15 = 0.80
C) 3/15 = 0.20
D) 3/30 = 0.10
E) 9/30 = 0.30

8. True or False: An allele is considered
fixed if all individuals in the population are
homozygous, and no other alleles for this
locus exist in the population.
A) True
B) False

BIOLOGY 205 Quiz 1 Section 2 Form A

9. You isolate the protein ELL1 from 5 individuals. You dont know much about the
protein, so you use a gel electrophoresis to learn a little bit more about ELL1, including if
there is any genetic variation at this locus and, if so, how many alleles are present at this
locus. Your results are below.

Which of the following is true based on your results?
A) All individuals in your sample (n=5) are heterozygous at this locus.
B) There is no genetic variation at this locus.
C) Individual 2 is a heterozygote.
D) There are at least three alleles for ELL1.
E) Both A & C are correct.

10. The Hardy-Weinberg principle may be applicable if
A) the population size is small
B) migration occurs only during the beginning of the breeding season
C) mutations occur at a fast rate
D) matings occur exclusively between individuals of the same genotype
E) natural selection does not occur

BIOLOGY 205 Quiz 1 Section 2 Form A

Matching. For questions 11- 14, fill in the blanks with the correct answers from the
wordbank. Answers can be used more than once. Choose the BEST answer.
WORDBANK: Genes, alleles, homozygotes, heterozygotes, chromosomes, silent mutation,
nonsense mutation, missense mutation, amino acid.

In the example of sickle-cell anemia a __________(11)___________ in the DNA that codes for
hemoglobin leads to a change in the ______(12)_________ coded for during translation. This
leads to a change in the structure of the protein produced. The difference in protein
structure eventually leads to sickle-shaped cells. Each individual possesses two
________(13)____________ which determines their phenotype. Individuals with two matching
versions of the sickle-cell gene are considered ________(14)_____________.

15. True or False: Mutations always result in the death of the organism which acquires them.
Short Answer: Answer the following questions on the answer sheet.

16. The equation used to calculate a t-statistics (which is used to conduct a t-test) includes
the means, variances and the sample sizes of your two samples.

Describe in your own words what variance measures. Then explain why the variance of
both samples must be used in the calculation of a t-test (In other words, explain why we
have to factor in the variance when comparing the means).

17. What is the difference between basic and applied science? Briefly describe one
example of applied science.

University Code on Academic Integrity

On this date of Feb. 9, 2015, I understand the University Code on Academic Integrity, and here by abide by all
sections. I will not aid or be assisted by colleagues within this class which may infringe upon violating both
Rutgers and NJIT Integrity codes.

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