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this morning I simply want to turn our attention to Gods Kingdom what it is,
what it means to us and what that understanding might motivate us to do!
Father, release understanding today of Your Kingdom and stir our hearts to live
FROM the wonders of Your realm!
His domain, sphere, realm, place where He holds and exercises authority and
power. The Bible clearly teaches that He is a SOVEREIGN GOD Who RULES
over all things in heaven and on earth. He is high and lifted up above all His
creation He is the Most High, the King over all!
Sovereignty is absolute authority
In Is 46:9-11 God describes His own sovereignty:
For I am God and there is no other; I am God and there is none like Me,
declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not
yet done, saying My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasureIndeed I
have spoken; I will also bring it to pass. I have purposed it; I will also do it.
Job describes it this way: I know that You can do everything and that no purpose
of Yours can be withheld from You. Job 42:2
After his 7 year judgment, Nebs reason was restored and he praises and honors
God who he declares has an everlasting dominion, He does according to His
will in the army of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth. No one can
restrain His hand or say to Him what have you done? Dan 4:35
Gods domain includes both the physical worlds and the whole spiritual realm
we know little of the vastness and wonders of His Kingdom!
The Word tells us that it is limitless, ever-increasing, and incomprehensibly
abundant! His domain, the place of His rule, is unshakeable, cannot be
destroyed, remains forever !
Think of it -- where the Sovereign God is reigning, there are no limits, there is no
lack, no end! His realm is another dimension not governed by time and space.
Is 9:7 Of the INCREASE of His government and peace there will be no end.
His Kingdom rule will be increasing for all eternity and the effect of that will be
shalom = complete well-being for all He rules!!
NT says K is righteousness, peace (shalom, complete wellbing), joy and Romans 14:17 and power 1 Co 4:20
God rules over all --but we do not see this righteousness, peace, joy and power
reigning here! Why not? The parables of the Kingdom show us that
at the present time there is MIXTURE in the K
(Mt13) -- wheat and tares, leaven, good and bad fish

(mt22) --there are people unwilling or actively hostile to the wedding invitation
or unprepared to sit down at wedding feast
(Mt25) -some wise, some foolish, some servants are faithful and some are
Gods Kingdom has ALREADY come to some those who are humble and
obedient and love their King, are committed Kingdom citizens,
BUT it has NOT YET come in fullness - there are some in the kingdom evil
people actually working against the K under the prince of this world system
YET the SOVEREIGN GOD still RULES is still HIS Kingdom and ALL things are under His authority!
He is allowing these mixed conditions temporarily, for a season for His
purposes. (His ways are not our ways!!)
At the End there will be a great separation of the wheat and tares, a sorting out of
the good from the bad!
Mt 13:49 Jesus said: So it will be at the end of the age, the angels will come and
separate the wicked from among the just
Mt 22 the King sends out his armies to destroy those resisters and sends the
unprepared one into outer darkness. v7,13
Mt 25 ends with the travelling landowner making a distinction between those who
served his purposes - did their job > these enter into the joy of their lord! the
servant who failed to work for his masters purposes lost everything and was cast
At the End comes the separation of sheep and goat nations those who have
followed the Great Shepherd of the sheep will inherit the Kingdom prepared for
them from the foundation of the world! (Mt 25:34)
Gods intent from before creation was to SHARE HIS KINGDOM with many sons.
The Father is PLEASED to GIVE us the Kingdom (Luke 12:32). Kingdom Life is a
GIFT, but parables reveal that to enter K living there are requirements. There is
a narrow path, a groaning way to be embraced:
What is required to inherit (not earn!) entrance to life in this glorious eternal
1. we have to be born from above to even SEE the K( Jn 3:3) -new birth is
the basic requirement! We must be born again sons of the K
2. we have to be childlike in order to ENTER simple trust and
dependence, with the meekness, humility and faith of Gods own Son (Mk
10:14,15, Mt 5:3,10, 7:21, Luke 18:17)

