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PubliJJrW Jairrl/f IIy; JAMlATtJL lILAMA TIlA....,SVAA!. '.O.IkI~ 1.JohanllaburtlOOO



J19~Slr"l. DurbufOOl P.o.l:Io~o$Im

QnJborr1 .",



lntroducrlon I

J>ru~qui~it~s fllT Uni~~r$lll F~ith

Minlculous ccraanee ih

SUt~~5 of Proph~lic GuidalK~ 4

J>roph~tl and Political SIf:ltegilotl 5

Pure and Simple Scripture

Fount of Gudiance

Min!culou. Moulding of Heart< R

The Soul shinins through il9 Cry5I:1.I·co"crin~ ill,

~Ijph 'AIr. To::$timony

Ane.station by European Schobrs

Testimony ofa Shi'ile- Scholar

Caliph 'Uth:n!n b. 'AITAn 1~

Caliph 'Ali b, Abi rsne I?

Puritanical Ufe of the Earlier Caliphs 20

Int~irity of Abu S,h 2!

Caliph ·U.n~r's Journey to Syri;1 2l

C~liph 'AII and his Prcdec~50rs 2S

Comp~nioo~ and the MII·Bail ., 26

Hcucnly Social Order

The Picture painled by the Shi'itts

Pronou"ccnw::nt~ nf Im~m Khonw:ini ~1

Impressions of Mul\sin·ul·Mulk J}

Ob3ervation of team Shu'aibi ..

S~I'ile Pre1urrlpti;)n

Prophet's luitude towar~s his Household The lall to reeeb-e Iny FaVl1ur

Key to Sal~itioo

Order of Caliphate

A«ura<;yand Preservation of the Qur'ln

" 31

(Ii )


Tc~timony of non-Muslim Schol.n 43

S"i'ileCrreti inrepN to llicQur'5D

Indjlfc~tetotlleQur':'In 46

An E~e·Ope:ll<'rto the De:nicrlo(lhc Qur'llJ... 41

The Uoc:trine of Imamate lb.

lranioolnfluence 49

F~ith in Imam Gh!'ib 50

'AlIj,ma Kltomelni'& vicws .boullmlms lb.

A Be:uifie v;,ioD 0(8111h W.liullah 'I

The (jJoriom- L:lmp or Heaven .. , 52

Eulolimc PQcII)' lb.

Approbation or Denunciation '4

Chatllcl~r of 'AIT Dnd hil PrOrcny 56

Contradictory Pictum of Early lslamlc Era .. '9

SlIi'ile Creed of '''llama Khomcini 61

Followen or imlID Khomclni 63

S;lnitkalKCorC~inlslam lb.

~Secrelo(Khome;III'$SIlOCa' 6S

Bibliography 67

1" Ih' "amw "I Allall. Ih~ COlllptUnl;ll!4/t. 1M. Mud/oJ.


PmI" l>t 10 Altall, I"t O>!" (lnd pNlU tllIIl M,ni",! (HI Ru MtJH"," Qnd Strrafll,

Thil slim volume is neitber meant to &mOQlLfate soundness or aay p.l11ic:lllar creed, 1i~ltm of bcliffor $Chool 0( thou,JunO( iii Ihiol II polc:mio;:al or scholaslic:al eft'O" 10 rcl'luc thcbeliefior4lny~l. This wort rna)' pro'o'C! di.\loppointin, to these who BO Ihrollih It wilh I vie .... I<) flndilllluchmatlel'1 dilClWCd in il.. There ate inlluO)tnblc ,,"orh on Iht slIbj«1.. speciall)' in lan,ua,c:lspokcn by the Muslims. such as i\nbic Per5i~1I and Urdu : III 131se is their number that it is nOi posIiblc 10 10llch upon Ihem ~"'n brieOy.

Tbil wotk ~h 10 ~nt In sketch or tbe ullion. i<kal en ofblam; ,he period ortht holy Prophel and hit companions; the DtW mode ofthDU,hc and feeliDS' Wamhad produced; alJ of which wu the result of Ihe 1811 Prophet'. IClcbin,l and luidllncc. It showl ho .... the ,uldance provided by Ihe f'roplltt of hlllll differed Ilid o'"Crp~ucd tbe eodeavoun IIf .u Ihe prcviolll monntn and founderl ofreliciQnl. The first hlamic society Ihat came InlO e~isccnc:e IOld)' throuJh the ef!'llrlS or Ihe ho])' Prophcl has be<nptescnlcd in the llgtn of verifiable reeu of hillory. The book .1.110 lninp OUt Ihedivinell:hcmefOf' li'leprotC'Ctionof the Quri·na,.;nll~vtry fQl"m orcorruplioa, steee it wali dt:$lioed 10 lhe lall revelation from God (or 1M 'lIid'n~c of humanity. It al&o bia.hll.lhll the basicdill'crcncc in tile policy punued by tilt h.irbiaac:~ ofrevollltiOil and fOllndcl'l of ell'lpiRI fOf' pcrpe1u· atioll t>fdynlstic rule, oa the one ilaod,'nd the propheticl)'ltcm .. ad dilpl):litiob, on the olhct. eucnlial for brin,in. man 10 the

threshold of God, ihl$ diStinCtion il ;lIKI iU~trnted b)' the behaviour. cll~mtT~r RDd morals of the Prophet's bcusebcld. Tile matters discussed in this connection bring into relief the n..w:u w~IJ a, impoltanee of the Proph~1 !linuelf being the ultimate authority in every mailer perlnining 10 treed znd law from the inoxption of prophetic mi"lioo 10 IhcendllftimeIbe c>!ieotialil), of the doc(rir.c of finalilY or Proph~tlIOo.d.

This dOdri~c up~dd throu@h ODmeMU~ of tile AIIJ·j·$IIIUf/J1 1<"Q/.JamtJ'al, unifOlmal1~ and ronL;bl,loully. and Ihc way it hu been ])eruptible throughout the life·lime 01 1m Pl0pi>et and in su\l1scquent ~ges hll$ been 1e1 ~ide by 'ide wilh the beliefs aDd dCCllsof \beAlhllll 'A3Ft~YI sea or IheShi'ileo(from itsn.SI prot<lllonisls to'Allliml Khomeini) 111 prescmcd in the authentic works of their emincnt thenlogian~. It has been}en to the di.e..,tinn-~ommol'J $e:ns.e, p.u:lc:nc:e ~nd ~uor judgmcDt~_ or the reddtrs 10 fo.m th~j. own opinion as to which of the \10'<.> pnrtra)'81~ i~ uphdd by tht QU"An as well Il$ accepted by the hi~tori3ns. I-Iu$lim, and Don,/Illl.-!im.t. It has been "'tt \0 lhe [udgmem of the 'el'Idcn to decide which of the IWO pretl'nt3tiou or lJbm bo.fitl:1 Prophet wbo was \llldouhtcdl, tbe mCHI 'ucu.s&fuJ Apostle or God aId 11legrutrsl guid~ ~nd rd'ormer world hal eve, _0. They un deddc which of the 110'0 ....... ions in conlisleDt ",ith tb~ dailll nf a. ~1i,loD to mow the path o!godliness and vtnue jo all T1ICfl aml nation. in cvery time and clime, 10 make man loYin, and kind·hearted Ind ..,If·$.lcriticin,. and 10 r.i&ehlmto tne "lanel! rueh<i ofhumancnesll from tile level of animality,

Lucuow S. Abu! UI.U Ali Nad"j


(tl III, n/JJM of AlJDh, Ih, Comp<lJJitNtOl~, lh M.uiju/

Islam and the Earliest Muslims TWO CONTRADICTORV PORTRAITS

Prereqal5l/t:S for Ullin"_1 F.[,h

There art' four prerequisite. for II leliC;on claiming 10 be univm.L ~ltra.1 .ad ,.,.." the only $aving principle, the 0111)' !IOundcn:ed .ad the aoJe(l",b afvfrt~: invilinlmall to Open tbegAlet of. I)Cwalldlutin, m'oluljoll for bi50wn good, on tile individua!.Jwellassoeilll f'IMC; DndpreseJllill1 itseifilli' rcvelation {com on Hi&h- These p~lulBIU .rc,poillltdoutby human d[,positions Aod intell«t, h~ory of reHaioru, in5iglu into pS)'cholog;';al r .. tOr, governinS the rise .ndr".11 0 nalion5 andrllces.nd,heend·re5ulto( WCU·knOWIi revolutionlY endeavours \llIdell.ken 81l)'wherc onr t!,

The jtru conditio!! in that the prophet 8i~ill.ll thco COlli ofsucb a rdigion.hould be able 10 t","osrorm those comin, inlo contact wilh bim &$ if they were r,born whh II complcsely new outlool:. Ihoughu und ~~IIU'~: Ihis re\'olutio"ar~ change ,hould have abo been brought about wilhoulllny means or the methods employed by eeber wise-beeds, or· lations. He should be dependcm neither on finelr1s. nor litcTJolun:,nbr onlory,lI(lI poeliet, nor philosophic disecurses, nor )'ct lake recourse /0 rewards of posilion And prcnigt. The iuidallCC ud ITainin, provi<kd by such I pTOpliet. 11'1'10 if marc onen unlu.rl!Cd and unlettered. should be dj!Tcn'nt in the inllucDcc exerted Bnd the change bt()ughtaboutbYl!i11 olheri to II muked delr,c-lea~ink no doubt that the 110'0

~buieln1difl'"",."U.t~ltOl'lJloltion ao>dcoolumm.tioD. The ~1I~n", In .be durac.e, aDd lIIOI'~b ~"Iton' from lum • prop~.i~ ,,,ldaDfO lItould be indl.,..h·e of t"~ Oi,lae Will aadluccour ... bic:hcouldootbe.llribuudto.o)·tJoin' ......,,olb"~ roID]»aion<hip. Fortb~ .. bo~.uido:dhya .... opbt1C0111C 10..,.0CIf" Ii";n, .... t ...... or God, lin«nt1 or (lUtpotC'l. hllmlli.y .nd lubminloa, .. jII ... nhl, dC~OLiOll. Ica,;ll't'garo(or

10)1h;n& "orldl)" Iftriety fOl' .. t tloa . ..,1f • ..,IIy.i. lad

m.df ••• _-lM qual"ies .. hid! roalpicuow hy .heir

.bKlKC In Ibe IDC1I 'r~ined ..,d .uickd by all OIher malt.,.. mindl like I",a. pbiloiOphm. ~IOI"'" .... inkc~ .Dol inLdleaua'"

The mirxa)o ... aad fC¥Olu,lonouy Cuidloan: ptOYidc<l by prop""" of God lIu Ixeo yiritlly de!.cribtd io thi. __ of the Qulin:

"H.i!iiwhohll.lOnt forth,monltlle unlettered on ••

• mesK'll," from .mo~ 'hom .• 0 rfCilc Hi. ~C'oeIlo Ibm!, 10 punfy Ibo:m .• 1Od 10 ,bom !he Book .ad lbe Wl!<lom,,ror mmoif ... .'·· AI.nOlh.rpllcelll.~dScripl" ....... <b:

"Bwl God to., mdeaRd 10 you bdl.f, dtdJlIl il in~lIl1.h<am,."d He hal mado dtlnl:lbie 10),IIIIIIDbclicf, _ • ..JoiDla'lddiMlbedicnte:·, Ye,II!IItherYcnoo(theQur'lnunouncu:

"Allah 1001 down lIis Irlnquil1ily upon Hilmo:lRnl.'

ndtbclr.liewl'I,.ad delhc wool mp;olybiDdlft,oo

tht .... fOl' lbe, w"c m y .Dd dacninl of It.'''


S\lClt 1 prophet ~bould be able 10 "'in. 1l1li111 •

I. (1.'-1:2

1. Q.": 7 fI"' iW cli ...... of Oor'..,;e ...... pnhi<.tbo

;:::;:;r::M:~k:" P - .v"~IIq~t, VoL I .. pp..l~1 ..,.

J. Q.~::M.

mlrveHoul o:hlUlgc in 1I .. m.anner.1Id mol'lls of. b"e !lumber ot hil COIIl.adei. Kc 500uld be able to produee rPCP with alice';'; qU31;tlH. exh ODe of WholD mould be Ciplble of oonvcrtingllQ tnl~lI .. tion or OOU~Ir)' 10 hOi fllhl'l.hrou,hhil $t~ng1h ofcllln<:tcf aDd ";,1"",,. "" .... v"" .. " The P .... phd Iboo,dbe .. bletotnnl(OrmtbelJ(eofhUpeopk:insuW.wce nllfllbersthalllQ'cIc.l'_ic:Iy sIlQuld come in[oe~'l!Jeooe .. ith'Q h;lo .. ft l;foH;m~ ,,Il0l: tbI: propbci who f~i" In a<ro<nplam OIi, feat go bard'~ be upcclCd '0 by a cl.lim thai his suo:entors .. ouJd c""JC tlte .'0.101 o. bringlbd, co~lCmponrios to'ncuk:atealiving ... a~_ofGodoaa .. ale .. ide,thll !heprophethlKlhiuuelfacbievtd..

p",phcU ... PoIiticolSlliIHiw..

Any om: .. nl IryGod far ,hing a nil for llith a I'IIligion >houkl bcnr ao mcmbi.""" 'n bil cba..- .... and mona.. prooedllt"e alJd bchaviOOl' paHcrns a ~II • hl5 cndt and obj.,ctivelw'ttl politio;al leodcr$. eonqllMln and fou.ndeft ofempitcl. Tbe metbodsapplied by him in pursu:<nCC ofhif objectives.houldra,,,,,,"bi!OO<Itlary!OlbewayaldoptedbJ all other wOfldly-miJKk:<l p;no ..... b"", ultinoalCa'''' ill til esto.bliltl a dynlUtk rule, The bis(Of)' of Rom ... , DYLIrMi.m:, SatillQid, Kiy.iini, SlirylwaO$lli, Chandt •• lOlIU .00 Jimila.r atM, dynutl::a is a W"lItsl 10 !he f~o;c !hal Ibe f~miJy 01 an empire builder ill paucd on tbe .elM orsovemmcEII and if. fot any "_o,th"1 is aot poWl> ... ,,,," claD. tribe Or flll'lil,. of the ~icto, come. 10 oa;upy a !K»iti.,.. of prQ5llCrily llldp.i,ilt,e whic:his eflioyedl»itr<lt_a1&!ClICtatiou. Thci.eJploiu are likcthe kill of • Ii.,.. providios t:a5lIO Olbet animals of Ibe jungle.. OaaWOllldb""lIafdlybdieved the ~orits of trantOIl ("Qjo~ ...... t ad fell;~ity or d .. R ...... u IIId~tsiBncmpcrol'1i1tl1Csehlo:!nO(bceQ~b1 reliablebiuoria.os.l ThearlQdclIlotlMi. palaccsatld the

,.ChrioI4n_./,...s-,t .. S"'JtMIdn.hrh.I'l6«n .... b1_. ","_mad tqbol. '- ..... .-uS_~

,eldo. eVJlCW they oe>.raJMd II ... n .. tM OSkIlUtia.,. ijyin, oflhclDdil.D ralenful1lubID.~ml'ltor1beir tll.Ia.lovo .... )' (>(tif,.

AI apimt the kinp aod Impcron, • _IBIIT of God ~'buildsqmlpi:reDOrdoet he do lI.Ilylbilll tOelllUn;1 Ilt"eof.uolnd prosperity for hi. prlll!en~. nor yo:1 be_til b"r .. mil, wlrha.n,cscluo.inr 'i,hl or ",lYric, .. to be nc .... cilOd by them byv;rt"" fl(tbdr nllltioRSlijplo him. ItarM •• bie wly il cnli",ly diflCn:nr: ho ,tquires hil family mcmkn tol6&d Illfeol'hardtJUp, ,uSl.rilYlndJ;olr-~Ctifaoclnd Ibe)' hoe ... dopend aft •• him 01 thoi, oWn capabilh.-l IUId d..>nl. Tiley ""'_r lilowedby' propbct to become 1Oci,1 p.u-lJitn tiu lrI;muII>II priem.'

PIIn .... SI..., .. So:ri.lar ••

Tbe third mentiaJ f¢~lu" il thl tlte saipture ",,_ted Ie ,ueh I prophl:'! ;"tho bUllwork ofhl •• digion,fouDlaint-.aad or hi' I.ullin",.' "'~n' to bnn, man clcle. ID God, .. lilhtll.ollle or.",c lpi.ilU.lity 11>11, fitllUy, ~ Buidcbook of hi. <ftOd;itleldo .. "odlln •• llIClha"IMolutclndll_mprnmio11ll moDOlll...... II "'" 10 rcWn lhat chllfKU:riWoI 10 I'" tad or U_, God!Al;n lite rapon",bl1ily of ptOIocti.n, il CW1'}' corruptlotl. It ~lII8jl!l cnlirtly ulICbanvd. uD~",ood.~d .mud b, lb. ptopll: ill lI'lIe numbcn •• d .1"" muum! ill h"m~n m.roory I",""ugh OM ... di'p''''''lion IInlike nyoth er book. All Ihil il m~d. poo.iblo .. owe it bllS 10 be prnenriOd u II" LUI r.\'etatio.loltle~0IQinil .... naljon5 (ot Iheir 1.II1Y&lio ... Th. aM111 or !be Old .nd Ihe New TeM;arnenu lAd other .t1il"',"_ipl~'" '«<Ifd lhet~nU l ... dio,lo IM"r"", lion orlh<iC'~ wril;n" _,IOU by the ia.udtn and e"om;".1'd oRrnwOUJh iDlC1"polat!OO. by Ibe;, OWIl. OYft... I,p.:.~. l'ollown,.' SoEM or thew ..,.i,lop Wnt ,...,,, loot

I. !.eo·Ab4uIH.r .... Sll&rM,T"., .. ~I,1',.,. Vol. 1,P. JJ', T-"lUTalt.rI. I. Otl.11'II_.~ .. I><"',

I. s.. 7'o"".!> $."","'$oo>oo;wf bJ I'r<Ir. "' .... b 'AI! ~~ ........ rlIot".


(OtC"et b, lbe beedlesl~s Gf In.;r ;qsiol;C'fe ~nd tclfiih U(j.t"".. The re~Gn for il WiU that saftk.eeping ot th_ lC,i~~rc:s .31 tOln.lttd 10 tbeir (Ollo""ers 9.10116 who Were biddtn ,<) ot,""'t it and lh<'t"tllflla ....... ~ tAr, .. ;Ii!<"u ..... The ... ~ponsibilit~ of protectiBIl Inc bol)' Qu,'"a .pialt eve,)' .J\uatioa Rod interpolalmn ... ., U'lumed by God fer He '&)'1' fA: "'~. t~1f IVt. u~ro II .. Rmtimi.r, emi lA I 11- •

• uil"".fts G""rJian.'

Tho! (ounh d'i,lotcri.>lic: i. th~t locb .. p,opho1lhould be 110" wi" I •• do, and ,uid~.nd ")'oo'u .... for 10;' followers. JU>'llStbe C...,alO' or lbe universe t. 1(1 be a«<pted IlJ Ihe Onl)' LOi"d and MUler, Ibe rollowcrlofwch. prophel bl'~ to be lUIioimollS in Iheirobe<iiellOC, lose and r.:gntd(or the 1I0ique petSOollilY ottht propbet whom they should hold a. Ihl wi""" o(lho",'''' we 1"1 c>rth" pr<>phelf "od pri""""r .. II hUmin bcinp. 'fboyo"ghltodilldlliolorega.dao)"body ehe, how>Ot"Vet" ...... and Gc .... 1M: 013)' be 10 tnc ",OpM!., q t",p.eeahle, w.m"y (If lhe;r u!'Iq"utIOo;ng "l»JilOllOe or m:ipienl of~I"ion, 111 "ilily, Ihe 5OHduil), ofbis followers. prolection B£iilm multiplicity of trwh &nd i!i¥isive fOn:H aad lho guarantee of their OWl inheff~nt !lpinlWl.I "'tffllih I~ ;0 a«rptllD<:e oftbc prioc:ip'" affinali,), afpropbctbood.'

Now _ .ball d;.., .... ~oflh .... (ftur ""tu[r"".n'" rOTaoabidinITeHlPon;n9rd¢toeu.mir>Cc;l("h;Jloue~, livel, In Ik lilht ofob5c,vlllionl of MU$lim ...... 11 &I n911' MUlltrtl Ibinkc,. and w.ilen a.od tile Iccord or C~DU pltStr¥«ibybilliory.

1.Q.5:44. L Q.I$;'.

l, s...CI>~rVIII." M~, .!to 'w~,~ 0( ,Il001"11>0,', l.-It C.-.,., ~ p,..p/t<fI»N, (~":k"''' 1t14), n. '""" 0( I .. o-t. bold to,. .. SoIoj'j,. """ .. llJ be di __ "" ... _ _Niq .f HnlU.

E"CfY lIIWetlCC' of God hid tuided alld , .. ined. bud of .. ittlloUfm", .. hoh.dt"~D.aewltaKOrliftIO "II. world by .... al:11l11hc ui ... nca ofllWl iliOn: mtlltlqt\ol Allloo, !he ","",mpJil.llllltnlJ or'Moc prophtu lb'l or tM holy Prophtt Mubammad COlI .. hom bot pnft} 11"1.11 0.' LI Ihe mOil luminous and slITJliusinl .U otb(u, ,r .. uhi,vclMat, ia ,hi. tq~rd, plUtt~'td by hilll;> .... ru in .. ""h .,. •• ~r detail. sbo .. th1,hi5I_ .... lIOIoolymoreth.".m.'(h(oru.tin' propbtu tm thaI he had 10 .,," hi,. 'IIrOIt ill ami_lieu

moreld_tbaa anybodre! , HCllodulIlOttMl.utO{

eharaCl •• build\ll&amon.a~pt hoM:re'lpronj,ate ..

bouu.nd r,i:sed thorn _ • .tly 10 • ila.n<!4Jd tle'<'er "hio~ed i>y1lll1P"ophtt. n. .... tqiD",ioB bilwort ('0" Ihclo .. at belOotillOlbo! ... l

""So.loMai .. t~ ... 'lbc.,.I.I,.o"GTtat'

Ewry![lllo s~ided by lite boly Ptop,,"t_ •• Ibldo .. o{th.di';M'~;"'II,orl'b(lmlhentir.h ... njlyaoll }mlly be: proa.d or, W. do nOI n.d mm wi.h fimil'T 01<.10« ~1Id ou\ll;1I)I' eh~rlelu lue amOllI I1Ie 'POllt .. of God. Their ~nni ... hlal r.ilb, deplb III hOI'Jtd,. unllUitd Marl. limplieity, .. 1{·abftCl"ion,, pioc&s diopolili(>1l.tind· tld& 10 O(bnl.. cou.~ and nIBil" dow>!", .. to God Ind <.,o,n.'" to lay<lown ,heir lilclbrlfim,thrir';&ilslly oi&ht ud enl"gementl by d~y. ;ndilT< .. na: 10 rhe w<ltld Bnd "n it coallinl. prohil~ ItId candid ...... ~nd lbel. di"'Clioo and man~l....ral '"'"' .... prtetdmltod ia world hillo!,),. Eyn)'OlIO of lbem wo .. ld ba...: bee" I~~~ II • Jettnd.ary fil,vrc if yon. ftlhlermndlor ";;,o.y .... doot I'rtM'nod their Ultlord'ialryadti('<'tm<ntl.

Tbo compa",iolll of tile holy P'opbCIWftC.ct .... by tl\cauch't1; 1 •• 0"P0( men woo/uod =b50,t>od, 111'0\1.11 pro. phetic ,aidA""", I~e hi,hoot qDllilinor hoacl.ncl Mall ever Blpi'od by man, IqblL Ihe p""lof tbe Elil, h., I" ;I11III0",,1 Yo"'" or l1Iei • .., .... of pcrftdio .. wh~h catI to.


Cbild of can!! ",11<1 l(!ht. ern,u", w,lb cl!viftc If.ita. H ... beatt j, indifl'C'fCnt to botb Ibe wo,ldI, Ih; •

• ndlbat.

orhopc1, he II .. tilU •• bullofly;n aim" Win""m.;n lIiI .. ay •• hll,lan<::. i5SU~tO ullract. Coa't~ous in spe..:h. jlfcslltible in .If"n,

Whelhe. ;1', ".,or pca"",. he;, piaUl, p\lro or


H" .. a~'S are .Iran~, 1,11 uploiu uII,urpUICd. Man:h abead ••• b ..... 11 10 lb. timet plIll. (D.piriD&ln t!we upw.ud-lookio,.",p·bcarerIO lbe


II<. liquor il UniD(bri~le. truth ;. hi. o,...mi.

Now .... shaU pr.ltnl lOme;;Il evickoce III .how IhO! 1M holy Prophet's 'amp.oionl,e~lly d(!itl\·td lhe abo.·. eulon·

Caliph Ali', Testi_ny:

We be,in with tWO Wlle oU of Caliph 'Ali ... boK

I1o$IIInallY is bued 011 IIi! pe...., 1 knc .... kdae. He i1 "'pDf'

Ini 10 h ••• "",dc 11>tw~""~liom.n.r ",0.10{ hi&co_ nr.dH had .lr.ady "'&1'''''' Iheir journe),'s .l1li. His .u.",liOn dees not relate to b"four ronfidlnti(S~laoiiIlH'J{' Ab\I Oalf Gh;llri. "'hqdId b. "",.."d and -Amrn;l' b. YAm) who we", alive wheo he wli .1<Clod Caliph,' but to _II Ih. d.plrtcdrompl~ioD'Orll>c Proph.t. 1-h~UlfaCllh ... cbc.n liken (tom lbe "'tJJ.j~ BalD.Z~, all ~ulhcntjc compilatJOQ o( hi. "'III2OQ,. ktl<n, Ofd.n and u)"i~p. Ii wu ~ompikd by ~QolCdS"i'uc poclanllm*naf Ic~,s, AI,Sh.rira,-Rali flS9-~.91O-IOIJJandhalbccn,c,.rUcdbil"lrc."CrlOlICCil c."", .0 be written Allother ernul.III SIII·itc Khol •• Ibn Ab,'1 Hidid (~II6·USIIL9()..1251J hal wrillell a deUillcd coml1ltnlory

I. 'Am",i, 9_ YI,;' <Ii ... in l7 II..U. 1lJI~ S''''''a Farill I~ )( 11..11 d~, .... 1Ie m,. of Colopol> ...... who dloo1 I .. 4O"_ H.

ot 1i1il wor~, The el~ga1'lce. ",.tlnlh .pll "i,our of C~liph 'Ali's dic.ion is ~pjlo1ren1 in lh.~ ~la\(cme~U in aU il~ iOleowly androlOllr.

