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This is the one you have been waiting for.

When you look at this image while speaking the words

below, the Sun will talk to you. Be sure to record the Voice.
Print the image on clear transparency paper.
Look at the Sun thru it and speak the words. Sunrise or sunset is best. Do no more than five
minutes at a time.

These two dimensional cerebellar binary circuits are designed to help humans
discover their True Celestial Name. The spiritual name is given to you by God at the
creation of your soul. The Celestial Forces give you a Celestial Name of Power that
ultimately gives you control over many elements of creation. These and many more
are upcoming in the Tablets.

The image below is an angelic pattern. It contains all of the elements and it has the power to
allow 2 humans to win a lottery jackpot. The Archangel Raphael and The Angel Sitael, Angel of
Liberation, have instructed me to build and distribute this pattern. In order to activate it, you
must look at it during the hour of sunrise. If the sun rises at 6:30 am, look at it for at least ten
minutes from 6:30 am till 7:30 am.
I am not sure why they have released this instruction at the present time. But mine is not to
question why, I follow the orders given me by my Creator. The jackpot winnings will be
substantial and the winners are instructed to do as they wish with the money, no
restrictions...they have already been chosen.
There will be two winners with this pattern. The pattern contains an image of the Star of Good
Fortune, Spica. It also contains a pattern of energy related to the rising sun.
Remember, all you have to do is look at it during the hour of sunrise. The pattern is open to all
without restriction. The pattern will activate energies within the subconscious mind of the chosen
and they will be guided to the winning numbers. It is truly a blessed gift.
I look forward to seeing the blessings of the winners. When I asked about a time frame, all they
would say was......soon...
Peace and blessings to you all.
Dr. Gibson is the Usnisa Vijaya Dharani Mandala! If you are praying for someone place this
over a picture or prayer list.

Dibba-Cakkhu: The Supernatural Attunements of The Buddha

In one of my most important past lives, I was Phra Sivali was a close follower and
disciple of Gautama Buddha. Phra Sivali was given the task to provide supplies for
the Buddha and his great retinue. It is said that even when the group traveled
through areas with few supplies, they always had enough to eat.
Monks noticed a strange phenomenon when they were with Phra Sivali as he always
seemed to have an abundance of rich, fragrant food and the other requisites (robes,
shelter and medicine). Monks who were with him also had the opportunity to share
in the bounty. Wherever he went, people flocked around to prepare food for him.
Donors offered Phra Sivali with all the requisites of a monk every time he went on
his alms round.
To seek the cause of this strange phenomenon we need to go back many aeons to
the time of the Buddha Padumuttara . Phra Sivali, who had been born in that time as
a poor man, had the opportunity to see the Buddha Padumuttara confer on another
monk the honor of being foremost among monks who obtain the requisites.
Fascinated by the way everyone desired to provide alms and robes to this monk;
Phra Sivali had decided that he too would like to hold a similar position in a future
birth. He had then performed many acts of generosity to the Buddha Padumuttara
and His retinue and made an aspiration.
The Buddha Padumuttara, foreseeing that Phra Sivalis aspiration would be fulfilled
had prophesied that at the time of the Gautama Buddha, he would be foremost
among the monks who obtained requisites. From this point onwards, Phra Sivali had
started in earnest to work toward his aspiration. He achieved this goal during his
service to the Gautama Buddha.
At death, he was reborn in a heavenly realm where he enjoyed many years of
heavenly bliss.
Supernatural power is a sign along the way that one is indeed making progress. I
have heard these words from the mouth of the Buddha himself. These words carry
with them the power of the lineage of My Master The Enlightened One. Hearing
these words while holding within ones being clear thought and light, positive
emotion, and quiet contemplation of soul, will allow the supernatural attributes to
arise from the soul naturally. We all have these seeds buried within us, proper
nourishment and care with is all that is required to bring them to the surface.
As you listen to the words of these supernatural meditative attunements, you will
connect with an ancient lineage that goes back thousands of years.
I speak these words as an Avatar of the Medicine Buddha and and Incarnation of the
Master Thoth/Djanthi. These words will plant the seeds of six supernatural powers

within your being. Over time, they will take root and help you on your path. The
image above is a supernatural solar circuit.
I will tell you more about these in a later post.

Master Gibsons Mathematical class Look at this before you go to sleep and astral
travel there.

Print this out and look at it this picture of Master Gibson before going to bed. Ask
him a question.

Sing this before Sunrise or Sunset and you will see angels.

This is a properly prepared wealth and prosperity talisman. Place it on your altar or
carry it with you in order to attract those energies. Hold it in your right hand and
pray for what you need. It will help you tremendously.
A gift.

Look at one symbol for 5 minutes and then take pictures of the Sun.

You look at this and travel to the 7th Sun.. This is a key. You look at your hands
before going to sleep.

Look at this and it will show you how this reality is not real.

