Mohamad O. Diab CV

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Mohamad O.

Diab, Phd
Assistant Pr ofessor
Hariri Canadian University (HCU)
College of engineering
Biomedical Department
P.O. Box: 10 - Damour, Chouf 2010
Meshref, Lebanon.

Tel : 009615601386 Ext: 512

Fax: 009615601380

Academic Qualifications
2007 : PHD in biomedical engineer ing.
Univer sity of Technology of Compiegne (UTC , Fr ance.
Subject: Classification and identification of the uterine electromyography signals.
2003 : DEA (Diplome dEtude Appr ofondie, Master degree equivalent) in biomedical engineer ing,
Biomedical Engineering Laboratory of the University of Technology of Compigne (UTC),
Fr ance.
Pr oject: Development and realization of a thoracic ECG sensor, bipolar, without gel for
application in humans in motion, hairy and obese. Project in collaboration with C3A, United
Kingdom (UK).
2002 : Biomedical Engineer ing degr ee. (Engineer )
Islamic University of Lebanon.
Gr aduation pr oject : Realization of a r eal system " PC based EMG" to detect the muscle
fatigue (Realization of a complete system of acquisition and processing (pre-amplification,
filtering, A/D converter, computer user interface with MATLAB , memory options and
comparison with standard signals to aid in diagnostics).
1997 : Bacc II Scientific ser ies, exper imental sciences.
Official School of Saida, Lebanon.




























Professional Training

2003 : Training in LabView with National Instruments (NI) in CPE Lyon, France.
2003 : Training in DIAdem with National Instruments (NI) in CPE Lyon, France.
Professional Experience
2009-Present: Assistant Professor, College of Engineering, Bio-instrumentation Engineering, Hariri
Canadian University HCU).
2003-2009: Lecturer.
Teaching is divided between the following institutes:
University of Technology of Compigne, France (UTC), Lebanese University (LU) , Hariri
Canadian University (HCU), Lebanese International University (LIU) and Islamic University of
Lebanon (IUL).
Teaching Courses:
1. Biomedical sensor.
2. Biomedical instrumentation design.
3. Biomedical engineering design I.
4. Principles of design.
5. Advanced biomedical instrumentation.
6. Advanced Therapeutic devices.
7. Biomedical servicing.
8. Biomedical Engineering design II.
9. Clinical Laboratory instruments.


10. Artificial Organs.

11. Circuit analysis.
12. Advanced Signal Processing
13. Signal processing.
14. Advanced Signal Processing (Application Extension of Human Senses, EHS)
15. Electricity for health sciences (Biophysics).
16. Electro-mechanics machine for medicine (Biomechanics).
17. Microprocessor.
18. Medical Technologies.

2004-2005: Biomedical Engineering Consultant, Scandinavian Hospital Services (SHS).

Project: Consultancy Services for the coordination & supervision of Delivery and Installation
of - Additional Medical Equipment - to Rafic Hariri University Hospital (RHUH).

2005 :

Responsible to a professional training in Biomedical and hospital Engineering

for 15 Medicines & Biomedical Engineers from the Iraqi Minister of Health,
duration: 1 month, location: Faculty of Engineering, Biomedical department, Islamic
University of Lebanon (IUL).
2002-2003: Assistant and member of the evaluation committee of TSIBH (Superior
Technicien in Hospital and Biomedical Engineering, Technicien Suprieur en
Ingnierie Biomdicale Hospitalire "TSIBH"), UTC, France.
2002-2003: Engineer in Biomedical research
C3A (Cardiac Arrhythmias Acquisition & Analysis Software), United Kingdom.
During one year. Monitoring and Electrocardiography (ECG) domain.
2001 :
Tr aining (5 months)
GE Medical Systems (General electric medical systems). Beirut, Lebanon.
Medical Imaging domain (OR equipments, X-rays, CT-scanner, MRI).

2000 :

Tr aining (3 months)
Marjayoun hospital. Marjayoun, Lebanon.
Maintenance and installation of medical equipments (dialysis, Ventilators).

1999 :

Tr aining (3 months)
Khayat Medical Company, Beirut, Lebanon. (NPB agent).
ECG, Defibrillator, Monitors & Ventilator.

