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10 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 19.4.1. Sign Conventions. The fllowingsigncan- ventions for the bending ofthe cofumms wil ke used © 1A momant which will bend the column with its converity towards Its initial central line as shown in Fig. 19.3 (a) ia taken as positive. In Fig. 19.3 (a), AB epresents the nti] eentre ne ofa column, Whether the column bonds taking the shape AB’ or AD", the moment producing this typeof curvature is positive. 2, A moment which will end to bend the column swith its conzaity towards it initial centre lin as shown in Pig. 19:3 () is taken a6 negative creme Gy Nepte Pig. 103 19.5, EXPRESSION POR CRIPPLING LOAD WHEN HOTH THE ENDS OF ‘THE: ‘COLUMN ARE HINGED ‘The load at which the column just buckles or bends in called eippling, Yond, Consider scoluran AB} oflength! and unifiem ereessecionsl area, hinged ot both ofits ends and B. Let P be the crippling load at which the column, has ust bucklod. Due o the erippling load, the cltron will detect into carved form ACB as shown in Fig. 1944 Consider any section at a dietanco» fom the end A, Let y= Dellocton Gateral displacement! st tho seotion, ‘The moment due ta the erippling loa atthe vsction = Py (ve sign is taken due w sign convention sven in Art 19.2) But moment eye at ET? ‘The solution® ofthe above differential equation is -o “ (fz }+4-0(e(E) yng, (Bea a= (-5) hate; and C, ore the eonstants of intgrtion. The vals of C, and Cr obi vie 7aton. The vale of ©, and Cae blaine 38 —— eee : &,P & “he equation TH Hy ~Ocan be writen ae AF «ty nowhere ats Por ‘Tho solution ofthe equation sy =C, ea x + Cyn (a8) eee} yen{ Eos se fE comes ato STRUTS ent G) AtA,x=O and y =0(Soe Fig. 19.) Subetiviting these valu in equation (), we got 0 =C, e080" +0, ind CLO xd (> e280= Land sin 0 = 0) wr) Gina. b,a=tandy dieu Pe. 184 Subang thn auc in eution go Aas te f® 06,018 fr] +4. Ue 0 from equation (i) ann(i fF) = casio] “ From equation (i), it is lear that either C, » 0 = : ssi }-9 ne ‘As ©, =0, then iC; is also equal tater, the from oquation (i) mo will got. ‘means that te bedi of Une calm willbe vero or the eolumn wll not bend a ll, Which is in. 0 or sin wor sin Ua or an Sor ‘Taking the 192) | EXPRESSION FOR CRIPPLING LOAD WHEN ONE END OF ‘THE COLUMN 1S FIXED AND THE OTHER END IS FREE Consider aolumn AB, oflengt! and uniform eruss-sctional aoa, fixed at theend A and foe at the endB. The free nd will way sdawage when oad is applied at free end and curvature inthe length [il be similar to that of upper half” che column whose both ends are hinged [et P isthe crippling load at which the column has just beled. Due othe eripling load P, the colran will deflect as shown in Fig. 18.5 in which ABis the original postion of the alum and ‘AB, isthe deleetod postion due to eripoling load P. ‘Consider any section at a distance from the sed end A. errenor or utente coun wo srr tis Ta y= Defector lata iplammen at he etn oe afb ol) ob) ‘Then moment atthe section duc tothe crippling nad = P(@ -y) ef Er Br eee ead astacadat pumementiie oer Speen r ating tee manent, ie =e = 2 P a e (ee me i: nt ees = ra Feo . wy ‘ET 7 Poe wngiss z ee oe on0 ; 20, o0(efE]o0y om (0 B= : eee ee ei ‘boundary conditions, The boundary conditions are () For a xed end, the deflection as wel sa slope is zero. ne nA oii ed, the dati y= and a dpe $20 Hence at 4.x =O andy=0 ‘Substituting these values in equation (we get D=C, 008046, sin 0+ A Ox14C, x08 (econ #1, sin =0) Cita Ge-0 Aly at x=0ana & = Ass Oand =o, Dilfretiatng the oqution (wt 5, we gt 4 we EME $-0,.cosin( FE) fe oem) feo The aquation (A can bo weiton Sy soteynotuanter ets Foran fE ‘The caplet ston of this onto tC, ene + Gina. s oe) ie) ‘Substiating the values of C, =~ and C, = 0 in equation (i), we get peo mlefE] = au But a che fre end ofthe column, x =2 and y= Substitating thes value in equation CD, we got e-oe(t (B)* eens om(t Gi)om jem ew be Er ‘Taking the least practical value, = pe lnk i o ° BL or 419.) F 2 197. EXPRESSION FOR CRIPPLING LOAD WHEN BOTH THE ENDS OF THE COLUMN ARE FIXED Consider a column AB of length 1 and uniform cross-sectional aren fixed at both ofits ends A and as shown in Fig. 19, Let Piste crippling lod at which the coluran hoe tnckte cn STRENGTH OF MATERIA Sree i en cecmremmael yi ates amare es Seale eerie psec