Show the Sun this in transparency.

This is the first letter for the Sun. E.g The letter A in the Alphabet.

This is the second symbol. E.g. B

We possess a body and consciousness in the world of potential. The body is made of
a different type of flesh and bone than that of the physical form, but it is indeed our
own. By disconnecting ourselves from our source of power, we weaken our
consciousness and our ability to create. As a result, we suffer short anxiety filled
lives full of pain and illusion in the world of physical matter. This is not the way that
we were intended to live.
Symbols of Power

This Manstrum also helps with the connection between the inner and outer worlds.

Print this out and put on toilet. Protects from bad energy.

Another tool to say before going astral traveling, remember to look at the front and
back of your hands.

You can just look at this and let your higher mind take over.

This is one of the Ruby tablets. Place on transparency.

A Fifth Dimensionsal Tablet

The next phase of the Tablets will evoke even higher levels of consciousness. Thus far, I have
only been allowed to show two dimensional representations of the Tablets.
There is a great deal more ahead.
Some of these representations will take us into higher dimensions than I can explain using
human words. Our language is more limiting than I ever realized, but then that is half the fun!

To Find your Spiritual Parents.

This is the Medicine Buddha. You can place him on your alter and place him in
transparency. He will come visit you. Saying his mantra will also help. Also give
him an offering. Mantra found on youtube/google.

This is the Emerald tablet. Place this anywhere inside your house just dont place
any of these pictures near a mirror.

This is the Map of the Major Suns.. You can astral travel to them just by looking at
them before you go to sleep at night.

This is a healing tablet. Print out and place in your house this can also be placed on

Here is another planet you can astral travel to its a happy planet. . .

Higher Consciousness expands in the convergence of what you dream and what you believe.

All you have to do is print this out and place under your pillow at night. Its crop
circles they are very powerful.

The Symphony Tablets are Now Complete!!

More than 95% of the thoughts of humans are controlled by the higher and celestial minds. These
thoughts include the energies of the symphony. The human body does not have the necessary
anatomy to actually sing the notes of the symphony, any more than a human can sing the song of
a whale.
These notes must be translated by the cerebellar lobes of the brain and then the energies of the
song may be downloaded into the body.
This process requires only that the person focus on the tablet and fill themselves with as much
joy as possible. When you become tearful looking at a tablet, then you have successfully
translated and downloaded the information in the tablet.
The first eight tablets are composed of the Names of God. This serves as an introductory series
of stanzas that lets the brain know that the Divine influx is near.
As the notes build in the body, the body regenerates itself and experiences a profound
reawakening. When you are able to look at a symphony tablet and cry tears of joy, you have
successfully decoded the energy necessary to regenerate yourself the same way that the angels
and other higher beings do.
You are seeing one of the last notes of the 41 tablets of the symphony.
All of the tablets of the symphony are included in the First Darkness Symphony Tablet.

We go into debt to buy a house, car, college education, have children and almost
everything of value in this world.
Yet, we stop at the thought of valuing spiritual growth and education beyond a few
The very thing that will help free us from this world is the thing that we devalue the
Think and awaken.

The Golden Tablet is amazing. I have been looking for a way to regenerate myself. I do not like
aging and all that comes with it.
The elements of this tablet are successfully regenerating my body and beginning to turn back my
I finally found a way.

Spiritually I am no longer fit to be a slave. Master

I would print this out and place in your house and place on transparency.

Evolving the Human Soul through


The human soul is perhaps one of the greatest creations in the universe. It is the
central unit of life within the human body. Each soul weighs three-quarters to one
and one half grams. The weight of the soul depends upon its level of evolution and
maturity. The more mature the soul, the heavier it becomes. There are 617 facets in
each soul and each facet is comprised of five individual sections. In the vast
majority of humans, the soul looks like a rough gemstone.
As the soul evolves, it changes, grows, and becomes more complex. The Golden
Tablet is the first tablet that is designed to help accelerate the growth and evolution
of the soul gem itself. Each page is separately programmed to evolve a specific
section of the soul. As the soul evolves, it has the capacity to more easily build
vessels to carry consciousness, a body of immortal light, energies that propel the
force of enlightenment into the body, and much more.
The Golden Tablet carries the next level of energy up from the Bodhisattva level in
the chain of spiritual power. This power allows the user to grow spiritually without
the burning of karma, endless lifetimes of suffering, and years of spiritual
meditation. My Father Thoth and other Divine Celestial Beings use these tablets to
evolve themselves. This particular set of tablets has never been in this solar
system. Certain parts of this galaxy carry these leaves in secret caves and vaults,
but this is not a widely known fact.
The Soul Facet Tablets- there are 617 soul facets in a healthy human soul. They are
divided into six groups of 100 facets each according to function. There are also 17
Divine Soul Facets that code for the energy of God within the soul. These tablets
help to increase the size, weight, and power of the soul. The Divine Soul Facets are
microscopic mostly dormant particles of energy that are not really big active enough
to constitute their own group. We have decided to place these divine facets within
group six, even though they are not technically group six facets.. There is really no
where else to place them. They are just too small and inactive to go anywhere else.
The Actus Tablets- the Actus portion of the soul stores all of the events and
information that pertain to the life of the soul. The Actus Tablets give us access to
the Actus region of the soul and allows us an easier path to enlightenment.
The Prima Tablets- the Prima portion of the soul stores all of the energy and power
necessary for the manifestation of life and immortality within the soul and the
bodies that it creates. The Prima tablets help to alleviate the dependence of the