Book Chapter
1. Mohamad Khalil, Marwa Chendeb, Mohamad Diab, Catherine Marque, Jacques Duchne. EMG
analysis: time-frequency based techniques. Book chapter, Advanced Signal Processing,
Springer, pp: 245-266, April 2009.
2. Diab M. O., Classification des Signaux EMG Utrins Afin de Dtecter Les Accouchements
prmaturs, Phd. thesis. Universit de Technologie de Compigne, 2007, Ref : tel-00410409,
version 1, 20 Aug. 2009.

Journal Article

1. Bassam Moslem, Mohamad O. Diab, Mohamad Khalil, Catherine Marque, Classification

performance of the frequency-related parameters derived from uterine EMG signals,
International Journal of Computational Cognition, submitted in November 2010.

2. Bassam Moslem, Mohamad O. Diab, Mohamad Khalil, Catherine Marque, Improving

pregnancy monitoring using the local discriminant bases algorithm, Computer Methods
and Programs in Biomedicine, submitted in February 2011.
3. Bassam Moslem, Mohamad O. Diab, Mohamad Khalil, Catherine Marque, Multichannel
power analysis of uterine EMG signals, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control,
submitted in March 2011.
4. Mohamad O. Diab, Nizar Awar, Abdul Aziz Al-Hojairi, Abdul Rahman Baalbaki, Ali Ghamloush
and Nahmat El-Hariri, Tongue drive wheelchair. Int. J. Cognition and Computational, Vol , No ,
pp . Accepted to be published in 2011.
5. Bassam Moslem, Mohamad Khalil, Catherine Marque , Mohamad O. Diab, Energy Distrubution
Analysis of the Uterine Electromyography. Selected best paper, invited paper, Journal of
Medicine and Biological Engineering (JMBE), Vol. 30, No. 6, pp: 361-366, 2010.
6. Mohamad O. Diab, Amira El-Merhie, Nour El-Halabi, Layal Khoder, Classification of uterine
EMG signals using supervised classification method. J. Biomedical Science and Engineering,
Vol. 3, No. 9, pp: 837-842, Sep. 2010.
7. Diab M. O., Marque C., Khalil M. An Unsupervised Classification Method Of Uterine
Electromyography Signals: Classification For Detection Of The Preterm Deliveries. J. Obestet.
Gynecol. Res., Vol. 35, No. 1, pp: 9-19, 2009.
8. M. Diab, L. Hijazi, W. Hassan, G. Farges. A Non-Aggressive Thermo-Cardio-Respiratory Sensor
Conception Associated To Cardio-Modulo-Respiratory Method For Long-Term Monitoring.
Transactions on Systems, Signals and Devices, Vol. 4, no. 4, pp: 539-548, 2009.
9. Diab M. O., Farges G. ECG sensor for obese and hairy patient based on Cardio-Modulo-Respiratory
Method. Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Vol. 8, pp: 7-12, July 2008.
10. Khalil M., Mustapha O., Diab M. O. Time Frequency Analysis and Classification of Long Duration
SEMG Signals: Application on Fatigue Detection. Invited to be published in Modeling and
Simulation journal, ASME press, pp: 1-10. July 2007
11. Diab M. O., Marque C., Khalil M. Classification for Uterine EMG Signals: Comparison between
AR Model and Statistical Classification Method. Int. J. Cognition and Computational, Vol 5, No
1, pp 1-7. March 2007.
12. Diab M. O., Marque C., Khalil M. Modeling And Classification For Uterine EMG Signals Using
Autoregressive Model. Intelligent Engineering systems through artificial neural networks,
ASME press. Vol. 8, No. 1: 317-323, 2006.
13. Diab M. O., Marque C., Khalil M. Une approche de classification des contractions utrines bases
sur la thorie des ondelettes et la statistique. Journal of National Council for Scientific
Research. Vol. 6, No. 1: 91-103 2006.