3. we have to be hungry - truly desperate to make His K our great desire,

focus, goal (Mt 6:33) = willing
to press in violently!(Mt 11:12)
to take drastic measures (pluck out eye, cut off hand Mk
to go on through many tribulations to enter in! Acts 14:22
4. we have to whole-hearted leave all = no looking back (Lk 9:62), no
holding on to possessions or even family MORE than to our King.(Lk
18:29) Fully submitted and longing for His will to be done. (Mt 7:21,
8:22,) Seeking 1st His K and righteous = means make it our highest desire
to live fully under Him and become LIKE Him, the R One!
5. we have to develop an awareness of the K which is already within us!
Jesus said (Luke 17:21 AMP) behold, the Kingdom of God is within you
[in your hearts] = it is present in our spirits the invisible Kingdom realm
of God all around us and inside us. Easy to picture it as up there which
it is! but we need to be AWARE that it is also IN HERE!
The kingdom within = the rule of the King is HERE in our inner man present
always! the Kingdom is accessible to us and
the Kingdom is active in us !
Too often we are not conscious of that REALITY!
Neville Johnson spoke of our need of this awareness a few years ago how the
lack of awareness limits our spirits. All that is in the K is available now it is
within us but because we are so
much more aware of the world around us
than the K within us,
we fail to receive the benefits that are ours!
Our spirits are the point of access to this spiritual realm. Our spirits are birthed
FROM the Kingdom of heaven that is our native land - our spirits are at home
We need to begin to pay more attention to and respond to the K within us
so that we hear and see with our spirits what is happening in the K realm. Not
only conscious of the physical world around us and our souls reactions we can
learn to let our spirits dominate over our souls = consciously living as spiritual
people drawing on and depending on the resources of the Kingdom rather than
the abilities of our souls or the resources of this world.
How do we do that?
PRACTICE! When something arises some pain, anxiety, hard place -TURN in
thought and heart to our King (on His Throne and within us! and ask to see this

thing from a Kingdom perspective! Remind ourselves that no matter how we

FEEL or what it LOOKS like, HE IS ON THE THRONE and every resource of
Heaven is ours IN HIM.
When we intentionally pursue a greater consciousness of the Kingdom within
we will be changed!
AS we become more aware of this immeasurable inner well -- we will learn to
live FROM it. And to MAINTAIN the mindset of grateful depedence: we are K
citizens, living His way for His pleasure and glory
The more we learn to submit to His rule within, the more we will begin to access
the atmosphere and supply of the Kingdom!.
Where God RULES, His power can be released it can be entrusted to those
who are genuinely seeking HIS will and purpose.
The Father wants to GIVE us the Kingdom Luke 11:32
It is His pleasure to bless us with what it contains
SO He is continually at work to create yielding, trusting, hungry heartsHe is
working to
INCREASE the measure of His rule in us
SO He can increase the release of K resources
and authority to us!
Jesus, as Man, lived fully submitted He lived by faith, from the riches of the K.
The same supply is available for us in our ordinary lives. But we cannot be
passive if we want to access these! They are received by ACTIVE faith - faith
that is exercised in asking and seeking!
It is in our times of need that we ACTIVELY seek Him for K supply we realize
our need, our helpless dependence and this is where God wants us: not as an
end but as a means to increase our trusting submission to Him. As always, He
wants to empty us of independent selfish living SO He can FILL us with Himself
and open up K riches in our lives > which we can use to advance His Kingdom
on earth!
HE USES the difficulties of life as opportunities for us to discover His abounding
grace, to come to know His K resources and learn to live out of them by faith.
What would happen if we did that fully? WE would become a display of
our Fathers K for world to see! That is His plan to so transform us with K
character as we receive His rule within that we can actually REVEAL HIM to
We can ONLY become what He desires when we

