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Sally M Woods CiLCA

Clerk to Shalfleet Parish Council



Present: Cllrs P Broadhead (Chair), H Hewston, B Baxandall, J McGuirk and S. French

Cllr S Hutchinson IWC
Clerk: Mrs V. Taylor
11 members of the public
14/16-17 To Receive nominations and elect a Chairman of the Council for 2016/17
The Chairman called for nominations Cllr Broadhead was duly nominated and seconded. Cllr Hewston
nominated herself and was duly seconded a paper ballot took place and Cllr Broadhead was elected
Chairman of Shalfleet Parish Council.
15/16-17 Chairman to sign Declaration of Interest form and Clerk to countersign.
The Chairman read out and signed the Declaration of Interest form and the Clerk countersigned.
16/16-17 To Received nominations and elect a Vice-Chairman of the Council for 2016-17.
Cllr Hewston was duly nominated and seconded and duly elected Vice-Chairman of the Council.
18/16-17 To appoint representatives to Outside Bodies and Committees:
a. IWALC Lead and Deputy. (currently Cllr Hewston as Lead/Cllr Broadhead as Deputy).
Cllr Hewston as Lead/Cllr Broadhead as Deputy were re-appointed.
b. Yarmouth Coastal Defence Working Group (currently Val Gwynne (happy to continue).
Val Gwynne was re-appointed.
c. Child Protection Officers (currently Cllr French and Clerk).
Cllr French and Clerk were re-appointed.
d. Road Safety (NANSAG) representative (currently Cllr Hewston).
Cllr Hewston was re-appointed
e. Wellow Millennium Green (currently Mr Mike Gable and Mrs Jill Cowley).
Mr Mike Gable and Mrs Jill Cowley were re-appointed
f. National Trust (currently Cllr Myles).
Cllr Myles was re-appointed.
19/16-17 Up to 30 Minutes Question Time.
The Meeting was informed about the Public Consultation Drop in Day at Yarmouth on 20th May
on the West Wight Coastal Management Strategy and urged to let any friends know about it that
live along the coastline and for as many people to go to it.
Neighborhood Watch are willing to give a talk to Shalfleet.
20/16-17 Apologies for absence.
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Myles.

21/16-17 Declarations of interests regarding agenda items.

None known at this moment in time.
22/16-17 To accept any dispensations for agenda items.
None required
23/16-17 To confirm and approve the minutes of the previous monthly meeting held 22nd April 2016
The minutes were approved and duly signed.
24/16-17 Planning:
a. Updates and decisions.
Decisions taken by Isle of Wight Council:P/00287/16 The Green Barn Lucketts Main Road Yarmouth.
P/01149/15 Shalfleet Garage Main Road Shalfleet
P/00187/16 Seaways Main Road Bouldnor
P/00273/16 Woodlands Hamstead Road Cranmore
b. To agree comments on application
P/00465/16 Land adjacent Meadow View, Main Road, Bouldnor: Proposed detached dwelling;
detached garage and parking.
Councillors discussed this planning application.
RESOLVED:THAT the Council has no objections to this planning application.
Residents Comments on the following application:Strong objections on the following application were made by local residents on material planning
grounds. Health concerns were raised as property was within 20 metres of this proposal and woodsmoke was more dangerous than diesel. Also raised was the increase of opening times on the
It was also commented that the Planning Officer would not supply, when asked, details of the
proposed pizza oven but on the scaled drawings it appeared large.
P/00463/16 West Wight Alpacas, land accessed off, Main Road, Wellow: Single storey side
extension to caf to provide solid fuel oven.
Councilors had a lengthy discussion on this planning application and concerns were raised.
RESOLVED:THAT Shalfleet Parish Council strongly objects to this planning application on the following
grounds:This planning proposal is an inappropriate site development and out of keeping with the area.
On the grounds of Environmental Health. The proposal to put a wood-burning stove with a Kw output
of 34 that consumes large quantities of wood per hour to cook pizzas will lead to the production of
harmful omissions which contain minute carcinogenic particles that lodge in peoples lungs from a
burning-wood stove of this size.
This is a well-documented fact and we are surprised there is no Environmental report from the
Council's Environment Health Officer as to the effect of the omissions on the air quality of that area
and the type of omissions from this proposal. There is a potential damage to the health of residents
residing in the locality.
This type of development is more appropriate to be sited on an industrial site and not in a small village
which will cause increase in traffic for the delivery of a substantial amount of wood that will be
required to run the oven.
The opening and closing times on this application are wrong and we object to the times stated and
request that the opening times comply with what has already been granted by the Isle of Wight

