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Good afternoon Everyone! Welcome to Inigos 7th birthday Party! As we

start our program let us all rise for the opening prayer.
Today is 7th birthday of one of our beloved little boy, Lance Inigo B.
Salvacion. He is used to call Ago for short. He is a loving son and brother
to his family and a jolly little boy to his friends. He also loves to eat
delicious food. He is very malambing to everyone. He also likes to give a
bunch of kisses to Mah, ate Aileen and baby zane as well as to his nanay
and tatay. And now lets give him a round of applause as we welcome our
birthday boy Lance Inigo B. Salvacion
Please be sitted. Again, Good afternoon everyone! Are you all excited? For
now we will start the party by our Ice breaker.. are you ready kids?
Okay kids. Please settle down. Now, we will call on all the 7 balloons to
have their dance for Inigo.
Wow! Thank you pretty little girls. Okay! Now are you ready for our first
game? Im sure you are all excited. So lets start this now.
Okay! Again please settle down kids. We will start to call on all the 7
candles to give their message for Inigo.
Thank you cutie boys! Im pretty sure that Inigo is happy to hear all your
message for him. Okay! So are you hungry? Again I cant hear you.. are
you hungry? Okay but first our birthday boy will blow his candle and make
a wish and after that every table will have their picture taking with our
celebrant before we eat. Let us all sing a happy birthday song for Inigo.
----- okay! Thank you kids! Let us pray for our food--(play the video)
Okay! Guys please be sitted . Now, we will call on all the 7 bluebills to
explain to our
birthday boy the value and importance of money.


Thank you! Are you

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