International Conference Article

1. Bassam MOSLEM, Aly Chkeir, Mohamad, O. DIAB, Mohamad KHALIL, Catherine MARQUE,
Combining Multiple Support Vector Machines for Boosting the Classification Accuracy of
Uterine EMG Signals, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics,
Circuits and Systems (ICECS), Lebanon, pp: 631-634, Dec. 2011.
2. Bassam MOSLEM, Aly Chkeir, Mohamad, O. DIAB, Mohamad KHALIL, Catherine MARQUE, A
Multisensor Data Fusion Approach for Improving the Classification Accuracy of Uterine EMG


Signals, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and

Systems (ICECS), Lebanon, pp: 93-96, Dec. 2011.
3. Bassam MOSLEM, Mohamad, O. DIAB, Mohamad KHALIL, Catherine MARQUE,
Classification of Multichannel Uterine EMG signals Using Unsupervised Competitive
Learning, Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems, Lebanon, pp:
267-272, Oct. 2011.
4. Moslem B., Karlsson, B., Diab M.O., Khalil M., Marque C., Classification performance of
frequency-related parameters derived from uterine EMG signals, Proceedings of the 33nd
Annual Inter. Conf. IEEE EMBS, Boston, USA, pp: 3371-3374, Aug. 2011.
5. Moslem B., Diab M.O., Khalil M., Marque C., Classification of multichannel uterine EMG
signals, Proceedings of the 33nd Annual Inter. Conf. IEEE EMBS, Boston, USA, pp: 26022605, Aug. 2011.
6. Bassam MOSLEM, Mohamad, O. DIAB, Mohamad KHALIL, Catherine MARQUE, Analyse des
signaux EMG utrin pour le suivi de grossesse et la dtection de laccouchement, Proceedings
of the International Conference on Advances Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Lebanon,
Lebanon. pp: 95-96, July, 2011.
7. Ramzi AL-HALABI, Mohamad, O. DIAB. Application of EMG Processing and Analysis in
Optimal Muscle Building Workouts, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances
Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Lebanon, Lebanon. pp: 97-98, July, 2011.
8. Bassam Moslem, Mohamad O. Diab, Mohamad Khalil, Catherine Marque , Detrended
Fluctuatioin Analysis Of Uterine Electromyography, Proceedings of the IEEE 1st Middle
East Conference on Biomedical Engineering (MECBME 2011). Sharjah, UAE, pp: 450-453,
Feb. 2011.
9. Moslem B., Khalil M., Marque C. , Diab M. O., Complexity analysis of the uterine
electromyography, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE
EMBS, Buenos Aires, Argentina, pp: 2802-2805, Aug. 2010.
10. Moslem B., Khalil M., Marque C. , Diab M. O., A Wavelet Packet-based Energetic Approach for
the Analysis of the Uterine EMG. Proceedings of the ISSNIP BRC Biosignals and Biorobotics
Conference 2010, Selected Best Paper, Victoria, Brazil, pp: 98-102, Jan. 2010.
11. B. Moslem, M. Hassan, M. Khalil, C. Marque, M. O. Diab, Monitoring the progress of pregnancy
and detecting labor using electromyography, Proceedings of the International Symposium on
Bioelectronics and Bioinformatics (ISBB2009), Melbourne, Australia, pp: 160-163, Dec. 2009.
12. Diab M. O., Hassan W., Farges G. A Non-Aggressive Thermo-Cardio-Respiratory Sensor
Conception Associated To Cardio-Modulo-Respiratory Method For Long-Term Monitoring.
Fouth IEEE International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices SSD07,
Selected Best Paper, March 19-22, 2007, Hammamet, Tunisia.

13. Khalil M., Mustapha O., Diab M. O. Time Frequency Analysis And Classification of Long
Duration SEMG Signals: Application On Fatigue Detection, International conference on
modelling and simulation (MS05), Selected Best Paper, June 2005.
14. Diab, Mohamad O.; Marque, Catherine; Khalil, Mohamad. Unsupervised Classification in Uterine
Electromyography Signal: Toward The Detection of Preterm Birth. 27th Annual International
Conference of the IEEE EMBS Shanghai, Chine, pp: 5660-5663, Sep. 2005.
15. Diab M. O., Marque C., Khalil M. An Unsupervised Classification Method of Uterine
Electromyography Signals Using Wavelet Decomposition. Proceedings of the 26th Annual
International Conference of the IEEE EMBS San Francisco, CA, USA, pp: 192-195, Sep.


16. Diab M. O., Marque C., Khalil M. Uterine electromyography signals: Classification and
Interpretation. Proceedings of the 2nd Cairo International Biomedical Engineering Conference
(CIBEC, IEEE EMBS), Cairo, Egypt, pp: 1-4, Dec. 2004.