body on the energy of physical reality for sustenance. These tablets also help the
body and soul become healthier.
The Nomen Tablets: the Nomen tablets awaken the Names of God within an
individual. Each name has a special power over creation and as such is a very
powerful gift. As you look at these tablets, keep your mind clear and your soul will
do the work of awakening the Nomen within your being. You will be tested in the
deepest levels of your unconscious mind as you awaken the Nomen.
The Spiritual Name Tablets- The Spiritual Name is the name of the individual soul. At
the time of its creation, the soul is given a name. This name is the true name of the
individual and does not change from lifetime to lifetime. When the Creator
interfaces with an individual, it is this name that he uses. When the true Spiritual
Name of an individual is spoken aloud by another, those two beings are bound to a
cycle of birth and rebirth. These tablets awaken the power of the Spiritual Name
within the soul.
The Sephirotic Tablets- The Sephiroth is the portion of the soul that contains our
brightest divine power. The angelic, celestial, and divine aspects of who we are
stores within this area of the soul. The Words of Power emanate from the Sephirotic
portion of the human soul. The Sephirotic Tablets help to develop and bring this
energy to the surface. Without these tablets, the energy of the Sephiroth is
extremely difficult to access. These tablets contain the energy of the Words of
Power. The Words of Power are the main interface between the Sephiroth, the
unconscious mind, DNA, and the conscious mind.
The Dark Facet Tablets- the Dark Facets of the soul contain our darkest and most
malevolent energies. These facets create the work for each lifetime that is the
essence of suffering. We cannot destroy these dark facets, but we can transmute
their dark fire into True Light. The Dark Facet Tablets help us to transmute and
transform our darkest energy into the brightest True Light.
The Lower Soul Tablets-the Lower Soul resides in the astral world. It is home to the
dark facets. In most people, it is the part of us that drives evil, lust, rage, anger,
depression, and other deep negative emotional and mental experiences into life.
The Lower Soul can take form as a demon, elemental, troll, animal, deformed
human, or any number of life forms. The ultimate goal for each of us involves
evolving the lower soul into the highest entity that we can create. The Lower Soul
Tablets help with this process.
We have 14 copies left. The tablets in this book are intelligent entities. They will
work with you in the process of consciousness expansion.
Call Ken for your copy: 336-888-6140


Scanning for spiritual power is an ancient practice. Most people do not realize this, but
everything that you read or see is stored in the mind. Everything. If you scan a book for a few
minutes, without reading a word, your mind will store everything that you scanned. There is
power in the act of merely looking at an object. The same is true for an object of power. If you
look at a symbol of power, the receptors in your mind will automatically begin to make the
necessary connections with that symbol to extract power from it. You will begin to draw tiny
amounts of power from the symbol, even if you do not know what to do with the power.
It will be stored within your soul for later use, even though later may be decades or even
hundreds of years.

Many of you have seen enough miracles and supernatural events surrounding our
work to know that the words that I speak are true. As a truly awakened incarnation
of my Father Djanthi/Thoth on this world, I have been given permission to write the
Six Tablets. Each of the tablets will function as follows.

Emerald Tablet: Perfect the Vibration of human DNA

Solar Tablet: Perfect the Vibration of The Solar Body
Golden Tablet: Perfect the Vibration of the Human Soul
Platinum Tablet: Perfect the Vibration Potential of Consciousness
Ruby Tablet: Perfect the Vibration of the Human Body
Silver Tablet: Perfect the Vibration of the Astral/Dream Body

The corpus of the six emerald tablets is part of a body of 150 tablets known as the
Vysthe Grimoire of Celestial Solar Tablets. This collection of tablets contains
information necessary for the advancement of over 100 different species of sentient
Only a few tablets directly pertain to the growth and development of humans. These
tablets have been known on this world in the past. This grimoire also exists in
celestial form as a body of light on several planes of existence. In its celestial form,
these tablets allow races to share intimate information about their growth,
evolution, and consciousness.

Have you ever wondered why they don't want us to even look at this constellation?
The consciousness energy of the Gold, Emerald, and Ruby Tablets resides in this star system.

