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1. When was the last time you got a present? What was it? Who was it from?
It was last month. It was a birthday card. My best friend.
2. Would you like to get in shape? What do you think you should do?
Yes, I like to get in shape. I should go to the gym and eat healthy
3. What website do you use if you want to get tickets a) to travel b) for the movies/ theater/
I used a website called CRUZ DEL SUR when I wanted to buy tickets.
4. Who do you get along with best in your family? Is there anybody you dont get along
My best friend gets alone with my mother because my mother is very friendly.
No, because I like to get alone with all the people.
5. How do you get to work/ school? How long does it usually take you?
I get to college by bus. It is takes me ten minutes.
6. Whats the first thing you do when you get home from work/school?
The first thing that I do is eating and sleep because Im tired.
7. Do you have a good sense of direction, or do you often get lost?
No, I dont often get lost because I have a good sense of direction
8. How many emails or text messages do you get a day? Are they mostly from friends?
Do you usually replay immediately?
I get ten text messages a day. I usually dont replay immediately because Im very busy.

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