"I haw seen oom~otoo, or lh. ho1)' Proplm (may II>< pe .. a.orGOO bt dpon him and hili dtmtDd~CI'). None ofYl>ul ... d,llli!elit. lh.m;th.yu~ 10 speDdlbcir niehu in pr.)~1l and ",.dhalton.; lMY .. ~re very <:>fleD 41udingl>,bowjol1lcf0re (i6d:lheD.pptthnlion of tIN:

Day 1>( loo@.menl .lway, .... in lh.,r mind.; lhoughl or God 1M Almighly nlw&)1' I«pl Ibem fri&!tlen.d, Thor ( • .,.d His W~lh lnd kepI llopinll fo, His BlcswOI and Rew.rd."·

In aoolher sermon.ars C~(iph 'Ali :

"Whett ha~.1ltOle pcoplccooc .. bo when in"iled 11'1 IlI.mllCC<'pledltllnoettly: .. bl>readlhcQur'i.oarn!wbolc· h .... n~ly fl>lloWfli the coml1>aJJds;1 coolalotli: who lo\~d hll.mlU asbe-<:aro.l 10 .... h.rl",uDS on. and wl,.1'1 ordl!....! 10 ~Shl to eeeeee of billm. tltey willingly ... n their hom .. 3M ram;\;.~. Some of Ih.m died like mllnyu and. rome sQro;;~ 1M: O1d.;lls. Surt.1S never o'',cd lboom and deltlh~ Denr them. S,S"IJ or homan m'Ie'y uddcned lheir live •• COMlanl ~bK>rpIiQn of their m;nd~ ond bodits in pet(o.mlnoc of tile;, dUlies towards God and moll. had made lhem look ~l. a"d haU.,.d: alld bUlIlilily ",.nir.sU!d ;~Ir frilm IMi. bd,~yjg~r (u alaipil t.It. vanity of Pl"t>d"'piQUS people). Tiley w .... b<.lh~n UQ'O m e. Tb~ hnve lOne (a~ dead). I am jUJ,incd in. 10 meet them eece aglin a1'ld 10 bt ,ad bt ~.parII;on from l!>em'"

I. h<tk~£""""_("./o)Wlblarli).5<rm ..... I .. " .... ""Sayj"~of lo:A<n ·Ali. (tr.) A.b,1 hr.,~. Botr'~'. It'XI • .s.r""", N~. 100. P. ~I\ (""bll"'", tI!" lIl."". $omin>'~ III, Wotltl $1)1. Muslim 0 ....... 0;.;. •• USA).


AUUI.!lOI b>'Il.ropn& Schoillfi

Art •• this ;tlt .. t~tio~ by '.!'ph 'Ali. "'~ would "0'" cite :I. r~w F,ur~pean iChoJ~n jo cgn~'IQOIion of "" cbseevati"" •. (;;&etanl "ri,(1 in hi, A~rrI)/I dt/!' 'sial"'

"Th.~ rmo ."'relh~ true moral heirs oflile rropfle •. thcru(ur~apo.tINor l<l~. tht faith(lrllr"llecs of all th.t Mu~amn,"d revealed unto (he men of God. Unto thc ... m.n,lhr<>u,h l.1Kirc"nstonc COntlllCtwilh(hePropltt( ~"d their d~yotion to him, there had alf~ady o!1tltred a oewmode of thou,hl Atd (c.:ling, lort>e, and mO<c "i"iliud than tbey h~d howlI any boro",; they bad r.~l1y eh.n,rd fur Ih. hollcr (rom .'''''y pun" .,[ y;''''' .nd Jatl' on '" """ •• men ~nd ~.G.ral~. in lhe moO! difficult< o( w .. orconqu~ttheYI~""mn3"i5c""8ndhn<kni"b!'(IIoof thatth"idr""anddoctn" •• ofMuh~""nadh~d~n...edCllJl on f",itfu] loll. ".d had p.odm:.d ~ body of me" of "cry hiS!>"" .... ".th. The~...,,.., til<: &po.il0ri'C! of lite sacred ttl! of the Qur·ln. wh;';b thc~' .. lone soew by lleiM: lhey weee rhe jello~5 ,".nli~cl of tbe memory of e'~ry word and bidd,n, of III<: Prophet, the trUllfeS of the mo,~1 h<rit~gc of Mtlh~mmad. 'rhe"" nlen formod th~ ."t:c.~bl( ",ook of i>hrn (rom .. hom a~. da)' "'" to 'prins ,be »ob]. b.ndofrn= fim junul,ll1<:olog;~n •• nd IIl1di.;..,o;", of Mu<!lm """iely.'"

The ~olrd F",,,,,h .... iter Df. Oum",. Ltbon .I"t"" about tile companio", af the holy !' .... p~'I·

"In .hon the "",'" rclisinn urn •• qo,", m~ny cn",i~1 momentilod. there j.lftc 1e"51 dnubt,lhul it .... 51he ,01.""Y OrlM I'ro~hr'" companions which btl",d Ihem to .u=ed On tM~ occasiont. They ~Iectd a msn for the Caliphule ",hos. On]~ Object in mind w~. 10 propagate thctcliJ:iOD ofMubammad:"

~'I'fP."t,VoI.U'l>,4l').cl"dr,omT,W"""'I4. l',t.><Jot~, ~ In-, 1M>d ... , 19H, rfI' '1.02 1.T"'"'I"I.drromU,Jut .. ruJ"lo"~'A""'~1[)t·S."1i loI,,,ml,


AbOUt ."" tin! (ou, Dolipb!, tbe fOreJl)Qlt companiool ofU ... holr f'ropl1d. hiuo.lan Edward Oibboo writes:

··My b"'tOti~" .... ho bal",",~. Ib' fOll' caliphl lI.'itb I haod .. Mhahn 't>~ "'ptrlolilion wm calmly p!'onOul1ef! Illal tbcil manneu we-e a!jk,· pur, nd exempllf)'; Ih.t lite,. ual ""~ fervent. .nd proNbl~ a.ioo:n:; ~nd thil, in themidtt ofrichCi Indpower. \~tlf 11,'" lII'm:d<:voted to thep"'(li~nrmo,al and ,eligious duti ... '"

A hi,tonu ",b" ~, ~n authority on Ille bj,tOry nr Ancbia. hM 10 ny the folk>",uIS about 1M Om IWO Calil'lt3 :

•• ... bu 8~h (632·4). l~e fonqlKTor ~Dd plcifte. 0( A,.bio, liloeo in pnlrinrchnl simpli¢ily. In the filii IU; 11l0ll1hJ of his ~hnft n:iSn he II':l,oell.d back lind f"onl! daily(rnlll .... ·Su~h (""ben he IIVN in. mooesl hou •• lI<lld wilh his "'ife. Hablbah) 10 hOi capitol al·Madluh, and rt«,~ no Jli~!td ,inee tbe Ilal. h.d al that tlme haNI~ :lny Income, All Slate busIness hi: 1.IlJI~act~d in the rouny,lrd of Pr;)phcl':I /'oIOII'IIi<! •.•... ln t.lIaTI<;!e< ~~ wu t"dowed with much rno,e lIn:nJth aed foroe]'ulnes.5 thn ~<\IT.~I tr~diljon crcdilS 10 him."'

"Simple .. nd fruJIIII in manner. bis elKr~lk .nd 1~lenlOt1 5u~or, 'Umar (634·44). who "':Ii of towerinll htishl.Slrnllti>h)·~i'lll<O .. n~b;tld.h ... dcd.wnljnu.d .. 1 1 ... &51 for:lnlntl'ft1.aO.r~omin,<;alipblo supponhim.elfby !rId: Snd lived IhrQuihoul hl~ life in II uyle II~ unO""n-

tatiousas IltalofaBcdou.i<l,he,kh HisirHp1"O~ch'bIe

cMr~ct.r be' an e~cmplar (wall oonscienli"ul &u~orslof"llow, HcnwMo. "" "1l'1,,)d,onc sbirt lRd nne huntlt only, b<>lh ron:;l'ic:ous for lhcir p;>.td,· wOrk,s!".,1 '.In .. bed orpalmlea"~and had noconc¢rn OIhu lh~n mainten8n<:C of lb. (l~'ily of l1Ie flllh, tU lipholding of jU~lice and Ih~ n$OllndBncy nodSC'Curil~ of Islam nnd tit. Anbi;I!lS.'"

~".TIorH;',c"T~/tlwo..J""4D4I~I"'o.ht_ &<Ii'~. Vol. V. t.r>r><I<>n. J~JJ. p • .»4-S$..

2. P~U~p K. Hmi. IIl.;t .... J' ~I ,A. AnIb,. I.ond"". 19$). PDo 17$.711.

Anothu lZul'Ol'un wr;ur. by 110 mam Iym~!hetic to blllm. 1111 ndtoO'OOle<leed Iho llenin, qualiliet or lbese wlllphi<lO$ of the holy Propllet. Writei Win;"m IIhir:

"AI his COllrl. Alou lI.!kr mlinuined 1M lam. ,imple.od trup! ,,~ lIS Mahomc'l. Guard, "nd ..,<;n Ihttt ... ~'" nonc. nor anJlhins !pplooclling the pomp and cilWmfl~nce Orllai •. Hc wu diligenl in bLf!;iness .... Abti Bd:t nC"tf spll~ hi_Ir, and maD~ (nadents al'1O related ofille m~"nCT in .. hio;bhe~lolh.minutc!lll!illgs.TbU5.he would sally ((ifIll by nlEtl! 10 i/:Ic): roe an)' a.:.cilule 00' opPI'1O""'dperson: ....... 10 ~dIoioe(1fbi! .~ou (If' hi,l! office 01' command, be WIlS ~Iulely ru~ {rom .. epotism Of parti.lil~. nnd ",as 'Wile ~Dd d'l$(eming in h .. "'I'imau ofdllr.lCtt •. '"

In rcptd to Cdipll 'Um~r. WilH~m Muir ""'ys,

"Simplic::tyan<i duty",o:re It" lIuidin~ pr;ncipl<$,lm· p~rti.Jityand d •• o(ian c~aracurii':d t!N: dillCh.rIC of hir veal orne.:; and the responlibiJity.o -..ei.s~ opoo him !hat al tJnlf:S he would •• claim. -0 Ih~1 my mother hold "<>1 oome m~ "'QuId rllal ! "~d ~D this sulk of v-. !'_Hc Wits \cn~·hurt.d, a.,d 1'IumberlHoc !Kill or tindntll$ alt recorded. loch IS rC'litYi"l tbe "'i~U: 011M ",;41'1'" an<.lll~ r<lthefklS.'"

Ht portrB~i the great "'''''','Cm.nls of Caliph 'Um~r ;n lh" "'~n~e;

"Sn dit<!OlOu ...... IH',k Prophtt,b.£,'.al~ilinlhe kiDgdomol'Wam:fllr it \.",. allwitlUo th<:K ten )'<:111$, ,h.t byhjs""isdorn.r>a'it,,~.sndv;80ur.rbedominitln .. u ~~IIic\'ed o''Cr Syri~, Egypt, :In<! PtNia. wllkh lsi"'" hu .~e ilft~m.ainll'ftocl ...... Y.t throliGhout b;l m.alvdioUI {<mUM lie nn"" ka'i In. """;"",1",,, (lr ~ .. it. 3l1d ~. ju<:lgcm<:nl, nor CJlaI,edbillliel{abQ\'Clllcfru.glland

I. Sle \11,111,,- Mile, .i.oio", 'Le..-f~ CIIJ/pi.". L""""n.


~. IINI. ~p. :aJ.'~

rallliliu Ilrl. f)(' lilot Arab Chief. 'WlI<re» the Caliph~' would lbe ~i"'!Of trom drs!un!<d inCjuirc.:IS be looktda,ooodtberourloflheG~I).oIu.que;nndanlbe wbile lbe lIlotlRr~h lat ia 110",.1, g'uiloe btfore hi .... •·•

TeoI;~ ... y of. SIoI'II~ smal ....

We $hall 0<>1. set f ..... lb t!>e ~lMfint. IJ' any SUDDII" pm""'" h.-TCinlltvouroftb .. fir.utwuC,liplJ'" bll,d~pead Of) aJ';","1!I ",,1 ... lu,. J ... ,io: SyedAmir 1\1.,' wtJl> Wllbla III III(!

Spirit ~f fMa""

•· n ~~nmi.nati<mOrlhe'politlo;'"J.lronditionnrlh. Mato

IIml neer lhee:>rJ~ Caliph, br;,,1P ;"'0 viewn popular

",_omenl .>dminiUe1'ed by ~ncJ<Ctift"bi.r .. ilh limilo<! powel"5. Thepr.r<>s3oi ... or,beb~"d or Ih.Slate_'I! conflnedto.d",ini"~""8ru1 cu<"uli •• mall.",.".h". !.he rt,ul~lion o;>f Ihe ",,1=. oonrol or ~rmy. Iran .. C1;O;>Q ofRlrei.r:n.lf;>in,di.bu""''''''''loftinan .... ,.' ... Balhe COUIdIl(:'~""tm.onlrav.otio"O{lhc....,.,inil.d Jaw ... The r~w "'a, Ihe ,~m. fbr lbe po<>r •• ror lft.c rich. f", !.he lIMn in p<>1O'a'" fo. 1M l.bolJJ'~r in tm r,dd."·

He .I!(>.ays:

·'TlIe.""";on ofth • .,.rlyC.l'ph. to Ih ... ellbt;n~ of 'h~ ,,'01'10:. IlDd tb •• U""". oimplicily or tl~lr

I •........... ~f'''''E.'''Cdr,J>.Ml •. .,.. dt.p.:lU.

:. 1.loIi« Sir ~ AIIIIt 'All (1f49..1~~) ~., <Ies<zD;l •• , of. ~

_iI1..t.l:1> ..... ' ..... '.ln~j. r",,,,)(.1,",*,I,, 4" I,,,

"r "..,if SI>1J,. Ito lin, r=i ........ """' .... or E,,~I;,.t,. I " d

""bi< it> 'I>< MOll"",!,.. f-IooIli CoIkp. C.lou~ ... "" ,_ .

"'1<0110) .. r io Ual'''''' ill I"'. II. , .. 1,«1 fn:>ar B..p' Hi,~ Co\IrI In tWO.,., (.>Ok <op .... ~,,« 'n En",," ... H ...... I"' .. d &> ,h. \!irf,I I.~t'"" """'".. or ,too Priry C<o"",~'. Low <:ocruni'''e

[nl'llll9.orl~...,tnttll. _""' IAin.'.' Q1I,·

""'orl._f"~i>JIl.""'.J< .. d •• ~il •• r<" •• S)"f<l_I.·l\li. l.!.jorOob" •• lho.".odI_'.'Joo ......... m.nd'~.I.,,bo _~hl>""fODdr"","MdICllon.

~. T.WSJl.t,D(hloior.4odo ... I~.V. 21t..


.iva, we", id wlc:t K<ordancewith thcuamp1eot lite MlI"cr T~t>re3Chtd .odpr:oyet!in mOlCllIClikc 1M Propbe(; In tbriI' hom4 tl>e poor bd the oprmid •• ocI f",led not 10 "...,,, Ml1int to the IIIU . ....a. witlloo\ oo"e~. ";111<1111 JIOIIlP or ~"~. rhey N~ ,be: hUIU 01' mm by the (<me of Ih~;r <h.r~~."1 Syrd Amit 'AI; lIu paW,\,lblllc, IO/;Iho\l\ a~y '."1'I41;On

to I~c.limplla ,00 frupl Ii'; ... ""cnh.nded jun; ..... od lhe .. ~ rendered to Islam by II>c- 6nt Ihl'« Caliplls. Abu B~1<r 'UIIUIII,,<!lJthmf,L Thecitcu.!l"._leadi,,!,o'''''.lec:Iioo oI'AbuBlokrlUl.",r,,,,,._<>flbobol"yPn>phcllw *odoscribedul'ol!ow.bybim:

"AIItOII& the A.-.tII. tbe chid\aiiX)' 01'. tribe it; IIot hornlitary buttle<:tM: 1M princ:iplc ot uoiwnal Iuft'· nice i ... colIIMd In ill CJllJaDOSl form. and aU rhe .... lQ. bel'lol ,h. tribe bl",.vo~ In tbe dO«Klnof their chier. Ttl. election II made "" Ihe b",l. of ;enlorlly M!tIOnt ,Ite ... "viV1llB male mcmbc1s or the de<.lstoJ chief!!lin', f.mily. Tb< old uibll ClIlUom ... (oUowtd in lM dIoIceO(lIl~tOlhcProphe(,r"rthellrcc~of tllctimesldmiltt'do(DO doU,.. Abu Ib.h, .. bo by vinue <>fhila&eand1bepOliliooheblldhdd.tM«a.occupi<4 ~ hiBbpbceilltl>e~illUltiQnortbe Arabt.1I'u ball;r, elected to the <l'frlCe o( KhlJif~ (Caliph) or VioeBCl(fIt <>C thePropbtt.. He 1I'uf'OCoJllillCdUll man o(lOUdoo,dnd m<)doerahon. :ll'Id "l~ ekcllon wu IC«pI<d "'II~ Ihdr ull1lll dewol;OQ 101h<! F8;lh by ·AII lad thecbie[ .... "'!;en of Mohm~', ['miry ... •

The ~b~r 0( Abu Rat. blS been thus &pil:ted by Amp.·AU.

"Like his MaRa'. Abu Ba1:r _ ullMldy limplo jllbilhabitJ;~"I"'blllfirm.he<kvoleda1L,,"elln"'" '0 the admHw.trllJoo or the oe.·bom "ate ud 10 Ihc

I. ToIc.l'/>l</(fIIl_,,,, .• i,.p.lIO.

l.. S.""'Ir·Al~A~H"'.,~, .. s...c..u.t.o.xIo ... I,",~.lI

10cod or !.be peopk. He wCXlld lOlly rorl.!> by ..;,11110 help tiM: diRrtSiC'd .011 Rbe~ th. da.i.Ule ... •

Tbc adlit: .... menll ofCalipli ·U .......... m_4 "p by Ami. 'AlIIQ.iry 11Ia1:

"Tbcsbort so .... ""mftu etAb" BIIh ..,., 1001\111) ot'CUpiedwilhlbtl.ab6"to(paclry'''ltbcd_nllibelto aff"rd .ime rOof lOY 1~~IIUlic ~~ulatIOfl of lhe proYin-. BUI wilk .he It-lIB or 0",",_" I.uly ,ITBI ma:Lcomllle1l<led IIIBI slttpl~ "",.ror 1M ,".Irare or the oubjKl "alioa. ",hleb .h.r.n~riKd lbo: carly M~.:Ji& ,O .... olRol.: ..

H.aho ~:

'-0 .,', ""'mioB 10 1M Cllip~ale w,u of 'DlDJCnsc:

",.III< 10 Wo.",_ He ".,, man Or~lrOtl' IDCInoI fibR .ad .. keen 50"'" of J-. po_iS of &"'11 r!ltfSy Rod on;'Corchllf~.r:··

.,1I.1).40m or ·Um ••. l«Ofd'"g 10 Ami. 'Ali, .... OM Or 1M J1Cllt51 dilRUct ,ull"crecl by 1,l.Im.

"Tb.Ik:uh of Om.,..u a In! calamIty to bill ....

SICfD bul juol. ru·si,hleci. thorou~hLJ " .... 01 10 tlHr du· .ItIU or bis poop". be .,, IIpCCj~l1y liu.d for lhe Indtr-'hIp of unruly " ... bo, H. hdO;! the b.lm w"h. WOD, k.ndandi<WlTly,.~dthell.,urall .... dclKJlOlkm.,. .. " ... tiOfl Urto"l no",adic !tibc:s ~od sc:mi·aYil"td propl' "~.n eo",io, in CQnl~1 .. ilb lbe lun,y aoll vied Of.;I .. I .... O/" .... ric> lubi ... and (,usal •• 1_" actnt-lbk 10 Ihe ",e~nesl of hn lubjec~ .... andnin,abo,,1 ~I niSl1l 10 illQ"in: ,nlO Ihe co.ILo;!ilion oi Ihe pHlple ..-jlb. OUI Any IUlJd Of wu Ihe y.IIUI I~d mOlt powerl~J rultt or III<- I ....... '

Call,b ·\il ..... b.·AnL

IIdtOfY ku~ wilncs~ 10 ,he r~ Ib:u purity or r.ith and ~ ....... ,<""'''','''''ciI' .. rP-:!60l1.

1. TII.$jIr,u<t//s!_.~rlt.p.l1I.

, • .-I SII." HI,"",." .. $.>; ....... .,.. rIJ .. ~. R ~. 11oW, 111>. 4:t.4<1.

~triarohJl simplicity dominated the life. fA 1M third Caliph ·Ulh~n. He enle!1ained 1M glle$l' Wilb lumpUioul meal. bot him",!f look tneul ,..ith vin.glr.' Very often he fa~ted contiouous.yfoT da)'llOplher. He mOltly lltended tohil

neo..ssitiubirruelrand oel'erwnkeup,nyao ,m l!llkenight,

··Tluo ul,hl I, th~i .. ", h. uw to l3y Ir M- 4J uked to lake

Ih.rr h~lp.r

Calljph 'Uthm,,, had rl ,l.v. whom h had On"" pul1.d by th. eaf, After be lttd boca ~1eo;1.d 10 pl~id. 0= tb • .. ,iph.ur, he ,~ktod the sreve to l\'Cni<' him!iOlf'nd insmr:d IIntii me sreve hade .. cted tile retribution.. He event.marked on tile OO:"I<JoB, ·'S:ltilfy>·ours.elr. tak~ your ~n~._in IlIiI W<JorIdI()IlUloothinll~maifli for the h.rufter ... • ... bd,,' Malik b. Sh.ddid rel'I.' Ih~1 be "U' 'Uthman on Ih. pUlpit one Ftlday dolll1tng a .oarse woolen ~hcel <Jot Adan hardly CQjI;n! fOOt Or II..., dirhams.> Hailn Bssrl once saw Caliph 'Ulhmlln lulns .... , in th~ MMquo M oOon. and ... h~n he ~loQ<l up th. mark~ lefl l'l' ttl<>I .. 'oftT. vi.ible on biIJ body. Those p<Ose'nt on tbeOC:ClUiODwonlkred at the anile,.., way, of the CalJph.' S<Josoli .. itou!"'~5 be.l>outthc~lf.~ of tbc p~ople tUt he ort~n c~quir'C'd ~I>oUl Ille m.,~ct rares of dllrcreBt (ommod;ll~ (VeB aft" aSOl:'ndin.g tbe pulpit 0( 1M mosque. Mtl4 b. nih:! rel~le!I that he saw Ille caliph siuing on tbe pulpit, .. hil~ the 1,,/f1It~1t .... :u bdBg .mtN .• nd he .... u cnquirin~rromc:ert.jnpe.lon.about Illc:i."'Clf,,,e.nd iUllCtnry.· NOlhln! can illustrate his .intl'rity and &Clf·ubM.~tion mQ,e thin the evtcnU leadlol to bls ounyroom. While the Inwr~n"h*dbe,i.Bedhim in MadinB,herolmlybadtIIOl>citUon. to J<Jo bock 10 h"mllS .in<. ... he did 1;01 .... ~RI 10 nsbt <Jor

I. AbO N ... ·'m. Hl~M" ... d b. 'AbJull~h, 111fo!~r»l ""'iJ-. l,<twIon,

19f1O «,lOll "" ,"" ~ull>.m.y 0( a/w..j;! b. ~1".IIn>), Vol I. ~,611. 1.IMS'"",T~'."'"I.III.p.<").

l. Ab~ l'i'"a'jrn Hil,.,1tI ,(1011)". LIto'""", 1980. \'.,I.t.p.W. ~. It.i,{, p, W,

,. Ibn '·iII. 7lro!orolofl. \'0)1. ur. ,. ss,

aUow the blood of .n~ MUII;m to hi' I~«I far him. He died re~il;n, tile: Qu,"n II t~C hAnd~ of Ib~ ,..,bob bUI did not j~¢climb to their de-mJod Of""hri~G froll! lite CRJiPMII:, m 1,,,.1 commil~d 10 hil eare by IlIc MUlliuu. He need ( •• 1 \0 hi~ p<Mt till hi. I~~I breath for he dculled i •• Jaucd offil:c entl1l~.d to llim in eeeerdeeee .. ith the pudit1;on of tbe hnl~ Prophe!.i "Hi. ehier m<lit lay ;n hi' pi.I)"', '''1' Am •• 'An while William Muir obJ.erv.. Ihl he had a .. tiDdl~ nature whi~h mi,ht baW! made- bim, in len "Dubio". 'i ..... l. a (""0\1. ,ile of the people,'" Hi. IUltepcliC)' has bec'n dcscribc4lhul by della Vid. io the sJrorl~' £n<:yc/Clptltd;(J e! Is/am:

"Ai WcUhlllJ.en pointed oU! Rnd C._tani h.loupo'mdcd "' lcnglh.·Uthlllin only follo",'Cd and dln'.lapcd H,e poli~or 'Urn ..... •

T"" , .. _I\·c yean Cilipb 'Udtm~n beld rhe b.lm. hlamic dominion ..... In unprecedented .apid up30(liion. Writc. AJI11t -AR ; "Tbe ;n<:ursiong of the Turk:! ;n T .... led to the ceequest of Dllkb, Simn~.ry .... "" HUll, Kabul .~d GhuJli uplurtd. The risin, in lOu~hern ~r.ia )~d to t~c .ubjugalion oI'Kennao alld Sistan. In lhe seulemeeu or the new a.equi~\i<:>n. 1M poli<y of Om~' Wat f.:.lI"wc;1. No lOCIM' wcrc llIesc QOuouitl ""nq ... ""d, than effective meao,,,u Wcre oe~ 0" foot fot ~bc: ck>'clQpn)(nt or thtlr m.~Leti.1 r~u~ W~'cr.(o~'~ "·.re dug •• oads made. f.uil \'1" plantrd. a~d itt~'i'y given to ~tlde by establishment of • rClular polk(: orpni.alion. B)Ullltinc ioroads from the DOllh kd 10 8D .dv~noc 00 IIIe ctluntf)' now called Aoi~ ;\IiDOr, loward. t~e BlltIt Sea. In M.i~a, TrlpoliDlld lla'ca,lnd in ,he MediI.,· r~nean Cyprus, wc"" ""nqu • .....t. A Isr! •. ~, ... ~nl h) t~ ROrmLns to re-cenquer EIYpt , ... .., deitroycd off I\k~aQdria:"

~_.K""'~f4. /IIQ/r.'ll.·'-S"""'. c,,/<, 19S~; nn.