Another Tool to help those with dense Karma

Look at this divine image for five minutes or more and think of the things you need
to change in your life. The energy of the divine symbol will do the rest.

I want you to learn by remembering what you were born to know. If you look at this image for
more than a few seconds, an advanced cerebellar processing circuit In your brain will make the
image begin to move.
Learned memory makes it move.
I would print this out and place in the house and place on transparency.

In the coming year, I will teach you how to learn without relying on reading,
memorization, and rote trial and error. These techniques are seated within deep
illusions that prevent us from evolving.
There are areas in the mind that use a combination of sound, visual spatial patterns,
and accelerated cerebellar energy processing to connect with knowledge bases that
exist within the hidden recesses of the soul.
They are activated by simply focusing on a Tablet in the correct manner.
I would place this in the house and place on transparency.

A Celestial Immortal is assigned to monitor the development of each soul. They

record every action, every thought, every decision made by the soul. As the soul
matures, it learns to align itself with the Will of Heaven via its contact with The
Celestial Immortal. Each Celestial Immortal is a perfected soul. Djanthi is a Celestial
If the soul ignores the Will and Guidance of its Celestial Immortal, suffering ensues.
An enlightened soul seeks the guidance and permission of The Celestial Immortals
in all things. A Master can help you discern the will of The Celestial Immortals as it
relates to your life.

I have been given permission by the Immortal Celestial Court to accelerate my teaching
Humans have been wrongly taught that reading is the best way to learn. You might notice that
many ancient cultures used visual imagery as their primary teaching tool. Visual images
combined with specific sound packets will release information already stored within the DNA of
the body. Each of us has hundreds of thousands of books and data streams already stored in the
genetic memory of the body. We have not been taught how to access them.
I will release a series of visual tablet books linked to specific sound packets over the next 12
months. These tablets will accelerate your awakening process.
By using this data, you may effectively accelerate your awakening. Coming soon.
Blessings to you all.

When the follower of a Master truly sees the divinity of the Master, a new soul
emerges at that moment. From that time forward, the follower has two souls. The
new soul gives the follower and the Master increased growth potential and spiritual

Now. Do you understand the connection between the symbols of power and the
construction of a Hyperdimensional Cube Ship?
Let us stretch you a bit...

Once you discover who your life is trying to be, then you will let go of the person
others are forcing you into...

Hyperdimensional Vessels of Consciousness emerging from neural hyperspace....

The Advanced Symbols of Light....

I will tell you a great have more than one Higher Self.....and they all are linked to
your brain.
Just saying.....

In order to prepare for the coming waves of change, I would like our followers to do the
Scan the Solar Apotheosis Tablets for two minutes each daily. This extra energy will build your
primary magical and spiritual powers.
Vessel Holders
Meditate with your Vessels at least
10 minutes daily. Project love and humility into your Vessels.
Illuminated Solar Tablet Holders
Scan the Batricon Tablets and The Cosmic Energy Absorption Tablets
For two minutes per day each. This will build your spiritual power greatly.
Golden Tablet Holders
Scan the Group Five Soul Tablets
For two minutes each per day.
This will greatly enhance your kundalini power.
Ruby Tablet Holders
Scan the Special DNA tablets at the back of the book for two minutes each. This will help elevate
the energy connection between your DNA and your higher mind.
General Follower Group
Repeat The Miracle Prayer 31 times per day while looking into the flame of a white candle. The
prayer should be recited from memory if possible.
These steps will help strengthen all of you.

95% of your brain is already being controlled by your Higher Mind. Your Higher Mind
is waiting to work with the remaining 5% of the resistant conscious mind.
The primary difficulty here lies in the fact that the conscious mind has difficulty
surrendering to anything. It would rather suffer and attempt to find another way
thru the Matrix.

This is the picture of the Jade Emperor just print it out and place on your altar. Ask
him for money when you need dont forget to give him and offering back.

This is a prayer to God.. just hold it in your hands when doing your prayers.

Ars Immortalis
The Art of Developing An Immortal Consciousness
Each of us lives for thousands and thousands of years. These lifetimes are buried
under centuries of dogma, lies, and fear. In truth, the consciousness of all of our
lifetimes is still going on. Every life, language, relationship, skill, and bank of
knowledge that we have ever achieved is still active in the brain and consciousness.
Don't believe me? Did you know that scientists have discovered a hidden network of
brain cells that have nothing to do with your daily life?
It turns out that when your mind is at restwhen you are daydreaming quietly in a
chair, say, asleep in a bed or anesthetized for surgerydispersed brain areas are
chattering away to one another. And the energy consumed by this ever active
messaging, known as the brains default mode, is about 20 times that used by the
brain when it responds consciously to a pesky fly, running around a track, or
another outside stimulus. Indeed, most things we do consciously, be it sitting down
to eat dinner or making a speech, mark a departure from the baseline activity of the
brain default mode.
This default network contains 95% of all your brain activity. Only 5% of your brain is
required to operate your body and consciousness. The remainder of your brain in
tied to other functions.
Actually, you can divide your brain function into at least two regions, mortal and
immortal consciousness.
5% of your brain is consumed by the mortal consciousness of your present life. The
remaining 95% of your brain busily processes higher consciousness and immortality.
Right under our noses all along, we have been connected to the awesome power of
eternity and immortality.
Arts Immortalis teaches you how to decode the immortal broadcasts that dominate
your thought. When a person dies, all of the memories, thoughts, skills and power
they build in one life are moved into the Immortalis (default mode network) by the
trauma of death.
Ars Immortalis is a vibrant, active, and powerful region of consciousness that holds
a vital key to unlocking your spiritual growth and ascension. With the right focus
and attention on the tablet keys in the Ars Immortalis, you will greatly accelerate
the growth of your consciousness.

