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For a quick diagnosis, a Zener diode junction can be verified like a normal diode. But,
to test for reverse breakdown zener voltage, you will need a simple power supply with
a voltage greater than the expected value and a high value resistor. Connect a high
value resistor (to limit the current to a safe value) in series with the zener diode and
apply the voltage in the reverse direction across the diode (anode to the negative).
The voltage measured across the diode will be the breakdown or zener voltage.
Diodes are one of the components that can be tested very easily. Ordinary diodes as
wells as Zener diodes can be checked by using a multimeter. While testing a diode the
forward conducting mode and reverse blocking mode has to be tested separately.
To check an ordinary silicon diode using a digital multimeter, put the multimeter selector
switch in the diode check mode. Connect the positive lead of multimeter to the anode
and negative lead to cathode of the diode. If multimeter displays a voltage between 0.6
to 0.7, we can assume that the diode is healthy. This is the test for checking the forward
conduction mode of diode. The displayed value is actually the potential barrier of the
silicon diode and its value ranges from 0.6 to 0.7 volts depending on the temperature.
Now connect the positive lead of multimeter to the cathode and negative lead to the
anode. If the multimeter shows an infinite reading (over range), we can assume that the
diode is healthy. This is the test for checking the reverse blocking mode of the diode.

I therefore conclude that the zener volt-ampere characteristics for a typical zener diode
shows that the zener diode conducts current in both directions; the forward current IF
being a function of forward voltage VF. Note that IF is small until VF 0.65 V; then IF
increases very rapidly. The reverse current is a function of the reverse voltage VR but
for most prNO TAGactical purposes is zero until the reverse voltage approaches VZ, the
PN junction breakdown voltage, at which time the reverse current increases very
rapidly. Since the reverse current is small for VR < VZ, but great for VR > VZ each of
the current regions is specified by a different symbol.
The forward characteristics of a Zener diode are similar to an ordinary diode. So the
methods used for testing forward conducting mode of any ordinary diode is applicable
to the Zener diode too. But in reverse mode, the reverse breakdown voltage has great

significance and it has to be specifically tested.For example a 5.3V Zener diode must
start conducting only when the applied reverse voltage just exceeds 5.3V. The reverse
bias mode of Zener diode can be easily tested by using the circuit given below.The
resistance R1 can be typically 100 Ohms. The multimeter must be in voltage mode.
Now slowly increase the output of variable power supply and at the same time observe
the voltage shown in the multimeter. The multimeter display increases along with the
increase in power supply voltage until the breakdown voltage. Beyond that the
multimeter reading stays put despite of the power supply voltage. This is because the
Zener diode is now in breakdown region and the voltage across it will remain constant
irrespective of the increase in supply voltage and this constant voltage will be equal to
the breakdown voltage. If the reading of multimeter in this instant is equal to the
breakdown voltage specified by the manufacturer, we can assume that the Zener diode
is healthy. While carrying out this test, remember not to exceed the input excitation
voltage to a point that forces the Zener diode to dissipate more power than it can safely
handle. Typically current through the diode should not be allowed to exceed more than
breakdown voltage specified by the manufacturer, we can assume that the Zener diode
is healthy.

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