K .., ,j/.fI.W;wIi _ NIM,.. M4l/>'QoIoJ .. I/,n'if. s.m." t9!6 ~. AS"""If'''''''~~/S._,. 'P.<iI .. p,oI&,

1. ", ... 1,., J;tuI, C«lpIr.", ~p, <fI.,~. J..Il. 4.~,..£M,~ofl,l<w>.p.ll~.

, . .<SJl_H,'""".!S.,.a ... ,"".p.,I,.,p.41.

In Ilion, tbc limit1 or Ih. hlJmk: ~mpill' were utclldod from Sind, 10 ee ease, 10 Sj»ill '" IIIe A po.ttflll "m~d;a .. liS o'pniJcd 1Ilh000Ih lilt An!" did not earlier pDloIoHIl Nlllle Ihip,

Tbc ~nl~r~CJII or !he &rand Jquall' of lilt '::'.b •. 1111' dcrt.keo in 26 ". H •••• 11'''''1 urvic<: 10 lilam by C.liph 'UlhtnJn. Tile mOiqIle or the P,opl"'l in Modina ",al alw cnl~raW and boaullfie;l In :29 fl.. H. He .bo Kill ""St" 10 budd new motq_ in Ihe amquered dominion, alld ullrle tile unlill, onn. BUI b1l ,,;lItHllor xhie"cmo;nI ... , to UCIIfD IhDUn,rOtlOltyoflhclKTcd Scriplull'ror tilt we Dr doIn& u,ay willi lhe difl'=ncu ;11 iu ""';tuJOn. and btin,iq the 11 .... l .. d Int 1"10 ~Ictusi." U~ ,lIrou,hout t.hc ( ..... ftunl 111'111" domioion1,' It would be inl!ftSCing 10 mention hen:

Ibn .. h(1I Caliph • .... Ii round ocrtlio citizen, of Kflf'i bluninll h .. prtd~,;(lr for It.odlll'dil~tioncr IheQuranH:o «<'I.,ion lie .", ... lillod with BnS"', "S,le"~", ~id 'Ali ... 'Ulhmiin KICd alhtd"l ";Ihlh •• dvM:ectthc k:adingmcn 3'!I<lnl!U"': u.s if I had been nd .. r II Ihe tim~. in>lc.3d er him. I 1bolllJ

my ... lf h~..., cued)' donc lite "'me ... •

Call,_ 'All It. Alt. Talllo.

Nc body hlstvt'f di,put .. .s IIIe .ngelical di'lX'Iition cf CalIph 'Ali e,upt th. Khlrojit.,.' We ihlll live he'" the ~minilCCn'OI cfOhar.i.. b, Oham ..... h. ~ ~'1)"".,"k orCliliph 'All, who dt'<:d the d'~~Jctet and rempemmenr of Ciolil'h 'Mi at lh. hehe$! of Cnliph Mu·i"'i~ah. who I,~d «<:0" 10nl While at louerh e :td~ with h.. p<ode.:.,.sor, The piUufl' of C~hl'h 'Ali porIrAycd by Ohnl)' Ii fully II t;tlph.c &,cnp' I'';>D Drib. ehinJroos. hum~nc, {",heartnl "nd .. If·ucritic,nc

I. 111",..oJM,...,lf' ... ..,q. •• u"' ...... 19H.vol.XH 1. .. _.,4urlyC.I'"....,,,,. "'"I>. JOt.

l, A .... '10" tJf Caliph ·Alr ...... , ~· m"\I"~ ~~tI .. , .... boili. or 5<fI1i> ,nd.itt.l_ '<, t-l.""'''~on''''' b()nl.",,1 Ill, d<""l'"~ ..... """.tht •• t ... ln •• l1itl>d ••

ClOlllpaaJolDbrttuZluuplI!tderlbelllicbnteot!.bebalyJ>ro. pbct: "He looked IIkllla:l'lbc .. .,.ldand illplcal.uln: 1M nlpl ud its dltkDnl ftR more a!_lbla 10 him. B~ my ',Oth. h .. e)ft "CIC mo ... oficn 6U.d "dh tun aDd ht 11",.)" ~ppn'''' 10 be " .... wvm' H ..... d 1M .ouch er ccasclenee .. 'hich oficn made him IOrql, hinuclf. lJe"'li h~pl'Y 10 W<1IC1.r .... nl~m.dc or cairN clolh .nd panakc OCNI'U food, I/.t<llilc. COmmall mill. aDd m'&' liD dillinaion h<'Wffll himlo:tr aDd orb ..... ",hc~""I~td·"11h;nl,he,,01lIcl.rtply:wbcDC'''''' ..... ·.01 10 him. he ,*ollld ... Iuu ~I: and .. heDeWt .. '8 &lmod him. be came uoF"d,,"tly: but. ck:Ipitc Ihi • ........... bill ... _nponniutd""o u!t;in bitp re_,,",orjoininhiiconvctWlioQ. When I>ellU,bcd,1tis 'ccthllitdlo.bincuhail-ltooC1. HC~pccLtd IMplOUI .nd Io •• d the poor. No III.In ofinft u cno;e or IUlhorny could. hop: lo.chle,·o uy ijBdelCJ~ ,";n f,olll him, nOl!.be .... k ov.. pYII IIpbo~ of oblaiolAl jn~oo trom him. ru dtc:la .. 10 God ,h.. I haw Iftn him ofl<'n .rt~rtbc lIi,htMI,SlllIdins on praycr'_, holdi". hi> ~r<I and ", ... pins biuffly. Ih~\'Cbc.rd him~i"g."dJ'''''D.i"l: ·OWo'ld.dOliI.hOll ..... ol to <nl>« me ~w~y1 H""I thou broulhl .hy ch~rm, for me ! A_y, .. way .. i.h Ih.... Go tbout Ihy bll1ol_ .nd~j,...o .... b" I h;""altudydivorctOIhcc Ihrke. 0 World thy plollllrc are 'ran,;.o<) .• lty lir. il ",,"'I •• nd u.y alJul'CCm~n ... rouQrehah'c and dlinFrolil. AI .. , lbav<! bUIl,ltic proYN0r.6.I~"'y~!I"it 10nSIJ>d ~r""~eilul ... mcJyporil,,gl."·

PIOl'lI.1Ik>II Ufe Qftk eani .. c.n,M.

T1>fc 1oIocni~y. Plf'IJ ... d nobility of the Ii~t r!MI' caliph,

I~" J~ .. , ... Silo'''1- s..r""". Dll .. ,11I ",,'W (HJd< ... bod. 'l!~ .... u.~ V"I. I. po. IlL

ia<ioIllODlUatod.b),!bdr .. b5UacllClltrOllltboorcalth!hJtllowedfrO ... tIxDe .. lyeonq~laadsofl,,"for",.r~r.lil.lland 8~nli"" t.Rlpit .. 10 Inc mell'tlpol;' of b~IO, Un''''.o.bcf ambitious eo .... u~o .. , tlxy did DOl lead .. Hr~ of cue and ,..fl\cienq bal pRfemd 10 p .. I~ir dlY" u _lu_imple • .. Uiltn: ... d. fro gal_lib Ihel, .ve~t Mutef, II would be nl~ JIIoreappropriatelou.yu..tlhcyt~.vUIllr«lD~UD"nl aDdpueeofm.iad befu..,theyaca:p[edl~ ,eopClnlibililyof pm.idiQI O<!'u lbo. I,lamle empire. The way u..... Calipt.. paued lbei. days ... id .. ~ and prcIIi&Io 0( lbe ,realm ~mpire o(the time h., lud.r Ed .... rd GMIboft 10 <:OCI«dc WI!

"Tile COIlTaj!le of Abu Bah, ()mar • ...:I Ulbmlo, hid imdcnl be.onlrle'-'in[l>e.~uUoQarld.,"oflbeP,oplxl; ... d Ibcpel1OnsluwnolKlCofp~ ... " .. h ... e"uabttht"'lo dap* 11M: pkUurtI •• d d.:I.llI='~ g( d.t ptnCnl 'orld, 8<01 IloeyuoeDdcd-lbcthroQ6rnD~~blc~mololn: .. S'I' •• od e!teemed. me dORlCIIlic CiUt"t of ~riJioD .lId j~ioe, the motl important dUfie5 or the lIO¥CTCip .... 11IeSllRCTC and (""II lD.:uul'C-ofthoeirli_ •• tbcdl'CClof~jl1l1e or habit, and tbe pride ofthei. oinIpl",ilyiQwlttd tbe~ilill"""Slliliroo:l;!<Ct>I' the ti~11 of th. allh,."1

None orth<:m ever [tied 10 ,,,,,is 011 hi, berit.,. 10 his JOn 01' .. tnanbtt orhit; (~mlly: lheytqx their De~rartd d.m _ ...... y (rom the 'uinp of pooo-etiod ......wmes eve.. bid. lbe c1ca.OUfe 110( to choMe me. "" ,""ir ,UCUtiOo'S. Qf",II.t_knl>lYofhumln na'IIt" and the prl>pctl,it;e..nd pno:tio:n {I>llnwed I>y ebe tin" ,,~tJlDCi immcmori~1 k~d III 10 the wnd ... lon IhM tbe Caliphl 'Im'e abiOh,tct, ~jxQe. r~rrom lIumaft (Jilin,..Iike ~!f·irHlU!I'IDCc, nepotism or ,.ni31iIy. Ibeir 10k p .... pow in hoklir.J."'" "elm WI. to proPll~'" lbe {,ilh .nd "renlt\)t<l tilt. COID .... n .. (a.kll cl>nU'llilied II> Ibm- care, ~nd '0 ... "C the ~nl $Uk agaio", .11 iD,"OoJ andU1er ... t.s.n~r.. !lad lbey boen .. If-sctkinS.dcW0U5cl WinD'nl p""crillld prcA.irr, Ih.,"oukillOt /AR""'''<Oed che

pomp 3Qd eircuIlIsI311Ce or a r.pidly c~plncli!lB ot"'I~, En' d_«I .... ilhso~rei.nand BbJolntepowel. if Ibey.bon" 10 m~inlllin !be ~~mc simp'" lind (,ugo! lift III die Prophet did. tb'*'oouldDolbclocll1Cdof;IUiDCCf;tybyanym1llloflOUnd und«lIatlding. These Caliphlwetc too,hrew«lID he deceived 11I<: ..... ~1...", a"d lD6 honest to act Ihe pa.rt or dcccivcrJ.


WtJhllrecounll\erc D rewcpiro~!l"l.llnllo Caliph Abu Bah ~nd Coli,*, 'Um~1 whidt will con~in~ C'I'~ m~u endOM'd"'ithoommol15cmclojud(loe for him!.dr Ih. "«0011 of tlLtSe5ll;ntlyluca:I:SOUorthcProphel. Thercputcdbilloliao IbJlal.AIMr(llro.1H4116tO-l121)te!Mesan incidcBII",",ing tiIc f; ....... or Abu Bah,

"On~ lip! "ife c~plcned the Inn&ina ~r >Orne .w .. t· meJ". WMn Abu Bnkrexp'~ llii iubilet)' ,be alfered 10 1'I>'e !IOntethin.!l frum Inc 4aJlynpenin of lb. h\>uschold. Abu Bah s~ve hil runl<'nL She ~Q, .. d 0".' Il pt"riod tome moo,*, ~nd ,II!led Abu nak, IQ att lome .w~~tmcm. Abu 8&kr took the mont)' bul nrn.r1:cd. 'Tn" 'e@ml 10 M in n~s.t ot OUr ~di,' nd put il ~k in the nc.a.uf)', He .1.., ~ul d'''''n lob. ;,Ii~nd 10 thatuICQ(."1

Hasae. son or 'Ali rernlel thar jult before h'" d~alh Ab\l II;okr "~i" 10 IIi, d~uKhlor ... '''J(!jh~ Ihe JhNanltl ~'e nad for milk, l~~ p:on in which we 100*; ntoeab and I"" bfibpltad M: used Wert ,;~en 10 me sin~e I K"'ttl the MI ... nee, S~nd Ih<m 10 ·Um:it ofit, J ha.~ jJ;UStd DWQ~." ·A)~lu. "'nt all th • .., I~in~. tn 'Uml< a, ~h.I: ~d b«n bidde~. Th."'''pon 'Umn remorl.d: '·LQ.d blo" tit .. , Ab .. B.l •. ThQ .. hUlt bid a 1~3"~ burdoeo Upclil me ... • II is Uso 1~I.ted Ihl at the lIr:it Abo Sak, ('QnlinutO 10 maintaIn hitMtl(~ II'Itr~h.nd'!Ie;

~·A1llbDoJ'''lhTr,Ti'fU.~Ir''''f/''Lc1d • .,_t~6''74)

"~I, II. p. ~!l,

1. hl~I'"u'~ln SlI)(I'i, Trr#/"JJ·/lIoJJ/j, JJ .. ,.".,>t>So·uo. Em" I~l. p.J3.


IxllliDdill.;t inted,,", witb &lI'.J,., oI'lbe 5121" !Ie COIIJeDlro to fcmlOhiaoc:cupI,ioa .ndr«eiw. )'carl>'dlowance or"~ thOllPoddirfta~rOrb.ilhoufdlolddl ..... WSeo!IKienc:c Ifoubled hiIII for "" ... ,,' tatu even whl' be df,;! by war of ltipfnd'rom !he prople'f mOIler; 0.0 his death·bed, thereforo. he pvewmntand thl conlin IIn<.b. 1m private p"0p<'fl~. lohould be Klkl.lUld. J.tIItI equal to ,lIlh' hctL.dl.keo rdlmdocllo ,hepllbllc ucMqucr,' AnodlCr ~p«t",JatClI"'al h .. oomrna...oro to rd\md ti@AllhouWlddith'IIl' r<lf' be !>ad tak"" 01117 thai .,;1m for bit IInltQ~DOo. H~ w.~ .npptd ia the Mme dOllla in .hleb he died; foe, pid be, 'DCW cl()!hes befit tho: lI¥id,. btn old the mQIJIdcrin,body.'·

Ca!iplo ·U ...... jowMy 10 S,n...

The pomp &lid show 11Iend;o, r01.' "I,iu Rre 160 .. , 10 be rtOCIunled b..n. The 111111 ,.r",ia, over the moa puWl:l(U1 tmpirc io thc w.rn (enlur), .... 0. had alia an OCCWoII to uDderrlk". j.o.>ume)' 10 ktulalcm for C.pitulMioo of thl' city In liS A. H./1636 A.D. ARtr ... i&e of ",""" du.r.lliOll !be pIItrilldl.~cd fOr ptiCC, bul rclUoed 10 ¢mndor ,he plue 10 an) bill tbe C.liph in pcnoII. M ...... i, 'Alr A~I. ·Uml. "~!olhereqlleiC •• Dd! •• ""l!inl";·lIls1l1ilel.nt ... clalll, withoo.ll _ott .tId ",11110111 Illy pomp alld a:rcmQDy .rtWed.t,&bia,'" Wc lM!1 ro:latethe $IIbw!.u.ntpa.ct of the journcy IS«:d by Will"m MuiE from .he <.lri;itla/

"lIwa,tfIWlIIO.ablo_ioD,beiDllbcl1rt:trroue_ oft c"lipl> be)'Ond.lhc In;!1 Dr Arabi., AiMI Obeoda. Yule!, and Khlilid. from 1M ...,nh in lot.", 10 "kome him. A bril1i3Dl caYlkld<. lObed ill Syrian brocllk. IDd mouolOd .... U«da richly caparito<>e<l. lhcy ro<ko

I. A __ ."'tM£orlJ'o.r.~,.~".I' .. 1'P.1lOo:U 2.11;I4.p.IIt;I.I<Il>IIII .... dlbolS'lcI.faIoor.i'J ....... X .. ,,lHjnM.""v"l.m.p.lli.

l,A5MrfHI_J'.t~,."' .• il .. p._

!brIll II be Ipproacl1cd. AI IhI: 5igllt or III Ibis fi~lII'J'. Omar', splril WI! slilted ",ilhl~ him. He 1I00pt<! &OWl). and. ~al""rln! I handful I)f BI"I.W"l D"". it 111M ~~!onl.J><,d di,fl. 'A"'D"I]' II" <Ti,d; .j, il Ihul all;n><! Ib'l y. cOmo: ~~t 10 m..,1 "",,1 All cbns.d t~." in Ihe SPiCC IIf t_ >lU;>r1 yeau I V.nly. h.d il boen Rllos Iwo

hundred. y~ would II d .... ,Y<'<I 10 hi: cf'2r~dtd' ......

Di~mil.l;n8 Ih~ oth.r ~.n 4 10 lP!rir "'I'octh'c command ..

I~ CaliI'll, uU)ln8 lth him Am'M Bnd ShOJRllb;!,

rturned Ihe jolllnr) "'", ...... d. and, ~"""':;ng th~ 10m ..

~tow Ih. l;).1:t or Ti1:t(Ji81_ p~~ Ih~. to ' I.IIL

Th·rB4vehi"'.p"lf··Ylorideon, ... hithpr.n~ hh

,in,lin, bclh dln-11le ful:tir.>tt of Syria. H. di.liktd Ihe motioo. 'Wbat Rik.1I I~C lUIimalT b. uid; '1 ~o"'" 001 wholl.lthUlUjilltthrc,lIlsnnro,.soil: Sol:tcdillllOliBIed aed rodlillpon hi, own hOl':H"ogljn.'"

C,~"h ·Vma. tlnderLoo~ anelh ... journey Ie Sytil In :8 A_ H.(639 A, D. lie •• ktd -AI, II' d-tpUI"" ib hi. pl~c. II Mcdio~ OR tI1;. o<c,""' ...

"1('" ..,.y IB~ IlIr<N1]:1I the Cbrminn "ld"'IIC'JII of A)'la. al Ih~ lI .. d or III< Out! 01 Acoba. Th" ,cccpl;oo h~ "'" "';LII h .. ~ b,jn~. 0111 w~1! Ill!!: ~Impliclty or Om .. r. and hi. kindly rteling towan:l. th~ Cb,i ... i.n.. tr~ jo~ .... 1)I:)'c<I on .. ~'mrl "';Ih .m~1I pomp..,. flllk>wins; and II be .... ~mind¢dle.nt.r'h"vi1I·Il"um"rognj!"h"nge<J pl3«s willi hi .... rvant, 'Wllrre is the Amccrl' "itd Ihe n~n crowdi :IS Liley Stn.>amtd ro,,11 f,om Ih~ >'i111ret 10 wilM'II> ,~e C.1;ph·~ ~d'>'C~I. 'H~ i. 1Nj~rr: you: ",plj,d Om .... aod Ia dre'''' hfs C'lmcI 00. So III~ III'rried rOI'W,rd tI,mkinf;lb., til< ,"'~ICaliptl w""Iw:)'end, nnd Ic:fI OmB. 10 ali,hl oDob..,n'.d ~I Lbt heJll.C or Ih" bi,hop. wi.h whom be lodiocf during If>!, hut of Lite day, IIi. CO"I ... 1Ii<h hd boon "'"I uplln Ih~ journey. h" 8"'" 10 his hO~1 10 m<n~, TIti. Ihtl>irJ!op net onl)' dkl. bijL had

~ g.ormcllt IUd<: r .... b"" or It. ",aj~ja\ li.h~.r and ~ , .. ned 10 lbe "P\'te""'" tr:I~-eI II[ 1110: u_ Om3f,~ __ ~.., •. P«'(fmTd I ... ...,or hif o .. r;,'~

C.ll,b<AH aad 111:lPl'tf«l!$Ion.

Cali,h 'AIi a.lw;t_~ ~<>Q~~~~d .. lIh bis P~!I<m. As Amit 'AIi"-Y1' ch~ elccciO;>I1 ofCdi,h Abtl Bur, on tile- demi ... 'Of ~I!e hQ!y PI'Ilpht-t. 1110 "IIC~pled wjlb the;" "111"' ~i~ 10 tho- [..Jlh b)' 'AIi and <he: ch;cr mcmb.-n Q( M<>b~mntBd'l IlImily ... • William Muir bas mooIIioocd tile miwndmtand,n, mung between Caliph Abu. BaK~ atId 'Ali o. Lb~ Q""'oon QrjnlleriunocoftbcProp".I'$pt'tiOn;ol~rtybutadd;jtllllt the litter tc) f~_'l II>: Cal:ph'l ~rt like th. rtst of lin: cflid cQfllP .... ie>~ .nd~Yell ~lforolCd tbefonc· lionlofdlltfjud;a.l offir;~r,' He alllo 11\)'&lbal tliedell'3Cclta of Caliph Abu 800b Wl:1I! 'Chdly irldilcd by 'Ali.' in hil jPlrc:>dl<l1lioolotilc>N<ibjuJIIa!<lIhiJ,R'O<kredinl<>U!,loo(ot the lllamic Sm,;nary •• World Sbia Muslim Or~IDi:iallon, A.\l:ariJaforyl',a, mcntiootil .K\~rlllfl'llafl<'O!ll(}fCal:ph 'l,hJUlr, ""-in, the ad¥i<:~ of ·AIi a.Dd ~"Plinll them witb IIra.titlJOc, He IB~15 IOO! "<111 IJ.e ~i<;on Q( lbe iayup «Romt (ByZlltJllllO Ern";,,,) .... beu "au.tIl <l'IlIc, !IO~,hl nil (Ali's! COun •• I",te> the advil:abilft)ool hndJQI fbe atmy 0$ tbe Com ... lI<kr·fn-<:bief, Ite ndvUeJ him to be ~I tbe j)"lm and to K1d jQQ\~ e~penenced scocrlll ;u II commo...ser ...... Si"'~ lorJyatllielimeorio"asKon o(f'n1Iia beCOlt,..;ellodthc C~llph Omu not to leo..,. the ~pi"'l .od !<) ,,"od 6O(Il~bodf cl!.e.'·' Till: welJ mca~lng """" .. los e>lfc~ by Caloph 'At! IlQd con1i'nlatJo~ In !ltt ..:mtQOI number 137 and 149;'"'1 ...... In lite Nahi«l B4Ja,i>4.' It bu bernmtDlioow cbcwhcsc!h.ll

I. A_.""w~I.yC~~,.,.tr"p..~~

2 . .f n..,HUI.,y ~J'M $oonoc",,, "'", <11" P. 11.

3 . .t • ...,j.,,/,r..E""'c.',p..,l, .P.<1'"pp.U.~If. 4.~"I>.lll

'. I.-./D.,.,,,,,,.,.,. <11 .• ,.$1, 6. I".,' ..• /1, <1, .. 111>. HO &(Id 2?D.

Calipb '1)IQnr len 'Ali", bu ~pnly in Medina .... hil. b~ n"""lIed 10 Syria in 18 A n, TM l)'",p~lbelic nftc;1ion~ of Caliph 'Ali on the de41!1 of Caliph ,..b~ !bkr and Caliph 'Umar hl~e been p.C5I:rYN by bistorians which apeak ~olumc:s of h~ ."rD<!tt Srltf al p3ttiog ~oOlpaB)' wiUi lhese vtntrabJe ('Oror.d.,,·

Caliph 'I)msr I\oml~aled 'Ali U eee of \be ... ,,,nbc .. of Ihe Couocil ch~rted 10 cl<xt bis _10501, The cbelce of tbe dei:IOlale fell upon 'Ulhm!D and with his usual patriotism and .s.".olicm 10 Ih. f!llth, 'Ali Ihe hi, ~dh."'ntt to 'UthmAn " • .000 a, M WOI .!cooled," Wben lbe Jd>el. blockaded Callph 'U1I1I111n, whieb luted U'l'CI'BI ~ denylog /hod and .... ~lcr to Ihe ~&iD8 CAliph, 'Ali intcrpolec! ~nd eXpoIud.ted withthcbc5icgns. Muirlcpom: "Theytt,/f,ctteBungtbcir Caliph," he ('All) lold !Mm, "mOre crueUy !hln they would I.dt Greek Cor f'c.wall .:.opti ...... in lb. 5.1<1, E,,"o iulldct. did ROI deny .... ater 10. thi .. ty eocm~.'" Bul a. Ihe lo.u.gut. W". do-a{ 10 bis .nl<"''')', 'Ali !lent wa~r and fOlIc! U,I the CoI;ph d~rinB the siege ~nd IU\C,o.:puTed his KIDS and depeo· dints locld'tnd IhcCalipll,' Wh.n'At, l,ca,t.:I o(che auaUi031io~ or Caliph 'Utblnlo h~ hl~",,,,,d 1(1 111 .. pi,..,. 800 atk.!d h~lOn bow i\ hadh .. pp""cd,' Dealh had nOilofteoed Iher.I,' Mart ",bo peltcdtbeUncro(Caliph 'Uthrn~n "';Ib <Ion •• , hulthe flu •• raJ pro< .. :iion "' .... !,n,..,ly joined by Hai.o .lonl"lilh\hetinlmtoorlhtCepaMed~liph,·

CClbpa.IoIcIIH IkA.I-B&lI.