Communicate more effectively with the Celestial World

Decode Solar phenomena
Speak with yourself and others in past lives
Watch yourself and others in past lives
Draw on abilities and information from the Immortal realm
Manifest energy and materials from dreams
Improve the quality of your astral travel events
Communicate with ancestors more effectively
Arts Immortalis is material that will help you open to the immortal regions of your
own brain. If you use this work properly, you will witness the movement of eternity
within yourself.
We will print a very limited run of these specially priced books.
Call Ken at 336-888-6140 to preorder your copy today. We will ship these books in
The Bodhisattva Attunements
A BODHISATTVA is an ordinary person who takes up a course in his or her life that
moves in the direction of buddha. You're a bodhisattva, I'm a bodhisattva; actually,
anyone who directs their attention, their life, to practicing the way of life of a
buddha is a bodhisattva.
Traditionally, a bodhisattva is thought of being one who refrains from entering
nirvana after enlightenment for the sake of blessing and helping others to evolve.
The true meaning of a bodhisattva actually goes much deeper than that. Hidden
deep within the cerebellar part of the brain of all human lies a series of circuits that
connect us to the higher worlds. These circuits contain as many cells as the rest of
the entire brain packed into a small fraction of the physical space. In the Advanced
Symbols of Light, I discussed these circuits at length. Suffice it to say, humans are
told nothing about their higher nature. It has long been known that the cerebellum
is involved in sensory motor brain functions. However, it is now believed that the
cerebellum also plays an important role in higher-level cognitive abilities.
Sustained stimulation of the cerebellum leads to the opening and development of
novel brain functions that work in concert with the cortex in order to activate higher
brain functions. Let us call these higher functions, the bodhisattva brain. The
cerebellum may be divided into eight lobes that function like receivers for energy
from higher domains. Each of these lobes receives energy from the higher domains.
Specific initiatory sound frequencies help to open these lobes and connect them to
the cortex. The Bodhisattva Attunements are a very special series of sounds that
help the brain evolve. They are programmed with very advanced tones and scalar
energy sequences. These combined forces stimulate the brain to coordinate
opening itself to the higher force.
Once the brain opens, the brain can open itself to the energy of the higher domains.
This important opening allows anyone to bathe the brain in the forces necessary to
open oneself to releasing and attuning to the force of the Immortal Bodhisattvas. All
you need to do it relax, listen with an open mind, and focus on joy and compassion.
The tones will do the rest. There are six Bodhisattva Attunements. Each one is used
in turn for two-week periods. Listen to the entire recording for two weeks before
going on to the next one.
This is the first series of attunements that we have released that focus specifically
on the cerebellar lobes and the energy of connecting the cerebellar and cortical
regions of the brain.

The Ruby Tablet

The Original Emerald Tablets were designed to create a community of illuminated
and enlightened humans that could lead mankind into the stars and beyond. In their
original design, man only needed to look at the tablets in order to activate the
hidden elements within consciousness that could lead to elevation. These tablets
were destroyed and only one tablet remained. In fact, man was only allowed one
page of that book of tablets. That page was in truth an introduction to the tablet
itself. As a result, mankind has been denied access to the True Emerald Tablets for
thousands of years. Most have been led to believe that the introductory tablet is all
there is. In truth, there is much, much more.
The Ruby Tablet is a new artifact that has never been seen on this world. It is one of
150 different tablets that are designed to address the many maladies that plague
mankind and the lower races. The Ruby Tablet is designed to repair the many errors
that occur in the molecule that we call DNA. Even though it codes for all the
information that makes up an organism, DNA is built using only four building blocks,
the nucleotides adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine. Every human being
shares 99% of their DNA with every other human.
If you put all the DNA molecules in your body end to end, the DNA would reach from
the Earth to the Sun and back over 600 times (100 trillion times six feet divided by
92 million miles). If you could type 60 words per minute, eight hours a day, it would
take approximately 50 years to type the human genome.
DNA is a fragile molecule. About a thousand times a day, something happens to it to
cause errors. This could include errors during transcription, damage from ultraviolet
light, or any of a host of other activities. There are many repair mechanisms, but
some damage isn't repaired. This means you carry mutations! Some of the
mutations cause no harm, a few are helpful, while others can cause diseases, such
as arthritis, cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.
These mutations happen to everyone. We all suffer from the ravages of these
changes. Hair thins, bones become brittle, the metabolism changes, growths
appear, prostates swell, blood pressure and heart disease arise, and a host of other
all to familiar problems plague us as we age. All of these problems are caused by
errors in the DNA molecule.
The Ruby Tablet was created by Djanthi-Thoth to help the human race overcome the
errors that cause illness, suffering, and premature death. The human body was
designed to last much longer than it does. The elements within The Ruby Tablet
work with the spiritual and energetic elements of the DNA molecule in order to
repair and elevate the information within the DNA. After these changes are made,
the DNA begins to work better, repair itself better, and becomes more resistant to