Hes looking for burning hearts that PURUSE what our King wants MORE
than what we want! Joyful hearts focused on HIS goals, not our own!
We are on earth for this purpose:
to live aligned to Gods Kingdom SO that we can
advance His rule and
accomplish His will on earth!
God wants to USE every day, where I am, to move me into His purpose for me I
must choose to let HIS desire govern me This is the key to partnering with
Him in the glorious work He wants to do!
#1 PRAY WHAT JESUS TOLD US TO PRAY: ask our Father earnestly - with
sincere desire not just by rote - for His Kingdom to come, His will be done on
earth as it is in heaven. Mt 6:10, k 11:2
we know that His Kingdom IS coming inexorably no matter what sinful angels
and men may do! But He wants us to cry: Your sovereign rule come! Your will
done here as in heaven!
If its going to come anyway, why do we need to pray this?
Because asking for His will ALIGNS our hearts with His heart!
This is key! it is in prayer that we get adjusted, that our preoccupations and
selfish desires are subdued and shifted to HIS Kingdom purposes! Then we will
truly seek FIRST HIS K and R!
Mt 6:33
Mt 7:7 Then Jesus told us to keep on ASKING, keep on SEEKING, keep on
KNOCKING FOR WHAT? for His Kingdom our #1 priority -- to come
MORE fully in us, around us and through us!
v.8 IF we keep on this pursuing His K and His R 1st we will receive what we
ask for, we will find what we are seeking and doors of the K will be opened to us!
All the good things of the K that are in His hand are for those who persistently
and trustingly ASK Him!
Our daily joyful heartfelt cry should be: May Your rule increase here today!
BY this PRAYER - we become passionate about being a part of bringing this
Kingdom in fuller measure to earth!
Hebrews 11:39 AMP And all of these, though they won divine approval by
[means of] their faith, did not receive the fulfillment of what was promised.

Jesus has not YET fully received all that the Father promised Him before the
foundation of the world. He does not YET reign in His kingdom here with HiS
holy Bride! He is still waiting and longing for this Day.
Jesus came to recover Gods sovereign rule here and secure His inheritance.
The kingdoms of this world are the Sons inheritance. Our part is to INVEST in
prayer for Him to have His FULL inheritance!
WE are also to give every nation EVIDENCE of Jesus rule and invite them to
enter His K. To do this we have to be people who exhibit His nature and operate
in His powerwe are to give concrete evidence that Jesus is on the Throne of
heaven by our character, oneness and authority over the kingdom of darkness.
Tangible proof that His K is real because it is within us and being expressed
by us!
As we do this, we will be cooperating with angels learning to discern their
presence and work with them in unison for the Kingdom they are K resource for
us to do this work. We are to hasten the day (2 Peter 3:12) looking, praying
and living for the Day when Jesus will receive the full reward of the travail of His
soul! (Is 53:11)
Satan does not want this to happen! Still working to frustrate Gods purpose in
the Cross. Daniel battled for God's purpose for His people to be fulfilled how? In
prayer -- his prayer roused hell and released K resources to accomplish
Gods will!
Mt 13:19 [Jesus is explaining parable of sower] When anyone hears the word
of the kingdom and does not understand it, then the wicked one comes and
snatches away what was sown in his heart.
There is a much in the Word for us to discover about the K it is the realm in
which we will live in joy for eternity! Seems like a good idea to focus on it now
and seek God for deeper revelation.
Daniel 12:4 command to shut up the words and seal the book UNTIL the time of
the end; many shall run to and fro (searching) and knowledge (of His purposes)
shall increase. UNTIL = mysteries of the Kingdom will be revealed God is
releasing understanding set apart for us in the End time!
Paul asked God to give the spirit of wisdom and revelation to the Ephesian
believers (Eph 1:17,18) we are meant to pray for this as he did. ASK for
enlightened eyes to KNOW HIM and
His call to live in the Kingdom of God,
His inheritance which is Kingdom sons (conformed to His Son), and
His resurrection power the power inherent in His glorious Kingdom!