Tb. Q...-'u eaplic:iH) .. yo thallhe cOInplln;onJ of Ihe

I, """lIib-"d-dln T.t>,f,(d. 69-4/I:!9l). ""'"I}'4d1o of·Nor.""" ft Pil>j'~

~;;~N(' (MSS No.. 11"14, /'I._~I u_ till, • ..,), 1'1>, 1:t-:!7,

1. A ,i .... HI"""~/s...- ..... " .p, tit, p.4'.

'. A.04I.qf,~&rlyC4tt",*.,.., .• i'"p, m, ~,l'nI<.r~,.,.m"p.6I,

, . .1-.1 • .."". i:.q t:.J{plwu, 0'. (II .• p.J~I. 6,IbU,p.3.tI,

Pl'ophet ~re 'hard .goillSt the unbd~ • ..,I'I. m~n:ifu! 011<' 10 anottler:1 Tile Ih-eloitlle prop~ .. "oha'..,ba<1t"'eoppoflOln\t~ ofkCi!pia,compaDy ... jlhtbehol)·Prophetareali ... inliU~wu,ion orlh;iSfnl~"llou' upt.slion. Tbcit mutu~llonud ~omplision, tbei. eoml'ld .. hip and lheir wiUiDI_ 10 undc'80 lOy 5acl'lft~ (orthei,mntnligllificstheWlIhofdivill<'=eI.liona!J9ullh<lII. Amit • .... li has righll~ rematlud' "The f'ailh ud colI\·o.tioD 00 tbe pit[ of th. imfl)~i~re follDWeuof M"hammijd is Ih .. noblrst tt.timony to bi:! SiD=il~ ~nd hif ulttr self· .bwrplion it) hi:! apPolnt",-,- ta~k."· An,! 11.11.",1;00 aboullhe Imp",bi(yorth~.Je.·at.dIOIIJsnQlonlybelit~a hi!IOt~I{"'1 I>ulllJo)rai:!f;j<!oubISlboutln.ctrutho(di,·iner •• "I.,ionnd dfl:Clivau:uofp!'0pMlio:lluid.Tlce.

A ",porI .elaled by 8u~h.itr on Ihe ",ulhorily o('Aqba

b. al·Hlrilb ""Y': "Abu Ibk( porrOnzl~ the 'Au prl)'u Illd ClIme eut 0( tho mesque 10 !ilke ~ ItroLi. He SaW Haslo pla,in, .... ilh ether ~hlld",n, He lifted bim up upOn h .. sbould., &rid said. 'My f.thcr may l:>c tn ofTcrio~ for him, he bear. rcl<'mb[anCe 10 the P,oph.t .n~ "Ul · .... Il. 'Ali hfaro thetellla,t 4JK!lmiled:"

H\I~in nafralCl; "'Umar QQe.C ...... d ltd: ",by 1 dG nOI 10 Ind sil wilh him. La'.r On I we~t 10 his but DObo<iy

~otlllQwedto go ins.ide and hilron ,\bduJiuh .... ., Iilin ..

fD' him Oll,,;de. ! tame bact but ..,heo hot met me 1\. he

again Slid, '$Gn, ),OU did not ~om. 10 me?' ! replic!d that I had ,Oil<! 10 sec him bill he WII.~ in priyy since Ilis JOn 'Abdullah was ",ailing for hi. pe,mi5!-ion 10 .ee hi",. 't)m~r t.!plicd, 'N • ...,r mind thepermislliun fot'Abdullah, you ooul<l hl''e ~«n me. Tb~ failh "-= b~,., .... as dl\le 10 )'OUt hOl1.1.loold:

The,.aft.,M 1000,ngly~lt,dmeolllhc ~ud."·

1. Q. 01 :211.

2. TII<:.pi<"It"'It" .. , ..... dt .. P.~

3. S"i~ Boi~l, 1.1 .. , .. r.I~lar •• Al-lilbi ,.,I·lfd.l>\, e'1pl, 191>.

V ... n, p. ' .... (CII.l,.C"""-'tori";."aftbo r"",bo" •

•. H"""'II<"·AllM"OI""I,/(~.r>Ii ·11 ...... 1, V"l vn, p. 105.


AnQIi>er "'poM banded d_n toy ZIoio.ul··Abidio 1>. Huslio tbrough Moba"'m~d ~r ud rllrar Sidiq h"l ~Q aanatrd by Ibn S'io. He ""1~ "Once 'Umu rea;'w !I01lI$ ",,!laM' fra", Ytmc. ",1I>eh werr di.lribu~ by 11m Imong I~e people. Thwe .... 11 ... rec:ei\Otd the ""noh. i:MIII: IllCUrina Ibem to the l'roph~" mo~ .. hile: ,t)mac \O'U S;1I108 b.alf~""ly ~Iw~tn It.eP'rophtfs8!a~caodl~pulpit. Tbein·C<"ledhim lnd her nlw wW>td 10 Ibll'm. In \her ~Iime' ~p.n aad I[uoain happened to a.>mc oul or tbeir bo,.10 {,,,,blcb wat a )lOIn "rlIte "JOWl") bill none o{ thun hd altult..Jr on him. 'UlIlar }O( and d.pUlled. When he"lLI lI.»:«Itht ~tt>o fo,n he replied Ihat ...... d '_"'~ddt1l.d bCClIIXo( the 1'''0 rbl1d",n" tllere was no ;'/laIr of lilt; all we..., (M the sro"D·~p'. Umlt (bttI ,';rot.IO liIr lo_r or 10 .eod '''0 hk/J4iufo1 Hasan ml'ld Indabo to make "'ft. "'",mpl}inlwilhhi. 'I1ma, W':usall~ntd .,hen Ih_ were ,...,.,;",,4 &fiG hcll.d IIUIde botl1lhc thil~r.o PUt .lInn O!I,'"

Caliph 'Umu ITgu~l~ 1M ~11( of ~Ii~dds OIl • ~ud iWld ipltmaik so;ak. Sbibll N'orn~"i ~ "*,,,\led Ih. I'\llt OfPIC'*"Cnccl;iiddo ... n b~ Co.lipb'U/ writ~;

.• Umarb!Ldlill/ut rcgudfo. affitl;ty '0 tile Propbc, (1"' ..... be ~pon him), Wlleo he u~ tile dtiJrfI 10 fix lb. ral~ or &lipcod 'Abdur RuhQlln b. 'Auf and 11 1(: .. otbe" .~p""'cd lb. opinion WI Calipb 'Umar ahawld "I PIt«dt1l~. Ho"c'u, C~lipb ,UDLS. dil..iSCftd ... itb tbem uOHl »aid Ib" tile affi.qity 10 ,"" hol~ FlopMl .lIauld be tllc aile""n fot priol;I~. In "leA wa..e he ""mIrA_d "jlh lb. Baoi HvlIim, aad amool tlxm he belan "jIb 'Abbillftd 'An ~llhc lOp, H~ ,lIl'6lirth place lO hie own Ilil>c ibn, ·"diy. Thus, lhc IIlImOi of wpcndiaoo wen 1;11«1. in th.loTdcr. In Ib~ fl..alioll of allo ... ~lICcs

1. $.!>1n.06ol'ft1J<lnm ..... oI ........... butco"l~okoIII. I, ..... I:IiI~ nluedb)'th ....... b ..

2. ..~ ·V"';'I. VQ1. VII. P. IO~; , .... HoW •.... /,<1»11, VuL J. p.ll)

too, he t~pI the "'III<! rule ie vie",: Ihcee 'Who bad feU"~tQtBotdrWCl'ltdl()W1.'dtbehighe.t:llJo..aIlCe. Hti:le .Dd HUSIIin Wffil U«pUOIl' fer th~y were allocaltd tfle n ..... flmtlU"nt althousb Ibo:~dOd IKIOI fall in that~· I~,ory.;·'

'Ali ... ,u the ~bjcf """a .. Ugr .. r Caliph ·(Jnu. ",hotIl he .1"wI) .. tool::"'lhemo",~8ndwell·m .... ninicon6o.!'''rt. Al lIIaLcdc1 .. wtoere",!ltnCalipb '·UlIllIrd«;b.C!lShil ~Iyc 10 rn~rdl fonh ill pcl300 10 direct ,!III! baulll ofl'kha\'l:IId, ;t"'M 'All ",Ilodlss4I8dtdhfmfrom 1c."iolM...:IiOll. When ~1iJ)h 'Urnlt hdcrtOtli: the jourMy to lcnJ».lo:m, he ~*cd 'Ali 10 1141 .. b;" "ioo~l. l-Iaw inl,m~le WIll 'Alt to C"al1pb 'Umar nniNI,""j!;sdau-ghter Umm Kl.lltb(lrrt. by Ms IIf"9I. wif~ F~tirn-a, in weIllod: 10 Ct.Upb 'Um ... ' He .1"" g;.~ the .... m .. of prcd=~ -Abu &J;r, 'Umilr an<! 'Uthmin_o tbrec of bit JOM.'

Hc.fftlIySod., Oricr.

The oocio.l orocr ..... fu.d portJ"2:)-ed In IbDQu'l'IlI, "aoffEh ..... dl'tlllable8.ftoals, .. bich ...... "roomcd.udbt-o<lgbtupundcf , ... PfOPbelk (".ire. p"'IL"Ra tlu! _ .b;niol and .ublilM pictu~ of.bodyoflllcn.. offltllOou.jUJ.'.clo:m<nt.nd noole .... ho at. nOl 10 be found c'~ in .. wn.tJ!e. number a( ny 0It...tl_Of iO)' .... "." .. , else inlbc II'orki. This,iniu"Ir.~nd'losho .. , 011 the Onc htlnd, tbe Inllsl<I goodlltf.l of hUll1llo D~I"n:, tbe bei8hl'l<>wbie.hlWlocanrile,his ... orl!llnCSSlodtbebeBIIII or bi! sovl aod, on (be otbc:r, Ibe el'!"eQiWl loci lucing ftJ,~oflhe';Ptn"e"ndpd"'''''arud IlIidcthatlbeProphec .... a. Actually lIle.: "~n: lhe ",en <>I"Wholll .Min: humanity

I. ShilJ\iN'_i"~""I-""""".Ar.,.,.",t.. 19S1i.VollI, "" ~ (cOlo.! "..,,,,X;'_'.DrJr.,byAbuYoBlJf,I'I'.u.l.!)..

l. .... -t,.." .. £.oi.IJ,CdtpjDr., <>p,.J,. p. r.'6. F"' ........ ldilC" • on !be tOl'!tl\nUOjl td.~ .. 10 n _ ),,,-,.a.n-o, (M~, I~VoI.L;>9-t:lT·I~.

).'AbbuMahIDlld.L'A'I'Iid.' ..... II«III_.(DlfIIIfOlbo&.


caobcprDlldo(. ror lbey WeN I~""'Q .. h9l11lqbll detcribes as 'dilldrnl f>f e~ aDd li,bt, crnlurn with d;y;~e In"!).'

No lIIaq bd'>IIJin,to 'lICb. tociely tall eYe, cIoc>Tlop inrcriority'eolllpin. 1III,"0,",1Ift OT dapoodc1lcy, blMT evH)' _m~' 0( lUdo • JOe",1 ordn becomes upwa,d,lookiaL lakes Ihe PlOpMt cflsl.m .. hi. ~AII idt:Il ~od h" tlith io ee ~.lilic'lbcYO!ldlbctCllofhllmanpempilOllIIl!llll inloallvillB. ",Iubk P"-pi, '''lim Ibn Taimiylb N. _y CII.rectly _1IItd lhe di:ttin&llithiol futUN of lhese cml!k.,. .;of

4Nocwlthlcaodic, lhe: wcakMIocs Ibal Ite a~l .. raI 10 hUmlobeio, .. nO"O'IIporcll.lI,cuqui",lhe_o,cn ofCod,(:I.ou .... holr, be _potted to tho: compUiool oflil£ bOlyPropbrt. IfoDi (!.lids minor ~11a)m;np here I"d u.,~ o-e.n: lih f~illt marks 01'1 • while d"Ih, II .tlK r.ull 0( the o:avillen who IoeC IIIftco ,uiol but nOI the lidillCu of Ille doth ilnlt Othen OOInpotred 10.> thb ,roup would be fouad t" be ",bally bklllished with .f_",llitCiPOti.'

1loo:1'1d_,.;'I"IIyI .. SIol·IIH.

An cotirei), diffCfeo! pietu ... or ,,- 10'11)' men • pr$nled by • Pf09It (bimin, 10 be: Muslims 1....:1 '''''''rio, .I .... i.n.:e 10 tile: ""I)' Plophcl. Tb03e .... 1M ''''lml)'dit ", AIIM,' ·As""',. (lhe Twcl.c .. ) ",hOj.e depiction of 1M ullinl Muliim iOCKl~ .ptaks or 101Jl1 failll ... of the prt>pbcl;C ~ujd1o~ Ind 'ruin;n, _. failure ~op;,,~Jlelc:d in M,IO,},. II 'i,nifia ~oll.o. .... or tile Prophel't clf", .. not npnienecd evee by tho,,", ,u;,s .. ud fcformtn. ",be! W'CfC Mldin' commis.ioned by God rw- !he pat",*, nar enjoyed HlI. ... CCOUI Illd bninp. ~J'ile pDnuy.1 I'f lile companioMpraeaulbtm as 1It1f·~kin,hypoc;ritei whQ a;ould 1l00p to lin.. Inlri&..... trnd!ny. hlsiflcalion of ,he ucrcd

I. Ib"T.I<!OInb.HUC .... b.T1QI·ud-dl •• Wl·.~-$_" .. I(_ .1IyM(Ct,Jr.,. 1321 A. H.), Yol.lJt.,.lotl.

Int,ro,,,e.,..Adbetra,.._llor Iheir_rldJy ellck. WeNlh;1 depic:t;ootobol",,,,"obod''''O\Ild~cade<a .. oarlorefo''n die moull aDd ~1ICf 0( OllO'l f'ellow bcinp aDd wou.1d yield lode!l~. fa reprd 10 0(1.11 hWILI.II bcio,,"

Only tbree ptriOlIS ..,,,uIMd. _nlins U> Ibrir Ymion. l,uJr weddcd to Il'Ie lstamic: (.itha(t(o-Ihe ~lhofthebQI, Prophet, wllllllo lM ""I, ",bo bw h~1l ,Voided .IId .'oo .... d aMu.inedforlwenty-lh.Hlon, yeoolS,rtc:lIttk!dOlf!ir (11th. Were Ihh;(o be. ~recfllOlhiAJ the wOlildbenoeded 10 atllbli,h bulccruP'CY oItbepfOfJhetic:8I1idanao.·

An alllllcntic: .ei,POOI ttc:IUse of lbe Sbj·ite. titled II Al·JlIIJtI iIJ-Kilji. 00 .... ;..., lbe ~ IUIleQ!C1Il 0( ImllD. AbaJ·a(at(.ltOknOWllullld.lIIJl&qv)illtbelall.aloll,; .... r.hII o;:q,tio.a 0( KJlllb·u,.f«=M:

• .",. people bcQme apostaltS a1\C't lbe P'n:>ptIlt {pcaccbconhllQ)ll'lth Ibcc.""pli_ofthtw~lwnL (Thenl"llOrj'skcd: WIlo~eth(>JClbre-e'He .. id; MlqcWl ~ASWad. Ab\I·DhalT CihiBr; and Salmin FIrM; may (jotS bku apd blvc IIICIq' 011 them.'"

I. ltb'-"ll)' M:e$SU)'1O _1Icto __ .... -'7 j~ .. _ oIM ... __ ·.( ....... )~pf\>III~_1cu

1IIIo"&>I'(n<" .. __ lodilfcl.,.. pt.c.. • ...:h P>dlr

I0\Il. 'fIa'O loom _alho I.lllowtn oro.. r PtotlIl<I_~_

dllo to ""._ Iho _.u ... d _lour dl lin and ....

,"1~."I""b)'c> .. I ... ,I._otob< .... No_ nll .... "' .. td


... _.I.W<fte"tI .. l,wallOdandlhoy vln...,....nd

Ooor.furinJ.T "" IIuun« ... l><".djUQI "' ... ~ .....

Iop iI Ioo.boea_p ot .,Ibt ........

,... ,"""po""" _ ..... ."u......,PI-opIoot

• ..rI" r_l_tiu-'" 0'" c .... Joria_ • .,~ ~ ,._ SIi<M4-Hb U/. _ 1<1_ '(pabli""'" 113' U. ~oIl.!........, ... ,.,.,d •• ""l'Ublloolioow,)to~_ ......

• IICI> ",odicm.ollOirir ... 1 pcrloabB.

Z. ,",,'l.o:d,lV.,I. ill. "nc.itloll .o:IIIi>-",·« ... NIfj. L ... ~_.p. 11' . ... "'l ...... ~i""(udco· ..... mlrb.Vlolr&looItlWtI ... oI



P1""D .... ~"'flln af ,All.",. Klwlomlal

Lta.fer of!tle pme~1 Jru.nim ,..~etblioll ;tOot (Olinde. of 'Itl~Plic Democruy' ;n hi. eollfllry. Im'm Khomeini, .. bO' ill .. It<> reB~lcred U ihc rcpmcDUilioc of t~c IlISl ImAm GIM'III (biddc1l. or collcelledlmim),sccb10 Ktrortb tM rompl.lI.lons 0(.118 Prophtt as "'o,ldly-mJodHi ""nolli. im;>lOIll. ;nst>ko! Int«po!alorttJ( IMQut'U ,,/10 UIlIldnol """"'.meG a. boltn...-s. He .. ,.; .... in In. KmJrj.rJ!·II..-fJ,·

"Tbo .. pna>"" (Ihe wmp;onioll') had oOlh'lll 10 40 with bl.m.1td tbe Ow'in loa..., 10 .alize Ill ..... Ihe ......... lOr .. ·or!dlypl .... ndho!dln'theb.11Il- For the 1'"",0' who hi" mnna~ to .... "'0)' lbe Qut'ill 10 .u""tve."'dr~flb_ircli"".;lpGt<IIl{lI>PfObl .... lo .I.teth. \'tTM.) (dee]arjO, 'AJj IIJ I~ oi<:ei.renloothc Pr<>pi'><r and lbe p.;n<ipleqf Im.lm.~:, 10 m~k. inlCrpo""i(nll in lbe' divmc Scripture .~d 10 pll ue Q\lr'ill of lim<. 1'lItdlo1ltfJfrorruptill,. ( KJipturtl) Illid by Ib~ MlI&J,GtS ~laill~1 1M Jews a.adOltisIIDlI3j'plO'.ellnI3i"'II~CI>"'pllnioa •. ·'L

Jk SlLyi d!.ewhete ill If>< 13"", boW::

'S"pPOoetlL~ILhoolmam ,,:.<I been .... "Itoncd by n""'~ ,n lhe QI,Ir'lo, Ihm ",""do .. it lLclp us 10 cODd..o.lhl1 Ihn. woukl b,'C bc.~ DO .rrlf.,eo, .. Ul""~ 1M MlHli", .. Too.c "bo IuLd km"",d ... lIh Ihe PropM'" r~i'h "winK 10 Ibn. g, .. d (or "" .. e. ~"d p<:L.iliQ •. and ""re ~onspirio • .. ...,. ""'S ,0 onl'<>U I~"c ~uPr>"rte ... "0_111 bn. at>'tl' Ii ....... up thoi, uhn;oc md. boC<lUIiO of the Qllranic injuDCti ........ T~:y """It! h,. illOfMtd cve.~ do.ita 10 ~ie..,lb.iro~jmi'l'3>"r.inthil case. Iht d,IfeTtna::s q.a .. d would h ..... bee .. or'Udll nllu.clllat thvery f(>UII01iUoIll "rthe .ditioD .... oold han: b<en 4<moliohcd. FOf. Ib.pooasibility .... 1U lhatjflh_ .... ho w.RaI'l ..... ·i.J.. dinllheiCCp".lIadtcalisedlh'ltIJeYfOlLldllotldLJnc u,tirtfldltluoulbl!lallL,ll>ey .... "uldhl''CjolMdhlnd ..

10 tom. • diq"" .pID" hum .1Id. openly dtfinl i1,.'" ·"ll.Im. K.hOllleini'1 /f.,It/-U/·A1rtv ':0'111;"1 nUIIlffOlll dtro'.'oryRllIarts .b<lul,he lint th_Ct.ljphland 01"'" QOmp.llllonsoftht 1Io1yP,opbet.IOO~~gjoul ,obccited btre. Onl ca.a mer 10 the boot 0. IIC<: Maultnl MUlloor N-OlMn" S/tI·"IIC)'D I{,J/ !(uybody ftlIllI 10 );110. mo'" .bDullt.

I.,rcul.o .. of M ........ ·M.,l"·

t <:&n.OI do belle, IhlLa Ji~e ha-ethr. .".ctiolLlofM ... !Qi" .ul·f,(uLk.lbea ... tborofAJ'OlI·/-8<zy,...,..:t' .. IIichl't'ftedlhebumjn,jmp<.~1I10r Ihcaulhoo-",boluid folUldou' lbo!'11tIh .n...<lecp"udyol'tlluubjtct.EYCt)'manendom .. itlloom· 1!IOnIl(D ... ouldrt~IIlheulln(ooclusjon ir hedi:lpUilou· Ioly ,hinb 0,,",' Ih8 tnlltC'J.

··The 'nil" tllhattbeklil:rcn ••• t"inodbyIIlcShi'j1(3 .lIoul tbe ~ompuion, <:am u blame on Ine prophet hood and ",~k.~ on~ lkeplieal of IIbm. If .n~bocIy come. 10 hold ee vre ... lhalill IltoK.hop .... "",i.r.llh 10 IIw Propbct we ee mlly dilbel .. _', IMy pmetlded to be MlLSlim. bioi 'LWf-e ;,,!\dell ;"their hun of 1le&IU, and

I. /Ctlfl!/ ........ ~,. PI'. Ill-II ••

1 $ndMahdl'AlI(ItIl-nllA.U.JlOIIot!,.d2.lminAltH .. l*Itol.

""""",.., ""'IlL ,~. 1111. "rN lb lototo'r...."d·,lul. Mu~'I_h\I"'~

1M N ...... b", woo "' , _ .. aM nb ...... I-IIIM:.001 ....

.. ,001 _n6 llbet.lle ~i< ~L1"udc. "" .. D<lLLD«"d 1lL.5bt·j" cnod to -..pI"" foltb ", "",.,..-. Ho to<>k ~p tmi« u_ II .. LlIooo 1iyd""- ".100 ;m 1291 ... .11. ••• t/IO 10fIUI1ooo or N.,.lb M.Ulln "'~Mull;.nd was I"UIIOIIOIbio r..r _a. r.,...,..chitl, t<f_ ",.Iw

...................... IIe t.aE ... 1ood j.I.lOSA.ILJ'1I4A.O •

.... ' ... ..,.r.mto_ ttlencrotSlrSy<d .... madKho&

No .oo .... t<d ......... ry at .. MILdt ... M tn-., AI .... " ~ M ... llno£cl_tiOl>Olc.."~IDIJISII19'_""""kI'"""'o""'.

f<o. tile _ or 'I .... 1-1 ..... Im,",,_';ft _. 0' tk

wllep 1010 nll,.II, bc<".mo 1ot .. 1;'" UIiI>"oriIL7. II. h.d In

1 .... , • ..t _lI,y.nJ ... 'I'MIUI< .. rit ... J]"'".JJooyJ •• "._

otbh<....,"~"*" ... ,_rlOlr ....

they r.n ~wly~. lOQ!I as Ibe Prophet elosed hl~ ey", .o.ppot Acko .... ·l«Illc hi" proplH:lhood. He ClOP aU: Ibu irtlloProp~1 WlI~truty ameslllnllCf orOod,lIia t ... "I)'nl' .... ·ould h". ,urell' impn:sstd II 1<;iI1! a f~'" pen...,. ~nd made a cknt in tbeir OOtlL Whtl t>oli" .. "t in him o~t tlr mtl~ Il,an .1 hundm:! lhou!"'nd pe-rwOI ,,,'urins f~llr 10 him? .... 1 Ie'III ~ few ha~d.ed 0( lhrlll wtluld ha •• mnaintd ra.ithlUl to him! Iflhe ecmpaniolU .. 'ere POI pe:f.clln r~ilh. as you W.tlnlly ~rl.thcn whtl Lile penonJ .... roo 00 whom the I .... chin,gs of the Proph.t had ltft A IOSliPI imprtSlioo1 How m~nr ",e.., Lhey .. ho p,cllt.d by M. ptOphetboad ~ If, God forbid, ~IJ ba'rin~ the f.w to be counted on OIK~ Iin~f"5 wt"rc hypocriteJ and apoMal", Ihen whll I~'C fuilh 10 l!.Iom 30d who "'cr. rhose who any jx,nefil ',am Ihe lea"hinLlS or lhe holyPtOphcL?··'

Obif ... tklll or ... .tal Sb.·.111

Im.m Shu.1ibi Id. J lCl,'72~) ha~ made a ttc'n<:ham rcma,k on the oUitude of the 5l1j'ito:1, He,.ys: -Jewa and o.nOl;"n5 Ite more ,,· .. II·dilp<.>lN low •• dl thei, m.J5e0ICrs (If God. TIlt lews were uked; ·W~o .. ere t~ most ";rt~o\ls amon~1 )..::.u"!' They replied: ·ThOi<: ~ccompan}in~ M~: TI,e Cbrilliani "' .... Ilmilal'ly ukfd : ·Who Wl:n the bc..l In C.ilh anlonpl you!' They .. pIJed, ·T~e dl!dpJe, <:>flnus Christ.' nut wben the Shnln were a~ke<.l; 'Who nrc thor ,,'Otll Imonast )"o~?· The)' geve tbe nnlWCI: 'Tllcy ""Cf' Ih .. I:OmpaD,ons of the Prophet (peace be ~]>Iln him):·'

S.l'h~ PrcwmptJ"",

It !i«1IIS th,u the Shi'llt~ of l.~njan 5toc;k h~d =lImed Ihntth. curupllliolllOf Ih. holy Prophet WCIC men of Ihe ",me ktdne)· althe sreedy and Iclli~ .. orldly-minded ad""nlulCl"$

I • .t}~"#-"'.I'J_JI. loIIi ... ~u., ,,1(1, \'uJ. I. ~n. ~1. 2. J./i_,,· .• ,.s-!I,c,. w., \'01. I. p. 6.


bdon.I". 10 Ihe hht-vI. KiyJni. S.{awid Ind QI~b.i' d)'lllllicsoflheiro:<'lulIlJ)'.lfiti'conft'IIIa,llIcfore(lube" of 11111111 KJIomeini had miJl':I.\cd from Oudh ill IDdia to Irln.IMn btmusl blvc lakeD IbcW"Ulble ""m~ionl for thOM pcny but ~htmin8 and lilipnl landcdJCDIIJ of lhat Rjion who were WOOl 10 11110 any kIISU. tor «.lislIliop of theit P"lt)' jDt"UII, VuilJ God hOI .lre""y dtducd: 1lIu Is IMI, ~l/lli"",~"1 "f k_ltdJt; Stlnly rlr! LMd km', .. s 'UJ' wtll '~fJ# ... 110 """,If.1ffl al/ttl/.'