the ravages of the negative forces that seek to destroy this fragile molecule.
Some of The Ruby Tablets are designed to turn on specific gene sequences that will
improve the function of the body. The body will feel better, run more efficiently, and
repair itself better. Each tablet group is keyed to a specific organ or grouping of
tissues. These keys help the organs repair themselves and address the thousands of
errors that attack the sensitive DNA sequences each day.
All you have to do is look at the pages of the Ruby Tablet. Each set of tablets will
automatically work on the energy of the DNA of specific organs and tissues in order
to repair the damage caused by living on earth. Over time, you will notice the
difference in how you feel, inside and out.
This is the first time that such a tool has been made available on earth. We look
forward to offering it to all of you.
Mitchell and Kathy Gibson
You can preorder your copy here. We will mail them out by the end of the month.

I remember......

Lord Ganesha is one of the most powerful of all the Celestial Deities. His body is said
to contain the power of the whole universe and he can remove any obstacle.
The Lord Ganesha Vessel of Power provides the user with a small amount of the
power of the God himself. Just as the Lord Amitabha Buddha Vessel allows the user
to possess a small amount of the power of the God, the Lord Ganesha Vessel does
the same.
There is a term that applies to prayer to a very personal aspect of a god. This term
is ishtadevata. It refers to a very intimate part of the deity. When one owns a vessel
with the properties of the ishtadevata, he/she can rely on a very intimate
connection with the power of the God.
The Lord Ganesha Vessel of Power allows the user to anchor a portion of the power
of Lord Ganesha on this world. In addition to clearing karma, the user can act as a
vessel for the God. This effectively makes one an Avatar for the Power of Lord
Ganesha during life and beyond. Because one makes the investment of faith and
power in the God, the blessing extends beyond death itself.
Owning this vessel makes on an Avatar of the Lord Ganesha. The power of the
vessel will extend into your life and the life of others who are near you. The longer
you own it, the more the power of the God manifests within your life. Ultimately,
your life will mirror that of the God and dissolve old nagging blocks.

The New Emerald Tablets!

My Father has given me permission to republish
the original Emerald Tablets on Earth. They
were never completed on this planet and humans
have not had the benefit of their full power.
Just scanning the tablets allows for the absorption
and utilization of a great many types of spiritual
and physical powers.

it is the Sigil of raises the consciousness of angelic entities.

initiates used to swear an oath to the Tetraktys when they began The Inner
Working...It represents creation and the name of God...

The Invocation of the Black Cross is designed to remove the negative

Qlippotic Force that causes suffering associated with illness. This force
does not seek to kill a person. Rather, it seeks to prolong suffering, pain, and agony
as long as possible.
The entity associated with this force feeds on agony. The Black Cross is an angelic
tool that combats this force and may cause miraculous healing. To use it, look at the
mandala and allow your vision to fall on the Words below the image.
The Words invoke a powerful purification and cleansing light that works to clear the
negative force.
I want to dedicate this gift to Bobby Hemmit..... My friend and Brother.

The Body of Light Talisman

I forgot to tell you the best part...if you do drink the talisman water, you may omit
the other part of the practice...that is, you do not have to say the mantra or look at
the mandala..just prepare and drink the water....YeaHHHH!!

This is the symbol of the Kwajawan..they are the most advanced humans on the planet. They
enable us to forge a link between the human world and the gods of the Inner World and the gods
of the Outer World.

This amulet is called the helps with the development of the third
eye..we call it The Third Eye Opener.

