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(Factor Theorem)
Submitted By:
Jean Anne Marie C. Romulo
G10- Aguinaldo

Submitted To:
Sir Nick Hermoso

Factor Theorem


Determine the formula of Factor Theorem
Able to explain what Factor Theorem is and use this to solve a



In algebra, the factor theorem is a theorem linking factors and zeros of a polynomial.
It is a special case of the polynomial remainder theorem.The factor theorem states that
a polynomial

has a factor

if and only if


is a root).

The point of the Factor Theorem is the reverse of the Remainder Theorem: If you
synthetic-divide a polynomial by x = a and get a zero remainder, then, not only is x = a a
zero of the polynomial (courtesy of the Remainder Theorem), but x a is also a factor of
the polynomial (courtesy of the Factor Theorem).
It is commonly applied to factorizing and finding the roots of polynomial equations.
The theorem states that

is a factor of a polynomial f(x)if

;that is, r is a

root off(x). Factor theorem problems are typically solved by applying synthetic division
and then checking for a zero remainder. The remainder theorem is often used with the
factor theorem. It states that if a polynomial f(x) is divided by a linear divisor
remainder is f(r). If
showing that

, then the remainder is 0 and

is a factor of f(x).

, the


5 Solving Problem

1. Show that y+4 is a factor of g(y) = 5y4+16y315y2+8y+16

g(y) = 5y4+16y3-15y2+8y+16
g(-4) = 5(-4)4+16(-4)3+ 15 (-4)2 + 8(-4) +16
= 5(256) + 16 (-64) + 15(16) + 8(-4) +16
= 1280 - 1024 240 - 32 + 16

2. Determine whether x-2 is a factor of x2 7x + 10

=x2 -7x +10
=22 72 + 10
= 4 14 + 10

3. Determine whether x-3 is the factor of x3 3x2 + 4x -12

= (3)3 3(3)2 + 4(3) 12
= 27 27 + 12 -12

4. Show that x+1 is a factor of 2x3 + 5x 9x -12

= 2(-1)3 + 5(-1) 9(-1) 12
= -2 + 5 + 9 -12

5. Show that x + 1 is a factor of 2x 2x2 2x +12

= 2(1) 2(1)2 2(1) + 12

10 Exercise

1. Show that (x+4) is a factor of 4x + 8x2 6x + - 7

2. Show that (x+1) is the factor of 3x +8x -5x +1

3. Show that (x-1) is the factor of 3x3 8x2 + 3x + 2

4. Show that (x-2) is the factor of x3 - 7x + 5

5. Show that (x-2) is the factor of 4x4 3x3 x2 + 2x + 1

6. Show that (x-2) is the factor of 7x2 + 4x3 x2 + 2x +1

7. Show that (x+3) is the factor of 4x2 2x2 - x 2 2x +1

8. Show that (x+3) is the factor of 2x2 3x2 x2+2x + 1

9. Show that (x-4) is the factor of 2x2 5x 12

10. Show that (x-5) is the factor of x3 -25x -5

V. References


Key To Correction
1. = 4(4) + 8(4)2 + 6(4) -7
= 16 + 128 + 24 7
= 161
X-4 is not a factor of 4x + 8x2 6x + - 7
2. = 3(-1) + 8(-1) 5(-1) + 1
= -3 + - 8 - -10 + 1
3. = 3(1)3 8(1)2 + 3(1) +2
4. =(2)3-7(2) + 5
= -1
x+1 is not a factor of x3 - 7x + 5

5. = 4(2)4 3(2)3 (2)2 + 2(2) + 1

= 64 24 4 + 4 + 1
= 41
x-2 is not a factor of 4x4 3x3 x2 + 2x + 1
6. = 7(2)2 4(2)3 (2)2 +2(2) + 1
= 28 32 - -4 + 4 + 1
= *3
x-2 is not a factor of 7x2 + 4x3 x2 + 2x +1
7. = 4(-3)2 2(-3)2 (-3)2 + 2(-3) +
= 36 - 18 9 + -6 + 1
x+3 is not a factor of 4x2 2x2 - x 2 2x +1
8. = 2(-3)2 3(-3)2 (-3)2 + 2 (-3) + 1
= 18 27 9 + -6 + 1
= -23
x-3 is not a factor of 2x2 3x2 x2+2x + 1
9. = 2(4)2 5(4) 12
= 32 20 -12
10. = (5)3 - 25(5)
= 125 125

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