PropIofl'. lullM IO"'~ hli 11-"'1.

The .ceIn!! coDd;tioD ~ had ~ forth f<>t a 'UI;vena] ~liJioo claim;1IJ 10 .evolulfonire Ind jmpfO'lt lbe mort.lnd m.ont(lo(cnli1c bum""lIy "Utba, i'l ("ulldu_kolild nOI rei.., piety lllld wlt·abllc,llion rOlul~blis.bin,. dy""l,>e lule, He Ih~ kings ~nd t(Jn<l~rotl Dr !be 4/d, In ather _nl., he should DC'Ift C1Id •• ~our 10 p.omole lb. inl_rel" of hil IIC"R .nd dear Ollet OOr foi.\ lbern llPOD!.he pe<:lpk in Iny "'Y,

\lleu<l in Ihil 111'n, .. ~ 1;0 .... aaou I mir.\CIIlolH '~PC<I or"'e~har.u:m Or the lIolyPropbet w~ bad been &dockd frail! all Hith 10 a~wu !lie deloCl"plion 0",. "I"' .. ~d ill lb. Qllr'.II, "Thad ~rl of a 'dbli",. 1I~I ... re."· Til .. IO'n 1M cbroctc".tic- fdlur. of proplxhc morality empb;ulK<l b~ al] \he urli.r m .... n'"''' or God, Eub ODe of lhem b~d WIrQcd hi~ J'C'lpk th\l~: "I Mil of ~Oll "II w,&e for ,hi., fOt ,><,Il.C can ,,",ompeo>e me the lord or C'C&I;OIl,'" The .i,airiciD" of this PropJ"'I,. fIIlIll< '".~ "",U ~nderJlood by ElJlpCI'or BcracUul (610·6~11 "110 wu .'Crrot<l ill the Chriiuan SQ-Ipcurc and alsO tM," lbe "")" of lb. ~insl. On ~i"inl

L Q. S): lD, 2,Q_"'4

I. Q. 101 , IO? ho~ 1'1 .... , IloW. Silih, L.,c, SII."jh "!'OIL tI,I'IG 'boI'JIO<>ploln_,o.o,"I""""'",oro.h.!roi_"'r.~·"'" Ill, 14$, 164 aDd UIO or tho .. ",. sO,,~.

ehe len .. addteSl.ed co him b, ehc holy PloplJce, H.,,,,,IiWi 6Kid.dIOtalillyhlroKlfIDopIIM.illCe!itytl(ebePl>opllott. He leot rOT Abu $gf,.u. tbe Qura),hile chJ~f, ",110 happened 10 be!hcTe 011 bo>IinHIL He • .tN KIII,..l qualioo' from Abla SlIl'yitl. one o{whicb "II if there had !lttn ."y kills in the {Irony orlhe P'opllel. On ctttlnJ I reply In !If,Im-. l!eobwrvedtbattlMpufJK'llCClf biscllqui,y.'ulo_u.1n whdhorthe Ptoph~t WIS DOt trying 10 ~wr hi. kilt tintdom.'

Now let Itt Qlm) ... tIlif in&.. of pl"pl> .. hood from

.""tber ,Ie, rOt il .. ill ,froId ,wofillu the IIoly J>roph«

no:vtr otto<! 10 W~'1 powu "om tlte SlISSIInld. aDd Ih~

B~ntille EIIIJ"frors for !he AnbJ,1t1 .1_ fot Baa; Hwilll lod B4f1i MUllallb""Ihc.QufI,y"b. Nor t<'Cn Ihc ordilU.ry fOm,""y doubt al>outtbillSptdo( tbeml...., .. of ,h' holy Prophet. Tbr U"WI:f I;YIHl by • .ott . .,. II, 'Amir 10 RIlUlIII. the. ~I.a """,ral cl .... rly iUWllrlln thit pOlo!. On bew. ultod b1 II.llUIm .. hy Md tile Arlbl iqvaded Puloia. Ratrq replied: "Qed b,., .ppointc4 u.lblt .. C libe. .. Ie the etellUIU 01 God from l~ bond •• e of ~t (.110 .. bcinp Ind m.t. them ."bDlit to IIIe ()Pc aod 0"", God.'"

Th .. bot)' Proph.,'. atlitOOc 'O'Wlreb bis Rl.lloN &lid the me:1II!>enofhis(.milr ..... enlinlrdifl'.rtnIOrrtlbercoDtAf)' 10 thai Uluall) .60plcd by .. oridlrmindcd 1~lden IDd rulen, Th_ ",110 "'". ...._1 10 hill! .. eee lIWIe 10 f~ Ibe "Utesl triall Ind IriblilltWlI1, bUI ~'t 1111'1,. IUentcd tlw ''''IIJoel.l ,han: ill JpOiIJ of ..... ' ""d.molulDClllI.. Wb~a 'Aqba b. R"bI'a, Shu·,:;ba b. bbj'" 1M Walid b. '1)1ba SI~pped (",ward ia Ibc ballk IIf Badr III lbe Qutlysbilc MIIJli1ll1, Ib" hol)' Prophet onkRd HIlII2I, • ... Ii aad 'Ublydl 10 r_ those cd.bra,ed warlior$. Then wen: alll1l<rolll Ma;el .. Muslim prosent 011 lhe oC"'Ilion "'00 _R rquilly oqer ..

I M ..... mrm4 """,'il 1,·lot,hl.l, At.J4 .... -..w,~ ,"WMff. rl1i" .... W.!o/.(IoIIItI·.W ..... f."" .... oJ.Holoo ... '"JIV04. .. p.l. :z.IMXOdoi' ... ~"w..If'W.I""''iIIl.·''VOW.~ ~tEa,.., .. ),Y<>

"dl as compel",1 10 faec tile CMllIfs combJ.UQIS "ltHe lbe> I"'" ptfiOllf a.1I6II Up by tho Propllec BOIO_11 bclonttd 10 Buli HI$lll •. blSt WCR. _lin d_l, .... I&&<d to Io.i .. II "ell .. .. ~Id due by hI .... 8111 be !lid "'" _II ,.,ytoody elJe 10 IlIb! lhe tlltlllY i. ord.". 10 .. vc ,,"* ~ur« 10 Id .. fro. t.II~ impendin,tl.IIlIg('f. Thcy abo IlICCCcdcd ill!.ho talk IUO' ltd 10 1"<1'11; Kall!.U Ind 'AIl C'lDI.~ ".d ""hurl "hlle Abu ·Ublyld ...... Ir>=voouJy woulldtd. but IU the l~tU d"it I 6cltbbIQWlutb"i'Gppnnenll.

Concnrily, .... hell tllc Proplu::t proctailllltd the \t:.y of z..Iw (l.sutyillC.OIbe1lt on re'I)' MlI&l.Unlo poy. part or his .. ~il':I.Utltitllllo:aptctcribodrur_i" .. d'arc o(,.,bc· limn for .U li .. es to co ee I. b disqulified h. _n daa 0{ SuIt Hullin! VI <kfi .. e any bcMfiI fto ... "_ Api •• wN:. usury"l1$ dcclMeci impmnls1ib)o. hc mB<Ic a ~nn.inl by uk ... , his (lW. bnc:1e .... !Jbi". b. • ... bdlll Mutt.1lb 10 for,o tile inlcreM dlcto biraon the 10.111 advadCcdby him. Wbn. h .bolis;hcd ,,\I cI"im~orblo04-vcnICl."" III_ ~1"'P.ut..he _lJotlcdarNlbal tbel'qlriWof bi._JiIl Jl.lbi'i b .• t·fUelth II. 'Abd,1 MUII.,ib Ilood .... lIlincd .. illt ihelQllouDIlCmCtIt. A1lthdelloCUUtawo:feUiltOuaoet!byu.. Propbrt .!"II;II. b FMnl'e11 PII...- ... wt..:D ba Wd u. bi. -_:

··n..tlluryo(lhccb."""s_.·boW.IMd, aad tbe: finllltUry I .boiW< ialhatof1l:ly _n uQC:~. 'Abbb b. 'Abdul M .. llilib. Lo I tta dalRIS of bloDd· w.,.a ..... bt""'SlllA 101M jIR·llkmic period b-a..e .bDI',bcd. Tho: fin( dAoiIli 011 blood 1",111,1 & that 01 Rabl'lb .• '·!Otitb .. ho ... ul.lld<k<J._. BaaiLaiU, IDd"l.Iltilledbylbcdu"rH.4tyl"·

1\oLaalt.Ilftd,,_,. ... _

Uoli"~t.iDp.fIIlcn .Ddpolitl<;a.llcaderslbcPropbet

I, So<\t./IIw"I<fo,O.hl.IIII/J(IIfI ..... ,I'HO),VoL,U,p"At; ..... tuWII <IIIlbo~ofllblr •. ·"'lo.IulL&It..

or God alw~J1 k~pl bit kin •• nd ki~d«,d5 in IIIe bl.ckground, an4 I~ve p«f=n~~ 10 I)lhers ill ii~iftg 1)111 ,ilb 8,,4 rewardl. 'An r~I~ln Ihl F:nim~ b~4 10 wcrk liard in ,";"diDS rofO. When W tot ,lie ee ... ~ Ihu tome .Iav.,.girll hll4 bceo 1If01l,h, 10 Ihe Prophet. ~e W(:CI to him for rtqllCl.liOB one to be: "ven 10 ller. Tile Ptophtt.haw .. ..,r, w.u Ih." """ .,..""eQt in hi. houle. F~lima .... nt;coed I~. DUlter 10 'Aynba who ... tked In ,Ile Propbet aboul I;UilP~'~ troubk. 'Ali 5~yS; 'T~ Apo~llo of GDd vil-il«i our eecse when we hd "tired 10 ourmd •. We "''Cre aOOl,ll10 cel up but ..., I(lki U~ to 51;\)' where we '11'(:". do ... ·nst)c~ lome thai 1 f.1I the coldntkt of bi~ re~ on m)' dlUI. Then he laid. "tel !Po ,l1id. you 10 &0_1111111 bul.<1' Ihan whl )01,1 haWo ... bd. Wbo:n you 10 10 bed. retil. Suhh;ln A1IM (Olor)' bI: 10 God) IhinY'lh,cc lImn. Al/NIJrwh< /i/Ili/l (Praile be 10 God) thillY· ihRC limC1l and AlliJlt·O-AklNv (Ood;$ mosl Srtll) thi",. fou.limel. Th" i. betler than .... hal yOli bad asked ofm .....

In ... nolhe. report of the ume inc:idtll. band.d down throoglraoOlherlOllrc: •. thol"rophtlll also.eporINloU,.., added. "B~ God, I .... 0001 ,."" ygU an)'II\'ng "I I~O lirn~ when the beUies 0{ my o;omp"gio~5 of S~ff.' h~"" becu hollo\O'tdb)' huncer. J ha>'tnolb;ns tc reeet Ib~;r upen_ and (wHI seu li'lese 10 pT"OVJde for Ibern,'"

Til< Hgly !>raphel (pu" be: upon him) ullXl to visil hi. daughler rUim8 ",lieD en, lie wenl 001 of "hdiDa Bnd alway! "If her finl on «,Iu,n. W"~n tI,e P"'phet rome back (rom Ihe e"peditloa ofT.bU~ he ... =1 I., .... FAlima follo .... ing hi. lliU.ll pratt;""_ FlIim~ h~d purchi~d, ;I liule while BiD, .~rf(o.!"'.:'r"nddytdil in IUffo)l'Oalld bung a clirUi. 00 he. door Of spru~ ~ ma'I"~ on I~e noo.. The Prophn law th_ 8.1>11 lurned b~ck 10 hi. mosq.w Wilholll

I. IIdUtt •• I',cll' •• Ki" ... OS.,f{J<J4.

1. A t~k<d plo\l,.,. .. in II>< _uo a. M.ou.. ..".~< IMII I'" poOl' ... ml'.'don'd"'ln:ou.of ........ "'"lin .. _."«"l"'",10< Prttphot.

J,"'olbju,,.,'......,.""rllt:·ItQ.I,,,8 .... IlJ.l·0I.\'1I,1'P.2l.1.f

¥'lih, in.side her bouse. Fiitima KOI ror BiUI [0 enquire ",hy h~ fu\~r had &_ h:.d:: from he. doon'.po.. Bt!;1 .nquirN rrom the Prophet who told him .bou[ the lhiop h~ had _0 In fI!lmi'a house. fliUI reJ)Ol'1ed i, b~(k to FAlim.t ~ho to'" down lhe curtain l[c>IIOe, Ihr.w IW~Y tile dcoor.l!ive piODl:'I and r>:pla".,j Ih. new >lo:lrrby lin' uSbllone. Biliil again repaired 10 Ihe Propbel 10 Idl bim ~b<.>ul il. Thcn:up"" IbeProphcl\O"c1I1 !o_ FAtima andlllid. "DaughICl'. YOII oughltalivcla.:clhis..'"

A.o~~r I'Cl'QI'1 ~"l~! 'OM. F,lima ma6e H,u.n ud Huuin (then lIiUdlildren) put on ,iI,,.,bra,,,,I.u. W ... n the PrapheIJUIIbc:m.hc w;u annoyed and did lIot.nlcrillloller baule. Pt..:eivinlltbc<:JIll5O:ofM<"falhe'·slDllayl<ICCFi.iml tcol: "ll' tho bra.:..ICl~ Tho chlldrcnfd. diKollS<llltc and wcol "'cepio, II) tbe Pr<>p~ ",ho Io)()k the ~1c1S frOm lhem .ad saKi." Tlulubin, t .... Ibne 10 _b ud ,uch (6$IIulo;) persen, Tbcy\>o:k:lngtomyb_hold andl.,ouldoOlllke IAem 10 enjoy thH.e ple.a5urea in thi' very lifc.·'·

TlIjjhad breI! tho!: menIal outloo~orltl till: metltn~rs of God ... bil:h ",umore pronOo.lf14'"<l in thf:uU.rII ..... oFhllly ProI'~"'h<nbc!la>d ... t-Ioooeishtil'of\h·PJopbc":that wbich we ka-"<l-II 10 be Irc~lCd 11$ Ilms Ilnd belongs 10 illl MUIIIJIII."·

'''''''·rliadjffi:r:cottoplo:_~ofth ....... W,lh.PlophCl h.imlClr kd. frupJ lift, and also dCloiml Ibe Jamc: rOf Ib~ members of hi' flmily. O~ he beu«he<l God; "0, give su«eOBOOC 10 Ihe progenyot Mollllnm..:! only Ib maho lbe tW" co.h mc<1.R,

l.fU"'n'lidb. "biqb.~II(Ipt.2(j1 A,II.).T..-s_fioM s.rl_"n~ • ..11..,..111 ", ... ,",Jam, Modin .. Itj.: ~ld.lW<Iwl;s...... AM~",".

1.lI>ld •• p.S';Al>fDo---....l;.tI...-J.f:-w. '. ~4B.t/";sr-..AblD4 .....

~ . .r.Adfl..uc/;SMfAM<UI ...

XC]' ,,,Sool.lttiaoo

H" .. "'"I it I.>e', ill 'h",~ cil"':lnmln_ Ih~t lhe boIyPropbt1wouldh8~co:-verlbo"&hlol'~utOIlbin,.d>'".mc: ,ul~ or domiCIlon or comtlland of 1M CIo1iphalo or Iml· male' 10 hi5 killSmcn,· On lhe contrary, the ideal of !tumlin t(jbalilyandbrotbMboodasp<eKlINby hJam "II upteS&ed ill tho mn,m; Verily, nobiUl)');"" in ~inu<> ... 6.""," It "as nro:a .... yfur IIpholdiogtbi.<koc:lriDetballbcholy Propbec·skjp'menanddn«tldalll$ .. "'"'''''8n1,.,.tri''''(or aclt!¢'IIDI ~miDCn<:C! .nd di$ti"eci"n. like all Olhe( folio ..... or 11.14",. by Si~ID' • proof ef tbeir luperior kQowl«1ee IIIld Tinu"ul deecb., ulf·ucriflce Ind ItI'YI« 10 1M people. Tit" W'U III harm"",. wilh thno Qurauicdiet"m';

"And "Ie with ""'" 111>O'Iber, """"""'" 10 fOfJioe ... !.a from yoo, J..,;ord., and to a ~~....,., orho5e hf(:Rdth II ~ ht31'0111 and canh, ~p~~d fer I~C Cod'fHri~K_'" QUT'an destly &tItCl Ihll c.~r)' m~n il hil own ,«Ie-met:

h;. ............. ond rajl,,", mlhis "odd and t1wlloul,dtpc:1I<h

on hiJ0"" emdenour.

"Alld tbat. man oIl~1I h " to hi •• ""oont otd,. IS

hchlll,bou~; "I'd Ihal h ..,d,avollt olio.lllUIdy

bo .. en, Ibm he .mall I.>e'm:ompc:n>od lor ilwhlo the rulle:!lrecolltpl!nse.'·

"lid DObody will be .:alk-d upon 10 bea'IM bliNien of OIhttJ;~"body "iU be usp<>lIliblc ror hilowl! om;"ions ~nd (cntllllt'i,ig~ ..

1.I.fII.OAl'-l.h ... "".,..00<1""=lQn ... '"""'I'hobool""'_.i:I<_. a=rdItoIIOShi'ito_IT"IIi<b"tllb<d •• llwilbl.,,,,,,,,.

1. """""",1n11l)5Io;";I<oSoo:Iil ... ln,'"", .. ai>llCoIIph dOll<ltv<d,,,,

·" ... bot .... dM",1!r _inlO<! '" tho Im. and .....

... ~r •. T1>oI" .. IIIIb9\1I~~from.IIc_'QIIo""'.nd aIoe-_dc-aollOlli.U.-ilbwIIlim, J' .. ~r..,"""'mb..n'o" .U ... """""" .... hhr.o.Jofa""'r&.III<f11I"' .... ooI"'IriI~"""I.,.. (ItiI"LuIol.p.1.1; UJIIIK~.p.lOl)

1. Q.5 ,In •. Q.n:~~1

"E"erjlloul ur~, only to lta cwn :U:COIUU; DO soul"boararhelOado(iflorner.'"

Onoc the bell)' Prophel Ddd=t<d biJ n<:al"C$t kios <:lim .. , them br Mlllt. 10 ~11 11'1(111 Ih3t tbey could haYe whaleve. lh~y dCJired (/om his p01SeJ:!.io~s but he would be or ne hdp 10 tbem in Ih~ obli!ltio~s lh<!y owed 10 God He .aid:

"Olh!>l 'Abd Mu!>~f. I wOuld nlll 1:>0 of BOY ~lp 10 YOII [n maliC'", 10 God; 0 Safia.. ~unl gf IIIcProphel,lwoutdbehelpltls in atrotil1lhutrcliltc 10 God; 0 F:i.!lml bint Moh;lmmad, 11.,\ ... 'bal""tr you like (rOm rhol whkh J J><US<!" bUI in hl3U.,. ",luting to Cod. 1 would be belpl",,1..·'·

In<Joed,11>e Prophet ~l1led Ihe m.!.t(tT (or 3111imc,; to come by ded.rin. Iblt: "WbOfOO:\u Inil. behind in l~ioDt cannOI Fllhudbybisllnease."

Q,., .. vr c.Ji",*l~

Ttl. plcetlk~oflbcr\litfourC.1ipbilire3nyi.tldif"loliye o(divi""w"do"..

TIl.o.I Abu Dakr belon,illl! to 1130u T.mim.. was d«I.~ Sf the fil"it Cu.liph by the Mu~lim' inprcrc",,,,,,, 10 an~ one btlan· gin, In Ihc P'<>ph,t'. hn~l<hold or hi. f~mil~ (It ."~n to Bani Hashim or Bani Mgltalib. WI,!; nOl by IItCfC clI3nec nOr w", it brnllg.ln Bbnut by inlrilun or eratl) mlnoeuYlifl~, II ~a"", to htpp:" in or~rth"t th~rc .hould, "odouhlthullsl"m doc. nnl f~W)u, dYIlIl!lIic: rule. Wbelbc, it bco CIIliph:lt~ or Im'",.1.c.lhe ''''((Cllsion dc:~n<h on onc'JClIp,lbili'r, leu'i<>: '.ndered 1011,e communilY .and Ihe opinion of the malSCi, It W!~ ~\SO nOI ~dvull\ioUJ th"1 fOf m~"y oenluriu 10 come Ibnl Hisbim ~rc Ir~aled in 3 lik~ mw ..... by God n II~U .. t.habQdy.p6llti<: afth. MUllim •• Tf>cy WCT~be1d in CSI •• ", by tb e e nlirecom.mWlil~bul only bca.UK o(tMir kno .... ledge, piety. aelf·abn.,al'on and urvia! to Ihe commuoity. M",limt


t Srii' •• U'n'

IoveQ .. d ","erro th~'11 tMI. lu.tle,"; .. bonew. ldam \II'" indlo,n, tllqCll. .... forward 10 dcrond it: lIM! IIw),I ... Um JOciely .. a,ahr.)·.",jo"tn~tod.~i\·4'tI a.,.. .. lifo by tl!cmlhrollib MIt;n, an n.mpk of their VO\·O pcrl'«tilln of spirit .ad 1n0000h. S~,~ b flte <I"wb.iItf of All .. , f_ MII"1, IN Knm,1~ .. "

Ace_, IIItd '",",'1'11;'. If 1ft 0.""

Y.I aD6tlK-r prtr"loiwtc, :0.1 lndM:Altd ealli ... 1M • p"ITuial pmphnllood is Ulillhe ~datioo yO\ltbllfcd In 1M:

Iu, I:Id II.n~1 ptophC1, which r< Iho basis of it. dDlOtrinH and lelcbinp, ~nd M .. CS '" I o:onnetlin, lint lid_In th' Ocator aad lbe ""oalod, ."(>uk! Ix p".I(~d .ino"llh" rni~.tC of. dOl, ."ould um.;n inlcUiliblco .... 4 be .eciuld ,od"" Icudird ~1 Ih. people .c .11 limes .. :0. llYiol ""lptu",.ltlhollk!nO\fneellb.r.leof •• r!;'.,,,q:IICOo,," "'bit" were mu!lJatcd ud ehup nor ,ho.IeI;1 bcoome I ..

• ncienl •• ilio, 10 '" ",._, .. d lJ;e In !rdluok>linl ubibh.

Q ur l1Iic prOllOUn~m.nCI 011 lb. ,ubjetl •• e q\l;ce .I<'a. aJld upliciL At tile lime IIIe QIl,',,, ••• brio, revulfd 10 Ih~ holy l'rop~.1 by A,dlanJel Q.briel. Illd ti>c Propbet fei'l.uiov,o10 r;oOUl'l;C ;lalllhcmor1l l"d;ly 10billOl:_" inordcr.orcpl"Oduoc."" Word ofQod encrlr,.;,l!ou,a"y ~hulleIOotb_he ..... p.otni!oedIl\II:

·-QunitillO,.lberlr:.1:Id lortrile iI. So .lIeu "". ,.,elle it, fol1ow 1110\1 ito ,0cil.,lon. Tlwo 0\111 it n to npla;"il."

TIl. pf<lm;lIt 10 6~ cbtQ~r'in;n ,lie IMmorr oI'lhe PrOP~1 1I.";nl bee!! fqlAIIod, jl"'~' con.eyed 10 Lllo people .. ho ""''''0- rlied it ill PUI o. IN ""ok of it. TMrea/ler upedu;GI'II

L.TIot""'fI)"_oI'lL"_....,,'_DI'~f!< 'wIIolouPl

... '''"'.,.,..''' •• 04 ..... _ .... ''''' ..... ' ... 101 '.; .. ,.100

welt·h"""ofl<ltll<h.lfon •• "" .. h_.dpllonl",!Oh oI •• """r' ... I,I.amk«oUOInr .. &DiJ ...."'f!Ir.1i<4

l, 77:'~JJ'~o,,",,,,,

.~b.nldro!lowe4;MUIIu.I«pa 10 hcdispmotdladiJIlm b.Dd.I. bill the Qui'n OJ~li~\lCd anebanFd ;" h., on,ina! form oj"u Ood had .lRady held _ His word 10 .. j;:, .... rd it to the end of lime.