This is a picture of a talisman that helps with the process of Divine Linkage. It is
called the Manstrum

Scanning for spiritual power is an ancient practice. Most people do not realize this, but
everything that you read or see is stored in the mind. Everything. If you scan a book for a few
minutes, without reading a word, your mind will store everything that you scanned. There is
power in the act of merely looking at an object. The same is true for an object of power. If you
look at a symbol of power, the receptors in your mind will automatically begin to make the
necessary connections with that symbol to extract power from it. You will begin to draw tiny
amounts of power from the symbol, even if you do not know what to do with the power. It will
be stored within your soul for later use, even though later may be decades or even hundreds of

The pendant is capable of performing miraculous healings. I hope to seen some

really beautiful healings this weekend. Bring your hearts.

The Nephilim Codex Workshop

Human consciousness is one of the last great frontiers of research. We know less
about our own consciousness than we do about most things on this planet. Recently
however, scientists have begun to unveil some mysterious facts about
consciousness that have led them into realms that seem more like science fiction
than science fact.
One. Scientists have marveled at the ingenuity of the DNA code since it was first
deciphered in the early sixties, but now it appears that there is much more to it than
previously known.
A research team at the University of Washington has discovered a second code
hidden within the DNA, written on top of the other.
Now we know that this basic assumption about reading the human genome missed
half of the picture, said team leader Dr. John Stamatoyannopoulos.
Whereas the first code describes how proteins are made, this second language
instructs the cell on how genes are to be controlled. The discovery, published in
Science, will enable improved diagnoses and treatments of disease. Up until very
recently, we did not know that there were two separate types of DNA code
operating within the body.
Two. Many neuroscientists have long assumed that much of the neural activity
inside your head when at rest matches your subdued, somnolent mood. In this view,
the activity in the resting brain represents nothing more than random noise, akin to
the snowy pattern on the television screen when a station is not broadcasting.
Then, when a fly alights on your forearm, the brain focuses on the conscious task of
squashing the bug. But recent analysis produced by neuroimaging technologies has
revealed something quite remarkable: a great deal of meaningful activity is
occurring in the brain when a person is sitting back and doing nothing at all.
It turns out that when your mind is at restwhen you are daydreaming quietly in a
chair, say, asleep in a bed or anesthetized for surgerydispersed brain areas are
chattering away to one another. And the energy consumed by this ever active
messaging, known as the brains default mode, is about 20 times that used by the
brain when it responds consciously to a pesky fly or another outside stimulus.
Indeed, most things we do consciously, be it sitting down to eat dinner or making a
speech, mark a departure from the baseline activity of the brain default mode. This
default mode activity, or as some scientists call it, dark brain energy, has little to do
with you at all.
3. Do we have alien genes in our human DNA? Could this be the ultimate proof of
alien life? According to a team of researchers working at the Human Genome

Project, this appears to be the case. The team believes that more than 95% of the
non-coding sequences (also called junk DNA) found in human DNA is actually the
genetic codes of alien life forms.
These sequences are actually found in all life forms found on Earth but they make
up a larger portion of the human genome than in any other species known. It is
these sequences that the team is using to explain many gaps in our understanding
of how human beings have evolved over the ages.
The above data suggests that most of the activity that goes on inside the human
body is not under the control of human consciousness. Brain energy, DNA
transcription, and genetic activity may well be under the outside forces that we are
only now becoming aware of. This is an entirely new field of research that points to
a definite connection between alien influences and the most intimate aspects of the
human condition.
The Nephilim Codex explores the possibility that our consciousness is linked to a
series of programs that have been placed inside of us by outside forces. These
programs have been placed within us to protect us from accessing powers and
abilities within the brain that could cause us harm.
As we learn about the existence and nature of these programs, we can gradually
learn to control them and evolve in the use of our dormant powers and abilities.
These programs are the key to our evolution and are tied to more than 95% of our
DNA, brain energy, and consciousness activity.
Spiritual Power
Expanded Consciousness
Increased Enlightenment
Improved Health
Increased Intelligence
Improved Out of the Body Travel
All of these abilities may be accessed and unlocked when one learns to access and
unlock the Nephilim software that lies within.

When a soul is born into one of the lower races, two birth charts are drawn. One is called the
astrological chart. The astrological chart includes a listing of the planets, asteroids, the moon,
and the fixed stars. This chart is used to follow the movements of humans from day to day. It is
also used to predict actions and influence decisions. The planets, moons, and stars are intelligent
beings and they may be influenced to speak to a human during their lifetime. This is the secret of
astrology. This is also one of the reasons that the awakened work so diligently to discredit and
ridicule the art.
The second chart that is drawn up is called the higher celestial chart. This chart includes
information and energy from the higher celestial stars, moons, planets and deities. The higher
celestial forces are only weakly active in most individuals of the lower races. As an individual
evolves, their energies elevate beyond that of the astrological chart and are more directly
influenced by the higher celestial forces.
This higher celestial influence becomes more and more pronounced as an individual evolves.
Eventually, the vast majority of the energy which influences the life and thought of the soul
emanates from the higher forces. At that time, for all practical purposes, the individual becomes
an Avatar of the Higher Forces. The influence of the lower stars, planets and moons falls away
and the deity within Awakens in the lower worlds.
The Archangel Zythurdreane
Defense Against the Dark Arts

Tonite, we will study the application of this formula to the

Process of interstellar soul travel.....permutations and transformations
Will be discussed in flight.....don't worry, your Higher Mind knows....