v. 21 our King is seated in the place of highest authority far above ALL
principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named,
not only in this age but also in that which is to come!
This glorious K is accessible and we have a right, as born from that K and
united to the King, to access, explore and understand our salvation to the
full.which means the fullness of God filling all in all.
KNOW our part is for Jesus to rule in us SO He can rule through us THEN
Jesus will be revealed to the world!
At this time, the King is revealing Himself THROUGH His people THEN He will come in glory to reign for 1,000 years and restore all things! And
after that will come
1 Cor 15:24 the end, when He delivers the Kingdom to God the Father, when He
puts an end to all rule and authority and power
that which has been given a short time in Gods wisdom purposes but will be
utterly destroyed! THEN v.29 God will be all in all!
#4 CARRY OUT OUR MANDATE what is it?
Luke 9:2 Jesus sent us out to preach the kingdom of God and heal the sick
Mt 28:19,20 commanded us to go under His Kingdom authority and make
disciples of all the nations
Acts 1:8 commissioned to be His witnesses by the Holy Spirit with Kingdom
power, to the ends of the earth
Mt 24:14 says when we have preached the gospel of the Kingdom in all the
world as a witness to all the nations and then the end will come
PREACH GOSPEL OF KINGDOM: What is this gospel?
God invites all men into His family to live rightly related to Him by the
blood of Jesus!
Those who accept His offer learn to live by His law of love. They bow
before Him as the Great King Who rules within
They tell others that His return is near when He will bring His perfect
government to earth and live with men made new.
BE AGENTS of KINGDOM: K has been given to us to give to others!
we are to dispense K resources = salvation, healing, deliverance, peace,
joy, love, food, water, authority over chaos and storms, etc

We do this BY FAITH we can rule over earth conditions by believing

every abundant resource of the Kingdom of heaven is present and ours to
access and release here. When we have learned to have victory over
soul-thoughts, when we refuse to let our minds sink into reasoning...we
can rule over our circumstances by faith in our spirits. When our King
really rules IN us, then He can use us to bring restoration of the goodness
of His Kingdom to earth.

we can bring K authority and power into every place no boundaries! like
Him we can walk ABOVE storms and waves. He wants to rule over
every circumstance through us who are actively living by faith-obedience
to our King then His Kingdom is evident obvious! REAL! - to all!

We will be preaching the Kingdom when we allow Jesus to do His works through
usLET HIM USE us to demonstrate that there is a KING on the Throne of
heaven ready to bring perfect wisdom and immense love to His domain. By our
YIELDED lives we can make the attributes of the King and His Kingdom known,
display its design and order and release it wherever we are!
Can we even imagine a greater privilege and destiny than to be chosen to
participate in the release of His glory until it fills the earth?!
To turn nations to the Father through our joyful, willing obedience in HS power!
To advance His government of love and peace displacing all else!
This CAN happen AS His love and peace governs US our minds and hearts
settled without anxiety UNDER His perfect rule!
People all around us are hungry for spiritual reality it is the gaping hole in their
innermost being that cannot be satisfied with anything in this world. WE are to
bring them the KINGDOM, the spiritual reality of Gods sovereignty.
Intentionally, increasingly and with intensity:
FIX our EYES on Jesus -in all the contrary circumstances
SET our HEARTS to understand all He wants to reveal about the mystery of the
K of heaven within us
PRESS IN and keep on = WAR to access MORE! WE are Gods means to
advance His Kingdom and bring His blessings to earth!
WE MUST CONTEND because we are opposed enemy doing everything he
can to halt our growth, prevent our training, keep us from fulfilling Gods plan. He
will send trials, distress, persecution, famine, dangers of all kindsYET in all
these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us!Ro 8:37
This One is KING over all!

God has already SET HIS KING on His holy hill of Zion (Ps 2:6)
As Daniel saw
One like the Son of Man, coming with the clouds of heaven!to Him was given
dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations and languages
should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion which shall not pass
away. His Kingdom is the one which shall not be destroyed. Dan 7:13,14
v. 18 the saints of he Most High shall receive the kingdom and possess the
kingdom forever, even forever and ever!
.we are receiving [NOW present tense] a kingdom which cannot be
shaken,--- let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with
reverence and godly fear. Hebrews 12:28
SERVE God = fulfill His commission to preach and demonstrate K power
and authority world wide.
Lets get aligned with His purpose SO we can fully PARTNER with Him in
bringing in the harvest of souls at the end of the age to give our King His desire
Many sons brought to glory
LORD, may we enter, enjoy and expand Your Kingdom MORE than ever
Work in us humble to fully yield and do Your will,
Work in us what Your own nature, making us true sons who can reveal the
reality of Your Kingdom on earth!
May we fulfill the purposes in Your heart and bring You glory!

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