aerency pe Sota Se ee vrs Ser oma eset ot proce eee eee eet ean a ee ove moat ett cen ian 1 quating the two moments, wo got ay eS My Py "The solution* ofthe above diforential equation is See. | here ©, and C, ave constant of integration and thelr values are obtained from boundary ‘eonditions: Boundary conditions are: ALAS ay y= Oand also ise fixed end w Gi) ALB, 1,9 =0 and also $ 0.988 inalsoa fixed end. The oquation (A) eas be writen as fe eye Sea etaye AD where "The complete solution of this equstion Se yaG cele etysin(o.e Bee - cn feos] atte on ex] E) cenit ee . ae eae 7 oa = - a — o(fB) Eom) 4B Sting au =O and 0 the ahve ution eon F ee eee : oe eee ee [Nowe substituting the values of C, «~ M® and C, =0 in equation @, we got 9B cox fF] 00 Mo (Py, Mo i = tooofE]% ti [At tho ond B of the column, x= Vand y= 0, Substituting these values in equation li), we get fE). Me or Me coax, [P| Me P eee or com (1. fw Me x E = 1 = 08 0,08 2, 0064, <08 Gr, (fB) ep fe-tma man oreise STRENGTH OF MATERINS 16 FE 1 {F -0,mn45,65 “Taking the last practical value, F EL 1 ff on or pe St 19.8) 19.8. EXPRESSION FOR CRIPPLING LOAD WHEN ONE END OF THE COLUMN 1S, FIXED AND THE OTHER END IS HINGED (OR PINNED) Consider a column AB of length ! and uniform cross-sectional area fixed atthe end A and hinged at cho ond B a eww in Fig. 19.7. Let Pis the crippling load at whieh the cokimn haa buckled. Due to tho crippling load P, the column wall deflect a2 shoven in Fig. 19.7. "There will be fixed end momont (M,) atthe fied end A, This will tay to bring back the slope of deflected column zaro at A. Hence it will be ‘acting anticlode wise at A. The fixed end monent My at A isto be bal- ‘anced, This wil be balanced by a horiontal restion (HF) atthe tap end B ‘se shown in Fig. 19.7, ‘Consider a ssetion stn distance x from the end A. ety = Deflection of the column atthe section, 1g = Fixed end moment at A, and Horizontal reaction at B. “The moment atthe action = Moment dve co crippling load at B “+ Moment due o horizontal reaston at =P yrds) ‘But the moment atthe gection ie also aquating the two momenta, we got ere er pen Pay tH or eke = IGE +P yaHd-a ay P H * 22 nko @Wiaing by BD.) a P Hd-» cel ‘coLUUNs 1O STRUTS co ‘The eolution® of the above differential equation is ile Py), a peem(efe)-cim(efE Eon an ee ee ey SSS ous (0 Atthe fixed end 4, «= 0,9 =O and also & 0 a (i) At the hinged ond B,x = and y «0. ‘Substituting the value x = and y= 0 in equation (, we get # HL 02 0,x140,x04 F-01004 Et Hn on £u 1 Differentiating the equation (8) wars x, we get @ 20,c-0se(e fF) -fE +m (fF) -{E-2 $ -0.c09( fF) Bom E) iE - i equation @, we get ae EB) Ben eee com (fee) oe lee] Bete = on(enfE]oyue[erf] Benn are STRENGTH OF MATERIALS ‘coun ano STRUTS: oto ‘Attho ond B,x=Tand y=0. Hence the above equation becomes as or mfr fe a0. fe eB)" ‘esto we ein. sxuing th les we 5822025 1194) 198, BPPECTIVE LENGTH (OR RQUIVALENT LENGTH) OF A COLUMN he fective lath gin smn wth gvn end conditions i he ag of lef ie al ed mn aan so age Stiefel od sna oa fess hanes Bae aga ‘equivalent length. . eee het leh sm, i petit eg of he omega = ring te ote "hen he ling aor on pe fd oto en by ET “ 085 ‘The crippling toad (P) in terms of actual length and effective length and also the relation ‘between effective length and actual length are given in Table 19.1. a TARE Wa Sie | Ba ans Cling od awe Ribioa han one iin oe “eal iegth | Biv ath | ohana 1, | noth endeningea | EE ae 7 ar 2 femum | =e “E oe nla fe =a a 3. | tanendstma | 3 a ‘ Er 4 | onssnaiied ond] 8 on oe eter binge ‘There ave twa values of moment ePinartia key I, snd I, ‘The value of {moment of inertia) inthe above expressions should he taken asthe least value ofthe 820 moments of inertia as the column will end to bend in the ditestion of lesst moment of inertia, 19.2.1, Crippling Stress In Terms of Effective Length and Radius of Gyration. “he moment of inertia (0) can be exprocsad in teats of radius of gyration () a8 T= AE? wre A= Area of crose-section. ‘Aa is tho least value of moment of inertia, chen ‘= Least radius of gation ofthe column section. [Now crippling oad Pin tors of effective length i given by KEL _ Bx Av i And the stress corresponding to crippling load is given by ing ctres = eribling toad _ Cripling si Bed (Sateen he eae ot? ce sn

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