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Just For The Jews

Just for the Jews

Published By:
Light for Darkness Ministries and Publications
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Just For The Jews

Are the Instructions found in Torah only meant for the Jews?
"To employ all the faculties He had given them, particularly their
understanding and liberty, He gave them a law: a complete model of all truth (so
far as is intelligible to a finite being) and of all good (so far as angelic minds were
capable of embracing it). It was also the design of their beneficent Governor, in
this, to make way for a continual increase of their happiness, seeing every
instance of obedience to that law would both add to the perfection of their nature
and entitle them to a higher reward, which the righteous Judge would give in its
season" - John


In this paragraph John Wesley is referring to the angels, he claims the angels are the first born
and goes onto say that after the law was established for the angels it was also established for man
when God raised man from the dirt of the ground. We can argue some facts here and honestly we
can use conjecture to agree with John Wesley about the angles being the firstborn of God or not,
but one thing is Biblically sound, the angels held fast to the law or Government of God before
man on earth.
We have heard many sermons about Stephen; he comes up in many books, sermons, and
Christian entertainment. Stephen was the first Martyr and his face being likened onto the angels
has been sang about, preached about, studied, and taught. Yet something that all of those
teachings neglected to say about Stephen and that may not even show up in your concordance is
this verse that John Wesley is referring to in the above paragraph, "you who received the law as
ordained by angels, and yet did not keep it (Acts 7:53)."
Ordained means to order or decree something officially. The word used in the Greek text can be
translated into mandate which also means the authority to carry out a policy or course of action.
There are different words in the Bible that are translated into the English word "angel," however,
some of the angels have different titles which we can know by which word is used in the text for
angels and one of those titles is messenger and messenger is the title we see in the Greek text for
the word angel in this verse.
In other words, Stephen, before he was martyred told the Pharisees, that the law was brought to
them by God's Messengers who had authority from God to officially decree the law! Angels not
only delivered the law on behalf of God they also sealed it with the seal of God! Yet, Stephen
exclaims, "YOU HAVE NOT KEPT IT!"
Notice the following verses: "Now when they heard this, they were cut to the quick, and they
began gnashing their teeth at him. But being full of the Holy Spirit, he gazed intently into
heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God (Acts 7:54-55)."

Just For The Jews

Stephen accused them of rejecting their Lord and the Law given by their Lord! This reveals that
Stephen and the disciples followed the Law of God and the Pharisees, contrary to what many in
the church believe today, disobeyed the law and even worse than disobeying it, they used the law
against the people and when those who knew and studied the law confronted them about their
(Sanhedrin) neglect and/or disobedience of God's law they became enraged, while Stephen
became full of the Holy Spirit.
This scenario isn't much different from today, when people become confronted by the law, and
many of them pastors, evangelists, and teachers of the Bible they too become enraged; they often
accuse those who confront them with the Law of God of being a legalist! A Pharisee! But, this is
not true.
You see, the Pharisee's and other members of the Sanhedrin were the educated men of the day,
they were the Biblical Scholars and Theologians. Many of the people trusted them and trusted
what they said the written word including the Torah meant and because of this the Pharisees that
upset Jesus and His disciples were able to lead many astray.
This is why Jesus called the Pharisees' vipers and snakes, not because of their obedience to the
law, but because of their disobedience and abuse of the law misguiding the people.
From the time Adam sinned the whole point in the religious practices of God's people evolved
around being prepared for God; His first coming and His second looking towards the redemption
of the world and the restoration of God's perfect order. But this had fallen by the wayside,
instead the so-called teachers of Israel were more concerned about their own wealth, influence
and power over the people, and their relationship with the Roman empire (Does that sound
It was a tough political environment that Jesus was born into, lived in, and died in and the law of
God had been perverted for political and material gains along with security.
Jesus confronted the Pharisees with what was supposed to be their own Law, the law of God and
that is why they hated Him, even when they tried to trick Him or show the people He didn't
know the Law like they did He showed His superiority in His understanding of God's Law and it
was by this that His Messiah-ship was proven to those who believed in Him, it is why they
believed in Him; the sign to them as it is to us is the Law; "To the law and to the testimony! if
they speak not according to this word, surely there is no morning for them (Isaiah 8:20)." It is
by the Law we bear the fruit of the Spirit, the proof of our citizenship into the Kingdom of God
is in our works and our works are rooted in the Law of God; His instructions for His Kingdom.
And just as Jesus was proven over the educated leaders of the day, so too, was Stephen and they
in turn did to Him what they did to Jesus; they sentenced him to death in an effort to keep the
people blinded, to keep their place of influence and power.

Just For The Jews

There is a huge implication here in these verses, especially in what Stephen said; in one sentence
he does away with the lie that the Pharisees were keepers of the law, and that Jesus did away
with the law, on the contrary, Stephen declares that they ignored and squandered the law
delivered by angels ON AUTHORITY from God!
We are still faced with these same choices; will we squander what God has given us? Who are
we going to place our trust? Are we going to put our faith in the educated men in our day? Or are
we going to put our faith in the scriptures, in God? It all comes down to trust, are we going to
trust in education, in man because they have a worldly education (having an education is not bad,
however, we should trust the scriptures above worldly degrees)? Then we trust an idol, but if we
trust God then we will do what He says, whether we understand it or not, whether we like it or
not, whether man puts his stamp of approval on it or not.
The reality comes down to whether we like and understand God's Law. The educated men of our
day have given us easy to ingest and live by rules and reasons. They tell us the law is abolished,
then we ask "what is sin?" They say sin is not following the Spirit? We ask how can we follow
the spirit and they say, be kind, be giving, etc. But they have thrown out the measure of these
things; yes hospitality, generosity, and kindness are all good things but we are left with man's
definition of them and as we can all see, man differs on what truly is hospitality, kindness and
generosity. God's measure is in His Torah.
The Torah is God's government, if we are to be governed by Him, that means His laws, if we are
to be judged by Him that means by His laws, if we are to be citizens of His country (Kingdom)
that means we live by His government and His Government, His Justice, His measure of what He
desires is His written Torah/law in the scriptures.
If God gave authority to His angels to mandate His law and bring it to man, as Stephen states in
Acts, then shouldn't we take the time to study it for ourselves instead of relying on what men tell
us about the law? It is your future in God's Kingdom that depends on your willingness to check it

"You had Gods Law handed to you by angelsgiftwrapped!and you squandered it! - Acts 7:53 MSG"

Just For The Jews

Get the three Principals fixed in your hearts:

That things eternal are much more considerable than things temporal;
that things not seen are as certain as the things that are seen;

that upon your present choice depends your eternal lot.

- John Wesley

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