National Conference Article

1. Bassam Moslem, Mohamad Khalil, Catherine Marque, Mohamad O. Diab, Monitoring pregnancy
using uterine electromyography. Proceedings of the 17th International Scientific Conference,
The Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Jounieh, Lebanon. Nov. 2010.
2. George Ismail, Fayez Elhamra, Alaa Zayden, Mohamad O. Diab, Electrical Drop Foot Prothesis.
Proceedings of the 16th International Scientific Conference, Beirut Arab University, Bierut,
Lebanon. Nov. 2009.
3. Alaa MALAEB, Naji CHAMSEDDINE, Mohammad DIAB, Advanced Artificial Hand.
Proceedings of the 16th International Scientific Conference, Beirut Arab University, Bierut,
Lebanon. Nov. 2009.
4. Mohamad O. Diab, Amira El-Merhie, Nehmat El-Hariri, Nour El-Halabi, Hospital Risk
Assessment. Proceedings of the 16th International Scientific Conference, Beirut Arab
University, Bierut, Lebanon. Nov. 2009.
5. Mohamad O. Diab, Fatima Jaber, May Awad, Classification of uterine EMG signals According to
the Position of the Placenta. Proceedings of the 16th International Scientific Conference, Beirut
Arab University, Bierut, Lebanon. Nov. 2009.

Supervision for research work (presented in student conferences)

1. Layal Khodor, Nour El-Halabi, Amira El-Merhie, Classification of uterine EMG signals using
supervised classification method. Proceeding of the 9th FEASC, American University of Beirut
(AUB), Beirut Lebanon, pp: 375-379. May. 2010.
2. Nahmat El-Hariri, Abdul Aziz Al-Hojairi, Abdul Rahman Baalbaki and Ali Ghamloush, Tongue
drive wheelchair. Proceeding of the 9th FEASC, American University of Beirut (AUB), Beirut
Lebanon, pp: 386-391. May 2010.
3. Bassam Moslem, Multichannel Fusion for the Classification of Uterine EMG Signals. Proceeding of
the 10th FEASC, American University of Beirut (AUB), Beirut Lebanon, pp: 273-278. May
2003 : Conference for researchers in Biology and Biomedical, Nantes, France.
2003 : Conference for researchers in Tissue Engineer ing, Nantes, France.
2003 : Poster in Instr umentation and Biomedical Sensor , UTC, France.
2004 : ICTTA04 International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies:
From Theory to Application, with IEEE, SYRIA.

Research Activities

Proposition and supervision for a Phd Students


1. Bassam Mislem, PhD. in Signal processing and Bio-engineering

Universit de Technologie de Compigne (UTC), France and the Lebanese University (UL),
Thesis title: Classification of non-stationary signals using non parametric methods
Advisors: Prof. Catherine Marque (UTC, France), Prof. Mohamad Khalil (UL, lebanon) and
Dr. Mohamad Diab (HCU, Lebanon).
Presented: 14 Oct. 2011

Proposition and supervision for several Master projects

Collaboration between University of Technology of Compigne (UTC) & Islamic University of
Lebanon (IUL):
1. Modelling of UEMG signal (Uterine Electromyography signal).
2. Classification of UEMG Signals.

Proposition and supervision for several final projects in engineering degrees

1. EOG controlling system for Handicaps
Hariri Canadian University, Bioinstrumentation department (2011)
2. Telemetry HR monitoring
Hariri Canadian University, Bioinstrumentation department (2011)
3. Electromechanical Drop Foot Prosthesis
Hariri Canadian University, Bioinstrumentation department (2011)
4. Uterine EMG classification
Hariri Canadian University, Bioinstrumentation department (2010)
5. Tongue Movement Wheelchair
Hariri Canadian University, Bioinstrumentation & Mechatronics department (2010)
6. Cardioverter:
Islamic University of Lebanon, Biomedical department (2009)
7. On-demand Pacemaker
Islamic University of Lebanon, Biomedical department (2009)
8. EEG unit and detection of epilepsy
Islamic University of Lebanon, Biomedical department (2009)
9. Drop foot prosthesis
Islamic University of Lebanon, Biomedical department (2008)
10. Uterine EMG analysis
Islamic University of Lebanon, Biomedical department (2007)
11. Artificial hand
Islamic University of Lebanon, Biomedical department (2006)
12. PC base EMG: acquisition and processing using time-frequency methods
Islamic University of Lebanon, Biomedical department (2005)
13. EMG Analysis
Islamic University of Lebanon, Biomedical department (2004)

Jury Member
1. PhD. Jury member
a. 14 Oct. 2011, Bassam Mislem, Classification of non-stationary signals using non
parametric methods. Universit de Technologie de Compigne (UTC), France and
the Lebanese University (UL), Lebanon.