··V.,ily Wc \ It Os Wc .. 110 h~ ,cYflkd lhe Admonlti ..

• ad We.,., itt O .... rdJu."·

TQ(iDHY <II_M_~ s.~ ...

II b oota_lSary tocile here the findinp or 114 .. 11", .c:boll.n ,bo,t pretcr ... tloa of the Qu.r·'D fo.ll0b0dy bat ~r uptmed ally doll'" 'boll it U«fII tile Shi·n ..... AbsolullC puril)'ortbQur.aaklul,t'reeO(.II01>fTliptlou • .c:C«I~ "'lId tbccr«d bolo! by Ih"," bdoo.i.,10 Abl· $011111"" bllll hive lhclqlirnooyorl r.,.. noll·MUlI''''' IpKI.Uy Cb".lillt ..,bo[an ... ho Ire III'Ctd Ihll Ih_ Qut·.n is "'he .. •

Euro~"n Kbolaf1 Or tJ.lam, COII1lft(Jn]yknown a. Qrlenll' lislt.40l}Otshr. thcbitbofthc M""limsth! III. Qui', .u rnclkd. t., Gad, bul they aIR'" ",!ill lIIem lila! tile Qu.t'la ,uaovllth.n nobjec:led 10 aD)'Ibia •• iodr. ".redar;tion of Ihe Holy Tc~l. Sir WiUi.", Mul •• lIot nry 'rmp..ll~C1ie 10 lila .. aDd iu PI'01l~. and ".OK .Ilqatlom lpin\ol tbe I,",e< re bis Life of MilfltHrwr ~ Sir S)'Cd Ahmad Khan hOWD rot'h;1 libe .. , .. i ... , and lDodJernj,m, 10,.,0 1M KA"rJ.;j"j. "Moodi,.. 10 refill. hilll, Ktnowledli'i lhe IC,'III~1 purily or U!c Qur'ln ill th.,e WOl'dI:

"Cool~ndin.;IOnd emblt1o",01 ,"""OIli. Io);,n, their .iuinllleDltlro.rof Ollunu hi ... .clf .. ilbia. qUIrI"of. «ntQry (rom 1M d.~lh of Mahomet. ha'1' ew< li~ "'III the M.homcl.1l W(I.!d. Vet hili 00<: Corl .. ,,-, boca


2,. ".... ....... alItMIM. I • .0\ ...... 4<.lin ... ~h tho 11« ........ 10 •• _ .. c .. oIdooQol,·h.n~. Un:IQt_i1o,_k_ ..

U. ..... h III<- TiffU S.I·/~_'" b7 S. N ..... Alt

,. Q,I..I .. F<o"';. FotI,o" TIl. F"'~ 101M UFO. lIT. Iti..., WOO<! !o,o't<:f.

Its!. p. I; 'hill., K, t-lj<!~ m".'J' '" ,II<- ...... ~. Lor!~on, lell, •. IH,

CUlrcDt amoftpt Ihcm; Ind Ihe OOf»(nlUtOui UK by Ihrm .\1 11'1 eury .,~ uJI to the pre6tnl dll' ar 1M Same Scr;plu,e, II III ;rrd.allablt pl"oof thll We hl .. e n" .. ber.,..., ... Ih ,~ It" p~rtd by oomrn.Dd "f I~ unrortij!lOtt Cillph. "tM:rc ii probably ill 1M _01"10:1 110 Olh,. work .. hick hat .tmoilltO ' .... 1 •• «nID.ift "lib J() pure.lul.'·

Wheny "'-;101 III hii o;ommuluy "" 1M Qur"11I :

"Thtlnl o(lhtQur'iniJlIlcJlu'~lof.1I .. orb or

• like ~ol>q ... ilf'''· L""t'POOlemlifi«:

"11 ii an 1m_Me m.·", In the I(IIf8tI Ibll th= il 110 donbl ., 111;10 "'~II;Mlleu, ••.•. Th'l ~ry WOld We "II nOOl ,nod wilh r~1I oonAdtno:.: Ih"1 ;1 b.. '.m~intd IInchUlledlhr<lu.b Ilea.lythlrtrcftbundred )"''':'' IIoswurlbSmi,hbure.,htill,,",OOMlllSIO.IIlbll

"llIlhe Kllran, wthl,·cbeYOIId.llj tl"S¢".ble doubt, llu:euc' words of Mohlrnm:r.<!, wilhoUI'U\>SI,\lclialllnd

I',or. Arnold "nln in !he f.lami. FlU/II :

"Th. Itll or Ihis 'ecC"fliion ... bIt'olililyoor""JIOnoU 101M "lui UII.,AD(lC' of />tuhamrn"d him ... lr.···

Many more u.Jd,,_ .. an be plO<htqo;l in iUppo.1 of the pt_ .... tio-a orQII~nictu.\ill .Ii 01,,111&1 form bIIl;1 is pe.hap< 001 "..,. ..... )' 10 proloa. Ih .. dilC1Wion witlt {unbr.


S,l'i!. Cf«4 i. rtpr<l 1,,1'" Q\R' ••

Let III OOW,UI Ot~ Shi',,< belier ill •••• ollo 1M Qur'in

1. ~'r.ill!.un~IUI.,J..ifo"'M""" •. Loo.dooI, 1911. \'01. 1.1'1', XXII·

1. WII<",. E. M • .-I c-,._(~C __ ,_ lio Qoo.·u, \'011 .......", •. ,IK-,.,....

~. ~.od La .. ·I'<IoI., s.ltttlo .. / __ ,'''' Ir_. Tg'"b .. ,~. la~, 'nuII,p, c .

•. .... 1"0'111 5 ....... 14_.0.1 M_,_"...Loht"".1,1., .n

'. AI",""".T,W~/'-~"-'·.~.P'"

Tllty ho:d Ih~1 !he Quno;,; tell was mutibtcd; !.bert is .lmo>! a «ItlSItm .... Ul>OtI' !.bt;r Kbolan ee Ihit. poi"I.' ' .... IIJIII. "''''Ii T.bra.; t,u ... rillea • tK.tisc: enlltled r ... /..,t· KMI4bfi·£tlf/vJr T.»vtf X'/DO 1lA''''' u.ATNb' le ... bicfl /Ie U)' thl mGtt I~'O IWO tb(JU .. nd 'tpOtU lIu4ed d" ... " by lhe Iml"'" pMi,i~tly &slO'It that there h\'c bfto mlnr IIt"r.uiolll;O the teat 0( tile: Qur'in"", ha,e "I p\fl •• t.· UOtl1tM Itoth or Ihe dt~tnth «nllll)'. Ibal n.'o lh~ lime of'AIUma """.,lohjli .. ...... tile F~tClt Clpllundf'" orShi',ttfa'th, Of ueoth .... e.fitr. ,he Slll'jte~ton h.,~ beell ad'~nilitll tbe vic-w tIIll 1M Qur'lfI ba.. t-.. sull;ectcd 10 Ih.rwtiolll. add,licnl .nd K<!IIICI ....... • We h,~ .ltndy r.{ftK'li 10 'AIU..,. Khomelnl', v~ ill Rlard 10 Qur'l" wbertin he ,"id 'hI 'it pOfcd no problent l{or ,he .omp;r.. nionl) 10 d ...... e !hose ."tnCS {dtcl.ring 'All ~ ,·icc",,..,tlt o(lbaPropbt\lI.lMItMJ><;Qciplcafhnlro'lej.tomWinlt,... pol.llon. in 1111: diviae &tiptlln: end pUllM QUI"" 0111 of liJ!hl10 Iltc cod or time," Helin 800 lSKftrd !hU .. the char"'o(<<Imtplin.llhcirtQIJpCu,"",,} Mu!lilN011 tbe

1",IIDd Cbrjrotlatls is pfO'o't11 1"'1U1 II>o..,co""'.",Io .

liM! K.J/. is oc.e or Ihe _ lu!.bmtic IhrOkIpc..1 Ofb

opShi·'itm· It &1>"" 8nul!lbelo{eu.m.pieI. 10 show IbM. _01 nrKO ~ ikk!lro (rom lhe Qur'iIl "'rule othen were iaHrttd In il.' 1"bt book 1II'~n lhe allegation thot obout

I. OtIlr ,_ ~bo·"., ok><I."., $odOq. SIIo.lf 101",1 A~" J'.f .. TIIto'

.. n~ Abu 'AI[ Tob .. lf .... '.«<JrI"''''~ ,~(. '-II 01 .... erl ~"'._

'booJl ... i ,b<o.I ~f'I"." .... _ ... 'o """NC:an''''

th"'OkW ..,. , I •• I • ., •• _'bo'...,.<a!tN"" ..

c ...... ood_el'l (n •• vou.olfpuri.'ot'Iooq.,d.ltoc&_

r.:..:._""'ocoq,I.d of_.,..Of..",..l>lwoDot ..... ·•

l TWo _ ~ .. "".ntl, "-' ,.,tIlt.'*! lei hliaA.

3. flJof.aL .. "...~N.)ooI.lM".II."'n1. ~,"Ofd_"lI"'M.Mo""""I'I"","",,"~""~""" ~

_S~'""',\...OIo:.k_ l'lU.!>-IS6..

" K.bOV.aI-.4, ... , ,p.II ••

ti. Ar-IlUi.~I.(I'oifM '.'"m·.,.J·f(f/I..LwIt·n ..... 11oJ. .... tl."".U2.

U+--6tl."~267 """,.""",'01,,,,,_101<1'0\,«1,,,,,,, .. ,,,," ("",;.M"""."

, ..... think of Ihr Qur'tp h1I twa pilfefed .ill« II orW~.n,. co .. u.lOItdu ....... yu~l4Cntb.o ..... ~d .... 'KS.' Shj',lftbokl Iba, Ihr QIJ",o 10 III Ofilia.1 rorm "'. c:ompilcd br Caliph 'Ali IIId " iI .tiD 10 tIM IAre <lISlod, oIl11e G~II (hlddm) I","m. Accordin. 10 tlldr bdie( tho Qur'l .. witII Ih. lmllll GIIll'il! io .lIwel, cliff.~"1 r,om tho .-littio. one.' A rew of their I.' .... all 011 reoorcl 111,1 UlC)' poIi'WoCd Ih. miliOl1 Qur'1I bOWl! U M~f·I.F(I.II_ (f.lillll·. S«'ptUII) whkb YU thr. list:Jo:II ..... re foillmil>o •• lbn 1M hlum, Qai"., ....

r.lla..-I.I .. Q .......

nw. bo!, Qur'u io Iud., • leu·boot by pncticallr ... cty ",,"IUn ill c""'l put or lbe "orW aDd Ih., of ,,,- .. liD _mil it to lO.mor, rUD' Into hndJed!. of ihoUliodl; lbe'" WOuld har.:lJy be. ""'Q ... be",. r ... or 'Ill _rlIcn ... ould_tbcfOlindor .. MNlbe .. ""loofilia tJ4I rteilCd _ 0, l1II'ice'in lho , .... 4I'I'W pr~ycn duria. RUIIJ.dMII; yd, 11><1 SIII'iu. bl" .b_n Ullk 'nlt,.1t fa iu lucb;a.a!Id prUCND8 wbiclli"ppafl'lll.1,. 101 .. 1' ~11Il1 ofl!lti, .... rdllb.Wordof QocL. Ilia <'OlJIlIIOtII,. bclincdtb&II"-Sb~'itc,dollol haYe \lie iW4ru. or 1M 1IIt1IIcm-m or tile Qur'An. The ",rile, of Ih(:se linel bu !wi an occ~n of ..... lin' wtth 10 IxpcriollCe of .imUir ... IU •• clUJ"', II .. lOUtOrll'-.nm\971 ... hicbC<laIi""edlbililllpr=lion.~ Ibcrc io a MiWint ,.1;polII ptll.crinJ. Eur0l'" -ad A-nc. QOt .. (Iudi'd •• Mull.", I. &hr.y. found .... ho ~II Keitt 11 ...... 11 cht!.plCr or _ fa'II' ven .. ofUie holy Qur'.n bdorw;". theptOnfllill.lo(. r:u .. tia •. ButiDlr •• it .. uutlIer'I'ite. TN ... rher bad lODe 10 1It'1 COllDt')' •• 1M brad or I dele •• lloh d'p<llcd by til, World ,",,,.lIm Or'.Dif~t'On. He .....


_ ... oct by ltrIiI<n Mubr.-'<I 1> • .!-'U_ tIoo ,.,IIUI _ 1M

~idoIoool.a .

I.Uoll~ .• , "p.2'1.


J._ .. ,.,t.O.

4.~".,.... ..... Nd4uriro.t.-Ltbe.

i,,~i.ed to ~ 'III~inl held.o .... k<lm~ th. dele."too, by an C.o:nintll' thooloala" kilo"" UAyltQ\I,.h,.. his 'f3i<1ellCC> \n lanin N'ili. Tehran. Th. llleetinjl bc8~O .. i.b .he recitation or the Qu,"'.o but it was read a copy of the Scripture held by tilt lOD or the theolo&iU. Th. ""tit .. aiD hdnJ no:ita,ion of tile QUt'h in the mOlquos of Qum.nd MoJhh..;! n:layed t~ ....... 110$ of E$~ptla" qwI~_J This iadil!'CRtKeI Hilly Book teem. to be Ihe ",;lIOn "h~ Inninn I,blanc. lack 6lIC1l. ilIuminaled oopiosof Ihe Qur':in ti OR DOflZIaily foWld ill .1'111011 e'>'t;l)' !!lnary or 1m. Islamic woOd.

AIIE:JH>"_'10 Dntln-aofdltQoo., ..

How call aIIy<ltI<: cl3imi"~ \0 be,. !o'III51im but dcn~in, 1M a~lu,e purity the Our'u con pRXOl his nftd 10 0111.,. witnooD!ldenec or claim Inilialamis tbe-ooly"~lnS prineipJe rotma01 Ho ... ,lyandu .. at~""'ill"""id.uftorla_ andi .. ca.lyadbercnl.p.jnledbytbooe .. bobo!jj,"'int"" penn.ion of tit .. Qur'iin ond how .::tn Ih~y. with these oona:pll in Iheir bntim. invite(lthen 10 ,i\.fllitb'0 the UII,It of illam 7 Does ODe nted IQ}l.lI1ng rnOft! 10 rcbu"he (jll.i ... of Illalll ""be IJUt lOll .~rall r.irhoImJlokiad?

Tba~DflBt ..... ",

The fw"h udUte 1m ClJtulition tneDooDOdby lIS tot apelOnDillprophtlhood"a,thutllept'opboclhouidbethc cenl",ofafr«tioolsodsou_of8IJidar.c:crorhisfolknocn.. Uke ,he OQC:l\ea (I( God. the Propb.t:t is tIw toOk upeoi-.oc .. r <I;yj,.. I .... Ind commlll<l.. Dr. Sir Mltoltamnud lq_1ul b. corlftt.[~tJCp1at..e<lthcc,,1turaJ .... llI<-o(thellnaJity .. fprop~· hood 1"101.,,, in "". "fb.iti artil:kloOD QatIWliJmio .. bicb heUYI:

··MliiU_arellJlwrallye.trI....-dlnarll~ItOliti""«>tbOlC 1II00000mc .... whiell "'* I 1!o".1 lo.tlteif IInit~; tet, fsllJllic: lltlil~ckri¥a;lsl'l.reJlllbfromlhefi.DalilyofthePrOflhcI ....

We belie", ,hal btu .. all • telillOll w:a.s .. "".Ied toy God bUI lsl.1m .s ,,~lel~ Or oommunity o""n ils ni.tclI«tlltbcpersollaliryollllebolyPropbcl".'

Let \IJ !lOW' ~ !be bclid •• ~d d~"nes 0( I",amate hold by the Sbi'iI.c:s al Ii.en l~ rhe LI,i/ /(a{l' TIl e Imiflt, accordillllOtbcJrbelitf ••• __ lolhc.Prupilcllpp.oinlod by GOO. I .. lh~1 eapecily b. it infdliblc. tlOdo1rcd .. ,III !be dlvin.';flor impco;:Qbilily, and hu 10 ,,"oboytd br.n in rtll,HlU.;iS Itdl as lcmporaJIII311tnl. H. i.cqu;ol in d;'Wily or ralhN- uoolb the plopbc". 0;";11(: judJa'Mol or uw>'t flilll dopecad, on clIe I ..... IBI ror lhey InI lbe ""~ta: of "tiS"''''' ~., .. Inly. Wo,ld CIII.IIOI last '''Ihoul ~n aDd il is illl'lI",l>::nl on e=y r",thful to ock1>Owlod,c bil IeIdcnltip. TIo=f,,",_ he .. to bcobeycd lile tbe Ma!C1I1'1T of God. TM lmims han Ill e IllIborily 10 <I~I.", loylhiol

p«mili!.iblco,imp:nnla.iblC for Ihey .n dl',l)<Ily p I~lcd

.... il>l .rmr 11Id .. n. One .. bo hitd I"I.itb ill .11 lmim uld

.n.I ... !v.u"''' .... olfll .... te •• inn.,atldWJonlde'C1".The Im~m' a"" tqu.ol in d;ltlily 10 I"" !~~I Prophol bUI hight, IhAD.1I olMr 1IlI'~"'.'1 orGe<I;l~rr JXllIeiItJ:. kno"lcd,c o(what .,a. IIld .. hilt will be. mil is. 1M pUt all4 (11111",. The deed! of all ,,"",I~"'" of God ~te p.nctued c,'tl)' day bcforelhelm.;"..,;.,bo.,..,,,,,,,·bilSbyl""anj\cI .. 11>ey .... ~IICC A!CcII5ion e'o't'ry Th"",",ay .1Ii~ .. ne .. "'"pIli'. i ... m "6,.. .. 10 IhemnC'h ycar in SJrflb.j.(}adr IN.,I .. or Pow.,.~ TI>e)o pclS!oCU ""rhodl)' o'~r death ~nd con 1T1I~1 whl1e~" of !.hilt worl~ 01 !lie hc:ru/lt' lhey lite 0" wIIom~o ... "r lhey ;= J>It~ 10 eo"..... TIK ~Bomcaoce orlhis _lit of Imarnal~ bas ~n <UNlrlled t~tn by non·Mlillim ..... ,on ... makin,lileim.!im&··pa'l<Ikt" of Ihedi.ine nalll'e.· .. Th<t Jr,fn.nte d,,"11 by ."011><-, E~rcJ'~.1I ",;Iff W. hano. i.: ""',lblh"lilbl or ilJlIlMOlIW.l;"uall) "","",a .... 161""

1.1Io<B"i"I.Lo,;fA.",""(od.III"'II.~,Lo..,,...t'.r1.,.Il1.Il6. l. y"./l.I • ., <1t •• pp.I01_l".

'.T_r.lri<t.Hb .. ",.I .. orl1",.,lkl.p.J14.


_.1<;1. l~ louiEo", of p.ap~la~lp, Or 'p05.kl~;p. 0CClI1*d Olllt a .. nli"uy po,i,;o':'" Pllillip K. Hilli lias _\10 altftlCtly :WeI1lId tbe illlpl ... tiom (]( lmamlUc lot boo "'Y': "T,,fbanOcfofhl~.....,.;Ie "t'\'tl~lion,lI>tKora".I""IRl<'nII«I .. 'l' bc.",_ God.oo ,,&<I; d'lcSbi'3f1modc."" intcrm«liary II perIOD, .1Ie ~m. 1'0 'I bel,"" ill Allall the OM God' &nd 'I bdico.>c ;1I11Ie: ~1'lio" Q(I~ Ko,.", wllieh Ii 1In.:.e:ucd (tolll ''"'''Iy',.be SIIi'ild I>0'Il' ad<Ied. nul' _<tid. or hidl : 'I bcl~ Ilia, the Im.m upeciaUy d1~ by "II~" Uthebearctoflp:uto( .bcd." .... boinauIM le.deI /0 lalvatioa.."·

T1IiI U1&I«Ited ,,~w or lmllmlte which I"'" beyond uciILlndliDIIllchau.'.ilmto til" Iho IlIlinIs ,0 'hpotitiOCl o(d;yinily .... aOCllIt.e Inaenlcrwdollruni" Ih"dlvlne 0.1,10 of killl~ u. the pr.·hhmic lr~. tdiaioll' nml,.mrO,l! 1I1I.lIocky w;d to be uu<:i,,(d by p.nielila. ..Ibet. Il .. " conocllUlted in Hie' ~&Ion 0( Mnli .. in II .. ancitn. p~ll; .ne. ZoroISIti&OWu _oolid"td iU hold 011 .he country, ",iii;"'" Lc.adetl~ .:amc (0 be hdd by the It·MotU .. Uk. Tbe 1111"; .... b<ol;'m:I ,hal lbe prind, ~l~u *<1.$ lhe olI.dow of(jocl""eirth,o;R.tedf~lhc_~,"ofgodoA"d.IIIDTf_. lb. ",I~r or tbe o;ounll'J' $ho~ld ~llol be, from !hej~ nnh and blood. In I"" c>!,mation of lJ1lni.,u ,he rule, ... ·U lA IlICIOtMlionofGocl."d it *11 IIi. pruoptl.c to <>IIiClatca. d!,.fp'ico.t Btlhc lirc·aller.

The ",,,I,ve beh.nd "CCCp'"IlC'C ofShfum hy lbe Ir'n'.I" lad 1~ pee", .. r WlK'Cpt of Im'm~tc Mtd by them lIu bton lb" ••• pl~llI¢d by an eminenl LIYpt';,q $d"I .. Or. Ahnud AII1II1 in Ihe ZMJo,U.IJ/(JIft :

"A 1f"'1 m\iorilyor tho: halUlllIWC'f't ltd 10 Ib

J. !LA. R. OiMIbo .... J. 11. K, .... ", SJ-,... £«<J't/",....Jl. 01 '.0 .. , I.<liIota. I~l;j. JI. [Mi.

t. Hl".q#"It...." .. , • ., .• / ••• p. 2,1


failhi .. Sbr,,,,,,beealllloelhcy~lt_oJPOdIIl"\lrib~lc d,ylllilr U. I~ejr I!I(IlIardll. ner bd~ 111.11 lb. blood nlnllinaiathomn,oI'tbtrulenW&ldil'knlllfrODllh., perc;ol"IIIIIf1IMbodyo(.ccnllmonmaa.. Tbcrcron:,..-bell lh.y ~bm. they ,ioW'Cd tI'I< hoi, Proph.t in Ihe .ume rigbt M they .. 'ere luuMd 10 (Jallhoi, Jo>t'"i,n ... n. .. Il'Itr liSocia,td di.;nil~ III lb. Pt0FlI<", ~ou>thokl like tM manb.,"ofoJ" imperial ramili"-

"WMnlhcpropbe, bldfllrt'We\l IOlbtworld, Ib.y .. -e,.IMtillCli ... ly ..,n~in~ III~I only 1M PropMt'l kin. could """,,,IDe hi, .,,"" .. ou ... •

Tbe (1IIm/nalinl point of 111,. rll."C1'IIt.~ eo_PI of Imam.'t .. miblltia, itwitb ..... t..laP«of prophclhood and f,cquuIIY"'itAthedr.lntRltribulell,ilthebetill(;ntbttwdnh ('<)f)Cu.Ltdo,/lItilmGlw.nb. Hi,bi,rhundlubscquenIQDR«Dln .. tll .ndlhon l"idonee .. ! l11e: f.ilh(llllotb.clldor limoe tr.lnl«ndl Ih. la ... orphY'jQ'.~ill<:~ on lhft canb. I ..

• ..,,,,.pa<>c .. i\h ,Mi, btlitf •• tht "",.lflll holm I>IuhllmlQad .nl~dlt .. 10 I ~''C in III. 10110'1\ Sur ... m .... RI'., ''''''I.nlh ~ .. family.nd dtpell<kolS,rel\da)"lbdbt.lh.deatlIoIhif'4ther, 1M .ku~lh II'hm .1.HUlIn .1·'/,.1.... IT II bolievcd r~'1 ~. II It ill AI,~~ ... d will reapp •• r •• ain jn Ih~ ''''I diY' ., lbe "'''''ill or "Directo," 10 rule 0' .. , I~' wbo" ",(I.lel'

It I •• 1.0 ~.kl by ,M £Ihnl 'Alhor1 Or 1M T ... ..,\v.r •• ct of Ibe Shl'/'el IMt inili.lly rho 1.11 lnum mlioUli".d e(lRl~CI .. ',h)'i. rona ..... and luid~'hem frolll hjj cn •. An.,. III" •• 1M: ... nl illlo 10u.1 cOII<nlmcnllod t.obtldye<.l .. havc _'0 hilll n<)w aOlil he 11«'00 to nlpp.or I,.ia,' ,,,11_ I"norill'. yloH!s .bwf 1 __

WI ""mebod1 may Ihillk Ihl IIIne jlKr~luIou' do,ma' ~.E"p<.'9':,VQtm,p.~i19.

2. 1),.11(41. ~" dr",." 201, 107,

l, A.'N~''i,EMIIi~ T.rI<.", T lOl It,.,.. :.10.