Most wonder the songs that I sing during Sunrise... well I can't sit and explain everything I can
point you to where I learned. I spent much time learning the teaching style of Master Gibson.

If you go around the Sun singing this twice at each numerical clock position does wonders.
Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche mantra - Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Pema Siddhi Hum

For more information concering this please read Master Gibson's book The Human Body of

Living Soul


The Body of Light Mantra

Here is a link to purchase it.. I usually play things that I don't understand while I sleep so that my
spirit captures it and my subconscious mind has nothing else but to do but allow it to sink in..















Well while I'm always trying to expand and as always nosey.. things come to me.. I found this
mantra that takes away obstacles.. so I say that from time to time if I can remember it.. But in all
honesty.. I have been looking into the Rinpoche (The immortals) and Buddha's mantras they
seem to have many different things for most issues in life.. so I'll share with you what I use.. Hey
I can't pronounce most of this so I put the speakers really close to my heart and just sing along to
the best of my abilities..

To remove obstacles..

D sum sangy guru rinpoch Guru Rinpoche, the Buddha of past, present and future,
Ngdrup kun dak dwa chenp shyap Dewa ChenpoGuru of Great Blissthe source of
all siddhis, Barch kun sel dd dul drakpo tsal Dd Dul Drakpo TsalWrathful One that
Subdues Negativitywho removes all obstacles, Solwa depso chingyi lap tu sol Grant your
blessings, we pray! Chi nang sangw barch shyiwa dang Through them, may all obstacles
outer, inner and secret Sampa lhun gyi druppar chin gyi lop Be quelled, and may all our
aspirations be fulfilled.

To Amitabha

I was like man I wish to welcome Amitabha into this dimension so I started learning the Darani
Mantra and then I stumbled across this..

Green/White Tara
I had purchased many statues from this store in Princeton and one of the statues was the Goddess
Tara.. I love having statues around my house to remind me of what time it is... I recently just
found out that there is 27 or 28 Taras so I was like okay... But the moment I sung this at Sunrise I
began seeing the same Green Tara in the clouds so... She's for compassion.. well I know I need to
start showing and need some compassion... so I would play this sometimes.. As I looked at the
rainbow body of her in a different screen she started revealing things to me..

Then people was like Wachena did you hear about the Gayatri Mantra.. I'm like yeah... heard it
before.. Something that gives me energy in the morning...

Then I was looking for other Sun Mantra's and Master also gives Sun mantra's..

Sun Mantra

You can also use solar oil and other things from the Solar Rejuvenation Book and Seminar..
What really kick started me with the practices was the Innvanya practice I really love them... the
first sight of them I was in aww...

I typically sleep with the X- Factor Solar Attunements and Buddha Attunements on replay each
day... but once my eyes start burning I pause everything... Some days I play the other Solar
Attunements as well they really have a special thing to each one of them..

Then here's mindbites Solar Advice:

Thanks Master Gibson, Master Acharya and Team Tybro..New Update:

Inso Etat Noris Son Des inso telenas

In sew et(eat) tat(like the beginning of tattoo) Nor(like the beginning of North) is Son (like sewn
when you have sewn something together) Des (like the beginning of decimal) inso (in so) tele
(like the beginning of television) nas (like the rapper Nas or the beginning of nasty)

This is what brings 5 dimensional beings into this deminson to help.. Now you may get this
combustion of energy that goes off around the Sun.. when I first said it.... it was like I put my
intention into the Sun and kept saying it for about 5 minutes until I got a response... then there
was orbs that burst out of the Sun and look like a combustion happened... now I don't know how
to spell it properly its been long ago but this is how I say it..

Blinking Pattern - This is like the letter A when it comes to having a conversation with the Sun...
You want to do this at Sunrise or Sunset when the Sun is red or orange...

Master said to recite this 31 times because of the new energies. The Miracle Prayer Ana Bkoach
can be found on youtube.
Known as the 42-letter Name of God, the Ana bKoach is a unique formula built of 42 letters
written in seven sentences of six words each. Each of the seven sentences correspond to the
seven days of the week, seven specific angels, and to a particular heavenly body. The letters that
make up Ana bKoach are encoded within the first 42 letters of the book of Genesis.
The kabbalists explain that this combination of letters takes us back to the time of Creation, and
each time we meditate on a particular sequence, we return to the original uncorrupted energy that
built the world. By performing the Ana b'Koach mediation, we enrich our lives with
unadulterated spiritual Light and positive energy.
- See more at:
And the Usnisa Vijaya Dharani to recite 20 times a day.

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