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Psychic Asia: Who are the Archangels and What Do They Do?


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Psychic Asia: Who are the Archangels and What Do They Do?
October 9, 2014 at 12:00 am

By Psychic Asia ext. 5486

Psychic Asia ext.5486

The Archangels are Here to Help You

Archangels are gifts from the divine and theyre here to help you! Youre not burdening them by asking for their help. Your archangels can hear your
thoughts, so speak to them. They love you and want the best for you. They are like pushing the easy button for help and guidance from God.
Call psychic Asia ext. 5486 to connect with your archangels. Click here to get started!
Here is a list of the archangels and how they can help you improve certain areas of your life:
Ariel is the helper, healer and protector of animals and the environment. Archangel Ariel cares for the Earths elements. Pale pink is this archangels
energy color.
Azrael is the angel of protection. Azrael helps those in sorrow and also helps those who help the sorrow-stricken. The process of moving into the
afterlife is part of Azraels work. Pale yellow is this archangels energy color.
Chamuel serves God. He eases anxiety and helps locate things that are lost. This is the archangel of peace and love who helps sort out turmoil. Pink is
this archangels energy color.



Psychic Asia: Who are the Archangels and What Do They Do?

Gabriel is the archangel of mercy and revelation. Gabriel is a messenger. If you ever feel trapped, call on Gabriel to help you get moving again. This
archangels energy color is copper.
Haniel is the archangel of virtue. This archangel directs people who are searching for fulfillment and is the source of all joy. Haniel helps you to stop
looking for joy in your circumstances, and start looking for joy in pursuing a relationship with God. This is the path to truly lasting joy. This
archangels energy color is bluish white.
Jeremiel is the helper of souls and the archangel of dreams and visions. He communicates messages from God to people who are discouraged or
troubled. Jeremiels energy color is purple.
Jophiel is the beauty of God. This archangel helps people learn how to think the beautiful thoughts that can help them develop beautiful souls. The
energy color is magenta pink.
Metatron is believed by some to have been the prophet Enoch. He helps with children and is a mighty force. He is one of my main archangels and he is
always with me. His energy colors are green and pink.
Michaels name means He Who is Like God. He is exceptionally strong and he protects and defends all people who love God. His energy color is
royal purple.
Raphael is the archangel of healing. He helps to heal body, mind and spirit. His energy color is green.
Raguels name means Friend of God. He aides in harmony and guides you to act in just ways. His energy color is a pale blue.
Raziels name means Secrets of God. This archangel helps you hear Gods guidance more clearly in order to gain deeper spiritual insights,
understand esoteric information, and pursue clairvoyance, alchemy and divine magic. The energy color for this archangel is rainbow colors.
Sandalphons name means Angel of Glory. Many believe that Sandalphon is the prophet Elijah. He helps musicians and music that is used for
healing purposes. He rules over the music in heaven. His energy color is turquoise.
Uriel means God is Light. He shines the light of Gods truth into the darkness of confusion. His energy color is red.
Zadkiel means Righteousness of God. He helps people approach God for mercy when there is something wrong. He lets them know God cares and
will be merciful to them. Zadkiels energy color is dark blue.
Archangels are incredibly sweet beings who always like to help. But the chance for help from above is greater when you have already made some
effort to achieve something yourself. Theyre not there to be used while you sit back and relax. Effort has to be made. Then they can help and guide
you by putting the right thoughts in your head.
Love and Light.
Psychic Asia ext. 5486
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Psychic Asia ext.5486



Psychic Asia: Who are the Archangels and What Do They Do?

More on: Angels & Guides, Psychic Asia ext. 5486

1 Comment
One Response to Psychic Asia: Who are the Archangels and What Do They Do?

Gina Rose ext.9500

October 9, 2014 at
9:33 am

Loved this Guardian Angel is, and has been since I was 17 months old, Uriel.
Uriel has actually saved me from grave harm on 3 different occasions since childhood.
Uriel is often referred to as the Great Archangel of the Earth. One contemporary account describes the archangel thus: He (or she) is the keeper
of the mysteries which are deep within the planet, underground and in the hidden depths of the living world.
The feast day of the Archangel Uriel is celebrated July 28. Uriels influence is believed to peak during the summer months. The beautiful Uriel
stands guardian over the activities of the summer. The ripening of grain and the floodtide of blossom are under his guidance. He also supervises
the Nature Spirits, those fascinating little sprites who inhabit the elements of earth, air, fire and water, and who lend so much to the beautification
of all nature. The highest initiatory teachings belonging to the New Age are under the direction of Uriel. The Archangel Uriel is one of the
seven Archangels that stand at the throne of the God Creator and one of the four major Archangels that serve humanity.
Uriel rules the mental plane, our thoughts and ideas, creativity, insights, judgment, magic, alchemy, astrology, universal consciousness, divine
order, the distribution of power, clairvoyance and clairaudience, the cosmic universal flow and the Earths environment. Uriel is humanitys link
to the spiritual realms and he can show us how to find our inner power through a process that will help each individual Shift in consciousness
and therefore accelerate the entire human kingdoms shift into higher realms of consciousness.
As the Archangel of Salvation, Uriel can show us how to heal every aspect of lives, turning disappointments into victories, find blessings in
adversity, and release the painful burdens and memories of the past through the application of unconditional forgiveness.
Uriel uses his flaming sword to purify mental and emotional understanding and transmute lower vibrational energies into enlightened spiritual
Uriel has whispered into my ear many times , I am honored with Uriels presence in my life.
Blessed Be )O(
Gina Rose ext.9500

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