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Studies show that happiness at work may be the most important

success factor for a modern workplace and that happy companies
make more money!
Happiness at work doesnt only come from the organizations policies,
strategies, plans or values. It comes from the things that you and I do
here and now.
Happiness at work doesnt come from raises, bonuses or perks. It
comes from two things: Results and Relationships, ie. Doing great work
together with great people.
In support for numbers 2 and 7
According to Shawn Achor, founder and CEO of Good Think, inc., its
important to become happy, because it will help you become a
The key to remember is that giving support is even better than
receiving it. In an era of do-more-with-less, Achor says, we need to
stop lamenting how little social support we feel from managers,
coworkers and friends, and start focusing our brains resources upon
how we can increase the amount of social support we provide to the
people in our lives. The greatest predictor of success and happiness at
work is social support. And the greatest way to increase social support
is to provide it to others.
In particular, Peter Buffets insights about the four core values he
absorbed growing up in the Buffett home really resonated with me.
They are:
o Trust in the belief that the world is fundamentally a good place and
that all people, however, flawed, areat the corewell-intentioned

o Tolerance for other peoples viewpoints and perspectives

o A passion for educationnot in the traditional sense but as a way to
approach life with curiosity and an openness to what others have to
teach us
o A personal work ethic grounded in self-discovery and a commitment
to finding something that you wake up every morning looking
forward to
In support for numbers 6
10 most important reasons why happiness at work is the #1 productivity booster.
1: Happy people work better with others
Happy people are a lot more fun to be around and consequently have
better relations at work. This translates into:

Better teamwork with your colleagues

Better employee relations if youre a manager
More satisfied customers if youre in a service job
Improved sales if youre a sales person

2: Happy people are more creative

If your productivity depends on being able to come up with new ideas,
you need to be happy at work. Check out the research of Teresa
Amabile for proof. She says:
If people are in a good mood on a given day, theyre more likely to
have creative ideas that day, as well as the next day, even if we take
into account their mood that next day.
There seems to be a cognitive process that gets set up when people
are feeling good that leads to more flexible, fluent, and original
thinking, and theres actually a carryover, an incubation effect, to the
next day.
3: Happy people fix problems instead of complaining about them
4: Happy people have more energy
Happy people have more energy and are therefore more efficient at
everything they do.

5: Happy people are more optimistic

Happy people have a more positive, optimistic outlook, and as research
shows (particularly Martin Seligmans work in positive psychology),
optimists are way more successful and productive. Its the old saying
Whether you believe you can or believe you cant, youre probably
right all over again.
6: Happy people are way more motivated
Reliable way to be motivated at work is to be happy and like what you
7: Happy people get sick less often
Getting sick is a productivity killer and if you dont like your job youre
more prone to contract a long list of diseases including ulcers, cancer
and diabetes. Youre also more prone to workplace stress and burnout.
One study assessed the impact of job strain on the health of 21,290
female nurses in the US and found that the women most at risk of ill
health were those who didnt like their jobs. The impact on their health
was a great as that associated with smoking and sedentary lifestyles
8: Happy people learn faster
When youre happy and relaxed, youre much more open to learning
new things at work and thereby increasing your productivity.
9: Happy people worry less about making mistakes and consequently
make fewer mistakes
10: Happy people make better decisions
happy people make better, more informed decisions and are better
able to prioritize their work.
Employees are 12% more productive when they are happy at work
Happy workers are: less stressed, less worried, more well-rested
Happy, engaged employees take on average 3.9 sick days per year,
unhappy employees take 10.7

Happy employees are engaged employees. An engaged employee is
someone who works with passion and feels a profound connection to
their company. They drive innovation and move the organization
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.
If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.
Albert Schweitzer
"The simple act of paying positive attention to people has a great deal
to do with productivity."
Thomas J. Peters
"If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours."
Richard De Haan
"Studies show that a trusting workplace increases employees' level of
happiness, work effort, productivity, and engagement. It also provides
an environment that encourages open communication and promotes
people to share their ideas."
A. Miller


The Mactan Newtown is a master-planned 28-hectare township of a
One-Stop Destination of your Work-Live-Play-Learn Lifestyle thats
changing the face of the Visayas and Mindanao.
The Mactan Newtown Township developed and owned by Megaworld
Megaworlds first major township development outside Metro Manila

The Cebu Mactan Newtown community is located on the beach on

Mactan Island with five star resorts and hotels minutes away.
A master-planned community boasting its own beachfront, it is the first
of its kind in the country. This rapidly-growing mega-community
combines top-grade office sites, first-class commercial strips, upscale
hotels, and a reputable academic institution in one premiere beach
Mactan Doctors Hospital is just few minutes away, and its been said
that there will be clinics of Mactan Doctors Hospital inside Mactan

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