The design of the building is totally inappropriate it is unsightly and is out of keeping and detrimental
to properties nearby and is visibly intrusive. The hedge is not high enough or dense enough to act as a
screen as stated in the planning application.
An oven with a KW output of 34 can produce 180 pizzas an hour is this a back door application to a
take away?
This is the wrong type of development in this location and ask that the planning committee refuse this
c. Planning Enforcement To Discuss and decide whether Shalfleet PC agrees with the
Discretionary Service Support Proposal for IWC Planning Enforcement
The Council discussed the proposal from IWALC and felt this was totally different from what they had
been asked to support previously.
RESOLVED:-That the Council would not support this recent proposal from IWALC as it was not to employ
an additional Environmental Officer as in the previous proposal and that the Clerk would notify
IWALC of their decision.
25/16-17 Clerks Report
The Clerk reported on the following: The Clerk confirmed she has opted out of the NEST pension scheme within the deadline.
Withyfields - insurance was in place to cover the Mr. and Mrs. Tyrell, who were volunteers at
Withyfields, and that Brighstone Landscapes Health and Safety Officer was checking the tools
they used and also doing a risk assessment for the Council.
IWALC had confirmed only those Councils who contribute to the Dog Warden can use it.
Wight Computers were due to sort out the email problem.
Bunting bought for Queens Birthday Lunch.
Recycling Centre Island Roads agreed to empty litter bins more frequently. Air ambulance
contacted to empty their bin.
Bouldnor Viewpoint - new litter bin installed there and notice received from Isle of Wight
Council of advertised parking notice.
Bibles ordered for Shalfleet Primary School.
RoSPA inspection taking place in play areas this month and new nets will then be ordered,
together with anything that comes out of that report.
Shalfleet Rover - Clerk is liaising with Southern Vectis and WW Sports Centre regarding it
being extended.
Internal Audit will take place on 18th May 2016.
HMRC paid us twice and overpayment repaid to them.
Clerk continues to chase about drainage works on Station Road.
Shalfleet school will not be able to commit to the Bouldnor Field project.

Hamstead triangle is to be removed.

26/16-17 Councillors reports including the Ward Councillor.
Cllr Hewston reported on various bodies she had attended including the lighting of the Beacon at
Wellow and planting of the tubs at Newbridge. She also reported on a building with grey tiles at
Newbridge and agreed to notify the planning officers about it.
Cllr French reported that he had been informed that Station Road works will be done this summer and
thanked Sally Woods for her work on this problem. Complaints had been received about rubbish bins
being delivered where people had no front to put them.

Cllr Baxendall asked about Broadband and Cllr McGurk gave a point of clarification that the
Broadband cabinet will not serve Wellow but will serve some in Station Road.
Cllr Broadhead reported that the black bin for newspapers was too heavy when used to lift out to put
other recycle goods in bin.
Cllr Hutchinson Isle of Wight Councillor reported on the following: Contractors assessment was causing problems re sacks and bins.
Bins they have got the size wrong.
Black bin for paper too heavy
Collection is carrying on as per old collection till it has been sorted out. There are major
Has chased up Southern water leaks in Station Road and been on to Island Roads about this.
Broadband have not been happy how some rural areas have been treated and have asked for a
report to go to next audit committee meeting.
People have changed to Wight Fibre it is cheaper.
He reported he sits on a cross party funding group as there is still 12.5 Million to be saved with
another 10 Million after that. The Council is at the sharp end as we are a small unity with an
elderly population who was only allowed to raise 1.3 Million for adult social care when the
cost is 1.8 Million.
He is meeting Greg Clark when he comes to the Island.
The Council is facing another 80 redundancies.
27/16-17 Finance:
a) To approve list of payments (circulated to Cllrs and copy available at the meeting).
RESOLVED:THAT the Council approved the list of payments. Mark one Maintenance 50,
Barbara Wheale 37.84, HMRC 2,221.89, Asian Christian Books 249.75 IW Sports and
Recreation Council 6 and the Clerks salary and 10.80 Mileage.
b) To Discuss request from Mrs Susan Pritchett for financial support towards Wellow/Shalfleet
Post Office.
Councillors discussed the post office situation in Wellow. The Council is keen to retain the Post
Office. Various suggestions were made and this will be discussed again when further information is
c) To Agree to pay 6 Annual Affiliation Fee to the IW Sports & Recreation Council
RESOLVED:THAT the 6 affiliation fee be approved.
28/16-17 Correspondence details of correspondence received tabled.
Email from IWALC asking the PC for any issues they wished to be raised with the Secretary
of State for Communities and Local Government, the Rt Hon Greg Clerk MP, when he visits
the Island to have discussions with officers from the IWC regarding the uniqueness of the
Island, the very difficult financial situation faced as a result of government cuts and how these
are impacting on local communities?
This item was noted.
29/16-17 Recycling Centre To Discuss continual fly tipping - Cllr Broadhead to speak.
Cllr Broadhead reported that the textile bank had been emptied. Island Road had cleared the rubbish.
The black bin was not large enough to take the rubbish and we will get fly tipping again. It was asked if
we should continue to monitor the situation? This item was fully discussed by the Councillors.

THAT If this persists for the next six months then the bin would be removed. In the mean-time
a separate notice be put up to say Fly tippers will be prosecuted.
RESOLVED:THAT the police be asked if their mobile camera can be used at this site to deter fly tipping
and catch the culprits.
30/16-17 To Resolve to exclude the public and press to discuss staffing levels for the Parish Office.
Staffing levels were discussed.

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