2. Several MS, BE and BS Jury Member.


Invited Lecturer
2007: Dialysis Techniques, University of Technology of Compigne, UTC, France.


Journal of Biomedical Science & Engineering (JBiSE).

International Symposium on Bio- and Medical Informatics and Cybernetics (BMIC).
1st Middle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering (MECBME), Sharjah, UAE, Feb., 2011.
International Conference on: Advances Biomedical Engineering, Lebanon, Tripoli, Lebanon,
July, 2011.
5. CEDRE Program.
6. International Conference on Biomedical Engineering-(ICoBE-2012), Penang Island, Malaysia,
Feb., 2012.
7. Technology Foundation STW (Dutch funding agency for academic research in the field of
applied sciences), Open Technology Program (OTP), Utrecht, The Netherlands.
8. The 76th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2012-Fall), Quebec City, Canada, Sep.

Conferences & Workshops

1. Chair for the session SignalIV, 1st Middle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering
(MECBME), Sharjah, UAE, Feb. 2011.
2. Chair for the session Biomedical Signals II, International Conference on: Advances Biomedical
Engineering, Lebanon, Tripoli, Lebanon, July, 2011.
3. Chair for the session Biomedical Signals III, International Conference on: Advances
Biomedical Engineering, Lebanon, Tripoli, Lebanon, July, 2011.
4. HCU preventive in the 1st IEEE Workshop on Electromagnetics Education and

Computation in Lebanon, Saturday December 17, 2011. Notre Dame University (NDU),
Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon.
5. Jury member in the National contest of Educational Robotics (FLL, First Lego League),
UNESCO palace, Beirut, Lebanon, 2011-tel now.
6. Session organizer (TPC), Special Session on BIOMECHATRONICS. Track of 8th
International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Applications (April 10-12, 2012
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates).

TV interview
21th Feb. 2011

interview, Cardiac Pacemakers & Implantable Cardioverters

(ICDs), in Future TV, Aynak a Sohtak, Beirut, Lebanon

Awards and Grants

1. Co-recipient (with Moslem B., Khalil M. and Marque C.) in the Recent Medical Findings,
Biomedical articles (top 50; 2006 to 2011), of the 5th position, for the work Complexity
analysis of the uterine electromyography, Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc; 2010;2010:28025. Website:
2. Co-recipient (with Moslem B., Khalil M. and Marque C.) of the Best Paper Award in the
ISSNIP BRC Biosignals and Biorobotics Conference 2010, Victoria, Brazil, Jan. 2010, for the
work A Wavelet Packet-based Energetic Approach for the Analysis of the Uterine EMG.
3. Recipient (with Hassan W. and Farges G) of the Best Paper Award in the Fouth IEEE
International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices SSD07, March 19-22, 2007,


for the work A Non-Aggressive Thermo-Cardio-Respiratory Sensor Conception Associated To

Cardio-Modulo-Respiratory Method For Long-Term Monitoring.
4. Co-recipient (with Khalil M. and Mustapha O.) of the Best Paper Award in the International
conference on modelling and simulation (MS05), Rouen, France, July 2005, for the work
Time Frequency Analysis And Classification of Long Duration SEMG Signals: Application On
Fatigue Detection.
5. Individual Mobility Grants (IMG), Collaboration on a specific academic subject, Tempus
Program, IMG1005-2004.
6. CNRS Lebanon section, Research Grants, 2005.
7. Doctorate fellowship, CNRS-UMR 6600, University of Technology of Compigne (UTC),

1. Member in the Order of Engineers and Architects (OEA), Lebanon, from 2002.
2. Member in the evaluation committee of TSIBH (Superior Technician in Hospital and
Biomedical Engineering), UTC, France, 2003.
3. Member in the SFGBM (French Society of Biomedical Engineering), France, 2005.
4. IEEE member, 2010.
5. IEEE-EMBS member, 2010.

Languages/Softwar e: Matlab/Simulink, C, Pascal, Visual Basic, Assembler, Office.
Windows, UNIX, Mac OS.

Ar abic: native language.
Fr ench, English: Read, Written, Spoken


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