.. ~ ... Add by tbe pepple: b~fOle rbe daw!! ()r ~nIJBhl.nnnnl butno"'llMinrot~andtdllCaledpeT:I01Ii,partiwlarly al\er the ',I;!.Ink rC\IOM;on. mun bl'"e IMir "jews, "' ... ,i>'C here aD ftltllCl f,OIll '!DIm KhooVioi"' AI·U,.kiillll1ffli- 1I!Ilm()'llJ<. He sAl":

"The ImAm OCCupiUlhe ('jlorioa~ S;ation. th~ supnme plac. and wicldlnch a delegated ulllorilY or Sl="O$j~ tbat cVCl)thia,ln tills Unil"li<I lubmits I" hi, <lIrpIolljnl &lory. 10 l«<Itd_",,", ... ith the "'",pled (ellCl~ of our ... 1iJ!iou lICithq any.nlel ,,(tbehl.hcotr.l .. k no, anyOr>e "DI&ln prop""'t 1;\00 anain Ihc5IJblimcpo:silNln of an Imlm. Ai relllCd in our ilMdllh the G~nl Prophet aJld ,I,e l.:nam, exi'lcd befo", thC~""1Iioooflh,"ormnj~ oflkr in Ibe tom. oC light, .. Dei,d;o, the Thronco a{(;od and enjoy;n, such propiQquilY 10 Him ~I kno,"," <)~I~ \Ol God:"

Ililim Khomdlli cnlcnailU belief in lhoc: III"'''' Gf'lf(b (tbcHiddtn tm<im) 111re.1i 0111<1' Ihe(lloglal'll or!hoe Elbni 'A\h~ri Ilt~. Althou¥h more !han 11. thot""nd )·ca,., hn~ piJ>cd .illCe hi. ro,"",u!m~al, 1M Im .. m 1tLI)· luppcar, 3""0" dios [0 ·"HAm. Khl)lT~ioi. _flU 11. lap<e of ~norhe, (ew IbflIl$1I.04)url.

AHc.-tille'vloio1101'S~nWll.!i ... U.1I

T1tue p<)Iy\h<IiJIO:: bclie(~.b04t lilt IIII,;m ".rna to!til()fI the b,!k:vnwoQ( Shah Wyli·ullah in ,,_'Ilic:1l hc dllml [0 blvc_llllleholyf"l)pI!e,1I.nd uk<!dhhl)pinlO)nlboulthe Shi'ilo $Q.1. The P'rOpl~1 is illted In ha,. told him that tb. m!lbdiof j"bereol in ;l~ ""-' <'>Ovid ho und.ntood I;>y th<r term lmlm. Shih Wllli·ullah fmller.a)'!) thu erter hi, dclttnt from bil .pltirull t.anlflo,t he sa"" Ih()Plhl to til .. malIC' aad c:t.m~ '0 undcrstud how Ihe beli.fin lh. impettabililY ortbe Imo.m. unquutloninlobc<lienCitohimil!dhi''''l:"'ptinn o( .... ''''lalion._rhe dillilXl"'c fUI"R5 q[ ,lie ".ophon

I, ·"tr_.X~". AI.JIDII ..... '·/,Il .. )<IoI. I.::"',,bU" •• _..,. blitr);,p- n.

lit eo....mou'IIN 10 dcl\ial o( tb ~ ... 1i'Y or lut PJophct.'" TMaoo.- u..,of'Iu..,,,

The Pruplm. otbl.o.m. may the peace- _lid bluoiogJ 01 God be IIpD11 llim, .... """C1 001 mcn:l~ 01<, I<Ibmlw... 10 M. bul much thin dI~~ Ev<ry ~]ie"" IIIL! 10 ruI"nlC an alJealOll and ~oljOA, an ._Iiona] IIld s:plmud Inach""'"t 10 bim lhalO_pIlllelo Ibc",.., for OiIIe',o ... n lire. ~~ and property. Nt.u to God. tho ",dow lor Ihe h.Q.I,P't'opllc1rbouldbc_'IM~lhao""'retudror 'nybun>anbeinl-bel"'OIloorlbcPr09~a'lho ... hold •• ~otrc"81on0<'·Aial~otooulThcProphcl • like'he Gloriout l~rnp or bea .... n .... ile all OIhen-bii C<lmpllnionl. kin., .he ftl'orlllUI IDd 'M ,;um..CIOtl$U11, tbe ,.,..ahllion ...... and IhcC<lllCluerort-bcar.....,lIlbl.llu 10 Illrry hOI\) mlde radil .. 1 by the.1IO.

TIle !Soar;n. of lmamlOle II II odds ... llh Ibe nunurio. orIOndei' r..ljD~' (Of Ih holy Prophel. A 10",,11 result or 1.11. n:lllfI('C 011 I_matc "I In Irt;"ie "rr.jth h31 beta Ihat Shj·itc ... rit<nll.",,.,U,dloprod_,oodbil)paplllu,,ltM holy P,ophol 0' odar mill. pr1;K. Their ,hym. !.&mendol the manyrdo .. o(H"'SIoin udpml<IY,lcalpOtlllliDdI.honou, or the PropMl·. tn>lIIehold do c~P"" uquiJj", i .. p«uion. or 1M;, heul aMlCln bec ... ..w up<li.plin ..... illlihe &Itlof >peedIbut .. heO;ICOIDeI10 Ihcculo&i\llllo(thoPropbeIthrir com~i.ionlb:l~ylhcI8l;korpoet'.j"""nIlOI.r.eli"""'."nl in rh)'lhmi~ Ian,"", •• They .... " lailcdlo I"odace 10)' poet illdil;"g 11",<LoIOf)' VCfSC$ "'lIIp.,~ble 10 ~a Ami, M,nI'; Al,if H_1n Hili. MuhllD K~kor .. ;, M~h~!ruJIad Iqbiil Or War 'Ali Kh.D. lei II000e or .be nlibn: of Quebi and Jim;. The 'UMln f<)f IMir Co.ilu •• i. JlO1 r.r 10 ~It. The ... ri.e,

I. StoUr Wo.l;·ullar.. At/·DIInol'_' Ji.oII_~_ •. 'ief u .......... _b'." ...... d;.O'~I,p.~.

of the .. Ii"", h"" IilrowEI liIlIt on lhll wu~ 111 0". of hi, wo,k,oll.uILedDruJd'IKobtJ&DIJ".·ir",,,,,;j; r ..... it.OIIIe! IlOI be 0111 of Vi,"" III. roprod_ Ilk obterV'lio", Iwn.

wTb.~lmllllSortbc~t"·vro",01h1 ...

• , ... ).,~nycrJIil<cl;,"tbou.tcllofp.irb,1'IOI>1a1he .~,l'OIIodiD' .. & or e!&I"\oO". No Mwltma trot 10 hill r"ilhcan Mvctb, lelltdoubt'!>oQI il. aut "fccl tAlIlbci, imll!Clderl .... lIIOtiunll'"l~cnt .ne!cu .. _ npD"" inlhc: • .soootioaollbc Prophct".botollfboldhll O,,"fOClIIIC !heir illcelltct and ",,"oeicolle. 111 owopia_ Ihiolu~r&bu<>c!uoeoratrcetionlortbcf'roploa:"bo_ hold lUI wcUcllocI !bti, rqard 100:1 ardour foc \lie Ptop~ birruclf, &lthouab it .hould b~~ bcco U. n.liaa pllll"" of C'Y",/ Mu..tim. For llIc Pt-ophct'l killl .... bouourcd by III beau. o(tM Propb~ h~lf. be deN,., .. our Oeyotioo Morellllct anybodyellc. k_ .. 0.1111. pl.1 a[tb.IO'Ic alld rq.rd .,blob w.u dUO! to the boly Pfllph~ hl< ,01: ilKIt lurrcptilloudy tnuf.rrocl $0 h. bouocbold.

ThccoIOJ;i>tkol~l)'o(lt.avtnifiediatbtl.ta' periodlu .... rolcnlityol' p&!IiooIud exqoilile fclitttyltJu imIDOrt.iiz,es lht (fflillP or love for the Pt-opild. Tbc PIIIIJ:)"I'ic&I poeNI ia Ib, b_or 0( th< PropbH·. ,,_ hold lod I'C:ncI t&meDtioI 1M oun~ or nali ... Dd

• ... Ii ...... n as those de~illC the budsbjpo UodnIOD< by H .. m breathe. lpirit of Icndtmcla. Th. ditrcreooe ill lhe p"i"Iilll of in ... rmllll\ r ... lll1f]1 Qo be: _0. ~¥Cr)"1IcTe illihe Shi·ilOp ee uy. For llIlUlK'C. It JOecomp<l" !he c-IclM:1 or ADi~ and nlbl, willi CUloplP! rb) ...... CIOm_ potedbyll>cmortbc"eopl_p"''''YPOCU .. lIOfrOc1Id .... CDMted~betWCC1ltbc'_.Tbc:DIIC -'d ....... 10 boo • gllllir. wo.k 0( art wbile Ibt GIber III .'te<rlp' ~I mimicry. Tb.!>oklo &GOd, IDON D ..... , for lbe biocnophiell <>1'1"" Propbct ud bll howdoold. WI hue Il0'l100:1 the efl'cct of 11\1. Iltilu.s.. ill Dlher Iphel'e$ 1110. The lnoiaQI hi ... I arc'I,r rqafd (<KI"" IlIrilQ

Iban ihe mOlqIlao and mone in«:Oll!loagin,for paPll,' .. il!l 10 N.ja(illd Karb_l:Ilod limiur olM-thol, pUo" th"" (or pm'onnin, tho Hi] 01 uDder .. ~in, • ;o..1W)' 10 call.cllie , ... oucted mOlqIlCL

''Thi'luitlldc:o(ourSb)';lObrntbml1ll,blbclrC6elioD tOlhcflliluteofeart.illon:mal_Sua"lfcKhol.n1l'ho lon>etlll> ... ledlctholCrvitclofordol'ol ply Ibo b(nloUI due IO'lb. houwbold of Ib .. holy Proph~1. 8111 WI tum of "'lad ,. 1II .... 'hin • .....,'" thall • met • .. actio!!. 11oo:iri.ntrnlOpUllioaoflove,vclcaltelard.1>II .s..oliollal !ulLin.- weill 10 be cncirdio. lilt .piril .... 1 eeetre o(J'ropllcl',hOllKholdlodlbciriolcmpcrllialotlfl. catloDoflm.amlltdc:lp.JbLe 01 boldi'a It up u. rinlof ptop""tbood, .ttn'bO:II;D,IIIeeblrlclc,ialiuoflbc IIUltio lIIel'ormer, 1(llcomcllotlhlilliCOUf1l;.lilcOlhcnl,i"I! lirc.p,ltnmofiU 0'0\"'" yould be """"n round I .. IIlI'Iolioll.l until ""hicllmilhl come up 10~" wilh lhe IUUb_IIllo!1lclcldcr.ndlllloflhePr0l'belf.'"

",,," .... Ioa IN" I~d.t'"

TbcillQ"CdllloUJ beliefsllflbe Shi';lesl1ldlbelr CUII~ filed ide" pnwoliD, ,ho Propltd'i bo ..... hold II la""tUlurl' belop. ",,,,,,,im" lII,tillllho imlm. panal .. " or dm.iI1, help 10 pon~y Ibe'" II cbl"ClC~ wi,b coptrldil:totJ morlls _1)11 bchniout. Tbey pmenl teem, i!Klud;III Ciliph 'Ali wbo 10" .. );00 .... 0 for bi! '·llmlt, lpiri! Inddrrlerm;natlOfl, U meo 1.~);jlll bOWIIU,1, eouraJC or ~on~ktloll, IOlinl Iheir 0"'''' i •• poakinl oul wbll '''''1 CONidcn:d to be comet llId rilbL ptOC~l1i",'ina ...... YJ and IIk;III rtrou .... co "\SIimyllllon II _,lUI in IIIe Itt or disJIliliOI ,heir ttccdl, 1101.1 III to III lpoJoat';c "Iy, but ro.u;dctilll;' AI 0.0 KI of .1Id _IllS or ,'liial propioql>it., 10 God.' They

lJ.,.'j K_ S. O-,o'j y"""," 1 ..... L".~"",, •. "n, PII. 1~-6. Imlm J·I'" !ldl~ iI 1I,t«!IO ",,''e IOld hio dloclplo ""mln: "0 {C_-.....t~,..,..JJ

atc5Qm~!iulc~,!a!edtoh.Vl'coa_lcd!he: truth and ter.cbjllJlI oflhe Prophet .. ben with. Hille ro1lfll'~ o. 110 ,rut d..aiel 10 Iheir o .. n penon, Ibey bad 1M opportunity 0;>{ wiaDin. lilt iUppOlI oftll~ people, Tbe bioVlpbic.&1 UCOd.lluoftbo lmlml Wfl1tcn b~ $h;·;tc_odIolu'l. pin .. ", lh~O'l u lU&t~lbll aDd Intri. ,u"QI, wirepuller o(undcr&roulld mo'''''''''nr'likc M'~ •

• ndlkW1ln-Ul-Safa.' ThcJr ... tOIt.trUPCOUl'l",.nd alllbition.fortnudcAl1d~ent....-..so_lpirilfo'll'Ieea~o(llhlln .. bith /lilatwiyl appeared 101 tbedllb1100Ut of Mudim hillary ud ru,oecllhcu.blelon It. ad.criIl .... • Iqbalh .... to'reC'lly lillrothe l-tediQJ (<'lIlure,of noll loo1Jy,ouhin I

c...'Ioo.,I/, .... ''''''Jf) Sal",i".h.a_I'O";"Ibefl>l)"~""'bo,,, .. O~ ... bol>l<t th. '_11,.. ...wI 10 CGn"dnll til. ram. I<>d h. n tho m_ d...,..atd"'''''lI''bIj,huk.~ Irnl"'Blqu"'~rollo.,,"IILid' '·tt.lldca .. "I9 .......... ·if;_pkou •• _iaiuri.,......., •

• "dh'd _~o.,,-.." (tJ~,ifI/l, W. c~.1l6). WilD"""""'.

cwo llIoi aiath- ....... of tIftr t.i,h _ ...... or ~n".toOI

""" ...,do<OfIOIprael""'il ........ lI9f.tJIh ••• II. (p..ln).

t.II<.lI~· .. .......s.JL(I.«lhnaO(""il»)n •• _IIOd""""'~I ...

A ..... >Jdporkld.It ...... arn' ... UiQJ •• leCtioMbaololpopullor pIri~""""'. The Ikhwlo fOTm<d, DOt ooolY' pllllolorblWbUC.1:!o .relliJo-polillc.I •• ~if;'ioanhultr.lII:Jl'iI., pro~I'hm.I"' ••

• ;.""."d" ..... ~'Oll>o .. lo;I .. poli'Ic.I_t .... t.iChl..., -.I",",II'''_'''o...nhn>wb,.D!!cr~Lh.popularl"'''I<eI ... 1 .,Jt ..... nd' .. Ualw·IIoIItf .. .._..,.;s-.tho., .. "" ... ,.u""" ... II ...

• ""rocm'ill ..... d""""' ... Itip, ~'d ..... Il'><o" .. "' ... lolM f".l1bCOIIIW,·A.D. 'J'Ioo)'boldmhti.,.ioc'_'" .nd_ ........ ..... 1""" ... IOp.nir:1pote lot 1lIeto, A 0011""'. af tbol. ,pt.,IoL R.a,ru.'ll" ""relle,. "CIU"'ldilf' .... ".a.- ..... coq>Iltdb"' til. n.""" of ,he writo ••• ...,I,q)t ""'"I. 1oI~·'.',II~ ... nd DIbon .,"'PlltheUola"'loltboo"f!>1 ... d,.row"", coplooand I<mI •• lc,bt", b",. O!wlthtt)i<_"" ..... TIl ... Jq,.,. ... ,. 1 .... lhh.df..,'" Lo;jlli.i.'N', fto<toJ.ambAlr",I_.nd I'ro .. e~ I. ,m. ,Pol 4<:to.Ib He 111._1' 4/ "', .w.Io) 06. til" PlI. J1MJ.~I).

1. A 0;10 .. 1104 10''''""'''' ',,"1<1 ........ 1 ... <>IO\_c." will bc r"" ..... <.he ''''W. S.,;_ • .,j l.r~. S~f', V.h. {-Ul.

cu .. plot .hlch. uJs:

Tho r,eeba.,d.d .usl.U bu~ Dir.lud S;kandat. Wl>owopovortTJIflak.o(I{KnIUlilyudtalour. Mia or aco""'PI>"Im>a ;. "ato~rlndtnllhfulnd" PO<' 11001 of God know 1&01 how I., be he~n\ .. ".·

C .... ract.rof·AII ... IrHPro~r

n.. bolrProphel'.boll.!d!old, bia aeom! kin .. pa.ticll· lut, Callpb 'Ali lad Itil des.:endIinU .. ere men of ,re;lf ~f· m~t. Uollke d<l:cenduu of olher nligiovs l"den Ibey n~lriodlo 1 .. \e.d"ln\lS~oftMlo ... e and ltilldoftlle pcoplcbcca .... oftlleir ,".tioa.hip 10 \hePropbetorllllm. lttal(l:ll(ldo:tlv;oB·ny.....-ldlyheaefil,.heydi.tdI;QtdIO ell,,,, aor kind of J!I'!vU.pd 1'",;11011 !If ",i,.""I.,... p<I.~"

.,.-ereauriblliod iO!bem. ale< "". Hl<lmicaland bio •

pblell lit,ra!ure conoemio. 111= MI"" "r bl&m .ou .

nufMtOll5 ellmpb or tbeir rem.ini. ,impbcily, di.nit, aod ia<lifl'er-ence 10 the tblof,J ",olldly, They ~~ a d"n by thcDl!leiYCtentirelydiffercnlfromtbou.btlotlsla.topoolllood Imon.lhe rou" ... " of Ollie, nli!ioo.lI'inSOn tbelabou, O(OIMI'I, A r •• la.lillK'e& or lheir Ii,'" "'ill il1u.slr,l< (Mi.

Ocee H.~n b. 'Ali '"1'011 ..... , •• "d of makin, puroh_ ..

He Ilkro ibe prioe of I «rl.;n ~rU<lc ""hie" .... lold by tile .hop,kocptr, Thereltiel, _~ho .. the .hop,t""per ea"'~ 10 kno .. chi he .. utltc,ra.ndl.ooof the Prophot, Hcreduced tho pm ~ •• ~oG .. nion 10 him bUI Hinn kft the !.hGP .. ithoUI pDn:h .. ifl' Ill< "".ul<d .rtielc. lIeJlid bitt 00 ttl'l be did 1101 .... nl.O~ con"" .. iou to be m~de for him.

Ju ... ·ariy~" b. A.m1, Ihe penonal of'Ali Do HU1~io, who if also ho .. ·o by Ih. nil,." or Za!oul 'Abidin, ,elala Ihallbe lUI., never .... ilro hi1l! <onco,OIion c,..,,, equMJenl 10 I dithm h«all3c of hil kin~hlp '" Ih~ h,,[y Prophrt.'

I, .lJiM.JII»IJ.

2. [bn"4'<bIt,A"II~Io""'NiM",,",.~,<ll .. VQl.1X,p.101.

Whepe\'Cf 'A!f b. H~s.IQ went Oil ~ jOUflWY he II~"'" allowed Ihe people 10 know IIi. " .. 1M R1Id .ffilialion. Oft beln; aJl;t<I Ibe n:1lW/\ (or ;1 ~e n:phed: "I d ... nOI .... An! Iha! I $hlluld be benffil.d by l~.m w~ilc I ~m gOtblc 10 do to ....

The d~DdAnll of Caliph 'All bod Inll.riled 1M eouf.~ aJldrOrl;\udtor'bcirro ... ftlber5"'hob~ al ... ayasl.tedthcir Il .... (or the der",,~ o(wh, they tonlld, .. d 10 be tr1lt and "tM kn1 b~d :J<L" &IM';PI <nmp~ of .. lr ... c:t,Aoto fnf a l>Obler«"K. z,,}·db,·"li(,onQfZainul· a riling in 12lJ140 'Eaio~1 Hi,bAm h. 'Abdul Malik, lite U .... snadCa1ipll ,,"'bo.,.! (IIcm051 po~'ful <\lief of hi. day. C1rried lug" Imperial arml., before him III KW'ul b.1t~ and wu u!limal.l)' c,ucified.' M~bam",ad. a Veal.tillldsonorH'5~D,"'bo!e lofly!landJ,dor ,·i,IU. 4dQbl~ioed fo. him 1M nam~ of lin "'''fS'~l-ZcklJ't), or 'tbe Pur. Soul' .

• a"odthebanncro(,.~oltB~lplLlhc·Abl'>lidCill;pb),lInlQf8' M.di~. i. R.j.b, 1~5IS.rl"",M,. 1~2 .. bile bi:! brnlbtr Ib.'bim b. ·AbchU.h lavo ~ltJc III Ih~ lr90p' .enl ala;"" him ~I &lra In III Hijja. !4~IMarcb, 163. 1m!", Mlllil< apll ImllO Abo! HaD;(a. lht fo~,ukt!l of'lhe IWO impol'PDI and popular jIIrinil: t~hooli o( Su~n;\rs sided "'111t Muhammad and Ib'lIbim by Uf"nJ Ihelf (01(0 ..... " \0 lake o.lh of rC3h) 10 ,bom ~nd lbo oiJ".,cd fl.nuo;;al ulI;'la"c. tor lbeiT cause. The $ITultlc or th. IwO brotbel'S cl_1I "jlh a beroic fiShl and de~lb of Mu!tallll1lld at AI,jlr u-ZQ~I near Medina 011. I Sih R~mdhlll. 14~rlh l)ecembar. 16llnd Ibt.ll.Mm at KIlfl on 241h ZiI·Ilijja. 143/15Ib M_l"b, 161. Imim M.II.11~ tnd Im3m Abu H~pi:rt bllod 10 unok'lo KY"'"" ha"h~il" by ,ncurring lh.a d,tpl ..... ure 9f tile CaI'pbMuplur.·

Tb .... Jn~Uf1.clio,," 'Pelt >'Olumciofthe COU~ IDd

I IbnKlIallik'" W,,"",oi,.r,.~,Vol, II. p dol.

2.. Thelocidenli,,""Li_bT_11,be h/il.tI&n.11k<IIpJorlr T.bri, Ibn "'~irud Ib" I<.o.h;r.

t, Irnim MIll !fI."lrah hod ..... WPPO"'" 'M!be ",,01, of z.,~ t>. ·.AJf. !>lrAbI&a"o IlrtdmAo. ""ttir •• ,SI7WZI.," ....

• doulk4_"'of ........ e'.nu.

;nl,.pldilyoflh.Alkbbullhorewudh.rt>.I_Doccur.n ..... of Illis "'"11 .. te1Id 10 &l!owlUllbe 4cKc1ld1"11of Ibc Calipb 'AIJ had, by aJId I&.,e, anind II Ill. a;I"d~IIOtI 11111 the ... .... DO noedto ri .. i" '""'011 Ipllm lb. wtlt.e.Ub!ilhed

'Abbuid CIJipbauo, hold in, I.IY on\' I I~r pan of Atl •

.. d Mm.Ii"". 11"lImainu.inJD, I dJlt'do:r, prornOlin,

leuu;O! nd .ra ud Il')'lrIIIO e"r_ .0 "dmo.Ui Of btllD

u Ibe II .. 0( the I d. TIM:, did not "1ll110 r.a lIMo fin

ofd~. ud 1 IctiII __ nl Ibl M.oIi", •• I.cddfllHd

no penon,1 ,aia It lb. _lor Ibe VIII "'Ipnty or oo-r.UJionjul. l""lud,the) d.yolOdtb.irne"icoto Ih. opiritual upliR ...,d relipolll .uldllll« 0( tbe MullHa., wlUtb, b)' 00 slret.h of ;ml,li"'iOli. can be COIIJUUed u proerug. oation &r dim.ulilioo '1 implied by impulin, '"~In''' to .....

Tltelulho. Iuodmadean Ippniul orilla vll""blc,eTTica ,.ndued 10 W"", by the IIlu.trioa. pro,o"y ot Caliph 'Ali ill bi> S40fotlt~ <if flk>ml< SpMI. II w",,)d bear "'pemloo hR.

"Altbou!b erau mll"'8!~111 hId caplured tbe soal or Ih 'MLia, CoIuln duriallhe Uml)')'.d (alto 'Abbukl) period,thcm .. tdbdltilillOlrorsatu Ihc",o .. l .. hlft &ad Iba d.eINcaltd detu.,r. ee for;: leachin, .. The

,..,prd formO,l1 orth Ind le"el1 otlll.1D .. ._. d~

mamb 10 GOH leh" 0( impecabl.. wO'lh .. d .bilill'

wbo "101, lIcld ia hip ." ... m h) Ibe mlu •• to. Ihcio monl &lid 'pirilull exccU.~D:" ... In.~n.u, p"I)'. 1 •• "tI\~ ."d beoefi«lIce. Ouuide lb. J<>wrnmcllla' 0;;",1 .. ,h..., p''''''"lwieldodlI'ClQOlloiolilianuc .. cccwcrthe JlCople wbicb .«ed.l. correcti...., {orce Illd ~.-..J tbe ID.lIC1 {rom f.llla. I p:r.~ to Ibe palls ofworlllly t''''rIIltOn. The pen"" mWI mpeet.d and 1o~'Cd dari~. lhe pf1';oo WII 'An Ibl> IluSli~ (ZaiDal 'AbldlD). In th. olOlple. pUN 111<1 oah>tly life ltd by Ilia!, 'All IIII! Huula had GO pc ... 0<>= Hiahim IhII 'AbduL Malik, the cro_ PfillCl. CItrIC 10 Ka'IN for fdW4! (circulllumbllbnioa) bUI 0WII101 tolbc bup .... 'IImIl.bII a;luld nOi relCb rbe

Hlljr·/,..u.rod. He. therefore, 5al down 10 ... ojt IiU M could tel III ~hlt";:C 10 kiu ii, In tile me8Alillloll 'Ali ibn HUluin IIftl.'td and 1M people ~I once deaml , •• WIly rer him In make Ihe IlJ:'oIlIj and ki. flajr·{·AI"'Ild, £\W}'onc presenr io lb. !Ca'aba rec.iv.d '.'IIi WII H~ain ",ilh tbcutmOlt .ni'ereDce. HiIlIlm, pretendiol &I rtlle did nOI know 'An ibn Huulll, asked ... bo lie WIIS. The p<)tIFarul~, .... boh3pptdd 10 i!ept'lleJ!lOJI Ih", (ICCOoion IOlUDI.lDoou,ly oornpolM aD IntrodllClary ode for 'Ali ibn tlu.ain, ltlllllegedlhatoe,toJ<laddlllono .... r-m.o,Ic 101hi, (."'''u. ad .. I_ter on, b''';1 • "til "J8I'ded 1$ a m"l«pieoo "f Af~biI: po."y. Ilopcocd "'Ihtl>e ¥ft~:

Pcbb\ell.Jod pllhs ofMeo.:a 1m.", bill vim,..,

~ Kou~ orQOd !:now. hi", ...,n ~ tile .0VlfOOI do, OlbC"f biChlyn:pute<l n:)ili<>LJ.I~bo) .... .,rOulstaDdIt!,

pitty durin~ he UflWlY)'ad period "'~Ie Kalin aHluthanna, bit SOlI, 'Abdullah al·Muh.db, $;Ilim ibn Abdull.b ibn 'Urnll, Quim ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Ilakr. Sn'e.d ibn Muuyib anti ·U' ... ·.b ibo z.u~iT. Comprete del.lchmcm flOlll tb. ruling cirda oflbci,lioy, immiculBlcullleuQeu, uJU, ... ",,;n! lrtIthlblocss, ludinc" 10tcr\l'$ and make any _rifice for the UIl!oC ofrdicion, .ruditlOfl aJl~ ma .... 1 .... orlb had lIIade ~lCh 0( porlODI Un id~al oIl1l~[IIic p~ly, The dcJAor.l;'ati"g thai had It I ;a awillllllll>crri~y ~onducf crree fuliPII ~tit~ wa:. Undlll1bled!f 110 lheillC!"eIUe but me •• 1 ifl.fllICttee .. iddod by th_ persons 011 1M mn, .. _lnlllw;tblKlf& .. lu"lyeft'e<:I; tileirpun!lndlimplclifc .... U6 It.lnding reprollChlo theunpli:\dplcd Ihi:l· ... orJd~DtsS olth.rulcu, whicbmlde people-Ihi~k IIIl'Cformltlltbeir jlllu;lp .. al~ li(e,'"

Corttnldjdotl Pldu_ 0( t:or11 bl •• ~ En

Whal .... tM ,null; II" .. Ib, ~h.raa.r aad m" •• !, ,,( llIe

~1. Weff mouldld ~od., tht Propb,'j lIuidu •• ; .. d re

tbea. m.lldiffi:JUlf."lIIn.tloull::ad.".fouo .. uortic"so .

and peNOai •• pina. fot ""nollal 1","odiHm<al? Wbal "l.Ilh." ;ltuilulilo 10 Ih." lr.1DlI; dId IMpGtl •• I,y of ,be l'rop".III:I l"l~k. dnmapofJII "alb-ipln lboi. ,.'11 foreralhor? Ho .. didll>&Jepc";':uLorl:llho~bclonaiQI IOlhcl'l'ophet·th ...... hold.udu'i(lu.ulr .... lb. p!'op&,.1ioQ of Ib.i, (lith ~ How ,h_ !lin. 1M compln;"ol of w. P'oph.tudhi'hou.chold.coad"",edlburu.I',olo ..... dsone UClhOf? wbl.' w.,. lilt .OodllCl or 111_ wh.o hdd .. id. lIlei .btolu", PO""" 0"'" a VlJI emplrc in WI .. a~ Old 1",", indul •• In p!e.&.urc ~nd b" .. did Ihey bohne with Ihote eommittel!to,httrc.,..,' Wbalil,hc.e.d,C1 ,,(111110', ill tIIi. (.aard? Ho .. far the ..:I,lm .bool IllIcorr"pliblltlJ of tit, Scripl"re."bich I" ..... lhcbcdrod:udbuurwoftbi. reli,;.", io C>OfI'«I' WU;I reolly prol~ed aplall In "'ulilalio .....

• ce.c'ion~ Ind 11""iliom? TI>!: an ....... to lb ... question! portray IWO c<>nlndielO!), pichl1O' or hlllll. 0"" of ;\ n Ihal p~a!td by 'M etHd o(,fJ,J·j·SImJIG' (Fallo"." or Trad;I;OJt,j Indlhc Ollte';1 p.;nleclby Ihe do<:,riM' nd !O,1t1S of !lIIamiYlb £rlvtm 'AlhMl! (Tilt T".d'(fI>. Th.r.oc por1ral\l ... nOI o~ly diftf .. bUI Ilso Inlilbe1i""'lIId roattl· Wc:t0l)'.

No .. ""yo". cado .. ,d .. i,h reu .. n. "'n .. of j'"lice AT-d kno .. lcdpofhi:otoryctac.uilyd«ide .. hk:h"""orIMtwo ,..,,..ionl it CO/rttL Which of the tWO dtpio;tiolll b<ftlt I rcliainn !"i'YU,td ".lnUq'fo.thc"orl<! .adwlliche!.;m. IhBljIJlt.JIcltingl"prJo;tk:ablellln'tryIJClndu8ioa? ,,;, 'be ,el/glon .. hick lonouncu Ihat;1t I'rop1"lel., .. ,1001001i

• ....,. • .&, &moo"n lbe ItlKIe1tV!"5 0( 000 lad ,I>!: ..... or iU: Prophel"'" the mOflbldJed period or III hillory. II W" Ibe 0 ••• it cl~i"". of .. hiel> eotire hum.lIlly cln", I" .... d of

fOf '" Ihe dark Ind dUnf,Y onll~J. 0{ th o.ld wilh UOtll;II,

bOll aoooanu OfK,f·"lIIran<!;"'mC1lI. ftrI f j)Cl"SOlIIl ",n"

Itru .. Jeo ro. po .... aadpr .. li,..od ukiD •• dv ... II,. oro".·.

>"i<:torioul uploiu, C~i .... the oDly ~riod .. heo .. ~ hd srlt·ubllC,11,n, arid IllIlbrul jodfvodu.l!, ~ "inuO'il' IOcicly lind I .nlly democratic: term "(JOY.foment. III "orkinS' (Of tbe <"'mmoo .... ~I Th~ W'1', e tbe limes \tllidl bur te.timony 10 .. hal Clliph 'Um" b, 'Abdul 'Ali. bad Ihu, sinn cxr'6!.ioo' '·Th. PrOpbrl [prJ;"" be upon him) "a. ICnt ala ,u,de of hum5"'tYlodoot ... oolioctoro(,r~n\l~"

9uI tht pictUR of ,.1111'1 IlIlt cm~' t~ro~QJ' the c ••• d lIIdportnlyalor .. 'elltlbylheSHitniodoeesc'eryinltlh,.nt Indt'duclted "'." loa5k thol ;flll,calilo lJllm cl>U)d 001 maU .1>1 lutin. ;mp:u:t 00 Ih. people .. ddrcut'd by ill (ou"der lind all orh" (oIIOw.", bllfrina (au, per..,n., ~<aJM lpoU'la ju.t .. rttt hl$ cle1tb. how can ill cl.llnlo purify motaU utd boha,.M)Ut of mID be atftPt.d~ How eln tl .I.imlo .. ilem.o hll burrio,tlnou 10lhe sublime "1,. "(hu,,,ao.n ... 7 Lei \L1 IlIppOOC ,h", m""iollvy of [Ilam n ;o,'it;0l: the people 10 Itc<:pl bhm In II W~I •• n tlr '''Y otMr 1I0n·Muslim oounuy A min wbo II •• ,CW\~ ,IImullh lbe Shi'ita I'lera,ure, ;fI'C""pII him 10 alt: 1I0w ellI ~"" tllVir.ocbft1:lolsllm ..» .... ophel hod fttl 100« rllu (lIlIt II, five believe" I .. ~im Rlkr I.bourinll fll' ,..-oot)'·lh_ lonS Jnn~ Th. Ylil QlIjGCil~ ",clored iro rafll,l' Wh'l 105"1'" oouki be ,ino 10 ,It.o 101 .. Po;"oS IheiC obje.;tionJ! Shi'ittcnftl.r,,,Ui •• KhcI_1al

When A)'I,ulllh Roollu11, Kllornetni 1I"'t! • c,lI f"t revoluli"" and c~lJb1i.hed the lo,called hl.mle Rcp~bhr of ITn br o"lrrhrowia, th.P.hl.wi monlt'dly. r."lnt ! It WI' upccc£d Ihll ill ot1kr 10 moke hiE call mCn OPpr,lml .Dd atIOCpllblc fot _n tile Mu~1im he would nOl oprl'l lilt: doorofSbl'a,SuDDicolltrovers)' __ ltlc .. rhll'""Duld lloIMl;n ;'I,.ia if he ...... "1I.bk \otitlle Ihe cbplcr 11 ... .u hoped tb_t .tb. did 11<>1 publkl~RIItIUaCIO lhole SlIi'ite "nell "'hid< .-en .. ,.,,><:11 I &Iumbllns blook '" ,,, ...... ~ of IJI.Qlicu.a,ly I. ill Ip",4din. the m .... '. of 101111\, (or ",.Wlnl Q(p"iIK'ol n~ic",y,b. would It tU .• tRO\: rci,er<llc Ih.ftlpubl,cly.

A man othis deep..choJ8ril,lp ons CJlpttLed to K~ tile bud orlsl~lll',cll<:my ,,'1>0 hll"elcv.rly~pJoitcd tbelnju~ pride of ltatlilllllbytbc Iou oft.bej, empire to !be ArablfoflOwiD, seed. of disomts>oo amoD, tile Mut)im~. Witb his lIi1oulldin, ."'tory over tile Empl:'ror .lId R po~~,1'u1 ft£htin, mllChlM to bact him. ;t would baW! not 1>=0 diffie~h for him to ~Qnoun..., tbe MlJ,Ili:n!s should 11010' open. lie" eMpte, of rlicutSsltip and amity ror m~~ing Iabm StlOng Illd J1O"·e,fnl 4$ well as I'or reform;", the Muslim ooeielyof it, ilb, b~ ft>rgou.ios tM palor,,] ptit. TIt;, WA, e~pecled or him to m~k6 .be IUt"leof Worn bri&hIAod.1so for invitio, to accept the 1J1lt.b of blam..'

BUI tbese hopCli were belied, Hellar.&d publishing hi.

Sbi·itcyj."llbf'o)u&hhilwortianda,UeIe&.Iu~"'OIkcotitled AJ-Ruki",/ZI·II./,!,.,.,if'llll Vi/4jtlJlu! F"'Ith be dClio;:rilxltbe Imam. ond Ih. Iwamoto In 8 .... y tbat ~ie'ialO them to tbe ~tlp of divinity; b. m'k~1 them out as superior .0 e_y propbet "Dd 'n]!,.]; he pleadsth~ltbe uDiver~ hu bND .ubordio3\cd to Ihem in its origin and ~lUt>on,' SimiJuly;o tile IVuhf-Nl,woll', WlIuen b)· bim te i'el"lillD, he not merely cthicllC$ bUI ~)c~aflddellouneu al!duse"olrsdylnaulunglangUliCfor lh6oompaniorno, ttSpttOnUy f<>r W6 finu three o;:Ilipils, beftttlng!hlt (IIeJlwletod InJvicioulcorapircrs." Botbthcilll, his~""'pagltion ot IbeShi'it~ ~rced .od Imptec,utons or comp8.nI01)Jlllnbeln, publicizcd~[lIul'~n~l1.1}·ooawideJClle throupbil worli:lfor these a,e nothi~pri¥aleepU\lcs onCllntforbilfollO~r$ alone

I. Th."'.lOtIl'lh •• bl .... cattnocb._."t6ll ..... vi •• ptlodpl. farma!ll.11Id110Ul1)/ .. ...,' ....... bulXlrodtltol_Q4C1X!1pUian.

AA.uo:I '" be "..""",1 tIIo -...lIt .. ,,' p,.~pbot .. Ia .. pU"lfIIII",

only 10.,(>1'111< ""'woddrd ",<h.tollb.f!o, tboPropbor.

d,llb, Jr,IIe Qur". w"IOC.lIJm"\U~od IUId "'" , .. I 10.I1.It ..... ~.pI_b7thot....,,' ... IWn!l<l1o Wo"J-l(ofI,lWIfIIJC%<lli aDd ~1U"'

2.A/.flltIr_'.,·'tJA.! ...... ,.<i'.,p.$2. l.LNJ,fJAtrlT.tP.<'I, •• p.11J..t4.



Th6 wi .... of Imlim K~omtilli in r~la!d to ImarulC a!Id the Propb:fl ~omplniolls ire ao iOCUI. Hil ",orb are bellli published ", ti6lh witllin and ou1,;de ["'D. Hilpl.,1diD,p for the Shi'it. r~;!h: Ibcd.onlt. hi, vic .... pooed 10 tb. hi .... '. fondamcolalCl'ecd of Taubid. the one""" orOad; Altributioo orpr<lphelio chnlletnillia 10 tht '",lm_: and more lb." I~ the io_livCl thower.1i b,. him onlheProphcU'. oompaaiollJ who were bdd In tile: hi"'.I! l'C&oIrO aod whote Cf"Iwl5h.ldaithld"",lpe'tlodOf Ihaillamleorrathct'th. world hill,,'7. were expected to ,alienate I' II!UI tbOIi8 5Ubsc,ib[OI te 1M r.itb orAJr/.f-Swtll~l. It ..... hoped Ib,. hi •• eti~l!.~ .. ould UOderllllM hi. claim I. Ihe I ... d<. of •• hl.mi. re.VO)UIK>D lind fO"'lld<ro( I Iruly hl_mie fo .... of IOvcramnl. Bot it il4iibultcaio,IO K>C dUI,JC(:lion of Mwli~s proFllol iucLr II! [he Itl4dard.bum of hlamio tbou,bt aDd fe"'''", ofl$1lmlc glory bl) ~pk<llllWll Kbomeilli al thc "PromiHd GaiGe"; ;lb"J.';llIedila&ffea.lon ~od. ",8ud ro, hili! and Is nol prepared 10 coodo1lC .WO I W9rdoucm:lio bilcrilir:;ilm. Thi1IU;IUd&loadlloIIWo-fold


F'lfI.t,OJecti~rioD~vised byoertolinpcn.clJ\lrorapP.oN· tion and d'''pprolNidoo of .n)lhiol is DOt tllDl it t.OnfOfIll.! to tbc: ~nd lhe S'1tIIII4It. or lboll pncdoe 0' ctc.d of oW' bODO<Ifcdpru:urson,OuIOJI,itleadllOlboell.bli.bIOlOtOr • islAmic gOV.,o .... ol, "rc.tin~ or POq, for, posil, ~ C'lIalleagc 10 any Wntem pa"" 0, "'<aLioS diffi.cultia fOf W.stern lUp!'eIlUC)'. Tbis is ... btl Co:rl~jD persODS baw; "'me ,oundto rCa&rduLhequaUCtcatlOlIfor anKloalIcaO<:c'

~colldly. fundamental blilmic Cl'lIed II beiDa ,wn lighlly by ouf mod.." .dlKlled claSi. This is ~ d'n~roLl$ d."dop. nlcnl. Inl6<:ient Ii!I d"lurb all ""ell·meHni~1 believers. Tb. dividio, Un. bet,... ... the mOY ..... oll JauDcll.d by poJlwJ JOOIdell aDd Ib, divjne c.all .iyep by the me.OlDge .. of Ood

I, "Olhing b~1 tho ",eod p.op~S!t~d by Ih. lauer, The propbetJ ate <levu pr:~red to make ICy comproroillc at lM COlt of lIIclr Cfud.' Their ~ritefion far QCOI!planc:c: or reject/oil of :lny propa5ilion is how far ilia o:ampat'blc",'o. tbcirc=4 it the Muslim' ha,'e be~D 1\>le to prCler"c tbeir rellgion

~~:~::~~ ;, ~~1~~a~ ~~ ~~~~I\~e.!~il.n:lIl:[~::

ar..Jntaiain,1I ill it, pllre,lt form, The docto., of Illam, tboloC CbBrso:d with Ihe prciteclio~ 3ud 'Qterpr'l~tioo of ill OOctdne,., M-vcrcfute4lo I;x:~o~do"'n by thomo~t I).anl and powerful .uk rs, Thty ha\ ... ne~r rlaycd nfe oorhpl roum WIlcOCl'Cf Ibe)' ba,~ found lOy hlamic: renee bi!ioi mi5COJlstn,w b)' I~' kinK" and .0''''''lIft, let alollC U«ptilll u)' ngp.con('Q.rnuu vkw for their 010'11 Nnt5t or (or Lhe ,ood or Mu,lim 1011SU. The (o,I;\IId. ~hown by AhmAd ibo lI~nbBI d, (241/856) io faciDS lhe: persecuLIOfII of Caliph. MamOn R,!Ishid 111.1 }IIu'!, t~~ \ ... " "'901 po.....,.ful ~mpcro" of his lime,of1tlleq_tloo of Qat·an'l Ctu!lon' and tlH: .... y S~aykb Ahmad Muj,,,ld;d Air Tbhi (d, 10)4, 1~2.) conlioued \0 MrIlUIe a&a;n~L Ih& Empetor Akbar!' claim. of islam's ;"upcf'Selllion by hi'tc:lcctic rdi,iun of DlfI-/-lI{l.1tf and the emperor'. d,vine ri,hlof final lay in all ~li8i0Il1 min ..... unlil I~C MlIth'Is w~re Iorced 1<) cb~nv Lh~i. poll~', arc ImL I""" e~'mple$ Lb*t noed be ,,;I.d ~e,.,. Hi:I(ory or hlaol oIf~rs ipnulIICfabk: a~jnjn~ u.mpks of ill 'IOlar;e. letin, on t~~ di~(ums ; Jk. f,UI!rfitl 10 lit, fM. of (I '),1{"" ,"tH aDd "'" obtdl~IK' Id t«nt~d b~tr8J jrrt'lll1lng dlJllbtt!i'rN:~ 1<> 1M C'm:r;lnr. Th~ templel in lIIi, '~l"ld ;1 often a 'y,ant rlller, occa>;ollally the public: opjn'''~, al limes an<" aDd aot inflcquet1Lly IUCOCJS in life: .,..bile Ibe c~perlon~tcll' UJ tlm\ ;\ i, Ih~ law" oneo ... hieh ftn hro .. t 10 "'ilh~taDd.

Tl,e In~hillp aDd Ihe creed of 1~lam I.~ ~alJy like II lIver whic:h ..enr ch"necl iii ~Ollrse nor it ,oel dry. L.500lh •• ,l(h,,,',·/Id,U,LuoI:l>Ow,191l,

1. SH S."I",or, <>/ l.JJJrtti. $;I,ll, .P. <i'" V~I, I,!'P. 61.~, 1. S .. S",i_so/I,.'.",{.S";'Ir.lI!4.nQ'lO,I';lU,Vol,ll.I.


PoUtic~! pow~rt, oOOl.l1ooal NvoluliolU. ris~ and (,It of ,o~nlmPu. roove!l)OO(.f and fo.ctil come aed go. If the ,;ver is t!o .. ,n.1Q Iltcri,hldi"ctiOll Ibo)'po,eno"""0Jl.' But ir the crcedil distort.d. it meon thallhe river h;u; cbupd ju; course or itt "'lie, bal b~a «Iollmiuctd.. Th~s, no ",minn ... AU or !1IOV"tmnl to mate Illy country moni and powerful or to r.form 4IOl' sociC1y Dr ito ill, .;;In .'"er bot aC«pllhlc if ill rwd rs no1 louod, IC8m~.. Tbil;, •• lbIlla! (or the iubility of 'bi~ r.ligion and ",.joI8i11illg !he vi,ou, of ili fo\loll'e,l, TIIil ii wby the """"01.5 and d.,.torJ ".,.blllm, who hi ... ,0 ",r • .11lu,d the SJoon'{J), 1.1>11 the Slmn.oh.«ooolavoid takin,nc",Bp.,.. .. nllyUDplel.! .. nl10

«nain penon.

The .. MOn for the ""pul.ritr Qf Ayaluilab I(; ate more thu ece, Hi, I..,......... a~io.l the Sh5..b and • po:oe:uliar Iype of revetudoc in the Iranl.n.l«i.ty:failu", "r Amcri<:;o.tb.sreale$l"'·Ofldpo~rlof;.;ebi5 ch~lIcnJC; the firfc ~"d p ... ion of [,an,." youth. fo, self,sICI'illu: Ike DllnlisfoclQry.I.tle;.ro~8iou. 4nd mOlOllbort«>min&l apparent le lC,~~1 Ar~b .nd M!lJlIm counl",",; druati.r..:tioo of the Mu~im youlk in (be Indo-P~1r. .ub·conlinent o .... i~f. 10 lb.ODnditionjob,a'nin&lnthtirowucounl~;thci'rudine", 10 =pt .... bale_ '" prc5<ot.d to tb.!m in the eaeie of [~am. lite ,orne at \he r~Clon thlt ha~ won ,"" ¥amo popul~r r.,Dld for [mim K~"",dnl B ..... as once: cojDycd by AllIurk in Indi. and G'IIl~1 AWul "'Uk in ,"" A ..... b ... orld. TheT. ~R. nl~o .ome hend$ of 1Uottc in • nw Muslim ooootoo wbo are- admired by tbeir people alLbnugh lhey optnl)' deny validity 0{ ,be HadilA and 1M SWfmVr, a' limes they make fun of,bt$t. endeavour to make their C<,tun!J'i~ cultn ... 'ly a p.o.rl of the Wesl and eee );OOWII J!j .ymp'lbi~" of commuoim:l. hn.m Kbomciui,, 801 ah."d of all luth", becaUKorhl. rctiSoOUllIHe<l1. He is be!d in the hi!hlcSl re,Md by i<:Irne who would 001 liSltn to 411~ orgumC4t cvtJl


if il ,jail at t.D 'pprliJ.I.l or IlUm Kliomeini'l aaiolls io the tl,bI orlCltcp~ creed,tboXlI/llJOt tbe $.......a.\. n.ylilllply call1lot lOkntc Illy .. h_ crilieif.m of Imlm KhomcillJ Th. "'I.'J Ihlnp Ir" IhapiDl;1 extremely dap,erOlJS rorthe ID.ture of hl.m aDd the pre5e, ... tiOIl or iu spirit.; thill brio" to mind I pitby remark by C.liph 'Ali who sl!d;'(therc IlJ'elbole) who rUII IFtCf c~ery rattler',

Ou, Lord. make ~Ol our Mtul$ /0 n'4l'l'l! ofltr Tlunt "rul p/<kJ U4; ""d Ilot IlJ "'.Tty il0m 'TMf. Vully TIow: lI,t I.GiH,.(J: 8).


I, 'Abb£t; Mahmud al-'Aqqld, Ahqorialw ImAm. Dirut Futuh.


2, Abu Dawlld, ,!)ull.imin b. at·Alb'lsh a]·Siji.tAtlt, Sima" AhtDal'ir:ri,

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jj.'Jo; "lIa mill tUf I mil)' ~h.:tt ha~ >rodl!;t' IIUr!erlU< SplTltu" I)trotn, ~uweUti"",nQ'ICI' ters, \., 't;d~~keTandaproI!r~ ·.ri :r 101: A~a;'ic and Urdu. !be 1U hCT bau abo1n ~ JlI~ .... 0110... I \Is udit ot .... Ikh mort Lom II. dl<1CT1 ha\r bNfl rmdm.G n o different lan.\111.-. 'ik~ er"hsl!. TurJcilh. Pcni.n Eina-. Indonesia, T.mU P~"'I:te. Hcubeld 01 SOIl( of the I.~I '!IIIj"~nl rellalol! anJ Ultrasy Instil'" rlOlU r,;~ IJ«: :'Ii.1wa!ul Ulaml. Lu.:t_ .... :adern,GfIJlami<:

Reicuell r,d Publi.:a1i.,nl, Lu~k""'l.t DlnIl \IUIlIInlfin. Alan III ,I, vl,m the ODunlr~ and U!oC •• Cl' with numerGU' llatUa ."",n;"llonl all over lhe \\or!d Gf Wam. He "'a5 .... ankd Shall falsal t ward In 19$()'01 lis.rvl.:tlto'1U:~'8U" ofhlJrn

nils WORK - The Two CGnlradk::lor) _ _b 10 pre>ml aDd ske1di of the carlini ideal era Gr Islam. thc pcriodoflheboly Prophet and his C'Ompanious. In the lta:ht or beller), rellalou~ !radhlotn and ~tltinp or lhc doo:con Qr 1"'0 m.jor !oCClS of Mu.ailTl$, AhI~Swlrw \Val Jama'" and Ihe [thna 'Ashari $CIcts ..... hich pro;.c., IWO conlradklor~ protrail! of Islam aad i" eartltM adbermu. It has bern left 1101 thc discretlon·~ommon _C, pru· eence and bIlncr judjemcnt - oflllereadclltod«i.x ... hldl of !be 1'*0 portrayals It.uphcld by the Quran u,..d1 u hisloriaal. Mu~lIml and nGn· Musliml. The read« h» hJ..m. self todc(1df whl"" ofthe\v<o pr~nllUl(H" Gf Islam he'1l1 Ihf Prop"" held 10 be IhfmOSlllK' !;C$sful MnIocnF of Ciod. IIIId the rdlsioa laying a datm 1101 ~how the path of aodIlMU II!Id \irtuctoalirlCe$udQlllioniin ~vet') time and dime.

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